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Medical Surveillance of the

Lead Exposed Worker


by Karen L. Hipkins, MPH, RN, NP-C, Barbara L. Materna, PhD, CIH,

Michael J. Kosnett, MD, MPH, James ltv. Rogge, MD, MPH,
and James E. Cone, MD, MPH

ead is used in more than roo industries in the Unit- affects multiple body systems and can cause permanent

L . ed States. Although the toxic effects of lead have

been known for centuries, lead poisoning is still a
serious problem for some groups of children and adults in
Twenty-seven states currently report blood lead
results to the National Institute for Occupational Safety
the United States (CDC, 1997a). Adults are primarily and Health (NIOSH) which are published on a quarterly
exposed in the workplace (ATSDR, 1993). ''Take home" basis. This number is gradually increasing as individual
lead exposure, resulting from lead particles brought , states develop adult/occupational blood lead registries.
home on a worker's clothes, shoes, or body, can also poi- Reporting requirements vary somewhat by state. Period-
son workers' household members (CDC, 1997b). Lead ic reports document the continuing occurrence of work
related lead exposures as an occupational health problem
in the United States (CDC, 1997c).
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: In California, the Occupational Lead Poisoning Pre-
vention Program (OLPPP) in the California Department
Ms. Hipkins is nurse practitioner, Public Health of Health Services maintains the state's Occupational
Blood Lead Registry. Laboratories are currently required
Institute, Occupational Lead Poisoning to report blood lead levels (BLLs) ~25 micrograms per
Prevention Program, Berkeley, CA. Dr. Materna deciliter (/-LgldL). Pending California regulations will
require laboratories to report all BLLs. In 1996, OLPPP
is Chief, Occupational Lead Poisoning received from California laboratories 9,667 BLL reports
Prevention Program, California Department of representing 5,331 lead exposed workers. This included
2,196 reports for 1,005 workers with BLLs ~25 /-LgldL.
Health Services, Berkeley, CA. Dr. Kosnett is Of these l,005 workers, 17% had peak BLLs of ~40
/-LgldL. These numbers seriously underestimate the mag-
Assistant Clinical Professor, Division of Clinical nitude of occupational lead poisoning, as studies have
Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of shown only a small percentage of employers in lead
industries provide routine blood lead testing for lead
Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO. exposed employees (Papanek, 1992; Rudolph, 1990).
The "lead standards" established by federal
Dr. Rogge is occupational medicine consultant, OSHA-for general industry in 1978 (29 CFR
Chicago, IL. Dr. Cone is Acting Chief, §191O.1025) and the construction industry in 1993 (29 '
CFR §1926.62)-require employers and physicians to
Occupational Health Branch, California follow very specific guidelines for protecting lead
exposed workers. The standards specify the frequency
Department of Health Services, Berkeley, CA. and extent of medical monitoring and the criteria for
medical removal from work with lead.
Clinicians serving as the medical supervisor for a


