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Una Semana en la

Proyecto de Unidad 4A
You will be designing an interactive Google
Map to give a tour of locations in a
Spanish-speaking city that will narrate the
ideal week in this town. Your choices will shape
your project, so follow each step carefully!
Parte 1: La Ciudad
Browse the list of major cities from Spanish-speaking countries. Choose one to be
your setting for the project. Highlight the one you choose.
Mexico D.F., Mexico Santiago, Chile
Madrid, España Caracas, Venezuela
Barcelona, España Ponce, Puerto Rico
La Habana, Cuba
Cusco, Peru
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cartagena, Colombia
Lima, Peru
Quito, Ecuador
Bogota, Colombia
Montevideo, Uruguay
Parte 1: La Ciudad
¿Por qué escogiste esta ciudad? Responde en inglés.

Why did you choose this city? Respond in English.

Parte 2: Hacer un Plan.
You have 2 choices on how to write your tour of this city. Read both and then
insert a circle shape around the one you will do.

Path 1: Path 2:

Imagine you are staying in You will narrate a typical

this city, either on vacation week of a native of this city.
or to study abroad. You will You will come up with their
narrate your week from the name and write in the 3rd
first person (I go). You will person (he or she goes). You
write about places you would will write about the places
go as a tourist. they go weekly as a native
Parte 2: Hacer un Plan
Consider which path you chose. What kind of locations would you visit?
Grammatically, what will be different in your writing? Think about what
pronouns/nouns you will use. What verb forms and conjugations will you use?
Parte 2: Hacer un Plan
Keeping in mind which path you chose, explore the Google Map of your chosen city
and list any location that interest you to include in your interactive tour.

How to Navigate Google Maps

Parte 2: Hacer un Plan
Narrow down your brainstorm to 5 locations to include in your map. You will need extra information
for your interactive map, so use this graphic organizer to plan them out. Fill this out in Spanish!

Nombre Tipo de Ubicación ¿Cuándo? ¿Con quién? ¿Por qué?

Cafe de Example Café Los sabados Mi amiga, Jessica Para tomar café y leer
Parte 2: Hacer un Plan
You will now write the sentences to narrate the perfect week in your chosen city, at least 3 sentences
for each of your 5 locations. Use your planning from slide 8 and keep in mind which path you chose
on slide 5. Later you will copy and paste these into your Map.

Cafe de Example

Los sabados, ellos van

al Cafe de Example.
Es su cafe favorito!
Ellos van con su
amiga, Jessica. Ellos
toman café y leen en
el café.

(I wrote this about

“they,” make sure
you write your
sentences to match
the path you chose
on slide 5.)
Parte 3: El Mapa
Now it’s time to take all your planning and put it into action! First view this video so
you have an idea of how to create your interactive map.
Parte 3: El Mapa
Now that you have an idea of how to navigate My Maps, it is time to create your map.
Follow the steps from the video (also written below) to complete your map.

1. Open up My Maps
2. Make sure you are logged in to your school gmail
3. Click “+Create a New Map”
4. Title your new map as your city’s name
5. Add a description “Tour de ______”
6. Search for your city in the search bar
7. Click on “untitled layer” and title it again as your city’s name
8. Search your first location
9. Click on it, “Click add to map” then click on the pencil (edit)
10. Copy and paste in your location description from slide 9
11. Add any photos you may want to add
12. Click Save
13. Repeat steps 8-12 for your other 4 locations
Parte 3: El Mapa
When you have completed your map, follow these steps to get a shareable link of it.
This is necessary so I can grade it and your classmates can explore it.

1. Make sure you have a title and

2. Click through yoru 5 locations to check
that they are saved with their
descriptions and any images you wanted.
3. Click “+share”
4. Click “enable link sharing”
5. Click the copy button (double paper)
6. Paste your link below ↡

Paste your link here. How to Create a My Map

Parte 4: La Prueba
As the final part of your project, you will be creating a Google Form to quiz your
classmates with. Using the questions words below, write 5 different questions about
your map in Spanish.
Parte 4: La Prueba
Now let’s make the Google Form. If you need help, I’ve attached a video below.

Your form should include:

1. A Title “Tour de Your City - Your Name”

2. A question asking for your participants
3. All 5 of your questions from slide 13 with
multiple choice options
4. Quiz elements (point value and correct
Create a Google Form

Paste your link here.

Parte 5: El Final
Congratulations! You have finished your project! All
that’s left is to complete this form to submit your
map/quiz and to reflect on your work.

El Final de Proyecto 4A

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