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© Stevie Schafer 2020

A Rightful Return

A D&D® One Shot Adventure for a party of After traveling half the globe, the artefact
4-6 level 3 players. eventually found its way into the collection
of Vaelen Simpamina’s grandfather in
Introduction Neverwinter.

A Rightful Return is a DUNGEONS & Vaelen believes many of her grandfather’s

DRAGONS® adventure designed for a single artefacts were stolen from their original
session of around 4-6 hours of play. The owners and is hiring groups of adventurers
combat encounters have been calculated to to return them.
present a tough challenge to four 3rd level
characters. They will present a less difficult,
though still enjoyable, challenge to 4th level
Adventure Outline
characters or larger parties.
Chapter 1: Handpicked for the Job. The
Unless stated otherwise, assume all NPCs party have made a small impression in
have the stats of a commoner. Neverwinter as people who can get things
done. Vaelen Simpamin summons them to
Unless otherwise stated, all monsters are her estate to give them the job. She is also
from the Monster Manual. testing their suitability for future jobs.

Chapter 2: Travelling to Westbridge. The

party encounter troubles with their cart (if
Adventure Background
they hire one) and meet a mysterious
300 years ago, the silver dragon Sorata fortune teller.
travelled from the outer plane of Bitopia to
the material plane through a portal she Chapter 3: Hiring Emberlee. In
herself had made. Sorata enjoyed the Westbridge they can hire a guide by the
company of the small folk of the material name Emberlee to lead them to an old trail.
plane so much that she spent more and
more time amongst them. One day, a Chapter 4: The Kryptgarden Forest. The
magical artefact that powered her portal to Forest the party must traverse is covered in
Bitopia was stolen, preventing her ability to a disorienting mist that will try to
return home. Sorata quested for a hundred bamboozle the players.
years but did not find it.
Chapter 5: The Forgotten Temple.
Growing old and tired, Sorata eventually Eventually they find an old stone temple.
returned to the temple the humans had The temple contains puzzles, traps and
built for her, raised various defenses and guardians designed to keep unworthy
shut herself away, hoping that one day, travelers out.
honorable folks would return the artefact to

© Stevie Schafer 2020

After completing the temple's challenges,

the party meet the Ancient Silver Dragon
named Sorata. Should the party give Sorata
her artefact, she rewards them and uses it
to head home.

Chapter 6: Returning to Neverwinter.

The party then return to Vaelen Simpamin
with their journal and depending on how
long they took, she may have jobs for them
in the future.

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Chapter 1: Hand Picked for the Job


The party begins this adventure in She discovered the artefact’s provenience
Neverwinter, but you could alter the thanks to a throwaway line in a traveler's
location to suit your setting. News has been journal.
spreading of the party’s reliability, and they
are sent for by a gnomish woman named However, the portion of the Forest where
Vaelen Simpamin. the artefact is from is shrouded in a
disorienting and permanent fog. Local folks
The party receives a letter from Vaelen. avoid it.

Please read or paraphrase text in boxes. Vaelen will pay good coin if an adventuring
party can fulfill the request.
“I have word that you are a trustworthy
group of adventurers. I’m looking to hire Arriving at Vaelen Simpamin’s
folks like you for ongoing work. Please
come to my home in the Terrace District
The three-story terrace house is in a
before midday. It is the house with the
moderately wealthy district. The front
blue door. - Warm regards, Vaelen
garden is well manicured with roses and
there’s a low wrought iron decorative
fence that separates the house from the
It is assumed that at least one member of street. The door is a deep blue.
the party knows this city fairly well, but if
not, they must succeed on a DC 11 A human servant answers the door and
Intelligence (Investigation) check or speak leads them to the library to await the
to a local NPC and succeed on a DC 11 arrival of Vaelen.
Charisma (Persuasion) check to locate the
house. The drawing room has large floor to
ceiling bookshelves and comfortable
reading chairs of red velvet.
Vaelen Simpamin
Vaelen Simpamin is a gnome who inherited
a large wealth of artefacts from her The party won’t be waiting long before
grandfather. Convinced that these artefacts
Vaelen makes her entrance.
belong back with their rightful owners or in
their original locations at least, she is on the
lookout for a trusty band of adventurers to A gnomish woman with warm brown skin
employ. and long blue flowing robes enters the
library, she smiles warmly.

