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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,393,393 B2

Zhao (45) Date of Patent: Jul.19, 2016


TRANSFORMING CANCER CELLS CPC .............. A61M 37/00 (2013.01); A23L I/3002
(2013.01); A23L I/308 (2013.01); A23L I/3081
(75) Inventor: Sihai Zhao, Jiangsu (CN) (2013.01); A23L 2/52 (2013.01); A61 K3I/05
(73) Assignees: HUAIBEI FENKUN HEALTH (2013.01); A61 K3I/I22 (2013.01); A61 K
CONSULTANCY SERVICES CO., 36/28 (2013.01); A61K 36/282 (2013.01);
LTD., Xuzhou, Jiangsu (CN); Sihai A61K 36/899 (2013.01); A61K 36/8998
Zhao, Xuzhou, Jiangsu (CN) (2013.01); A61M3/02 (2013.01)
(58) Field of Classification Search
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this See application file for complete search history.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 277 days. (56) References Cited
(21) Appl. No.: 14/239,500
(22) PCT Filed: Sep.12, 2012 CN 1197651 A 11, 1998
CN 101.133785. A 3, 2008
(86). PCT No.: PCT/CN2012/081271 CN 101828.700 A 9, 2010
S371 (c)(1), EP 1702613 A 9, 2006
WO 2010/090498 A 8, 2010
(2), (4) Date: Feb. 18, 2014
Primary Examiner — Qiuwen Mi
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2014/008708 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Novick, Kim & Lee, PLLC;
PCT Pub. Date: Jan. 16, 2014 Allen Xue

(65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT

US 2014/0228812 A1 Aug. 14, 2014 This invention is related to a phenol-quinone therapy that
shrinks tumors and transforms cancer cells. The therapy
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data include four phases. In phase 1: cleansing poisons from the
body, autologous melting, purifying five fluids, enhancing
Jul. 12, 2012 (CN) .......................... 2012 1 0240554 macro circulation, strengthening spirit. In phase 2: tuning qi
in the body, fiber melting, purifying five qi, Scavenging free
(51) Int. Cl. radicals, enhance oxygen and vitality. In phase 3: nourishing
A6 IK36/00 (2006.01) the body, vitality melting, purifying the mind, enhancing
A6M 37/00 (2006.01) micro circulation, enhancing immunity. And in phase 4: nour
A 6LX36/8998 (2006.01) ishing the body and blood, phenol-quinone melting, oxidiz
A2.3L I/30 (2006.01) ing tumors, transforming cancer cells, regenerating new cells.
A2.3L I/308 (2006.01) This therapeutic treatment method has little side effect. By
A 6LX36/899 (2006.01) changing the in vivo condition, it inhibits cancer cell growth
A6 IK 36/28 (2006.01) and proliferation, enhances circulation inside human body,
A6 IK 36/282 (2006.01) expels toxins accumulated in the human body, shrinks
A2.3L 2/52 (2006.01) tumors, and transforms cancer cells. It results incuring cancer
A6 IK3I/05 (2006.01) without using medicine and gives the patient a chance to live.
A6 IK3I/22 (2006.01)
A6M3/02 (2006.01) 4 Claims, No Drawings
US 9,393,393 B2
1. 2
METHOD FOR REDUCING TUMIORS AND 1. Treatment Location: One should choose a location with
TRANSFORMING CANCER CELLS good air and water quality Such as a resort area.
2. Mental preparation for the treatment: patients should
TECHNICAL FIELD change mentally, to gain peace of mind and do not get angry.
The patient should be optimistic and not self-centered. He
The present invention relates to a cancertherapy, especially should live healthy and be resolute for the family and friends.
of the therapy using phenols and quinones to melt and trans He would become a useful again after rehabilitation. Then he
form cancer tumor. would teach the method that cured him to others. The patient
needs to be resolute and determined to complete the treatment
BACKGROUND 10 during the treatment process. He should change his habits, his
schedule, his diet. He should not eat anything rejected by the
Cancer cells are the result of structural changes in healthy immune system hot, cooked, and solid foods, and return to
nucleus. They are transformed from the body's own healthy self, return to nature and follow the nature. He should act
cells under a variety of external and internal factors. Cancer according to the biological clock, getting up at Sunrise and
cells can continue to self-replicate and proliferation. Tumors
15 going to bed at Sun down, forming the healthy concept of
are formed after the accumulation of hundreds of millions of
3. Treatment methods: the treatment period of 128 days is
cancer cells. The proliferation of cancer cells is not control divided into a total of four phases—cleansing, toning, nour
lable by the self-immune mechanism inside the body. They ishing, and healing. It also coincides with a metabolic cycle of
are not needed in the body. Cancer cells cannot become human blood cells. The first phase is three days, which equals
mature and do not have any benefits or functions on the a metabolic cycle of human lip cells. The second phase is
human body. They consume a large amount of nutrition due to seven days, which equals a metabolic cycle of white blood
their endless proliferation. Cancer cells may spread every cells in the immune system. The third phase is twenty-eight
where. Most of them grow invasively, damaging the normal days, which is a metabolic cycle for the cells in lung, colon
structure and functions of nearby tissues and organs, resulting 25 and skin. The fourth phase of ninety days equals a metabolic
in various degrees of dysfunction. cycle for renal cells, bone marrow cells and hematopoietic
There are more than 2000 kinds of naturally occurring stem cells.
phenolic compounds. They are the products of plant life. They The first phase: cleansing poisons from the body, washing
play an important role in plant growth and development, the stomachand the intestines, clearing the passage, introduc
immunity, anti-fungal, photosynthesis and respiration 30 ing phenols and quinones, strengthening the spirit. This phase
metabolism. Phenols and quinones like the breath and blood lasts three days.
of the living plants. Growing plants contain phenols and 05:00 Getup, drink a glass of 10-50° C. water, 300-500ml.
quinones. Unheated living plants also contain phenols and Use the Mong Te Mei intestinal hydrotherapy instrument to
quinones. Phenols and quinones are present in plants just like rinse the intestines and to induce bowl movements, 20-40
enzymes and chlorophyll are in the plants. 35 minutes.