company's lead medical* surveillance program playa sure is acute or chronic, recent or remote, high or low.
key role in the implementation of the lead standards. An indirect measure of exposure and a physiologic
Clinicians who are not company medical supervisors, but marker for the biologically harmful effects of lead is ery-
are nonetheless caring for lead exposed workers, also throcyte protoporphyrin (EP) or zinc protoporphyrin
need to be informed about the health effects of lead, (ZPP). An increase indicates that lead is affecting the
employer and physician responsibilities, and worker heme synthesis pathway. This effect can begin at a BLL
rights. Lead poisoning, if undetected, often results in as low as 20 ug/dl, in some adults, but the test is not
misdiagnosis and costly care. Many workers with lead >90% sensitive until blood lead concentration exceeds
toxicity do not receive medical attention and, for those 50 fLg/dL. An elevation in EP or ZPP usually lags an
who do, follow up may not be adequate to prevent future increase in BLL by 2 to 6 weeks. Therefore, a normal EP
lead poisoning (Roche, 1995). or ZPP in the presence of an elevated BLL suggests
This article reviews the lead standards as they apply recent exposure. Other health conditions can cause an
to the medical/health aspects of a workplace lead safety elevated EP or ZPP, the most common iron deficiency
program and makes recommendations about managing anemia and inflammatory conditions (Froom, 1996;
the worker with lead poisoning. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards,
1996). Generally, screening for other causes is recom-
TOXICOLOGY OF LEAD mended if the EP or ZPP is >50 fLg/dL and the BLL is
Lead is not an essential element and serves no useful below the threshold of heme effect.
purpose in the body. Low exposures that in the past were Periodic testing of BLL and ZPP is called biological
thought safe are now considered hazardous as new infor- monitoring. These tests provide valuable information to
mation emerges about the toxicity of lead. Between 1980 assess lead exposure for individuals as well as groups of
and 1994 efforts to reduce lead in the environment have workers. A detailed exposure history is an essential part
resulted in lowering the geometric mean BLL for adults of evaluating and interpreting biological monitoring
in the United States from over 12 to <3 ug/dl, (CDC, information.
1997c). Even though the average BLL has markedly Lead adversely affects several body systems. Clini-
declined, many workers in high risk industries are still cally, the most sensitive are the nervous, hematopoietic,
overexposed. With the elimination of organic lead from gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, renal,
gasoline, exposures in the United States are now primar- and reproductive systems. Wide variation exists in indi-
ily due to the inorganic form of lead. vidual susceptibility to lead poisoning. Symptoms begin
Routes of exposure for inorganic lead are inhalation in some people with a BLL of 25 ug/dl, (Kosnett,
and ingestion. Approximately 35% to 40% of inhaled 1994a). In general, the number and severity of symptoms
lead dust or fume is deposited in the lungs and undergoes worsen with increasing BLL (Table 1).
nearly complete (95%) absorption into the bloodstream Early symptoms are often subtle and nonspecific,
(Leggett, 1993). In general, adults absorb about 10% of involving the nervous system (listlessness, fatigue, irri-
an ingested dose through the gastrointestinal tract, in tability, sleep disturbance, headache, difficulty concen-
contrast to 50% absorption for children. Gastrointestinal trating, decreased libido), the gastrointestinal system
absorption may be influenced by particle size (inverse (abdominal cramps, anorexia, nausea, constipation, diar-
proportion) and solubility of lead compounds, as well as rhea) or the musculoskeletal system (arthralgia, myal-
fasting and nutritional status. Once absorbed, lead is gia). A high level of intoxication can result in delirium,
found in all tissues, but eventually 90% or more of the seizures, and coma associated with lead encephalopathy,
body burden is accumulated (or redistributed) into bone. a life threatening situation.
Lead does not remain in the bone permanently. It is slow- Research shows multiple health effects at levels once
ly released back into the blood with a half life of years to believed safe. Several epidemiologic investigations and
decades. Lead is excreted primarily through the urine animal studies suggest lead may elevate blood pressure in
with smaller amounts in feces, sweat, hair, and nails. susceptible adults at blood lead concentrations as low as
The single best diagnostic test for lead exposure is 14 ug/dl, (Harlan, 1988; Schwartz, 1988). A recent study
the blood lead level. While it reflects the amount of lead of 590 men aged 48 to 92 years, with predominately non-
currently found in the blood and soft tissues (and hence occupational lead exposure and a mean BLL concentra-
key target organs), the BLL alone is not a reliable indica- tion of 6.3 ug/dl., found increases in bone lead concen-
tor of prior or current exposure, or total body burden. tration were associated with an increased risk of hyper-
This is because lead in the blood reflects contributions tension (Hu, 1996). Because hypertension is a significant
from current external exposures, as well as from the slow risk factor for heart disease, lead exposure may exert an
release of lead accumulated in the bones over a period of important influence on cardiovascular mortality.
years. When interpreting a person's blood lead level, Early kidney damage is difficult to detect. Recent
three key questions to keep in mind are whether the expo- epidemiologic studies have linked low levels of lead
*Medical surveillance terminology is currently used in occupational
exposure to decrements in renal function. A 10 u.g/dl,
health and safety standards. However, AAOHN recommends use of the increase in BLL has been associated with a 10.4
term "health surveillance" to more accurately reflect the purpose of mL/minute decrease in renal creatinine clearance rate
surveillance (health promotion/early disease detection) and the wider among a population with an average BLL of 8.1 ug/dl,
range of health professionals who conduct surveillance programs. (Payton, 1994). In a population of older men with mean