The first job she has is returning an artefact “Welcome! I’m Vaelen Simpamin, you may
to Kryptgarden Forest. have heard of my grandfather Geradinus
Simpamin, a famous adventurer and
collector of artifacts. Please, I’ve heard

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Draconic, they must succeed on an

much about you, but I would like to hear
it directly from you.” Intelligence Check to be able to read the
following ‘Join-ed/ing – Across/Crossing’

Invite the player characters to introduce

She’ll hand it over to the group cautiously.
themselves to Vaelen. After some discussion
over tea, Vaelen will eventually entrust the
party with the job. She’ll have her servant “I have done my research and I believe
fetch the item in question. this artefact was stolen approximately
300 years ago from a location somewhere
in the Kryptgarden Forest. About 13 days
travel from here on foot, faster if you have
About Vaelen and her family:
If the party ask about her history and how
she came by the artefact, here’s what she’s “Since it was taken, there have been
willing to share: stories of a thick fog over the forest. I’m
asking for you to keep a journal of your
Over Geradinus’s long life, he acquired a adventure and return it to me for
large number of artifacts. Many of them preservation in the library.”
outright stolen - either by his adventuring
party or bought from other adventurers,
thieves and scoundrels.
She’ll hand over a leather bound blank
journal and pen. These are magical, and she
While these items contributed a significant
will know if the party haven’t returned the
amount to her family fortune, Vaelen
orb to its rightful place.
believes that it is morally wrong to hold
onto them. She wishes to repatriate as many
artifacts as she can. “I’m also hoping for a reliable and timely
group for ongoing work. You have three
To date this has taken a lot of research. tenday to complete the job. Do we have a
Most of the time, the items have no deal?”
documentation. However sometimes a lead
proves fruitful.
Upon accepting the job reveal the following
information based on what happens next.
The Package
The servant returns with a small box and
hands it to Vaelen. Vaelen will open it to
• Return the artefact and hand your
reveal a semi-translucent spherical artefact,
completed journal back to Vaelen in
like a large marble, that fits in a human-
sized hand.
• The party has three tendays to
complete the job or forfeit the final
Half of the sphere is filled with what looks
like twisted vines and overgrown forest.
The other half looks like a well-tamed
Important notes:
garden. Around the center, bisecting the
two halves is a silver band, embossed with
proto-draconic runes. If anyone can read

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Vaelen uses the journal to verify their story. Hiring a Cart

The party must complete a journal or they
The travel time to Kryptgarden Forest is
will not be paid.
approximately 13 days on foot.
DMs – party need to mention writing in the
If they buy a cart and 2 horses, that
journal at least 3 times over the course of
shortens it to approximately 9 days each
the adventure.
Failure to complete the mission might also
Cost to buy horses and a cart:
mean the party need to reimburse Vaelen to
150 gp for 2 horses
the sum of 3,000 GP (the estimated value of
15 gp for the cart
the orb).
2 sp for feed
The players must succeed on the following
50 gp for expenses and 400 gp upon
Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma
(Intimidation) checks to reduce the costs by
the following amounts:
About the sphere:
● DC 11 - reduced by 5 gp
If the party casts Comprehend Languages:
● DC 15 - reduced by 10gp
The spell fails because it is arcane sigils, not
● DC 20 - reduced by 15 gp (cart for
a language.
If the party casts Detect Magic: It has a
conjuration aura. Tracking the Adventure
See Appendix A for a day tracker which you
If the party casts Identify: It resists may wish to use.
identification, as if it’s being shielded.

