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Trip Generation and Parking Rates Manual

Emirate of Abu Dhabi

First Edition 2012


The Department of Transport (DoT) in Abu Dhabi is committed to delivering a transport system that contributes to the economic growth, quality of
life and environmental sustainability of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The creation of a world class transport system starts with an understanding of
the demand for travel to the various land uses within the Emirate. By collecting and sharing this important travel information, transport decisions
can be made which support and influence the future development of the Emirate.

In response to this need, the DoT has prepared this First Edition of the “Trip Generation and Parking Rates Manual for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
(ADTGM)”. Based on international best practices and extensive research and surveys undertaken into development trends in the Emirate, the
manual contains trip generation and parking demand rates for various land uses existing within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. These rates have been
obtained through the survey and analysis of nearly 400 different sites throughout the Emirate.

It is intended that this manual will provide assistance to a wide range of people including government agencies, developers, engineers and
architects. Through the appropriate use of this manual it will be feasible to forecast the transport impact and requirements of proposed developments,
ensuring that sufficient parking and infrastructure is provided to accommodate the needs of future visitors. The manual will also be a useful tool for
planners and policy makers in determining appropriate land uses for new development areas.

The Manual consists of two parts. Part 1 of this manual provides information on the processes followed in its development and detailed instructions
on how the manual should be used. Part 2 contains the trip generation and parking demand rates for each of the land uses adopted for the manual. It
is important to note that the parking rates contained in this manual are a reflection of the existing ‘parking demand’ for land uses in the Emirate of

Users of this manual are encouraged to read the guidance notes provided in Part 1 to ensure proper use is made of the trip generation and parking
demand rates data. Through the correct use of this manual, users will continue to support the development of an efficient transport system in the
Emirate of AbuDhabi.

Department of Transport
P.O. Box 20 Abu Dhabi, UnitedArab Emirates
Telephone: +971 2 6566 666 Fascimile: +971 2 6359 666

Preface i

Part 1 - Manual Overview

1. Introduction 01

2. Manual Development Process 03

3. Instructions on use of the Manual 15

4. Terminology 24

Part 2 - Trip Generation and Parking Demand Rates

1. Land use Group 100 - Commercial 31

2. Land use Group 200 - Office 78

3. Land use Group 300 - Residential 109

4. Land use Group 400 - Lodging 150

5. Land use Group 500 - Institutional 160

6. Land use Group 600 - Recreational 200

7. Land use Group 700 - Industrial 213

8. Land use Group 800 - Medical 223

9. Land use Group 900 - Transport 236

Contents ii
Part 1 - Manual Overview
1.1 Introduction

1. Background
In recent decades the Emirate of Abu Dhabi has emerged as a global destination experiencing substantial growth in commerce, industry,
international trade and tourism. This rapid growth has attracted many visitors to Abu Dhabi, helping to create a rich and diverse society. At the
same time, the Emirate has sought to preserve its national and cultural identity which is evident today in the varied lifestyles existing in Abu Dhabi,
Al Ain and other centres within theEmirate.

The vision of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, is to continue to build a confident
and sustainable society with a globally competitive economy. Key to this vision is the creation of a world class transport system supporting the
efficient movement of both people and materials as set out in the DoT’s 2030 Surface Transport Masterplans prepared for Abu Dhabi City, Al Ain
City and the Western Region. Key components of both of these documents are the effective control of developments and management of parking.

In order to create a comprehensive transport system supporting the residents of Abu Dhabi, it is firstly necessary to understand their day to day
travel needs. In recognition of this requirement, the Department of Transport (DoT) have embarked upon an extensive data collection exercise
capturing the parking and travel characteristics of the people of Abu Dhabi. This has involved the survey of nearly 400 different land uses
throughout the Emirate. The culmination of this process is the creation of a Trip Generation and Parking Rates Manual capturing the travel needs
for a variety of land uses across the Emirate.

2. Purpose
The Abu Dhabi Trip Generation and Parking Rates Manual (ADTGM) is an essential document for estimating the potential trip generation and
parking requirements for proposed developments in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Following international best practices, the manual has been
developed through a detailed understanding of local conditions and an extensive review of planned future developments. Underpinning the data
collection and manual production is an extensive set of quality control procedures to ensure the data is robust and reliable.