JULY 1998, VOL. 46, NO.7 331

with a decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit even
though BLLs were low (mean 8.3 IJ-g/dL). This may
TABLE 1 reflect a subclinical effect of bone lead stores on
hematopoiesis (Hu, 1994).
Signs and Symptoms In male s, abnormal sperm morphology and
Associated With decreased sperm count have been observed at approxi-
mately 40 IJ-g/dL (Alexander, 1996; Lerda, 1992). In
Lead Toxicity females, lead readily crosses the placenta and is present
in breast milk (Abadin, 1997). Impaired cognitive devel-
Mild Toxicity opment has been observed in children with prenatal lead
Mild fatigue or exhaust ion exposure (Bellinger, 1987). Evidence suggests this effect
Emotional lability, difficulty concentrating is enhanced by postnatal, low level, environmental lead
exposure (Bellinger, 1990). The persistence of this effect
Sleep disturbances is still uncertain (Bellinger, 1992).
Moderate Toxicity Household members of workers with lead exposure
are at increased risk for lead poisoning if lead is carried
home on the worker' s body, clothes, shoes, or in the per-
General fatigue or somnolence sonal vehicle (called "take home" exposure). Employers
Muscular exhaustion , myalgia, arthralgia risk civil liability for health damage to household mem-
bers caused by an improperly protected worker who takes
Tremor lead home. Children under 6 years old and a developing
Nausea fetus are especially sensitive to neurologic damage.
Diffuse abdominal pain Available evidence suggests there is no BLL without risk
of health effects in these populations (National Research
Constipation or diarrhea Council, 1993).
Weight loss
Decreased libido
The 1978 federal OSHA general industry lead stan-
Severe Toxicity dard was adopted to reduce workplace exposures and to
Colic (intermittent, severe abdominal cramps) prevent frank lead poisoning through early identification
of elevated BLLs. In 1993, federal OSHA adopted a simi-
Peripheral neuropathy lar lead standard for the construction industry. Individual
Convuls ions states may adopt lead standards at least as stringent as the
Encephalopathy federal standards. The lead standards are comprehensive
and explain the employer's responsibilities to lead exposed
employees including medical surveillance requirements
(Table 2). Additional information for clinicians is con-
BLL concentration of 8.6 IJ-g/dL (range, 0.2 - 54.1), a 10 tained in Appendix C of both standards (copies can be
fold increase in BLL predicted an increase of 0.08 mg/dL obtained from the OSHA web site:
in serum creatinine concentration, roughly equivalent to The standards require employers to assess employee
20 years of aging (Kim, 1996). The extent to which these exposure to lead, control exposures (through use of engi-
blood lead increases are a cause of decreased renal func- neering controls, choice of work method, hygiene and
tion, rather than a result of subclinical renal insufficien- housekeeping procedures, and respiratory protection),
cy, is not fully known. train employees, and establish an ongoing medical/health
Subclinical slowing of nerve conduction velocity has surveillance program. Employers are required to pay for
been seen at BLLs as low as 30 IJ-g/dL (Seppalainen, all medical monitoring and to continue to pay the salary
1983). Neurops ychological studies performed in workers and benefits of employees removed from work for health
with blood lead concentrations in the 30 to 50+ IJ-g/dL reasons related to lead exposure. Employers are also
range have detected subtle adverse effects on reaction required to use a licensed physician to supervise the lead
time, visual-motor coordination, and mood (Baker, 1985; medical!health surveillance program.
Campara, 1984; Mantere, 1984; Stollery, 1996). Lead Physicians in a stated or unstated contractual arrange-
and other heavy metals may be slow to enter and leave ment with an employer need to know their duties to the
the brain tissue. Consequently, central nervous system employer and employees under the lead standards and be
effects may have a delayed onset and sometimes persist cognizant of any potential legal liabilities that may arise
well after the BLL has dropped below the action levels from this relationship (Table 3). Physicians may unknow-
required by the lead standards. These effects may nega- ingly find themselves in this role either as a consultant to a
tively impact job perform ance and safety. laboratory that tests blood lead levels or as the de facto
Frank anemia usually does not occur until BLLs are health care provider for a company. The lead standards
> 50 to 60 IJ-g/dL. However, in individuals without frank should be consulted prior to implementing a medical sur-
anemia, bone lead levels were significantly correlated veillance program.

----- -----'-1 -_ _._._---- _.- ~- .. . ~ . _..