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Chapter 2: Travelling to Westbridge


Cart Trouble When they approach, he will say:

Each day, roll 1d6. On a 5 or 6, they
experience cart trouble. “Ho there, travelers! My name is Himo.
My Lady calls to me and says I should
Roll 1d6 on the Cart Trouble Table: invite one of you for a reading.”

1 A puddle that looked okay to go Should they oblige, he will say, "Cost is but a
through caught the wheels and donation.”
now your cart is bogged. (DC 20
Strength check to push/pull the About Himo
cart out of the bog – players can Himo is a devotee of the Goddess of
reduce the DC by 5 by creating Divination, Dreams, Travel & Death. He is
ramps or with a successful DC 12
on a mission to help as many travelers as he
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.
After a failed try, they eventually can through providing them with hidden
get the cart out of the mud, but wisdom.
they lose half a day.
The Fortune
2 A horse rolls their ankle. Players The fortune teller’s reading is cryptic and
can use cure wounds or a
vague at best (but could be read many ways,
successful DC 15 Wisdom
(Medicine) check to heal the depending on the players), but they all
wound. However, the horse is now relate to later points in the quest. The group
slower than walking pace. may only get one reading from the fortune
teller total each day.
3 One Bandit Captain, Three
Bandits and 2 Wolves try to
commandeer the cart. Instruct the player having their fortune told
to roll a d12 to “pick a card” then choose the
4 A rock cracks one of the wheels. corresponding number from the Fortune
It’ll hold for 1d4 days. Card Table:
5 The axel snaps after being jostled
over a nasty rock. Irreparable. 1 The Hand 7 The Rose
“The Hand “Ah, the Rose.
6 One of the wheels breaks - can be signifies that in A card that
replaced by the spare, but will take order to find signifies
time. (DC 12 Dex check to fix). something, you longing. I’m
must ask for sensing that
help. My lady someone is
tells me you will longing for
The Travelling Fortune Teller need help to find the sweet
On the road to the Kryptgarden Forest, the your way.” scents of
party encounters a half-orc who has set up a
table with a purple cloth over it. He is 2 The Eye 8 The Boot
shuffling a deck of cards. “The eye. Ah yes, “The Boot is a

© Stevie Schafer 2020

the eye. You are card of But here I’m they do to

seeking belonging. In seeing an empty others. And
something. My your case, the spoon… one no some keys
lady wants you boot doesn’t longer capable look more like
to know that fit. Could it be of self-reliance.” keys than
two sets of eyes that the foot others.”
searching is or the boot is
more wrong? I 5 The Cup 11 The Door
advantageous cannot see “You carry the “The door
than one.” more, I’m cup of water to that is sought
sorry.” add to the is currently
pitcher. I’m shut. But can
3 The Cloak 9 The Beetle sorry. I know be open with
“The cloak “The Beetle. A not what it fully the right key.”
signifies things wily card. I means.”
that are hidden see a silver
or in need of beetle who 6 The Pitcher 12 The Chest
protection. In cannot fly. “Someone’s “Something
your case my Whose wings pitcher is nearly valuable has
lady says that have been empty. Without been kept
what you seek is plucked off by more water, hidden. In this
hidden for its an they may not case, I’m
own protection.” impertinent survive.” sensing that
youth.” something
very valuable
4 The Spoon 10 The Key has been kept
“The spoon “The key is all from where it
usually signifies about belongs for a
that someone something of very long
has self-reliance. importance. time.”
That the Some keys
answers they matter more
seek are within. to some than

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Chapter 3: Hiring Emberlee


It will take the party about 11 days on foot Arlo

to reach Westbridge, the closest settlement Human. Owns the general store. All prices
to the Kryptgarden Forest, or 8 days with are moderately inflated.
horse and cart.
Most will need to restock on rations in Owns the cart repair store. She is
Westbridge as base amounts (10 days per Emberlee’s wife.
person) will have already been consumed
unless they picked up more supplies before Daran - herbalist. He sells probably
they left Neverwinter. ineffectual tinctures and ointments.

