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AVN ee sin BLAGKSTOWE a R TRE ey9 INTRODUCTION After each expedition, the battered explorers can return to Precipice to rest and recuperate, and plan future expeditions into the Blackstone Fortress. Over the course of several expeditions, they will discover enough information to attack the strongholds that surround the hidden vault, and finaly to enter the hidden vault itself. PRECIPICE expedition into the deadly confines of but ifthey can reach ther destination Mifetpieelipscerctindde © Elcistee Rectal and overcome its defences, one clos together aa ort of port cy of them willbe able to claim the located nearby one ofthe Blackstone However asthe explorer carry out mysterious prize tha lies hidden at Fortress known apertures, where more and more expeditions, the the vaults heat ‘lable archetech canbe bartered. Blackstone Fortes ite wl start to This forlorn an isolated outpost is learn more abou the intruders. As known simply as Precipice it does soit wll evolve in response to their actions, These legacies Precipice isa city only in thecrudest will have an effect on all sense ofthe word. Its core has future expeditions into been cobbled together from the the mysterious craft, wreckage of ancient craft that orbit making them inereasingly the Blackstone Fortress, and newly more dangerous, arrived and stll-functioning erat ‘moor onto its haphazard spars. It is THE STRONGHOLDS more like a fortified camp than a true The explorers are on a quest to city a formation of vessels that offer locate and enter a vault hidden deep collective protection against possible within the Blackstone Fortres, Before intruders and close proximity forthe they can reac it, however, they will exchange of goods and services. need to find, attack and conquer the four strongholds that Bach craft docked with Precipice surround it is till largely self-reliant, but trade is conducted both for practical Each stronghold represents a deadly reasons and to cater tothe explorers’ challenge for the explorers, even various vices. Tere is no lave oF ‘more dangerous than the combat government, and the inhabitants encounters and challenges that have are constantly looking to avoid come before The strongholds are well orto commit - backstabbing acts defended by many hostile opponents, of treachery. Basically, this isa and include a number of special dangerous place filled with dangerous challenges and protective devices that people looking to goto even more _the explorers will have to overcome dangerous locations. at the eame time. However, ifthey can do so, they will have cleared ‘After mounting an expedition, the _the obstacles that stop them from explorers can return to Precipice reaching the hidden vault, and will and the meagre safety it offers. Here beable to claim a powerful artefact. they can heal any wounds, trade hidden in the stronghold asa reward. the archeotech they have found for items that wil help them in future Once all four strongholds have ‘expeditions, and make use of the been attacked and conquered, the faclties aboard the spacecraft path tothe hidden vault will have ‘currently docked a the port. been cleared, and the explorers can ‘mount a final expedition that wil be Aer this period of recovery, the the culmination oftheir quest. The explorers can make use ofthe expedition tothe hidden vault will stasis chambers in their spacecraft. __be the most dangerous journey into Here they can wait untilthetimeis the Blackstone Fortress that the right for them to mount their next _ explorers have had to undertake, % PRECIPICE ‘The quest the explorers have undertaken will not be completed in a single expedition. Rather, the explorers will have to delve into the Blackstone Fortress several times, returning to Precipice between each expedition in order to rest and recover. PRECIPICE SEQUENCE OF PLAY ‘What the explorers do during their return to Precipice is dealt with by carrying out the following steps 1. Legacy step 2. Trading step LEGACY STEP ‘The legacy deckis shuffled by the leader and one card is drawn at random, The card that is drawn applies to all fature expeditions. If there are no legacy cards left (because they have all been drawn), then the explorers’ quest ends in failure Using Legacy Cards Dri fagy cat are placed face up in a ow beside the ee pe Sar We tat ocala Ftare expedition (og 7), Not that countdown cards have no