Some Employer Medical Supervisor
Responsibilities Under Responsibilities Under
the OSHA Lead Standards the OSHA Lead Standards
Monitor the air for lead Be familiar with the lead standards
Keep air lead levels <50 ~g/m3 using engineering Be informed about the health effects of lead and
or work practice controls appropriate management
Provide respirator if employee requests, or if Provide required biological monitoring and medical
needed for exposure control evaluations of employees
Provide medical monitoring for employees Determine employee fitness for work with lead
Provide protective clothing, separate eating area, Make written recommendations to employer for
and washing facility for employees initiating and discontinuing any restrictions
including Medical Removal Protection (MRP)
Train employees annually about:
• Sources of lead exposure Provide employer with health information limited to
• Hazards associated with lead employee's occupational lead exposure
• Methods of reducing lead exposure Notify employee directly of any medical conditions
• Employee rights under the standards requiring further evaluation
Maintain air monitoring and medical records Notify employee in writing prior to any chelation as
to reason for therapy
Pay employee's full salary during medical removal
Collaborate with employer to identify work areas or
Make copy of standard available to employees and
tasks associated with high exposure
medical supervisor '
Notify employee of BLL result within 5 days

ognized in these settings unless health care providers are

alert to the possibility of both occupational and non-
ROLE OF THE OCCUPATIONAL AND occupational lead exposure. Though limited, these inter-
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NURSE actions may provide nurses employed by such facilities
Occupational and environmental health nurses are in the only opportunity to offer quality education to the
strategic positions to advocate for appropriate lead pre- workers and employers about health and safety matters,
vention policies (Lusk, 1995). Whether working in a lead and industry specific information related to lead exposure
using plant, an occupational or primary care clinic, or (Gillen, 1996).
providing consultation services for lead using businesses, In general, occupational and environmental health
nurses can help identify workers at risk and prevent lead nurses can potentially influence work practices through
poisoning by education and early intervention. This can their knowledge of regulations and standards, as well as
be accomplished by working collaboratively with the through their advocacy for worker health and safety
workers, the employer, the company's medical supervi- (Rogers, 1994). Occupational and environmental health
sor, and other health and safety professionals. In con- nurses need to be well informed about lead exposure
junction with carrying out the medical surveillance issues so they in tum can educate workers, employers,
requirements of the OSHA lead standards, it is important and other health care professionals not familiar with the
to establish written policies and protocols consistent with health effects of lead and required forms of protection.
laws governing nursing practice and clearly outline the Nurses working in states with an Occupational
roles and responsibilities of the nurse and the medical Blood Lead Registry need to be knowledgeable about the
supervisor. reporting requirements and how a registry functions.
Lead exposed workers are frequently employed by Registries are a valuable resource for identifying workers
small companies. Thus, occupational and environmental at risk for lead poisoning and for targeting prevention
health nurses may not be directly involved in the day to efforts at state and federal levels.
day occupational health and safety matters of smaller
companies. Lead exposed workers are often seen in pri- WHICH WORKERS MUST BE MONITORED
mary care clinics or other outpatient facilities for illness Medical surveillance requirements are determined
or injury care. Additionally, these facilities may be pro- by a worker's exposure to lead in the air, by a worker's
viding contract services and routine medical surveillance BLL, and, in the construction trades, by work involving
for employers. The health effects of lead may not be rec- certain high exposure "trigger tasks." Some industries