Westbridge is a travel stop on the road that Finding Emberlee

passes the eastern edge of Kryptgarden
Asking around the town will lead them to
Forests. Most families and residents here
the Cart Repair shop.
make money servicing travelers and
providing for the small populace.
The Cart Repair shop looks more like a
Key Locations in Westbridge: small cottage with carts in various stages
● The Wandering Mountain Inn of repair in the front garden. A burly half
orc woman with dark black hair pulled
● The General Store
back and a tattoo of a bee on her neck is
● Herbalist working on repairing a broken wheel.
● Cart repair Something snaps and she curses like a
● Small shrine to Lathander sailor.
● Small shrine to Tymora
If the party greets her, asks for Emberlee,
Key NPCs in Westbridge she'll warmly invite them inside.

Emberlee is a halfling scout. She’s the only
The cottage is cluttered with trinkets. The
one who’s explored the rim of the fog in the
narrow hallway is cluttered with side
Kryptgarden Forests and can guide the
tables filled with knick-knacks. The walls
party to the start of a path they need to take
have collections of plates with painted
in order to reach their destination.
vignettes of the region.

White dragonborn innkeeper. Should the A player with a Passive Perception score of
players discuss their intentions with him, 12 or more will notice a few of them are of a
he’ll reveal that: misty forest.
● It’s hard to find the misty area of the
forest without a guide. If the players ask, the plates were painted
● If the players ask who can guide by Emberlee.
them, he’ll point them to Emberlee.

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Fifna will step outside and fetch Emberlee The players will need to negotiate with
from the back yard. The players can meet Emberlee to guide them to the forest. She
her and discuss terms. isn’t unwilling, but they may wish to try and
haggle with her rates.
A 3’3” halfling woman with brown skin,
curly brown hair stomps into the kitchen Cost to hire Emberlee is 2 gp per day. It will
from the back door. She frowns at you all only take her one day to take the group
as if sizing you up. She’s dressed in where they need to go.
brown leathers and a green cloak, a bow
strapped across her back. “Apologies, I If they want her to wait, it’ll cost them that
was just fletching some new arrows.
rate per day.
What can we help you with?”

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Chapter 4: The Kryptgarden Forest

Fail: They get lost. Lose 1 day and 1 day’s
The south-western tip of the Kryptgarden rations each. They do eventually find the
Forest has been permeated by a thick and path again.
disorienting fog for around 300 years.
Check 2
Once Emberlee leads them to the The players must succeed on a DC 14
Kryptgarden Forest and to the pathway that Wisdom (Survival) check.
leads into the mist, she’ll leave them there. Success: Keep on the path and find a camp
No amount of money or bargaining can of a dead adventurer with a small amount of
sway her into following the adventures on coin - 5 gp and 10 sp.
what she thinks is a foolhardy mission. Fail: Get lost in the mist. Lose 2 days and 2
days rations each. Two Dire Wolves begin
Emberlee believes that at best - they’ll get hunting them as well. The Wolves will
turned around, lost for days and emerge in attack when the party settles down for
a completely different place from where either a short or long rest.
they started. At worst, they’ll run out of
rations and die in the Forest. Check 3
The players must succeed on a DC 15
The players must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Wisdom (Perception) check to determine Success: You see a dark looming structure
that the fog tastes vaguely like metal. If they ahead of you in the mist. A building in the
succeed with a result of 22 or more, they’ll mist appears before you.
be able to ascertain that it tastes like silver. Fail: You all feel a slight tug on your coin
pouches. Invisible fairies have stolen 2d6 gp
The Kryptgarden Forest from each player, replacing them with
polished river stones. Looking up from
checking your pouches, you no longer know
where you are.
Navigating the Kryptgarden Forest is tricky
in all this fog and will require successive
Lose 1 day and 1 day of rations.
skill checks. Failure will have consequences.
Even after three failures, they will finally
Check 1
come to the Forgotten Temple - lighter on
The players must succeed on a DC 12
days, rations and/or gold.
Wisdom (Survival) check.
Success: If the characters succeed, they
continue on the path, no issue.