Phenol can carry plant gases and enzymes into the human 06:00 Add 200-400 ml boiled water to 1 gram of Pro
body to absorb carbon dioxide and other waste gases and Health instant tea, and drink when it reaches 10-50° C.
produce oxygen. Phenol in its gaseous form can also stop 07:00 Breakfast: add 200-400 ml, 10-50° C. warm water to
cancer cell metabolism and development. Quinone can carry 8 grams of Pro-Health Super Fiber, and drink with 0.9 grams
plant liquids and chlorophyll into the human body and 40 Pro-Health Revita vitamin and 1.2 grams Pro-Health milk
exchange liquid with human cells to produce fresh blood. calcium.
Quinones can also dilute and restrict the carcinogens. They 08:00 With a pollution-free wheat and pollution-free natu
may also expel the diluted carcinogens from the human body. ral water, use soilless cultivation method, to raise wheat seed
Phenols and quinones enter together into the human body can lings of 6 cm or higher. Juice the seedlings with the root using
exchange chlorine, ammonia, methane, hydrogen Sulfide and 45 Joyoungjuicer, and drink immediately, discard the Solids.
carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, blocking the passage of 09:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
nutrients to the cancer cell. They may also convert the starved, immediately drink 100-500 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
anaerobic cancer cells into good cells that rely on oxygen. If 10:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
phenols and quinones can jointly act on cancerous cells, they immediately drink 100-500 ml, add 300-500 ml boiled water
can be easily reduce tumor and transform cancerous cells, 50 to 1 gram of instant tea, drink when it reaches 10-50° C.
giving the patient a second opportunity to live. 11:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 100-500 ml, for lunch drink 10-50° C.
SUMMARY OF INVENTION boiled water 200-400 ml mixed with 8 grams Pro-Health
Super Fiber with Pro-Health multifiber 5 grams and Pro
In order to solve the problems of existing cancer therapy— 55 Health high calcium and fiber crackers 25 g.
severeside effects of cancer therapy and unable to completely 12:00 Take a nap of 30 minutes to 2 hours between 11:00 to
cure the disease, the present invention provides a therapy that 13:OO.
uses phenols and quinones to reduce tumor and transform 13:00 After the nap, drink boiled water 200-500 ml mixed
cancerous cells. This method has little side effects. It changes with instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
the in vivo conditions in human body, effectively inhibits 60 14:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
cancer cell growth and proliferation. It enhances circulation immediately drink 100-500 ml.
in the human body and discharge toxins accumulated in the 15:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
human body. It reduces tumor and transforms cancerous cells. immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
As a result, the cancer can be cured without medication and water mixed with 1 gram instant tea.
the patient may live. 65 16:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
The present invention provides the following technical immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
scheme to solve the technical problem: water mixed with 1 gram instant tea.
US 9,393,393 B2
3 4
17:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 17:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon water mixed with 1 gram instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon
20-40 minutes. 20-40 minutes.
18:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 18:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 100-500 ml. immediately drink 100-500 ml.
19:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 19:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 100-500 ml. Dinner: use 10-50° C., 200 immediately drink 100-500 ml. Dinner: use 10-50° C., 200
400 ml boiled water, mix it with Pro-Health Super Fiber 8 400 ml boiled water, mix it with Pro-Health Super Fiber 8
grams, drink with 0.9 gram Pro-Health Revita vitamin. 10 grams, drink with 0.9 gram Pro-Health Revita vitamin and 2
20:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and grams of Pro-Health spirulina.
immediately drink 50-300 ml. With a pollution-free barley 20:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 50-300 ml. With a pollution-free barley
and pollution-free natural water, use soilless cultivation and pollution-free natural water, use soilless cultivation
method, to raise barley seedlings of 6 cm of more in length. 15 method, to raise barley seedlings of 6 cm of more in length.
Juice the seedlings using Joyoungjuicer, and drink immedi Juice the seedlings using Joyoungjuicer, and drink immedi
ately, discard the Solids. ately, discard the Solids.
21:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and 21:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 50-300 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes. immediately drink 50-300 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
22:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and 22:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 50-300 ml. Soak feet in a hot water bath immediately drink 50-300 ml. Soak feet in a hot water bath
having safflower 1 gram, mugwort 50 grams, ginger powder having safflower 1 gram, mugwort 50 grams, ginger powder
50 grams, pepper powder 10 grams. Water depth is below the 50 grams, pepper powder 10 grams. Water depth is below the
knee. Go to bed after sweating. It takes 20-40 minutes. knee. Go to bed after sweating. It takes 20-40 minutes.
23:00 to 5:00 am must in deep sleep. 25 23:00 to 5:00am must in deep sleep.
The second phase: adjusting qi in the body, purifying the The third phase: strengthening of the body, purifying the
lung, in Vivo maintenance, vitality melting, aerobics add mind, and improving circulation, shrinking inside, enhancing
Vitality. This stage last seven days. immunity. This phase lasts 28 days.
05:00 Get up, drinka glass of 10-50° C. water,300-500ml. 05:00 Get up, drinka glass of 10-50° C. water,300-500ml.
Use the Mong Te Mei intestinal hydrotherapy instrument to 30 Use the Mong Te Mei intestinal hydrotherapy instrument to
rinse the intestines and to induce bowl movements, 20-40 rinse the intestines and to induce bowl movements, 20-40
minutes. minutes.