ect ther than to reduce the amount oftime the explorers hae lef to find thehidden vault Between games you can store all of the legacy cards that have been drawn inthe databank plastic sleeve provided with the game, Simply lide all of the cards into the sleeve ‘when you pack up the game, At the stat of your next ‘laying session, take the cards from the sleeve and set them up beside the Precipice board as described earlier. ‘CHAOS BEASTMEN LEGACY, Pas Ss FORTRESS Databank HEIGHTENED THREAT LEVEL nmoainno3 ‘couwroown oe Legacy Card (back) New Threats Fortress Upgrade Countdown TRADING STEP In this step ofthe Precipice sequence, the explorers that took part in the expedition can travel to one of the spacecraft located at Precipice in order to trade the archeotech that they have recovered for resources. While they are visiting the spacecraft they can also make use of its special facilites. First, turn each spacecraft to is facilites sie, Each spacecraft has an associated set of resource cards, The leader takes the resource deck for each spacecraft currently at Precipice, sufles each deck separately, and then places, the top three cards from each deck face up ina row beside the appropriate spacecraft. These three cards are the resources that are currently available at that spacecraft Should the resource deck fora spacecraft ever run out, simply deal out as many cards as possible, Any remaining resource cards are put back inthe game box. “Then, in leader order, each explorer who tok part in the expedition can travel toa single spacecraft to use its facilities and trade with it, Place the explorer’s miniatuze on the spacecraft they are trading with, and completely resolve trading for that explorer as described below. Rein & Raus ‘must visit the same spacecraft, and are treated asa single explorer for the purposes ofthe following rules, | | ) Lge First, the explorer can use the spacecraft facilities. Note that an explorer does not have to use the facilities ofa spacecraft ifthey do not want to, ‘The explorer can then trade by converting one or more of their archeotech cards into trading points (the explorer ‘keeps any archeotech cards that they do not convert) The number of trading points an archeotech card is worth is shown atthe bottom of the card. The trading points can be ‘used to purchase one or more resource cards available atthe spacecraft. The total value of the resource cards purchased :must be less than or equal othe total number of trading points. Add I to the number of trading points an explorer bas when they trade on a spacecraft they are based on. Any unused trading points are lost atthe end ofthe trading step. Place any resource cards tha are purchased next to the ‘explorers character card, and shufle the archeotech cards that were converted into trading points back into the discovery deck. Note that taking resource cards will reduce the amount of resources available to any other explorers that trade with that spacecraft later inthe same trading step, The next explorer then visits a spacecraft and trades with it, and so on until all ofthe explorers have had a chance to trade, The trading step is then over, aay Nee In the trading step, Janus Draik travels to his own spacecraf, the Vanguard, During the expedition, he has collected two pieces of archeotech, one with a value of I, and the other with a value of2. First, he uses the Commerce Lounge facility hoping to beable to convert the {point archeotech card into something ‘more valuable, Sadly even with his reroll he fails to roll 16 or more on the Blackstone dice, and so is not able to exchange the card. Next he trades for resources His archeotch i worth 3 trading points, 0 wich he adds 1 because he is trading on s his own ship, giving him a grand total of 4 trading points o spend. He considers purchasing both the Hellfire Shells and Melta Bomb (which have a combined cost of 4), but nally sete for the Drakeskin Cloak, as it provides « permanent bonus. Using Resource Cards Any resource cards that are purchased by an explorer are placed beside the explorers character card, Should an txplorer be placed in assis chamber (pg 7) their resource cards remain with them. Bach resource card will sy how and when it can be used. The use ofa resource card is always optional, and an explorer can choose not to use a resource if they wish to save it for later on in an expedition. Ifa resource card allows an