3. Use of the Manual

This manual has been developed to assist end users in determining the potential demand for parking and trip generation for new developments. It
is intended that this manual be used by a range of practitioners including developers, engineers, architects and local authority reviewers to
undertake advisory and design tasks, including:

• Forecast peak hour traffic volumes for proposed new developments to assist in the design of development accesses and highway

• Accurately determine the quantum and mix of land uses that can be accommodated on a site based on the estimated trips; and

• Ensure sufficient parking is provided to meet the requirements of a development with respect to its size and location.

1 Introduction
In addition to the vehicular trip generation and parking rates contained in this manual, a range of multi-modal travel information has been collated
for each land use. This includes information on travel by all forms of public transport, as well as walking and cycling trips. The multi-modal travel
information can be used for a range of design purposes such as provision of adequate bus and taxi parking facilities or adequate widths of
pedestrian routes. Whilst not contained in this manual, travel information for each mode type reflecting the characteristics of a particular
development can be obtained from the DoT through the Transportation Impact Study (TIS) process.

In keeping with other international trip generation manuals, the trip generation for each land use has been determined for the morning (AM),
midday (Noon) and evening (PM) peak hour to coincide with the traditional peak periods of travel as observed on the roads of Abu Dhabi. These
surveys reveal that the morning (AM), midday (Noon) and evening (PM) peak hours occur during the periods of 06:00 to 09:00, 12:00 to 14:00 and
17:00 to 20:00 respectively.

The surveys also revealed the highest trip generating hour in a day for a land use. This is termed as the Peak Hour Generator (PHG). It has been
observed that occasionally the PHG does not fall within the AM, Noon and PM peakhours.

As well as determining the trip generation and parking rate requirements for each land use, the manual also presents the rates for some land uses
based on their spatial distribution. For example, residential developments in Abu Dhabi exhibit different travel characteristics to residential
developments in Al Ain or the Western Region. Further details on the spatial sub-classifications are contained in Section 1.2 of the manual.

4. Form of Manual
The ADTGM is available as a ‘hard copy’ manual. It is intended that the trip generation and parking rates will also be integrated into future versions
of the DoT’s Transportation Impact Study online application form, thereby streamlining the application process.

5. Parking Demand and Provision

It is important to note that the parking rates contained in this manual represent the current ‘demand’ for each land use based on the field surveys
undertaken in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. However there are other factors which affect the ultimate parking ‘requirement’of a development.

Whilst the parking rates contained in this manual must be followed to determine the parking requirement for a proposed development, it is
recommended that the DoT’s Abu Dhabi Transportation Impact Study (TIS) Guidelines be read to identify other factors which can be considered
when allocating the parking for a development, such as availability of on-street parking and access to public transport. Supporting the wider vision
of the 2030 Surface Transport Master Plans, the DoT seeks to balance the requirement of providing adequate parking with the desire to improve
the public realm and encourage travel by sustainable modes.

Introduction 2
1.2 Manual Development Process

1.2.1 Overview
This section of the manual details the methodology developed and processes followed in the preparation of trip generation and parking demand
rates for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The process adopted for the manual is summarized in figure1:

Land use Classification Land use Classes identifed for the manual which are relevant to Abu Dhabi

Site Selection Sites selected for survey which are representative of the Land use Classes

Survey Trip generation and parking surveys conducted on site

Data Validation andAnalysis Survey results checked and trip generation and parking rates compiled

Figure 1: Trip Generation & Parking Rates Manual Development Process

1.2.2 Land use Classification System

Whilst regional and international best practices were studied to help identify land use classifications, the system adopted for Abu Dhabi was
based on a detailed examination of a number of local factors, including:

• Existing distribution of land uses across the entire Emirate;

• Current land use classifications used by the DoT;

• Current development trends identified from developer applications; and

• Development visions from strategic planning documents, for example ‘Urban Structure Framework Plan – Abu Dhabi 2030’.

3 Manual DevelopmentProcess
Based on the above classification requirements, a three tier land use system has been developed for the manual. The first tier, referred to as
‘Land use Groups’, contains the 10 main development sectors e.g. commercial, residential, leisure etc. The second tier, referred to as ‘Land use
Categories’, contains 29 Categories as a sub-set of the main Land use Groups. The final tier, referred to as ‘Land use Classes’, contains
90 Classes as a sub-set of the Land use Categories. As an example, Figure 2 below illustrates the land use structure for the Residential Group:

Residential Group (300) Land use Group

Apartments (310) Villas(320) Group Accommodation Land use Category


Studio/1 2 3 or more Standalone Townhouse Company

Bedroom Bedrooms Bedrooms Villa Type Villa Accommodation Land use Class
(311) (312) (313) (321) (322) (331)

Figure 2: Land Use Structure adopted for the Residential Land Use Group

Manual Development Process 4

1.2 Manual Development Process

Table 1 lists the land use structure adopted for the manual. A full description of each Land use Class is contained in Part-2 of this manual. It should
be noted that a number of Land use Classes have been reserved for inclusion in future revisions of the manual. These Land use Classes have not
been surveyed and thus are not covered in Part-2 of this manual.