06:00 Add 200-400 ml boiled water to 1 gram of Pro 06:00 Add 200-400 ml boiled water to 1 gram of Pro
Health instant tea, and drink when it reaches 10-50° C. Health instant tea, and drink when it reaches 10-50° C.
07:00 Breakfast: add 200-400 ml, 10-50° C. warm water to 35 07:00 Breakfast: add 200-400 ml, 10-50° C. warm water to
8 grams of Pro-Health Super Fiber, and drink with 0.9 grams 8 grams of Pro-Health Super Fiber, and drink with 0.9 grams
Pro-Health Revita Bao vitamin, 1.2 grams Pro-Health cal Pro-Health Revita Bao vitamin, 1.2 grams Pro-Health cal
cium syrup, and 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina. cium syrup, 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, and 2 grams
08:00 With a pollution-free sunflower seed and pollution Pro-Health American ginseng, 1 gram of instant tea. In addi
free natural water, use soilless cultivation method, to raise 40 tion, juice Sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or longer and drink
Sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or higher. Juice the seedlings 50-300 ml of the juice.
with the root using Joyoungjuicer, and drink 50-300 mljuice 08:00 With a pollution-free sunflower seed and pollution
immediately as a medicine, discard the Solids. free natural water, use soilless cultivation method, to raise
09:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and Sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or higher. Juice the seedlings
immediately drink 100-500 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes. 45 with the root using Joyoungjuicer, and drink 50-300 mljuice
10:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and immediately as a medicine, discard the Solids.
immediately drink 100-500 ml, add 300-500 ml boiled water 09:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
to 1 gram of instant tea, drink when it reaches 10-50° C. immediately drink 100-500 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
11:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 10:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 100-500 ml. In addition, juice 6 cm (or 50 immediately drink 100-500 ml, add 300-500 ml boiled water
longer) sunflower seedlings and immediately drink 50-300 to 1 gram of instant tea, drink when it reaches 10-50° C.
ml. For lunch drink 10-50° C. boiled water 200-400 ml mixed 11:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
with 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber with Pro-Health multi immediately drink 100-500 ml. In addition, juice 6 cm (or
fiber 5 grams, Pro-Health high calcium and fiber crackers 25 longer) sunflower seedlings and immediately drink 50-300
g, and 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina. 55 ml. For lunch drink 10-50° C. boiled water 200-400 ml mixed
12:00 Take a nap of 30 minutes to 2 hours between 11:00 to with 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber with Pro-Health multi
13:OO. fiber 5 grams, Pro-Health High calcium and fiber crackers 25
13:00 After the nap drink boiled water 200-500 ml mixed g, 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, and 1 gram instant tea.
with instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 20-40 minutes. 12:00 Take a nap of 30 minutes to 2 hours between 11:00 to
14:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 60 13:OO.
immediately drink 100-500 ml. 13:00 After the nap, drink boiled water 200-500 ml mixed
15:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and with instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled 14:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea. immediately drink 100-500 ml.
16:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 65 15:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea. water mixed with 1 gram instant tea.
US 9,393,393 B2
5 6
16:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 12:00 Take a nap of 30 minutes to 2 hours between 11:00 to
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled 13:OO.
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea. 13:00 After the nap, drink boiled water 200-500 ml mixed
17:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and with instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled 5 14:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon immediately drink 100-500 ml.
20-40 minutes. 15:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
18:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
immediately drink 100-500 ml. water mixed with 1 gram instant tea.
19:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 10 16:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 100-500 ml. Dinner: use 10-50° C., 200 immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
400 ml boiled water, mix it with Pro-Health Super Fiber 8 water mixed with 1 gram instant tea. Drink fresh oxygenated,
grams, drink with 0.9 gram Pro-Health Revita vitamin, 2 pollution-free vegetable juices such as celery, apple, carrot,
grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, and 1 gram instant tea. pear, cabbage and kiwi. Drink 200-500 ml immediately after
15 juicing.
20:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and 17:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 50-300 ml. With a pollution-free barley immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
and pollution-free natural water, use soilless cultivation water mixed with 1 gram instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon
method, to raise barley seedlings of 6 cm of more in length. 20-40 minutes.
Juice the seedings using Joyoung juicer, and drink immedi 18:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
ately, discard the Solids. immediately drink 100-500 ml.
21:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and 19:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 50-300 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes. immediately drink 100-500 ml. Dinner: use 10-50° C., 200
22:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and 400 ml boiled water, mix it with Pro-Health Super Fiber 8
immediately drink 50-300 ml. Soak feet in a hot water bath 25 grams, drink with 0.9 gram Pro-Health Revita vitamin, 2
having safflower 1 gram, mugwort 50 grams, ginger powder grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, 1 gram instant tea, 2 gram
50 grams, pepper powder 10 grams. Water depth is below the Pro-Health Lecithin-E, and 2 grams Pro-Health Colostrum.
knee. Go to bed after sweating. It takes 20-40 minutes. 20:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
23:00 to 5:00 am must in deep sleep. immediately drink 50-300 ml. With a pollution-free barley
The fourth stage: nourishing the body and blood, enhanc 30 and pollution-free natural water, use soilless cultivation
ing microcirculation, shrinking the tumor, transforming can method, to raise barley seedlings of 6 cm of more in length.
cer cells, regenerating new cells. This stage lasts 90 days. Juice the seedings using Joyoung juicer, and drink immedi
05:00 Get up, drinka glass of 10-50° C. water,300-500ml. ately, discard the Solids.