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Chapter 5: The Forgotten Temple


In this chapter, the party explore The No specific item is needed. If you feel like
Forgotten Temple to try and return the they’ve understood the concept and offered
artefact. something close enough, then the doors
The Temple was build by Sorata’s followers
300 years ago. If the players try to force the door open
instead of solving the puzzle, they must
succeed on a DC 30 Strength check.
A long stone building emerges from the
mist. The exterior has aged moss clinging
to it. The Long Walk

There is an archway that is open and

A long corridor opens before you.
leads into an antechamber.
You see two sets of armor standing
regally near the entrance. At the very end
of the corridor is a rusted looking
Entrance portcullis - it is closed.

One of the walls near the portcullis seem

A small, 10 ft square room stone room to have art on it
opens up before you. There are high arch
windows which the fog outside gently
Two Animated Suits of Armor:
The party must succeed on a DC 11
On one wall, you see engravings of wild
Dexterity (Stealth) check to pass the
forests, while the other depicts calm,
animated suits of armor without them
orderly gardens. And in front of you are a
set of stone double doors.
If anyone in the party fails the check, the
Beneath each of the carvings sits a stone
suits of armor will come to life and attack.
pedestal topped with a bowl.
Opening the portcullis
Opening the doors
At the end of the hall, there is a large forest
The players will need to place objects that painting on the wall. Out of the painting
symbolize the engravings on each wall into come one Orange Faerie Dragon and one
their respective bowls. Yellow Faerie Dragon.

E.g. a fallen leaf or a twig for the wall with The Faerie Dragons are hiding the switch
the “wild” engravings whereas a that opens the portcullis. They can either be
a coin or something crafted is a suitable persuaded that the adventurers mean them
offering for the “civilized” wall. no harm.

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Two Guard Drakes (Volo’s Guide to

The Faerie Dragons only speak Draconic Monsters) awaken when they hear the
and Sylvan and they will demand shiny portcullis begin to close and attack the
things, nice things e.g. coins, gems, jewelry party.
etc., and a successful DC 15 Charisma
(Persuasion) check to reveal the hidden When the Guard Drakes are defeated a
switch. stone hatch in the roof will open and one
Guard Wyvern (see Appendix B) will
Should the players choose to fight or they descend and fight to the death.
fail the Persuasion check, once both Faerie
Dragons are dead, their energies will be Once all guardians have been defeated, a
sucked back into the paintings and the stone door in the floor will slide open,
switch next to the portcullis will be revealing a set of stairs leading down.
The Inner Sanctum
The trapped switch
The switch is trapped and can be disarmed
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (thieves’ Two burning sconces illuminate the
space. A small ornate pedestal with an
tools) check.
orb-shaped depression sits in the middle
of the room.
If the switch is not disarmed, then there’s a
hissing sound and everyone needs to Huddled in a corner but taking up most of
succeed on a DC 11 Constitution Saving the space is a gigantic figure. The silver
throws or take 1d10 cold damage, half on a scales glint and dance in the light.
successful save.
The Ancient Silver Dragon opens her eyes
and turns to look at you all.
Beyond the portcullis

The next room is entirely dark. If anyone

Sorata, the Ancient Silver Dragon
has darkvision or can provide a light source,
then get them to roll a DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check. If they succeed, then ● Sorata is originally from the Twin
the characters notice two sleeping reptilian Paradises of Bitopia - a plane of
figures (Guard Drakes) at the back of the contrasts. She was curious about
chamber. other planes and built herself a
planar transport.
When the party go through the portcullis,
read this: ● She enjoyed spending time on the
Material Plane, but her device for
travel was stolen by one of the folks
The portcullis grinds closed behind you. A from this world and hidden from
large square room with pillars lining the
walls stands before you.