Table 1: Landuse Structure

Group No. Group Name Category No. Category Name Class No. ClassName Page No.
111 Regional Shopping Centre/Mall 31-32
112 Local Shopping Centre 33-34
113 Superstore 35-38
Shopping Malls/ 114 Supermarket 39-44
115 On-streetShopping 45-50
116 Vegetable/ Fish Market 51-52
117 Souk 53-54
121 High End Restaurant 55-56
100 120 FoodCategories 122 Quality/High Turnover Restaurant 57-60
123 Fast FoodRestaurant 61-66
130 Gas Station 131 Gas Station withAmenities 67-68
141 FurnitureStore 69-70

Mega Specialty 142 Electronic Store 71-72

140 Stores/Clusters/ 143 Class reserved for futureuse -
Showrooms 144 Vehicle Showroom 73-75
145 OtherShowroom 76-77
211 Local Government/Administrative 78-81
210 Government Offices Building
212 Class reserved for futureuse -
220 Non-Government 221 Exclusive Office Building 82-83
Offices 222 Multi-User Office Building 84-88
231 Post andCouriers 89-90
232 Computer and Telecommunication 91-92
200 Office Group Service Provider
233 Immigration Centre/ Visa Office 93-94
Service Oriented 234 Embassy andConsulate 95-96
235 Banking Services 97-102
236 Police Station 103-104
237 Fire Brigade 105-106
238 Bank HeadQuarters 107-108

5 Manual DevelopmentProcess
Group No. Group Name Category No. Category Name Class No. ClassName Page No.
311 Studio and One BedroomApartment 109-114
310 Apartments 312 Two BedroomsApartment 115-120
313 Three or more BedroomsApartment 121-126
321 Standalone Villa 127-135

Residential 322 Townhouse TypeVilla 136-141

300 320 Villas
Group 323 Class reserved for futureuse -
324 Farm House 142-143
331 CompanyAccommodation 144-145
330 332 LabourAccommodation 146-147
333 Hostels 148-149
411 3 Star and belowHotel 150-153
410 Hotel andResort 412 4 Star and aboveHotel 154-156
400 LodgingGroup 413 Class reserved for futureuse -
420 Furnished Suites/ 421 Suites/ ApartmentHotel 157-159
Apartment Hotel
511 Nursery/ Child Care 160-163
512 GovernmentKindergarten 164-167
513 Government Primary and Intermediate 168-171
Nursery and School (Boys/ Girls)
Schools 514 Government Secondary School (Boys/ 172-175
515 Private School (All Levels) 176-179
516 Private Kindergarten 180-183
521 Institute for Higher Education/ 184-185
Institutes for Higher
520 and Professional 522 Professional Institution 186-187
500 Education 523 Driving Institute 188-189
524 Research and DevelopmentLab 190-191
531 Class reserved for futureuse -
532 Exhibition Gallery 192-193
533 Museum 194-195
534 Jumma Mosque 196-197
Place of Public
Interest/ Worship 535 LocalMosque 198-199
536 Class reserved for futureuse -
537 Class reserved for futureuse -
538 Class reserved for futureuse -