Use the Mong Te Mei intestinal hydrotherapy instrument to 21:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
rinse the intestines and to induce bowl movements, 20-40 35 immediately drink 50-300 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
minutes. 22:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
06:00 Add 200-400 ml boiled water to 1 gram of Pro immediately drink 50-300 ml. Soak feet in a hot water bath
Health instant tea, and drink when it reaches 10-50° C. having safflower 1 gram, mugwort 50 grams, ginger powder
07:00 Breakfast: add 200-400 ml, 10-50° C. warm water to 50 grams, pepper powder 10 grams. Water depth is below the
8 grams of Pro-Health Super Fiber, and drink with 0.9 grams 40 knee. Go to bed after sweating. It takes 20-40 minutes.
Pro-Health Revita vitamin, 1.2 grams Pro-Health milk cal 23:00 to 5:00am must in deep sleep.
cium, 2 grams of Pro-Health spirulina, 2 grams Pro-Health The present invention has the beneficial effects in that the
American ginseng, 1 gram of instant tea, 2 gram Pro-Health therapeutic treatment method has little side effect. By chang
Lecithin-E, and 2 grams Pro-Health Colostrum. In addition, ing the in vivo condition, it inhibits cancer cell growth and
juice sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or longer and drink 50-300 45 proliferation, enhances circulation inside human body, expels
ml of the juice. toxins accumulated in the human body, shrinks tumors, and
08:00 With a pollution-free sunflower seed and pollution transforms cancer cells. It results in curing cancer without
free natural water, use soilless cultivation method, to raise using medicine and gives the patient a chance to live.
Sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or higher. Juice the seedlings
with the root using Joyoungjuicer, and drink 50-300 mljuice 50 EMBODIMENTS
immediately as a medicine, discard the Solids.
09:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 1. Treatment Location: One should choose a location with
immediately drink 100-500 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes. good air and water quality Such as a resort area.
10:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 2. Mental preparation for the treatment: patients should
immediately drink 100-500 ml, add 300-500 ml boiled water 55 change mentally, to gain peace of mind and do not get angry.
to 1 gram of instant tea, drink when it reaches 10-50° C. Drink The patient should be optimistic and not self-centered. He
fresh oxygenated, pollution-free vegetable juices such as cel should live healthy and be resolute for the family and friends.
ery, apple, carrot, pear, cabbage and kiwi. Drink 200-500 ml He would become a useful again after rehabilitation. Then he
immediately after juicing. would teach the method that cured him to others. The patient
11:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 60 needs to be resolute and determined to complete the treatment
immediately drink 100-500 ml. In addition, juice 6 cm (or during the treatment process. He should change his habits, his
longer) sunflower seedlings and immediately drink 50-300 schedule, his diet. He should not eat anything rejected by the
ml. For lunch drink 10-50° C. boiled water 200-400 ml mixed immune system hot, cooked, and solid foods, and return to
with 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber with Pro-Health multi self, return to nature and follow the nature. He should act
fiber 5 grams, Pro-Health High calcium and fiber crackers 25 65 according to the biological clock, getting up at Sunrise and
g, 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, 1 gram instant tea, 2 gram going to bed at Sun down, forming the healthy concept of
Pro-Health Lecithin-E, and 2 grams Pro-Health Colostrum. self-healing.
US 9,393,393 B2
7 8
3. Treatment methods: the treatment period of 128 days is 21:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
divided into a total of four phases—cleansing, toning, nour immediately drink 50-300 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
ishing, and healing. It also coincides with a metabolic cycle of 22:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
human blood cells. The first phase is three days, which equals immediately drink 50-300 ml. Soak feet in a hot water bath
a metabolic cycle of human lip cells. The second phase is having safflower 1 gram, mugwort 50 grams, ginger powder
seven days, which equals a metabolic cycle of white blood 50 grams, pepper powder 10 grams. Water depth is below the
cells in the immune system. The third phase is twenty-eight knee. Go to bed after sweating. It takes 20-40 minutes.
days, which is a metabolic cycle for the cells in lung, colon 23:00 to 5:00am must in deep sleep.
and skin. The fourth phase of ninety days equals a metabolic The second phase: adjust qi in the body, purify the lung, in
cycle for renal cells, bone marrow cells and hematopoietic 10 Vivo maintenance, vitality melting, aerobics add vitality. This
stem cells. stage last seven days.
The first phase: cleansing poisons from the body, washing 05:00 Get up, drinka glass of 10-50° C. water,300-500ml.
the stomach and the intestines, clearing the passage, introduc Use the Mong Te Mei intestinal hydrotherapy instrument to
ing phenols and quinones, strengthening the spirit. This phase rinse the intestines and to induce bowl movements, 20-40
lasts three days. 15 minutes.
05:00 Get up, drinka glass of 10-50° C. water,300-500ml. 06:00 Add 200-400 ml boiled water to 1 gram of Pro
Use the Mong Te Mei intestinal hydrotherapy instrument to Health instant tea, and drink when it reaches 10-50° C.
rinse the intestines and to induce bowl movements, 20-40 07:00 Breakfast: add 200-400 ml, 10-50° C. warm water to
minutes. 8 grams of Pro-Health Super Fiber, and drink with 0.9 grams
06:00 Add 200-400 ml boiled water to 1 gram of Pro Pro-Health Revita Bao vitamin, 1.2 grams Pro-Health cal
Health instant tea, and drink when it reaches 10-50° C. cium syrup, and 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina.
07:00 Breakfast: add 200-400 ml, 10-50° C. warm water to 08:00 With a pollution-free sunflower seed and pollution
8 grams of Pro-Health Super Fiber, and drink with 0.9 grams free natural water, use soilless cultivation method, to raise
Pro-Health Revita vitamin and 1.2 grams Pro-Health milk Sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or higher. Juice the seedlings
calcium. 25 with the root using Joyoungjuicer, and drink 50-300 mljuice
08:00 With a pollution-free wheat and pollution-free natu immediately as a medicine, discard the Solids.
ral water, use soilless cultivation method, to raise wheat seed 09:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
lings of 6 cm or higher. Juice the seedlings with the root using immediately drink 100-500 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
Joyoungjuicer, and drink immediately, discard the Solids. 10:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
09:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 30 immediately drink 100-500 ml, add 300-500 ml boiled water
immediately drink 100-500 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes. to 1 gram of instant tea, drink when it reaches 10-50° C.
10:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 11:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 100-500 ml, add 300-500 ml boiled water immediately drink 100-500 ml. In addition, juice 6 cm (or
to 1 gram of instant tea, drink when it reaches 10-50° C. longer) sunflower seedlings and immediately drink 50-300
11:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 35 ml. For lunch drink 10-50° C. boiled water 200-400 ml mixed
immediately drink 100-500 ml, for lunch drink 10-50° C. with 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber with Pro-Health multi
boiled water 200-400 ml mixed with 8 grams Pro-Health fiber 5 grams, Pro-Health high calcium and fiber crackers 25
Super Fiber with Pro-Health multifiber 5 grams and Pro g, and 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina.
Health high calcium and fiber crackers 25 g. 12:00 Take a nap of 30 minutes to 2 hours between 11:00 to
12:00 Take a nap of 30 minutes to 2 hours between 11:00 to 40 13:OO.
13:OO. 13:00 After the nap drink boiled water 200-500 ml mixed
13:00 After the nap, drink boiled water 200-500 ml mixed with instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
with instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 20-40 minutes. 14:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
14:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and immediately drink 100-500 ml.
immediately drink 100-500 ml. 45 15:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
15:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled water mixed with 1 gram instant tea.
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea. 16:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
16:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled 50 water mixed with 1 gram instant tea.
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea. 17:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
17:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled water mixed with 1 gram instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
20-40 minutes. 55 18:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
18:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and immediately drink 100-500 ml.
immediately drink 100-500 ml. 19:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
19:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and immediately drink 100-500 ml. Dinner: use 10-50° C., 200
immediately drink 100-500 ml. Dinner: use 10-50° C., 200 400 ml boiled water, mix it with Pro-Health Super Fiber 8
400 ml boiled water, mix it with Pro-Health Super Fiber 8 60 grams, drink with 0.9 gram Pro-Health Revita vitamin and 2
grams, drink with 0.9 gram Pro-Health Revita vitamin. grams of Pro-Health spirulina.
20:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and 20:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
immediately drink 50-300 ml. With a pollution-free barley immediately drink 50-300 ml. With a pollution-free barley
and pollution-free natural water, use soilless cultivation and pollution-free natural water, use soilless cultivation
method, to raise barley seedlings of 6 cm of more in length. 65 method, to raise barley seedlings of 6 cm of more in length.
Juice the seedlings using Joyoungjuicer, and drink immedi Juice the seedlings using Joyoungjuicer, and drink immedi
ately, discard the Solids. ately, discard the Solids.
US 9,393,393 B2
21:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and method, to raise barley seedlings of 6 cm of more in length.
immediately drink 50-300 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes. Juice the seedings using Joyoung juicer, and drink immedi
22:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and ately, discard the Solids.
immediately drink 50-300 ml. Soak feet in a hot water bath 21:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
having safflower 1 gram, mugwort 50 grams, ginger powder immediately drink 50-300 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
50 grams, pepper powder 10 grams. Water depth is below the 22:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and
knee. Go to bed after sweating. It takes 20-40 minutes. immediately drink 50-300 ml. Soak feet in a hot water bath
23:00 to 5:00 am must in deep sleep. having safflower 1 gram, mugwort 50 grams, ginger powder
The third phase: strengthening of the body, purifying the 50 grams, pepper powder 10 grams. Water depth is below the
mind, and improving circulation, shrinking inside, enhancing 10
knee. Go to bed after sweating. It takes 20-40 minutes.
immunity. This phase lasts 28 days. 23:00 to 5:00am must in deep sleep.
05:00 Get up, drinka glass of 10-50° C. water,300-500ml. The fourth stage: nourishing the body and blood, enhanc
Use the Mong Te Mei intestinal hydrotherapy instrument to ing microcirculation, shrinking the tumor, transforming can
rinse the intestines and to induce bowl movements, 20-40
minutes. 15 cer cells, regenerating new cells. This stage lasts 90 days.
06:00 Add 200-400 ml boiled water to 1 gram of Pro 05:00 Get up, drinka glass of 10-50° C. water,300-500ml.
Health instant tea, and drink when it reaches 10-50° C. Use the Mong Te Mei intestinal hydrotherapy instrument to
07:00 Breakfast: add 200-400 ml, 10-50° C. warm water to rinse the intestines and to induce bowl movements, 20-40
8 grams of Pro-Health Super Fiber, and drink with 0.9 grams minutes.
Pro-Health Revita Bao vitamin, 1.2 grams Pro-Health cal 06:00 Add 200-400 ml boiled water to 1 gram of Pro
cium syrup, 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, and 2 grams Health instant tea, and drink when it reaches 10-50° C.
Pro-Health American ginseng, 1 gram of instant tea. In addi 07:00 Breakfast: add 200-400 ml, 10-50° C. warm water to
tion, juice Sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or longer and drink 8 grams of Pro-Health Super Fiber, and drink with 0.9 grams
50-300 ml of the juice. Pro-Health Revita vitamin, 1.2 grams Pro-Health milk cal
08:00 With a pollution-free sunflower seed and pollution 25 cium, 2 grams of Pro-Health spirulina, 2 grams Pro-Health
free natural water, use soilless cultivation method, to raise American ginseng, 1 gram of instant tea, 2 gram Pro-Health
Sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or higher. Juice the seedlings Lecithin-E, and 2 grams Pro-Health Colostrum. In addition,
with the root using Joyoungjuicer, and drink 50-300 mljuice juice sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or longer and drink 50-300
immediately as a medicine, discard the Solids. ml of the juice.
09:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 30
08:00 With a pollution-free sunflower seed and pollution
immediately drink 100-500 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes. free natural water, use soilless cultivation method, to raise
10:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and Sunflower seedlings of 6 cm or higher. Juice the seedlings
immediately drink 100-500 ml, add 300-500 ml boiled water with the root using Joyoungjuicer, and drink 50-300 mljuice
to 1 gram of instant tea, drink when it reaches 10-50° C. immediately as a medicine, discard the Solids.
11:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 35
immediately drink 100-500 ml. In addition, juice 6 cm (or 09:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
longer) sunflower seedlings and immediately drink 50-300 immediately drink 100-500 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
ml. For lunch drink 10-50° C. boiled water 200-400 ml mixed 10:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
with 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber with Pro-Health multi immediately drink 100-500 ml, add 300-500 ml boiled water
fiber 5 grams, Pro-Health High calcium and fiber crackers 25 40 to 1 gram of instant tea, drink when it reaches 10-50° C. Drink
g, 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, and 1 gram instant tea. fresh oxygenated, pollution-free vegetablejuices such as cel
12:00 Take a nap of 30 minutes to 2 hours between 11:00 to ery, apple, carrot, pear, cabbage and kiwi. Drink 200-500 ml
13:OO. immediately after juicing.
13:00 After the nap, drink boiled water 200-500 ml mixed 11:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
with instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 20-40 minutes. 45 immediately drink 100-500 ml. In addition, juice 6 cm (or
14:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and longer) sunflower seedlings and immediately drink 50-300
immediately drink 100-500 ml. ml. For lunch drink 10-50° C. boiled water 200-400 ml mixed
15:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and with 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber with Pro-Health multi
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled fiber 5 grams, Pro-Health High calcium and fiber crackers 25
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea. 50
g, 2 grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, 1 gram instant tea, 2 gram
16:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and Pro-Health Lecithin-E, and 2 grams Pro-Health Colostrum.
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled 12:00 Take a nap of 30 minutes to 2 hours between 11:00 to
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea. 13:OO.
17:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 13:00 After the nap, drink boiled water 200-500 ml mixed
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled 55
with instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 20-40 minutes.
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon 14:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
20-40 minutes.
18:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and immediately drink 100-500 ml.
immediately drink 100-500 ml. 15:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
19:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and 60 immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
immediately drink 100-500 ml. Dinner: use 10-50° C., 200 water mixed with 1 gram instant tea.
400 ml boiled water, mix it with Pro-Health Super Fiber 8 16:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and
grams, drink with 0.9 gram Pro-Health Revita vitamin, 2 immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled
grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, and 1 gram instant tea. water mixed with 1 gram instant tea. Drink fresh oxygenated,
20:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and 65 pollution-free vegetable juices such as celery, apple, carrot,
immediately drink 50-300 ml. With a pollution-free barley pear, cabbage and kiwi. Drink 200-500 ml immediately after
and pollution-free natural water, use soilless cultivation juicing.
US 9,393,393 B2
11 12
17:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and Sep. 3, 2011, he moved from Beijing to to Ningguo in
immediately drink 100-500 ml, drink 300-500 ml boiled Anhui province. It has a beautiful environment and good
water mixed with 1 gram instant tea at 10-50° C. to flush colon water quality, free of air pollution. He received phenol
20-40 minutes. quinone treatment. After one month, most of the symptoms
18:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and disappeared. He moved back to his hometown on Oct. 2,
immediately drink 100-500 ml. 2011, and is now recovered.
19:00 Juice 6 cm long wheat seedlings with roots and Example 3
immediately drink 100-500 ml. Dinner: use 10-50° C., 200
400 ml boiled water, mix it with Pro-Health Super Fiber8
grams, drink with 0.9 gram Pro-Health Revita vitamin, 2 10 Xia Kun, female, 28 years old, married, farmer.
grams of Pro-Health Spirulina, 1 gram instant tea, 2 gram Admission diagnosis: hepatocellular carcinoma,
Pro-Health Lecithin-E, and 2 grams Pro-Health Colostrum. Admission date: 20 Dec. 2011
20:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and Name of the procedure: hepatic arterial chemoemboliza
immediately drink 50-300 ml. With a pollution-free barley tion
and pollution-free natural water, use soilless cultivation 15 Surgery Date: Dec. 26, 2011
method, to raise barley seedlings of 6 cm of more in length. Discharge diagnosis: hepatocellular carcinoma
Juice the seedings using Joyoung juicer, and drink immedi Discharge date: Jan. 9, 2012
ately, discard the Solids. Admission situations: Xia Kun, female, 28 years old, main
21:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and complaint at the admission “a mass in upper abdominal, felt
immediately drink 50-300 ml to flush colon 20-40 minutes. pain for a month.”
22:00 Juice 6 cm long barley seedlings with roots and Once again, Xuzhou Medical College Hospital discharge
immediately drink 50-300 ml. Soak feet in a hot water bath records:
having safflower 1 gram, mugwort 50 grams, ginger powder Admission diagnosis: intervention in patients with liver
50 grams, pepper powder 10 grams. Water depth is below the CaCC

knee. Go to bed after sweating. It takes 20-40 minutes. 25 Admission Date: Feb. 21, 2012
23:00 to 5:00 am must in deep sleep. Name of the procedure: hepatic arterial chemoemboliza
Example 1 Surgery Date: Feb. 21, 2012
Discharge diagnosis: after Surgery for hepatocellular car
Han Li, female, born Sep. 12, 1989, now living in Pei 30 cinoma
County in Jiangsu province, self-employed in restaurant busi Discharge date: Mar. 2, 2012
CSS. Admission situations: patients Xia Kun, young women,
Case: Feb. 1, 2012, Pei County People's Hospital Inspec mainly due to “two months after surgery for primary liver
tion Report: on both sides of a large pleural effusion, inflam cancer.