explorer to take an action that has an activation dice cost shown on the resource card, the explorer must spend an activation dice of that value or more in addition to using the resource card ‘Most resource cards must be discarded when they are used; if thisis the case, shufle the discarded resource card back Into the deck of resource cards it originally came from. Other resource cards are exhausted when they are used if this is. the case, the card cannot be used again in the same turn of combat ~ place the card face down as a reminder ofthis, and turn it face up atthe start of the next turn. All other resource cards provide permanent bonus. Explorers on the same expedition ate allowed to exchange with each other (or give away) discovery cards, resource ‘ards andor stronghold artefact cards in the leader step of| ‘each exploration round (see page 11 ofthe Rules booklet) Inaddition, explorers can exchange with each other (or give way) resource cards and/or stronghold artefact cards a the start ofthe expedition, ate setup is complete but before the fist round begins, and at any time while they are at Precipice. LEADER POINTS THE NEXT EXPEDITION LEADER POINTS (OPTIONAL) The players can ifthey wish, record the leader points they score during an expedition on the leader table on the previous page. Doing so makes fora more competitive game, and will allow you to see which player i doing the best. (Once the Precipice sequence is complete, the players can choose to mount a new expedition immediately or arrange atime and date to meet up again to continue the explorers quest STASIS CHAMBERS Ifthe players decide to mount their next expedition at a future date rather than immediately each explorer’s character card and all ofthe explore’ cards are stored in ne of the stasis chamber plastic sleeves provided with the game. Simply slide ll ofthe cards into the sleeve when you pack up the game. At the stat of your nex playing session, if player picks that explorer to take part inthe expedition, they take the cards out ofthe sleeve and set them up beside the explorer’ character card No more than ten cards in total can be placed in a stasis chamber with an explorers character card Ifan explorer hhas more than ten cards, then enough cards must be returned to their decks to bring the total down to ten, PAUSING AN EXPEDITION ‘Stasis chambers and the databank can also be used to pause an expedition (see page 13 ofthe Rules booklet). To do so, pack the game away as you would at the end ofa plying session, but put in an explorer’ stasis chamber sleeve any ‘wound or grievous wound counters they have suffered, The remaining exploration cards are sid into the databank sleeve. Ian explorer was inspired, place them into the stasis chamber sleeve withthe inspced side oftheir card face up; otherwise, with the secret agenda side oftheir card face up. Atte start of the nex session, set up the game normally, but use the same explorers and do not create an exploration deck. Then place the wounds the explorers have suffered on their character cards, and return the remaining exploration cards to the Precipice board. Scoring Leader Points Tasca poh tre sone te eee ese ees Beers cad ce reine aerate vel the explorers they controlled di during an expedition, 2s described below Iaplayer controled more than one ‘explorer, they mus pick one of them ouse when working ‘oat how many leader points they score; the player other explorers do not score them any leader points tal [Add up the value ofthe archeotech cards the explorer received during the expedition, and add 3 tothe total foreach clue card they received. Add 6 to the total ifthe explorer is inspired. The total is the number of leader points the player scores. Note that archeotech and clues ‘only award leader points if they were discovered during the expedition, so you will want to keep any that the explorer had from previous expeditions separate if you are using the leader point rules. Ifthe player was the hostile player for an expedition, then they score 6 leader points for each explorer who is out of action in the legacy step, and add 3 points for each card let in the exploration deck a the end of the expedition, The {otal is the number of leader points the player scores Being The Leader ie ies ees ie eae este et cete atthe start ofeach expedition after theft isthe player who has the highest number ofleader points (select the leader normally