Manual Development Process 6

1.2 Manual Development Process

Group No. Group Name Category No. Category Name Class No. ClassName Page No.
611 Class reserved for futureuse -
612 Class reserved for futureuse -
Closed Type 613 Class reserved for futureuse -
614 Class reserved for futureuse -
615 Wedding Hall 200-201
621 Park 202-204
622 Class reserved for futureuse -
Open Type 623 Class reserved for futureuse -
Recreational RecreationalArea
600 624 Marina 205-206
625 Class reserved for futureuse -
631 Social Club 207-208
632 Sports Club 209-210
Sports & 633 Class reserved for futureuse -
RecreationalArea 634 Special SportCentre 211-212
635 Class reserved for futureuse -
636 Class reserved for futureuse -
711 Production OrientedIndustry 213-214
710 LightIndustry 712 Services OrientedIndustry 215-216
Industrial 713 Warehousing 217-218
700 Group 720 Medium Industry 721 Medium Industry 219-220
730 Heavy or Large 731 Heavy Industry 221-222
810 Hospitals 811 GovernmentHospital 223-224
812 Private Hospital 225-226
800 MedicalGroup 820 Clinics 821 GovernmentClinic 227-228
822 Private Clinic 229-232
830 Pharmacies 831 Pharmacy 233-235
911 Bus Station 236-237
910 Bus 912 Class reserved for futureuse -
Transport 913 Class reserved for futureuse -
920 Taxi 921 TaxiStand 238-241
930 Water Transport 931 Class reserved for futureuse -

7 Manual DevelopmentProcess
Land use Sub-Classification
In addition to the land use structure adopted for the manual, it has also been identified that travel characteristics vary for certain land uses
depending on their location within the Emirate. Three major locations have been identified within the Emirate. These are:

• Abu DhabiCity;

• Al Ain City;and

• Others.

‘Others’ refers to all areas within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, excluding Al Ain City and Abu Dhabi City. Examples of ‘Others’ include Madinat Zayed,
Ghayathi, Liwa, Sila etc.

Further to this regional classification, a further urban sub-classification has been adopted for Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. These are:

• Central Business District (CBD): also referred to as the Downtown Area, the CBD is the heart of a city where commercial, retail and trade are
predominant. The main characteristics of a CBD area are high levels of transport, good public transport access, high pedestrian activity and
extensive parking restrictions. The CBD areas for Al Ain City and Abu Dhabi City have been taken from the DoT and Urban Planning Councils
definition of the CBD areas.

• Non Central Business District (Non CBD): is the built up area within the city limits or Metropolitan Area, but excluding the CBD area as defined
above. This area tends to consist of lower density developments, residential communities and neighbourhood centres supporting a mix of
commercial and community activities. Traffic volumes are usually lower than in the CBD area, as is public transport provision and pedestrian

In total 5 regional sub-classifications have been adopted for certain Land use Classes within the manual. These are:

• Abu DhabiCBD;
The Emirate of AbuDhabi
• Abu Dhabi Non CBD;


• AlAin Non CBD; and Non-CBD Non-CBD

• Others. Abu Dhabi AlAin

Figure 3 illustrates the spatial distribution structure Others

adopted for this manual.

Figure 3: Spatial Distribution StructureAdopted for the Manual

Manual Development Process 8

1.2 Manual Development Process

1.2.3 Site Selection

This section provides an overview of the process adopted for selecting sites for the trip generation and parking demand surveys. The process is
illustrated in figure 4.

Before Site Visit During Site Visit After Site Visit

Number of sites Appropriate sites for Site survey plans Surveys

required for survey survey identified prepared for client Conducted
determined approval

Figure 4: Site Selection Process

Number of Sites Required for Survey

Following selection of the Land use Classes, the number of sites to be surveyed were determined. The ‘sample’ size was based upon a number
of factors including availability of representative sites within Abu Dhabi and popularity of the Land use Class for development applications. The
spatial distribution requirement of land uses was also a major component in determining the number of sites to be surveyed. For example, Land
use Classes with no regional sub-classification only required 3-5 surveys, whereas a Land use Class containing 5 regional sub-classifications
required 15 sites or more for survey.

9 Manual DevelopmentProcess
Appropriate Sites for Survey
Appropriate site selection is critical for achieving representative and consistent trip generation results. A range of site selection parameters were
identified based upon a review of best practices and assessing the development trends in the Emirate. The use of these parameters ensures that
the sites selected represent the various Land use Classes accurately.

The various site selection criteria followed are described below:

Site Selection Criteria Description

Any development takes some time after opening to reach stability and function properly. Only sites which
Site Maturity had been operational for a period of 12 months or more were selected for survey.

Partially occupied sites will have lower trip generation and parking rates than fully occupied sites. Only sites
Site Occupancy with an occupancy level greater than 70-80% were selected for survey.

It is important that the sites selected for survey accurately reflect the respective Land use Class. Small
Land use Definition variations were considered, however these were noted and carefully evaluated during the data analysis
Some sites have ancillary functions which generate both external and internal trips. Sites with a higher
Mixing of Uses number of ancillary functions were avoided.