mation of the lungs. 35 Hospital admission test: AFP 3000:00, Feb. 22, 2012,
Feb. 2, 2012, checked into Xuzhou Medical College Hos after two surgeries to over 3000, the treatment ineffective,
pital (see test report for details). Received dialysis once every doctors predicted life expectancy of three months. The same
2-3 days during hospitalization. hospital in Mar. 1, 2012 again carried out a diagnose. AFP
Feb. 16, 2012, discharge orders: blood work after three 2577:00. The treatment ineffective, doctors predicted life
days, and the family was told that it would be difficult to live 40 expectancy of two months.
beyond two months. In Such desperate circumstances, patients and their families
On Feb. 16, 2012, the day of discharge, the family rushed have a glimmer of hope and admitted into the East China Sea
her to the East China Sea Hot Spring Penghu Bay Spa. The Hot Spring Penghu Bay Spa to receive the phenol-quinone
patient was frail and was helped by others into the room. therapy that having four phases from Mar. 23, 2013 to Apr. 4,
Started to receive phenol-quinone treatment method and kept 45 2012. Afterwards received report from the Donghai County
a good performance during recuperation. On Mar. 6, 2012, People's Hospital. AFP 74.86:00. The patient and her fam
returned to Xuzhou No. 2 Hospital for check-up after ily are very happy. Currently, the patient's physical condition
improvement. No need for further dialysis. Prior to her admis gradually restored and she is able to take care of herself.
sion into the East China Sea Hot Spring Penghu Bay Spa, the There are 21 patients like the cases described above from
doctor predicted two-month life expectancy, and was carried 50 2009 to the present. Among them three cases the patients died
into the room by others. She was nursed back to health and because of failing to adhere to the phenol-quinone therapy,
returned home full of joy. She is still healthy. which led to worsening of the situation. There are two cases in
which the patients are still receiving the therapy. Their con
Example 2 ditions are gradually improving and the body functions are
55 recovering. In 16 cases, after careful treatment using the
Haohong Ru, male, born in 1963, farmer, now living in phenol-quinone therapy for 1-3 months, the patients have
PanggeZhuang, Beijing. been cured. Afterwards the patients not only can take care of
Case: Sep. 3, 2011, at that time his height is 180 cm, weight themselves but may also carry out certain jobs.
103.6 kg, slightly obese, high blood pressure, low potassium
levels, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, loss of sexual 60 What is claimed is:
function, dizziness, tinnitus, cervical pain, indigestion, gout, 1. A method for treating cancer, comprising treating a
leg pain, limb weakness, sleep Snoring, leg cramps, hemor patient in need thereof consecutively in Phase 1, Phase 2.
rhoids, blood in the stool, urine endless, nose bleeding, and Phase 3, and Phase 4,
Sometimes loose stools, sometimes constipation, skin wet, wherein the Phase 1 treatment lasts for three days, the
big loss of calcium, cerebral blood oxygen deficiency, prop 65 Phase 2 treatment lasts for seven days, the Phase 3 treat
tosis purple, blue lips, and typical acidic in Vivo condition and ment for twenty eight days, and the Phase 4 treatment for
sub-health. ninety days,
US 9,393,393 B2
13 14
wherein the Phase 1 treatment comprises: drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 09:00:
drinking 300-500 ml of water at 10-50° C. after getting up drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300
at 05:00; 500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram of Pro-Health instant tea
drinking 200-400 ml of tea brewed using 1 gram of Pro at 10-50° C. at 10:00;
Health instant tea at 10-50° C. at 06:00; drinking or eating 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice,
drinking or eating 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber with 300-500 ml of the sunflower seedling juice, 8 grams
200-400 ml water at 10-50° C., 0.9 grams Pro-Health Pro-Health Super Fiber, 5 grams Pro-Health multifiber,
Revita vitamin, and 1.2 grams Pro-Health calcium milk and 25 grams Pro-Health high calcium and fiber crack
at 07:00; ers with 200-400 ml boiled water at 10-50° C. at 11:00:
drinking 50-300 ml of a wheat seedling juice at 08:00, 10 napping for 30 minutes to 2 hours starting 12:00;
wherein the wheat seedlings juice is made in a juicer drinking 200-500 ml brewed Pro-Health tea at 10-50° C. at
using wheat seedlings that are 6 cm or longer and are 13:00;
cultivated soilless with pollution-free water; drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 14:00;
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 09:00: 15 500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300 15:00;
500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram of Pro-Health instant tea drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300
at 10-50° C. at 10:00; 500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at
drinking or eating 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice, 16:00:
8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber, 5 grams Pro-Health drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300
multifiber, and 25 grams Pro-Health high calcium and 500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at
fiber crackers with 200-400 ml boiled water at 10-50° C. 10-50° C. at 17:00;
at 11:00: drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 18:00;
napping for 30 minutes to 2 hours starting 12:00; drinking or eating 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice,
drinking 200-500 ml brewed Pro-Health tea at 10-50° C. at 25 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber, 0.9 gram Pro-Health
13:00; Revita vitamin, 2 gram Pro-Health spirulina with 200
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 14:00; 400 boiled water at 19:00:
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300 drinking 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice at 20:00;
500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at drinking 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice at 21:00:
15:00; 30 drinking or eating 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice,
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300 soaking feet in the hot water bath 20-40 minutes at 22:00
500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at before going to bed; and
being in a deep sleep between 23:00 to 05:00.
