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Scenario 1:

Imagine that you are a coordinator at your University’s Career Development Center that
oversees job fairs. You are your team were approached by a group of students who expressed
concern that members of the LGBT+ community would be less likely to attend the job fair
because of the idea that they would not be welcome because of their sexual identity. They
provided an example of a male student who was still exploring his identity, and was worried that
it may impact his changes with potential employers.

As a team, brainstorm what you can do to ensure a welcoming environment at future job OR is
there new programming you can implement to address this issue?
Scenario #2:

As the director of your University’s health center, you and your team have been tasked with
pushing out a new health education campaign to the campus. You and your team have worked
together to create marketing materials that addresses health education that addresses
heterosexual and LGBT+ identities. However, a recent string of emails have come to you from a
number of students who feel left out of this messaging because they do not identify as
heterosexual or fit into one of the traditional LGBT identities.

With your team, come up with some ideas of how you could address messaging that would
apply to all students of varying sexual identities.
Scenario #3:

You have just arrived on campus as the director for your University’s Cross Cultural and Gender
Center. You have met with your colleagues, who have given an overview of your university, and
the support services that are already in place for minoritized students. However, you are
surprised to learn that students have approached your team members and expressed a lack of
knowledge of who they could talk to discuss exploring their sexual identity in a safe space.
Because nothing has put in place at your University, you and your team are tasked with
developing a “campus connection” service for students of ALL sexual identities.

Together, brainstorm what this could look like for students who are questioning their sexual
identity (You can build on top of what you know is offered through your current CCGCs, OR what
you would like to see implemented).

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