Similar sites in close proximity to each other can have the effect of ‘sharing demand’. For certain Land use
Classes e.g. residential and offices, this effect is negligible; however, for some Land use Classes e.g.
Similar Site in the Vicinity supermarkets and hospitals, the potential sharing effect was evaluated and if necessary alternative sites
were identified for survey.
Sites were only selected which had reasonable transport access and available parking on site or within the
Transport Availability vicinity of the site.

Estimation of the trip generation and parking rates needs considerable secondary land use data and
Access to Information information from different sources. Sites were only surveyed if this secondary information could be obtained.

Manual Development Process 10

1.2 Manual Development Process

1.2.4 Surveys
A range of survey types were undertaken at each site to capture the travel characteristics of the occupants and visitors to a development. The
surveys undertaken for the manual were as follows:

Type of Surveys Description

Conducted by trained interviewers, these surveys provided valuable information on the purpose of travel of
visitors and their mode of transport to the development. Depending on the Land use Class, additional
Site Interview Surveys survey information was captured through the site interview. This included identifying the number of Pass-
by-Trips for certain retail developments or the vehicle ownership levels for residential developments.

Person counts were undertaken at all entry and exit points to a surveyed development in order to capture
Person Counts the arrival and departure of visitors.

These surveys required the counting of the total number of persons present in a vehicle when entering or
Vehicle Occupancy Counts exiting a surveyeddevelopment.

The purpose of these surveys was to record the parking accumulation of a development throughout the
survey period in order to determine its peak demand. These surveys were only undertaken for developments
Parking Counts which have dedicated parking lots within the perimeter of the site.

Automated Traffic Counters (ATC’s) were installed at all surveyed developments which had dedicated
Automated Counts vehicular entry and exit points to capture the number of vehicular trips into and out of the development.

11 Manual DevelopmentProcess
Quality Controls
To ensure compliance with the survey methodology, a comprehensive set of quality control procedures were adopted during the survey process.
These are summarisedbelow:

Quality Controls Procedures Description

Sites were only selected for survey after satisfying the site selection criteria detailed within the ‘Appropriate
Site Selection Sites for Survey’section.

Prior to conducting the full surveys, pilot surveys were undertaken for a select number of sites in order to
Pilot Surveys appraise the survey companies and help refine the survey process.

A survey company was selected through a competitive tendering process to undertake the full surveys
Appointment of Survey Team based on their previous experience, performance during the pilot surveys, manpower capabilities, quality
control procedures and cost.

A comprehensive training exercise was undertaken for the survey team members prior to commencement
Training of Survey Teams of the surveys. Additional training was undertaken throughout the surveyprocess.

During the surveys, a dedicated team of supervisors were assigned for site supervision. Any site related
Site Supervision issues were directly communicated to the project management team so that they could be recorded on the
project register and mitigated if necessary.

SiteAttendance An attendance sheet was kept on each site with the team leader. This sheet was filled in by all site attendees
including surveyors, supervisors and the project management team.
Upon completion of the weekly surveys, the raw data was delivered to the project team office to check the
accuracy of the data. The original raw data was scanned and saved electronically with an assigned survey
Delivery ofData
file number.

Manual Development Process 12

1.2 Manual Development Process

1.2.5 Data Analysis and Validation

An extensive analysis and validation process was formulated to compile the trip generation and parking rates for each Land use Class. The
process involved three sequential steps as presented in Figure 5 below:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Survey Data Calculation of Trip Statistical Testing and

Checking Generation and Parking Compilation of Trip
Rates for Individual Generationand
Sites Parking Rates for
Land use Classes

Figure 5: Data Analysis and ValidationProcess

Step-1 Survey Data Checking

Prior to undergoing statistical analysis, the survey information collected from site was thoroughly checked to ensure the data was uniform and
accurate. This involved a series of routine assessments and spot checks to identify any errors in field data collection or data entry.

13 Manual DevelopmentProcess
1.2 Manual Development Process

Step-2 Calculation of Trip Generation and Parking Rates for Individual Sites
Following the data checking exercise, trip generation and parking rates were calculated individually for each of the surveyed sites.

Travel information collected during the site interviews was expanded at each access point using the person count survey data in order to obtain
the total trip numbers at each access point. The trip numbers at each access point were then combined to provide an overall trip generation rate
for the site. Other collected information such as the ATCs and vehicle occupancy rates were used to validate the trip generation rates derived from
the person counts and site interviews.