JULY 1998, VOL. 46, NO.7 333

The required minimum frequency of biological monitor-
ing is summarized in the Schedules for Medical Services
TABLE 4 (Tables 5-6). Construction industry employers must noti-
fy their employees in writing of the BLLs within 5 days
Work Associated With of receiving the test results . In general industry, written
Lead Exposure notification is required for BLLs >40 !J.gldL. It is rec-
ommended that all employees be notified of their test
General Industry results.
The physician must recommend to the employer that
Lead production or smelting
an employee be removed from lead exposure and enter a
Battery manufacturing or recycling medical removal protection (MRP) program if any of the
Brass, bronze, or lead foundries following conditions are met:
Radiator repair General Industry Standard
Scrap metal handling • A single BLL is ~60 !J.gldL, or
Lead soldering • An average of the last three BLLs or all BLLs over the
previous 6 months (whichever covers a longer time
Firing ranges period) is ~50 !J.gldL, or
Ceramics manufacturing • The employee has a "detected medical condition" that
places him or her at increased risk of "material impair-
Machining, grinding , or polishing lead alloys
ment to health" from lead exposure. (The OSHA lead
Plastics manufacturing standards do not define these terms. Thus, the physi-
Cable stripping or splicing cian is given the discretion to make such a determina-
tion on an individual case basis.)
Construction Industry
Sanding, scraping, burning, or disturbing lead paint Construction Industry Standard
Demolition of old structures • A single BLL is ~50 ug/dl., or
• The employee has a detected medical condition that
Welding or torch cutting lead painted metal places him or her at increased risk of material impair-
ment to health from lead exposure (See above) .
A physician can remove an employee with a BLL
below the specified MRP levels based, on relevant med-
and jobs in both general industry and construction that ical findings in individual cases, such as symptoms com-
may be associated with lead exposure are listed in Table monly associated with lead toxicity or pregnancy. When-
4. ever an employee is placed on MRP, the frequency of
The employer must perform personal air sampling if biological monitoring must be increased to at least once
employees are exposed to lead at work. OSHA defines a month. After two consecutive BLLs are ,;;;40!J.gldL,the
the Action Level (AL) as an airborne lead concentration physician can recommend to the employer that the
of 30 micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m''), The AL trig- employee return to the previous work if the employer has
gers certain other requirements of the standards. Con- taken steps to control lead exposure and the employee's
struction workers performing certain tasks are required to symptoms or any other clinical manifestations of toxicity
have an initial BLL and ZPP when first assigned to jobs have resolved. It is recommended these blood tests be at
such as sanding, abrasive blasting, torch cutting, welding, least 1 month apart to allow for mobilization and excre-
or demolition where lead is present. All employees tion of the lead burden.
exposed at or above the AL for> 30 days per year must During the time an employee is removed from work
be enrolled in a medical surveillance program provided with lead by a physician's recommendation, the employ-
by the employer. ee must retain earnings, seniority, and other benefits. The
Air monitoring does not always reflect the actual physician can allow an employee, if physically able, to
amount of exposure, particularly when significant expo- work in an area free of lead exposure while on MRP. The
sure occurs through hand to mouth activities, such as eat- OSHA standards permit a worker on MRP to work in any
ing, drinking, or smoking in the workplace, that con- area where the 8 hour time weighted average (TWA) air
tribute to lead ingestion. Routine BLL and ZPP monitor- lead concentration is <30 ,.i.glm3 • However, because sig-
ing of lead exposed workers provides important addition- nificant lead exposure can occur even when air lead lev-
al information to guide prevention efforts. els are not elevated (e.g., by hand to mouth ingestion), the
supervising physician should carefully review the safety
BLOOD LEAD LEVELS AND MEDICAL of any lead related work for an employee on MRP. The
REMOVAL standards require the employer to continue to pay the
Under the lead standards, all employees who may be employee's usual wage and benefits during the removal
exposed to lead above the Action Level must be offered period, whether or not the employee is working. If work-
BLL and ZPP tests at specified, minimum time intervals. ers' compensation disability benefits are used to pay a


General Industry Fed/OSHA Lead Standard
29 CFR §1910.1025
Schedule for Required Medical Services
Category of Exposure Medical Evaluation Laboratory Testing
Assigned to work with air- Prior to assignment: General and lead- Complete lab panel: BLL, ZPP,
borne exposure at ~30 IJg/m3 * specific history and physical exam with CBC with red cell indices
>30 days per year special attention to hematological, neuro- and peripheral smear,
logical (central and peripheral), pulmon- serum creatinine, BUN
ary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, complete urinalysis. Sperm
musculoskeletal, renal, and reproductive analysis or pregnancy test
systems. if employee requests. Any
Medical clearance to wear respirator, other test the physician
if used-applies to all categories. deems necessary.
Repeat BLL and ZPP every 6
Blood lead level ~40 IJgldL* Annually (see above) Complete lab panel if riot done
at last test, but Medical within last 12 months (see
Removal Protection (MRP)t above).
not required Repeat BLL and ZPP every 2
months until two consecutive
BLLs are <40 IJgldL.
Single BLL of ~60 IJgldL or As soon as MRP initiated (see above) Complete lab panel (see
average BLL ~50 IJgldL based above).
on the last three BLLs or all Repeat BLL and ZPP at least
BLLs over the previous 6 monthly until two consecutive
months (whichever covers a BLLS are 0;;;40 IJgldL.
longer time period) - Medical
Removal Protection (MRP)t
Reports signs/symptoms of As soon as possible (see above) As deemed appropriate by
lead toxicity, desires advice the physician based on
about effects of lead exposure individual case needs.
(on reproductive system, child
bearing, etc.), has increased
risk of material impairment to
health due to lead exposure ,
or has difficulty breathing with
respirator use.