ifthereis ti) Tn addition, the player with the highest numberof leader point at the end ofeach expedition i considered tobe the best player inthe group! \ Stasis chamber THE HOSTILES ‘Trapped within the shifting chambers of the Blackstone Fortress are all manner of murderous warriors, bloodthirsty beasts and defensive machines. As they seek to defend, escape or control their labyrinthine prison, these hosties sate their thirst for violence on the explorers who enter their domain. Obsidius Mallex Chaos Lord Traitor Guardsman with flamer ‘Traitor Guardsmen Traitor Guardsman with lasguns with grenades ‘Traitor Guardsman Traitor Guardsmen Sergeant with pistols and melee weapons VANGUARD CLARION THE EXPLORERS Halling from the distant corners ofthe galaxy, these explorers have braved great peril to reach the Blackstone Fortress. Yet the greatest dangers still le ahead of them, and they must set aside their together ifthey are to have any hope of survival. Adventuring inte the untnowon requires a delicate mit of caution and bolbvecs. Both are ossentiol but foo muck of one spoils he other entirely” Espern Locarno Imperial Navigator ‘Taddeus the Purifier Ministorum Priest Janus Draik Janus Draile Rogue Trader TRAVELLER “There ic more than one route to any destination We Navigators chow you the way, butmay keep Be best palk for ourzehes Espern Locarno =p ea) Pious Vorne ‘Missionary Zealot KRAVV'CHA'TO Lhunt and the fortrorc hunts aleo. Laat, and the Gortrece ents alco. Ltnow ny enemy, but what dots be bortrece brow?” Dahyak Grek - Dabyak Grekh Kroot Tracker % LONG HAULER GAMMA-3-8 UROS Rein & Raus x ae pee nade mars worlds maiden wort eragtnortde, ll f rick in wondare. Aheady £0 many lie broten, and Lear thal coon the darttnose will come Gar thoce at remain. Yet somehow, Brough 50 much horror this Blackstone Fortrece has remained sntouched Lact row hove Te bate of He elas may depend uponitl STEED OF MATHURIR ‘Amallyn Shadowguide Amallyn Shadowguide Asuryani Ranger EE THE DEATHM 1. Title: The name of the Stronghold 2. Introduction: A short description of what the explorers find when they reach the stronghold. It should be read out loud by the leader. {3. Map: The map shows the chambers that make up the stronghold, any portals or location ties that it has, the locations of the hostiles that are defending the stronghold, and any notes that will be needed to resolve the combat inthe stronghold. Note thatthe hostiles must be deployed in specific hexes rather than next toa discovery marker 4. Access Route: Information about how to set up the exploration cards that form the access route to the stronghold, 5, Hostile Groups: The hostiles that make up each hostile {group inthe stronghold, along with a two-letter key that shows where they are located on the map. ieee 6.Special Rules: All ofthe special rules that apply during, the combat that is fought in the stronghold. Make sure to ead all ofthe special rules carefully before you start the first combat turn. 7. Event Table: This event table is used in the event phase ‘of combats fought inthe stronghold, instead ofthe one from the Combat booklet. 8, Conquering the Stronghold: What the heroes must do in order to conquer the stronghold. ‘9, Rewards: The benefits the explorers receive they manage to conquer the stronghold, BLACKSTONE FORTRESS STRONGHOLD THE DEATHMAZE As the maglev chamber comes toa halt, you enter a twisted and warped chamber that at one point was the bridge of the ‘Chaos vessel Impaler. Above the bloodthirsty snarls of Chaos Beastmen and the profane shouts of Traitor Guardsmen, ‘you hear the distant bellowing voice of Obsidius Mallex, Lord of the Servants of the Abys. HOSTILE GROUPS A reseemene en ieee ten A, Teaitor Guardsmen with Lasguns, Pistols and Melee Weapons or Grenades (TG) 2 Traitor Guardsmen Sergeants (T 2 Traitor Guardsmen with Famers (TF) A. 4 xeqavott Cats (NO) A, 1220 Bexsen C8) Shuffle all of the cards inthe exploration deck and deal our to create the acess route exploration deck The ploers reach the stronghold after the fourth exploration ard has been resolved. SSS Grinding Chamber (GC): Te Grinding Chamber location tile (se the map) i turned 60 degrees clockwise atthe end of ‘each event phase, unless noted atherwise on the event table. @®¢.