There are no lights and no windows. ● She spent time searching for it but
being so far from home drained her

© Stevie Schafer 2020

● Realizing that she might not find it

in time, she hibernated and hoped After this, Sorata will put the artefact in the
that someone in the goodness of pedestal and return to her plane.
their heart would return it to her.
With a silver claw, Sorata places the
● In her weakened state, she was artefact into the pedestal.
afraid that if she was found by
someone unworthy, they would kill The globe begins to spin slowly, gaining
The hemisphere’s become blurred,
● Knowing only a powerful group of indistinct from each other. There is a
adventurers could return the sudden tearing sound – like fabric
artefact, she used nearly all of her ripping.
last reserves to summon guardians
The air rends around the pedestal apart
to protect her while she slept.
in a flash of bright white light.

● She then barricaded herself in the Sorata faces it. She bows her head
Inner Sanctum and sunk it beneath solemnly.
the earth.
“I hope we meet again, friends. Thank
Upon meeting the travelers and seeing the you.”
artefact, Sorata will thank them and explain
She steps through, her ancient draconic
that she wants to offer them a reward. body disappearing into the bright light.
Lastly the tip of her tail disappears.
Sorata crafted four magical vials for her
guardians to give them a little more The hole in the fabric of reality closes
protection and will offer these as well as the together. The pedestal remains, but the
artefact is gone.
last of her loot that she brought with her
from across the planes.

● Four Periapts of Health.
● Three diamonds worth 100 gp each.

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Chapter 6: Returning to Neverwinter


After returning the artefact to Sorta and She’ll pay them, but if they took longer than
seeing her travel home, the players will 30 days, she probably won’t call on them for
need to take the journal of their adventures work again.
to Vaelen Simpamin to collect their pay.
The end!
The players can take as little (or as much
time) as they like to return to Neverwinter,
but remind them of Vaelen’s deadline.

If they deliver within the thirty-day time


“Ah, welcome back. You have all proven

yourself to be incredibly competent
adventurers. You have made my short list
for work.”

She will chat with them over tea and say

that she will contact them in the future for
more work in the near future.

If they deliver outside the thirty-day

time limit:

“Ah, welcome back. I’m very grateful for

your hard work in returning the artefact.
Please, sit down, tell me of your
adventure and what took you so long?”

When they explain, she’ll quietly listen, and

nod thoughtfully.

Once they’ve finished, she’ll thank them.

“I understand the difficulties and

unforeseen events that happen in the

Thank you very much. I’ll be in touch if I

have any more work for you.”

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Credits & Legals Adventurers League, all other Wizards of

the Coast product names, and their
Design: Stevie Schafer respective logos are trademarks of Wizards
of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
All characters and their distinctive
Proofing: Andrew Thurley
likenesses are property of Wizards of the
Cover artwork: © 2019 Kari Kawachi, used Coast. This material is protected under the
copyright laws of the United States of
with permission. All rights reserved.
America. Any reproduction or unauthorized
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of use of the material or artwork contained
herein is prohibited without express
the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon
ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Appendix A: Day Tracker

Day 1 Day 11 Day 21 Day 31

Day 2 Day 12 Day 22 Day 32

Day 3 Day 13 Day 23 Day 33

Day 4 Day 14 Day 24 Day 34

Day 5 Day 15 Day 25 Day 35

Day 6 Day 16 Day 26 Day 36

Day 7 Day 17 Day 27 Day 37

Day 8 Day 18 Day 28 Day 38

Day 9 Day 19 Day 29 Day 39

Day 10 Day 20 Day 30 Day 40

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Appendix B: Wyvern Guard

Large Dragon, unaligned
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 80
Speed 20ft, fly 80ft


19(+4) 10(+0) 16(+3) 5(-3) 12(+1) 6(-2)

Skill Perception +4
Senses Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception
Languages -
Challenge 5

Multiattack. The wyvern makes two
attacks: one with its bite and one with its
stinger. While flying, it can use its claws in
place of one other attack.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach

10ft., one creature. Hit: 1d6+4 piercing

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit.

Reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+4 slashing

Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,

reach 10ft, one creature. Hit: 1d6+4
piercing damage. The target must make a
DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6
poison damage on a failed save, or half as
much on a successful one.

© Stevie Schafer 2020

Appendix C: Map


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