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300 3. The method of claim 2, wherein the Phase 3 treatment
35 comprises:
500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at drinking 300-500 ml of water at 10-50° C. after getting up
17:00; at 05:00;
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 18:00; drinking 200-400 ml of tea brewed using 1 gram of Pro
drinking or eating 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice, Health instant tea at 10-50° C. at 06:00;
8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber, 0.9 gram Pro-Health 40 drinking or eating 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber with
Revita vitamin with 200-400 boiled water at 19:00; 200-400 ml water at 10-50° C., 0.9 grams Pro-Health
drinking 50-300 ml of a barely seedling juice at 20:00, Revita vitamin, and 1.2 grams Pro-Health calcium milk,
wherein the barely seedlings juice is made in a juicer 2 grams Pro-Health spirulina, 2 grams Pro-Health
using barely seedlings that are 6 cm or longer and are American ginseng, 1 gram of Pro-Health instant tea, and
cultivated soilless with pollution-free water; 45 50-300 ml of the sunflower seedling juice at 07:00;
drinking 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice at 21:00: drinking 50-300 ml of the sunflower seedling juice at
drinking or eating 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice, 08:00;
soaking feet in a hot water bathhaving 1 gram safflower, drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 09:00:
50 grams mugwort, 50 grams ginger powder, and 10 drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300
grams pepper powder for 20-40 minutes at 22:00 before 50 500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram of Pro-Health instant tea
going to bed; and at 10-50° C. at 10:00;
being in a deep sleep between 23:00 to 05:00 am. drinking or eating 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice,
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the Phase 2 treatment 300-500 ml of the sunflower seedling juice, 8 grams
comprises: Pro-Health Super Fiber, 5 grams Pro-Health multifiber,
drinking 300-500 ml of water at 10-50° C. after getting up
55 and 25 grams Pro-Health high calcium and fiber crack
ers, 2 grams Pro-Health Spirulina, and 1 gram of instant
at 05:00; tea at 11:00;
drinking 200-400 ml of tea brewed using 1 gram of Pro napping for 30 minutes to 2 hours starting 12:00;
Health instant tea at 10-50° C. at 06:00; drinking 200-500 ml brewed Pro-Health tea at 10-50° C. at
drinking or eating 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber with 60 13:00;
200-400 ml water at 10-50° C., 0.9 grams Pro-Health drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 14:00;
Revita vitamin, and 1.2 grams Pro-Health calcium milk, drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300
and 2 grams Pro-Health spirulina at 07:00; 500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at
drinking 50-300 ml of a sunflower seedling juice at 08:00, 15:00;
wherein the Sunflower seedlings juice is made in a juicer 65 drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300
using Sunflower seedlings that are 6 cm or longer and are 500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at
cultivated soilless with pollution-free water; 16:00:
US 9,393,393 B2
15 16
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300 and 25 grams Pro-Health high calcium and fiber crack
500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at ers, 2 gram Pro-Health spirulina, 1 gram Pro-Health
10-50° C. at 17:00; instant tea, 2 gram Pro-Health Lecithin-E, and 2 grams
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 18:00; Pro-Health Colostrum with 200-400 ml boiled water at
drinking or eating 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice, 5 10-50° C. at 11:00:
8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber, 0.9 gram Pro-Health napping for 30 minutes to 2 hours starting 12:00;
Revita Vitamin, 2 gram Pro-Health spirulina, 1 gram drinking 200-500 ml brewed Pro-Health tea at 10-50° C. at
instant tea with 200-400 boiled water at 19:00; 13:00;
drinking 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice at 20:00; drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 14:00;
drinking 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice at 21:00: 10
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300
drinking or eating 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice, 500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at
soaking feet in the hot water bath 20-40 minutes at 22:00 15:00;
before going to bed; and drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice, 300-500
being in a deep sleep between 23:00 to 05:00.
4. The method of claim 3, wherein the Phase 4 treatment 15 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea, and a
comprises: Vegetable juice chosen from a celery just, an applejuice,
drinking 300-500 ml of water at 10-50° C. after getting up a carrot juice, a pear juice, a cabbage juice, and a kiwi
at 05:00; juice at 16:00:
drinking 200-400 ml of tea brewed using 1 gram of Pro drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300
Health instant tea at 10-50° C. at 06:00: 500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram Pro-Health instant tea at
drinking or eating 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber, 0.9 10-50° C. at 17:00;
grams Pro-Health Revita vitamin, and 1.2 grams Pro drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 18:00;
Health calcium milk, and 2 grams Pro-Health spirulina, drinking or eating 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice,
2 grams American ginseng, 1 gram instant tea, 2 gram 8 grams Pro-Health Super Fiber, 0.9 gram Pro-Health
Pro-Health Lecithin-E, and 2 grams Pro-Health Colos 25 Revita Vitamin, 2 gram Pro-Health spirulina, 1 gram
trum with 200-400 ml water at 10-50° C., and 50-300 ml Pro-Health instant tea, 2 grams Pro-Health Lecithin-E,
of the sunflower seedling juice at 07:00; and 2 grams Pro-Health Colostrum with 200-400 boiled
drinking 50-300 ml of a sunflower seedling juice at 08:00; water at 19:00;
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice at 09:00: drinking 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice at 20:00:
drinking 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice and 300 30 drinking 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice at 21:00:
500 ml tea brewed with 1 gram of Pro-Health instant tea drinking or eating 50-300 ml of the barely seedling juice,
at 10-50° C. at 10:00; soaking feet in the hot water bath 20-40 minutes at 22:00
drinking or eating 100-500 ml of the wheat seedling juice, before going to bed; and
300-500 ml of the sunflower seedling juice, 8 grams being in a deep sleep between 23:00 to 05:00.
Pro-Health Super Fiber, 5 grams Pro-Health multifiber,

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