= =
*pg/dL micrograms of lead per deciliter of whole blood; pg/tn3 micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air.
tMedical Removal Protection is the required removal of an employee from work with lead exposure, with full salary and benefits,
until there are two consecutive BLLs of ,,;;;40 pg/dL and the physician authorizes return to the usual work.

portion of the salary, the employer is responsible for pay- they may be exposed to lead at or above the Action Level
ing the balance. Upon return to work, employees are >30 days per year. It is the employer's responsibility to
guaranteed former job status. ensure that the medical evaluations are performed.
Nonetheless, the physician has a major role to play in
MEDICAL EVALUATIONS carrying out the intent of the standards.
The lead standards specify frequency and recom- The medical evaluation must include all the elements
mended guidelines for medical screening. Annual med- listed in Tables 5 and 6. The physician may include any
ical evaluations are required for all employees with a other medical tests that are necessary based on sound
BLL ;::.40 J,Lg/dL in the prior 12 months. In general medical practice. As part of a complete respiratory pro-
industry, medical evaluations are required prior to assign- tection program, federal OSHA requires medical clear-
ment for all employees entering a work area in which ance for any worker using a respirator (29 CFR

JULY 1998, VOL. 46, NO.7 335

Construction Industry Fed/OSHA Lead Standard
29 CFR §1926.62
Schedule for Required Medical Services
Category of Exposure Medical Evaluation Laboratory Testing
New employees or those newly Medical clearance to wear respirator, Bll and ZPP
assigned to lead work who are if used - applies to all categories
performing a specific trigger task"
or who are exposed to airborne
lead ~30 IJglm3 t for 1 to 30 days
per year and prior Bll, if known,
is <40 IJg/dlt
New employees or those newly Same as above Bll and ZPP
assigned to work with airborne Repeat every 2 months for
exposure at or ~30 IJglm3 for >30 for 6 months, then every 6
days per year and prior Bll, months thereafter
if known, is <40 IJgldL.
Blood lead level 40 to 49 IJgldl Annually: General and lead specific Complete lab panel: Bll,
history and physical exam with ZPP, CBC with red cell
special attention to hematological, indices and peripheral
neurological (central and peripheral), smear, serum creatinine,
pulmonary, cardiovascular, gastro- BUN, complete urinalysis.
intestinal, musculoskeletal, renal, and Sperm analysis or preg-
reproductive systems . nancy test if employee
requests. Any other test the
physician deems necessary.
Repeat Bll and ZPP every 2
months until two consecu-
tive Blls are <40 IJgldL.
Blood lead level ~50 IJgldl As soon as MRP initiated (see above) Complete lab panel (see
Medical Removal Protection (MRP) above).
required§ Repeat Bll and ZPP at least
monthly until two consec
utive Blls are ...40 IJgldL.
Reports signs/symptoms of lead As soon as possible (see above) As deemed appropriate by
toxicity, desires advice about effects the physician based on
of lead exposure (on reproductive individual case needs.
system, child bearing, etc.), has
increased risk of material impair-
ment to health due to lead exposure,
or, has difficulty breathing with
respirator use.

• 29 CFR §1926.62(d)(2)
tpg/dL = micrograms of lead per deciliter of whole blood; pg/m 3 = micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air
§MRP is the required removal of an employee from work with lead exposure, with full salary and benefits, until there are two con-
secutive BBLs of ~40 pg/dL and the physician authorizes return to the usual work.

§1910.134). require further evaluation.