A similar process was undertaken to determine the individual parking demand rates for each site. In this case, the parking surveys, ATCs and
vehicle occupancy results were used to validate the parking rates for sites which have dedicated parking lots.

Step-3 Statistical Testing and Compilation of Trip Generation and Parking Rates for Land use Classes
The final trip generation and parking rates were produced for each Land use Class by compiling the trip information from the individual sites. This
involved statistical testing to validate the inclusion of individual sites and to justify the need for a spatial sub-classification within a Land use Class.

A statistical analysis method was used to assess the significance of the range of data for the various Land use Classes. If the trip generation rates
for all the sites fell within the statistically confident zone, they were then recommended for final compilation for the Land use Classes. In cases
where an individual site, or a collection of sites, fell outside of the confidence zone (referred to as ‘Outliers’), then these were further tested to see
if the results were reliable or whether these sites had separate travel characteristics.

For the Land use Classes where a spatial sub-classification was necessary (e.g. Abu Dhabi CBD, Al Ain Non CBD etc.), further statistical tests
were undertaken to evaluate the level of variance between the spatially sub-classified groups. A confidence value was derived (as a percentage)
for each spatial sub-classification group. This was then examined to help determine whether the trip generation rate for a given Land use Class
would be spatially sub-classified or whether a single value would be adopted for the Emirate.

Manual Development Process 14

1.3 Instructions on use of the Manual

1. Overview
This section provides step by step instructions on how to calculate and use the trip generation and parking rates contained within Part 2 of this

2. Methodology - Trip Generation Estimation

Figure 6 lists the key steps to follow when determining the trip generation for a development.

Figure 7 indicates the typical layout of a Land use Class summary page as contained in Section 2 of the manual and Figure 8 presents a trip
generation and parking rates sample sheet.

To ensure consistency of application, a simple arithmetic formula has been derived for the calculation of trip generation and parking rates. The
calculation of the trip generation and parking rates has been based on the weighted averages of the sites surveyed. This methodology was
selected instead of a regression equation or graphical plot due to the size of the samples.

Step 1:
Select Land use Class

Step 2:
Check Land use Sub-Classification

Step 3:
Check Independent Variable

Step 4:
Select AnalysisPeriod

Step 5:
Calculate Trip GenerationRate

Figure 6: Steps to Calculate Trip GenerationRates

15 Instructions on use of the Manual

Land use Class
Number Class 222: Multi-User Office Buildings

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office
Land use Group,
Category, Class Land use Category No. 220 Land use Category Name Non-Government Offices
Details, Variables Land use Class No. 222 Land use Class Name Multi-User Office
and Number of Sites Building
Total Sites Surveyed 15 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Land use Class A Multi User office building houses multiple tenants/companies and is a place where affairs of business are conducted. The building generally
Description contains offices, meeting rooms, space for file storage, data processing and other related offices activities. These offices may have small retail
and restaurants attached which are used by the internal occupants.
Sample Sites: Al Muhairy Office Tower, Al Faraa Group

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
222-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD
Land use Class 222-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD
222-C: Al Ain City

222-D: Others

Figure 7: Land use Class Summary Page

Instructions on use of the Manual 16

1.3 Instructions on use of the Manual

Step 1: Selection of the Appropriate Land use Class

The sample summary sheet contains details of the various land uses broken down by ‘Group’, ‘Category’ and ‘Class’. Each Land use Class is
assigned a specific code which should be referenced when undertaking transportation assessments.

A description of each Land use Class is provided below the land use codes. This should be examined to help identify the appropriate Land use
Class for a development.

Step 2: Check Land use Sub-Classification

As detailed in the Manual Development Process Section, the trip generation and parking demand rates for certain Land use Classes have been
sub classified depending on their location within the Emirate. In total, five regional sub-classifications have been adopted for the manual.

In cases where the Land use Class has been regionally sub-classified, users of the manual shall liaise with the DoT engineers to identify the spatial
sub-classification areas.

Step 3: Check the Independent Variable

The independent variable of a Land use Class is the unit by which a development is measured. In this manual, typical independent variables
include Gross Floor Area (GFA), Gross Leasable Area (GLA), number of Bedrooms, number of Employees, number of Seats etc.

A land use is typically allocated an independent variable based on its representativeness of the Land use Class and the availability of information
for the surveyed sites. For example, the independent variable for a local shopping centre is ‘100 sqm of GFA’ and the independent variable for a
school is the number of students.