@ Rotate 60° Before After Bodyguards: Ifa wound or grievous wound is suffered by Obsidius Mallex, and there are any Chaos Space Marines adjacent to him, then the wound or grievous wound is instead suffered by one of those Chaos Space Marines (chosen by the hostile player) ‘Traitor Guardsmen: The group of Traitor Guardsmen In this stronghold has two Sergeants and two miniatures armed with «Flamer fan explorer completes an action in ne ofthe defensive ire hexes shown on the map tothe et, the closest visible Traitor Guardsman tothe explorer makes ‘one attack against that explorer. The attack takes place after the action that triggered it has been completed, but before the explorers next action if they have any actions left to take). This rule doesnot apply to Traitor Guardsmen that are reinforcements Last Stand: Until an explorer has entered the Grinding ‘Chamber hex, when Obsidius Mallex ota Chaos Space Marine is activated, they automatically take a Hold action, Until an explorer has entered the Grinding Chamber hex, ‘when a Traitor Guardsman is activated, they automatically take a Hold action if there are no explorers visible to them, and automatically take an Onslaught action in any ‘other circumstances, Make behaviour roll forthe Traitor ‘Guardsmen normally after any explorers have entered the Grinding Chamber hex. Protect the Warlord: Ifan explorer has entered the Grinding ‘Chamber hex, then starting from the following tun, reinforcements must deploy as close to Obsidius Mallex as possible, and the Traitor Guardsmen rule no longer applies to the Traitor Guardsmen, ‘There Can Be Only One: If Obsidius Mallex is sain, he cannot be deployed again during the attack on this stronghold. In addltion, the explorer that made the attack. that slew Obsidius Mallex eceves the Thunder Hammer stronghold artefact car, Daa ACh inimum of 0 1 _ | Alls Dust Each explorerloses 1 inspiration point, toa DTCC CTO | tmorder to conquer this stronghold, Obsidius ‘Mallex mast be slain, and al ofthe explorers | that are not out of action must bein the | magley transport escape chamber at the tart, the next tuen. Unfulfilled Destiny: Do not make a destiny roll atthe start of ofthe event phase Not Dead Yet: The leader mus pick one hostile that was lain CaN ‘The explorer that made the attack that slew the Chaos Space Marine Warlord will have received the Thunder Hammer stronghold artefact catd (ee above). In addition, roll 4-6 | during the combat nd has not returned tothe ball, and then deploy them as close to an explorer as possible 710 | Sending Chamber ans: Do notte te Grinding +10 | Chamber in this event phase ‘Grinding Chamber Aceeratex: The leader can choose 11-14 | Grinding Chamber rotates 60 degrees, 120 degrees or 180 degrees clockwise in this event phase 15-17 Inspiration: The leader picks an explorer. That explorer guins 1 inspiration point 18-19 ‘Heroic Effort The leader pics an explorer that i ou of aton, Deploy the explorer in the same hex as another explorer or as close to another explore as possible, and then make a vitality rol or them, IFno explorers are oat of action the leader picks an explorer Make a vitality soll or that explorer 0 [Lucky Find The leader picks an explorer. That explorer draws a discovery card. % destiny dice foreach explorer that took part, in the expedition, and add the result to the number of trading points the explorer has avaiable in the following Precipice sequence. Finally, add this strongholds card tothe legacy cards that apply in future expeditions, to serve as a reminder that it has been conquered. Wore ry ee s Coen vive wary \ BLACKSTONE FORTRESS STRONGHOLD DESCENT ‘The walls of the maglev transport chamber fold back, revealing a vast tetrahedral hall. Looking to the corners ofthe room, you see three triangular portals, each guarded by a group of heretical warriors. Whatever treasure is held inthis stronghold must lie behind one of those portals. | r eta Stairs Down, ee ea eae et) HOSTILE GROUPS enn decd eda Settee | [AL somone aaa Gpowimartnearenet_ | |A scanscamnen cco [Ad SShaespue martes Av Maier curse cr SESS Maglev Transport Arrival Chamber: The maglev teansport arrival chamber to this stonghold i at the centre of the "upper level, as shown on the map, It arrives by rising up through the for, and then al oft wale retract. All of the hexes on the chamber are treated as open hexes, and donot block ine of sight or provide cover, can ove ond essa isaoces from one Stirshex tothe other as if they were adjacent exes. Inadton, ‘explorers or hosts on one Stirs hex {te vse to