The physician is only permitted to provide the In addition to annual requirements, medical evalua-
employer with the results of the medical evaluation that tions must be performed as soon as possible if any of the
relate to the employee's occupational exposure. The following occur:
employer must forward a copy of the same written infor- • An employee develops signs or symptoms commonly
mation to the employee. The physician should notify the associated with lead toxicity,
employee directly of any other health conditions that • An employee plans to have children and requests med-


ical advice concerning the effects of lead exposure, or Disease Control and Prevention recommend chelation for
• An employee has difficulty breathing while using a all children with BLLs of ~45 J.Lg/dL.
respirator. The chelation challenge test, developed in the 1960s
Additionally, the OSHA lead standards state that to assess total body burden and amount of chelatable
medical evaluation as appropriate must be provided for lead, has not been found to be a valid predictor of health
an employee either removed from exposure to lead due to effects, or remote or long term lead exposure. Chelatable
increased risk of sustaining "material impairment to lead may reflect little of the total body 'burden found in
health from exposure to lead," or who requires special bone (Kosnett, 1994b; Tell, 1992). Currently, no data
protections as determined by the physician. exist to indicate that the chelation challenge test can iden-
Placement of a worker on MRP is considered a tify individuals who may derive a therapeutic benefit
reportable illness. A proposed federal OSHA requirement from chelation. A more promising indicator of bone
would make a BLL of ~40 J.Lg/dL reportable.ln addition stores, and consequently total lead body burden, is non-
to recording lead exposure cases on the OSHA 200 Injury invasive x-ray fluorescence (XRF) of the bone (Hu,
and Illness Log, physicians may need to file a report to 1995).
comply with various state laws. For example, in Califor-
nia the physician must file a Doctor's First Report of APPROVED LABS
Injury or Illness within 5 days after initial examination Blood lead analyses performed under the lead stan-
for every employee with an occupational injury or illness dards must be conducted by laboratories that meet OSHA
(Title 8 CCR §14003). accuracy requirements in blood lead proficiency testing.
A current list of approved laboratories is available from
TREATMENT the regional or area office of federal OSHA (U.S. Depart-
The primary therapy for lead poisoning is cessation ment of Labor). For more information, the nurse can con-
of exposure. Prophylactic chelation therapy solely to pre- tact the OSHA Salt Lake City Technical Center, Division
vent the rise of blood lead levels is a violation of the of Quality Control, Salt Lake City, Utah (801-487-0073).
OSHA lead standards. Prior to diagnostic or therapeutic
chelation therapy, workers must be notified in writing as CONCLUSION
to why they are receiving this therapy. Lead poisoning is preventable. Medical surveillance
In adults, the use of chelation therapy should be is a tool used to identify excessive lead exposure and
reserved for those with significant symptoms or signs of direct and evaluate exposure reduction efforts. The over-
toxicity (Table 1) and should only be undertaken with all goal is to reduce workers' BLLs to those of the gener-
strict and skilled clinical supervision. Occasionally, al population. This is best accomplished by limiting lead
adults may have a very high BLL (e.g., 90 J.Lg/dL) and be exposure through proper engineering controls and work
asymptomatic. These individuals should be removed practices. It is worth noting that MRP levels were first
from exposure and followed carefully, but chelation ther- established in 1977 when the assumed background BLL
apy may not prove necessary. Levels > 100 J.Lg/dL are for the general population was 19 J.Lg/dL (it is now about
usually associated with significant symptoms that may 3 J.Lg/dL). Therefore, controlling workplace lead expo-
warrant chelation. sure to maintain workers' BLLs <20 J.Lg/dL should be
Chelation therapy primarily reduces lead in the feasible. Some physicians have suggested that medical
blood and soft tissues, such as liver and kidney, and not removal and return trigger BLLs be reduced to 20 and 10
in the generally larger fraction of lead in bone. In indi- J.Lg/dL, respectively (Landrigan, 1991; Silbergeld, 1991).
viduals with substantial bone lead stores who are chelat- Employers may need to obtain technical assistance in
ed, re-equilibration of lead from bone back into blood controlling exposures. By working together, the employ-
and soft tissues may result in a rebound effect with a rise er and the clinician can use biomedical information to
in the BLL after an initial drop. Symptoms associated identify problems and implement improvements in the
with lead toxicity may recur. workplace.
Chelation guidelines are controversial and may This article is adapted from the California Depart-
change as new agents and information are introduced. ment of Health Services' OLPPPIHESIS Medical Guide-
Although chelation has been associated with improve- lines for the Lead-Exposed Worker, first published in
ment in symptoms and decreased mortality, controlled 1988 and revised in 1995 and 1997.
clinical trials demonstrating efficacy are lacking, and
treatment recommendations have been largely empiric REFERENCES
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