To ensure consistency in the calculation of trip generation and parking demand rates, only one variable has been selected for each Land use Class
within this manual. It is important that the independent variable is accurately measured for a Land use Class. Guidance on the definitions and
measurements of each independent variable is contained in the Terminology section of this manual.

Step 4: Select the Relevant Analysis Period

Within the manual, trip generation rates have been provided to coincide with the network peak hour flows. These have been provided for the
morning (AM), Midday (Noon), and evening (PM) peak hour of the transport network. In most cases the peak traffic volumes generated for a site
coincide with the network peak hours, however some Land use Classes have peak traffic periods which fall outside of the normal peak network
periods. The highest traffic generation figure throughout the day is given by the Peak Hour Generator (PHG).

In addition to the selection of an appropriate time period, some Land use Classes contain trip generation values for a typical weekday and a typical
weekend. The selection of an appropriate day and time period for determining the number of trips from a development is dependent on the type of
land use and the peak traffic period of the adjacent road network. When undertaking a Transportation Impact Study, the appropriate analysis
scenarios should be agreed with the DoT Liaison Engineer during the Methodology Stage of the study.

Step 5: Calculate the trip generation rate

The overall trip generation for a given time period is calculated by multiplying the independent variable identified in Step 3 by the trip generation
rate identified in Step 4.

17 Instructions on use of the Manual

222-A: Abu Dhabi City CBD

Land use Class Description

Brief description, Land use Class 222-A, presents the Trip Rates for the Multi-User Office Building located within the CBD of Abu Dhabi
Number of Sites City.
Surveyed and Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Trip Generation AM Noon PM PHG AM Noon PM PHG
Rate per unit of Rate 1.70 1.44 0.97 1.70 Rate - - - -
Independent Variable
% In 76 46 33 76 % In - - - -

% Out 24 54 67 24 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Average Parking Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable

Rate for the Three Car - Employees/ Resident 1.280 100 SQM of GFA
Different Types of Car - Visitors 0.492 100 SQM of GFA
Vehicle Users
School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.009 100 SQM of GFA

Figure 8: Trip Generation and Parking Rates Sample Sheet

Instructions on use of the Manual 18

1.3 Instructions on use of the Manual

Example Calculation
The following example considers a planned residential building in Al Ain CBD with a total of 100 apartments. Within the residential building, the
breakdown of apartments is:

• 30 no. 1 bedroom apartments

• 30 no. 2 bedroom apartments; and

• 40 no. 3 bedroom apartments.

The expected number of trips to be generated by this residential development in the weekday AM peak hour is estimated as follows:
Step 1: The residential development falls under the following land use classification:
• Land use Group: Residential (300)

• Land use Category: Apartments (310)

• Land use Class: 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms and 3 or more bedrooms (311,312 and 313)

Step 2: the proposed development is located in the Al Ain CBD area, thus the sub-classifications for the 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom
apartments and 3 bedroom apartments will be 311C, 312C and 313C respectively.

Step 3: the independent variable used for these Land use Classes is number of Units.

Step 4: in the weekday AM peak hour period, the vehicle trip generation rate for the 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom apartments and 3 bedroom
apartments are 0.38, 0.75 and 1.02 respectively.
Step 5: The total trip generation is calculated as follows:

Total vehicle trips = (0.38 x 30) + (0.75 x 30) + (1.02 x 40)

= (11.4) + (22.5) + (40.8)

= 74.7 two-way vehicle trips

= 75 (rounded to nearestinteger)

The split of inbound/outbound trips in the AM Peak for the 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom apartments and 3 bedroom apartments are as

Total inbound trips = (11.4 vehicle trips x 29%) + (22.5 vehicle trips x 35%) + (40.8 vehicle trips x 29%)

= 23.01 vehicle trips

= 23 (rounded to nearestinteger)
Total outbound trips = (11.4 vehicle trips x 71%) + (22.5 vehicle trips x 65%) + (40.8 vehicle trips x 71%)

= 51.7 vehicle trips

= 52 (rounded to nearestinteger)

19 Instructions on use of the Manual

1.3.3 Methodology - Parking Demand Estimation
Following the same methodology outlined for the trip generation, the parking demand for a development can be determined. This is calculated by
multiplying the appropriate independent variable by the parking demand rates provided in the parking demand table. Depending on the Land use
Class, separate parking demand rates have been provided for the three different users of a development. These include:

• Car – Employees/residents: This is the parking rate for employees or residents of a development. Examples could include residents in an
apartment, employees in a private office building etc.