any explores or hotles onthe other Stars hex | Hostile Groups: There are groups hostile on both levels ofthe stronghold (ono hostile gros, two A hose groups and two ote group) The lower-level hostile troup are not used unt an explorer fas entered ahexon the lowe level. Unt then, ony make reinforcement rolls for and activate the upper level tote group. Finding the Stairs Down: The | explorers startin the upper level ofthe Stronghold. To determine which poral bids the stairs, when the bated is rete, ake discovery mater (Aised A. Place them face down Sad shut them s0that you donot row which is whic, Then keeping the markers face down, place one beside ech ofthe portals onthe upper level To discover ifthe stairs are behind 4 portal an explorer must be ina hex adjacent to it and perform a Search (4+) action. The discovery marker then fipped over. ft is marker AQ or As thestarare not behind the poral and the markers discarded, fits marker Aavtt portal replaced with Stairs Down hex After an explorer has used the sais to the lower level, when the initiative 4 reinforcement roll and then activate the upper-level hostile group that «corresponds to the card fis, and then make a reinforcement rll and activate the lower eve hostile group. ayea ag All Is Dust Each explorer lses 1 inspiration point, toa minimam fo. ‘Unfulilled Destiny: Do not make a destiny rol at the tat ofthe "Not Dead Yet: The leader must pick one hostile that wae dain ding the combat and has not returned tthe battlefield, and then | Aeploy them as close to an explorer as possible ‘Stairs Blocked: Explorers and hosiles cannot move or atack from ‘one set of stairs tothe other st of stairs in the next tan, ‘Access Controls Breakthrough: One explorer in the Access ‘Controls hex can immediately take an Acces action without having tospend an activation dice Ifthere are no explorers in the hex, Wd ‘reat this a an Inspiration result instead, Inspiration: The leader picks an explorer Tht explorer gens 1 inspiration pot ‘Heroic Effort: The leader picks an explorer that is out of action Deploy the explorer inthe same hex as another explorer or as close to another explorer as possible, and then make a vitality rll for them. Ifn explorers are out of action, the leader picks an explorer. ‘Make a vitality rol for that explorer. 15-17 18-19 Lucky Find: The leader picks an explorer. That explorer draws @ discovery card. 0 Using the Stars: Explorers and hosts card fora hostile group i raven, make Lover evel Hostile Group | Reinforcement Roll: The lower-level | hostile groups do not start on the buted. In addition, the normal reinforcement able snot vsed for the | lower-level hostile groupe. Instead, | when a reinforcement rolls made for lower-level hostile group, on a roll of 1-10all ofthe hostiles from that group thatare not currently onthe battetild arrive a reinforcements, This includes allo the hosiles fom the group that have been slain, as wel as any that have not yet been setup. ‘Access Controls To use the access controls, an explorer must take an ‘Access (6+) action while in the Access Controls hex. The frst time the action istaken, place the access marker with its’ side face up in the hes. The second time the action i taken, ip the marker to its'2'side, The tied time ‘the action is taken, remove the marker and give the Power Cll stronghold telat card tothe explorer that took the action STC In order to conquer this stronghold, the explorers must have used the access controls as described above, and all ofthe explorers that have not been taken out of action must be in the magle transport chamber atthe start of the event phase. CaN The explorer that took the final Acess action to use the access controls will have received the Power Cel stronghold artefact card (see above). In adition, roll a destiny die for each explorer that took partin the expedition, and add the result to the number of trading points the explorer has available in the fllowing Precipice sequence. Finally add this | stongholds card othe legacy cards that | apply in ature expeditions to serve as reminder that it has been cong \ BLACKSTONE FORTRESS STRONGHOLD CORRIDOR OF DEATH You arrive at a broad chamber with tessellating ceiling panels that hang oppressively low. Echoing through the gloom, {you hear whispered words in a profane tongue, along with the wet, nasal clacking of a group of Ur-Ghuls lurking somewhere inthe darkness. eae SEY A. 2