• Car – Visitors: This is the parking rate for visitors to a development. Examples could include visitors to a residential dwelling or government

• School/Company Bus/Trucks: This is the parking rate for larger or higher occupancy vehicles visiting a development. Examples could include
a company bus travelling to an industrial building, a school bus visiting a school, a delivery vehicle serving a shopping mall etc.

Example Calculation
The following example considers a planned residential building in Al Ain CBD with a total of 100 apartments. Within the residential building, the
breakdown of apartments is:

• 30 no. 1 bedroom apartments;

• 30 no. 2 bedroom apartments; and

• 40 no. 3 bedroom apartments.

The expected parking demand is estimated as follows:

Step 1: The residential development falls under the following Land use Classification:

Land use Group: Residential (300)

Land use Category: Apartments (310)

Land use Class: 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms and 3 or more bedrooms (311, 312 and 313)

Step 2: the proposed development is located in the Al Ain CBD area, thus the sub-classifications for 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom apartments
and 3 bedroom apartments will be 311C, 312C and 313C respectively.

Step 3: the independent variable used for these Land use Classes is ‘number of Units’.

Instructions on use of the Manual 20

1.3 Instructions on use of the Manual

Step 4: The car parking demands for these Land use Classes are as follows:

Type of parking Parking demand for 311C Parking demand for 312C Parking demand for 313C
Car – Employees/ Residents 0.783 1.186 1.638
Car – Visitors 0.041 0.062 0.086
School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.008 0.011 0.026

Step 5: The total car parking demand is calculated as follows:

Total car parking for residents = (0.783 x 30) + (1.186 x 30) + (1.638 x 40)

= (23.49) + (35.58) + (65.52)

= 124.59

= 125 (rounded to nearestinteger)

Total car parking for visitors = (0.041 x 30) + (0.062 x 30) + (0.086 x 40)

= (1.23) + (1.86) + (3.44)

= 6.53

= 7 (rounded to nearestinteger)

Total truck parking = (0.008 x 30) + (0.011 x 30) + (0.026 x 40)

= (0.24) + (0.33) + (1.04)

= 1.61

= 2 (rounded to nearestinteger)

Parking for School/ Company Bus/ Trucks

As previously stated, the parking rates within the manual represent the parking demand as surveyed on site. In order to calculate the parking
requirement for large vehicles (e.g. School buses, delivery vehicles etc.) for a specific development, the functionality and servicing needs of the
development must be clearly determined . It is therefore recommended that the servicing strategy and requirements for large vehicle parking be
discussed and agreed with the Liaison Engineer during the Methodology Stage of the Transportation Impact Study process.

Parking for Mosques

The parking demand profile for mosques varies considerably compared to other land uses, in that the highest demand for parking occurs for
short periods of time outside of the typical peak periods on the transport network. In addition, Mosques are often located in urban areas where
21 Instructions on use of the Manual
the adjoining land uses have different parking demand profiles, thereby providing the opportunity for shared parking. Similarly to above, it is
recommended that the parking supply for Mosques be determined through consultation with the Liaison Engineer during the Methodology Stage
of the Transportation Impact Study process.

1.3.4 Advanced Information

In order to simplify the application process and ensure consistency in use, the trip generation and parking rates presented in this manual represent
the peak hour vehicular trips captured during the field surveys. Whilst not contained in this manual, a range of multi modal travel information has
been collected for each site which can be used for a variety of design purposes.

Through careful assessment, the full multi modal trip information can be used to:

• Re-calculate modal share and vehicular trips for special developments e.g. Developments with high public transport share or developments
which can only be accessed by private car;

• Determine the trip generation for a specific development based on an alternative independent variable if available;

• Determine shared parking opportunities for multi-use developments;

• Calculate the parking or set down requirements for public transport, company buses, taxis and visitors; and

• Identify the volume of Pass-by Trips for regional shopping malls (Land use Class 111).

Should the above information be requested by the DoT for a proposed development, then the Liaison Engineer will provide the information through
the Transportation Impact Study process.

1.3.5 Scope of the Manual

The quality control procedures adopted throughout the manual development process have led to the creation of robust and accurate trip generation
and parking demand rates for the various Land use Classes in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Whilst the manual provides a reliable basis for undertaking traffic engineering studies in the Emirate, it is important to exercise care in its

The following points should be considered when applying the trip generation and parking demand rates contained in this manual:

1. Land use Coverage: Due to the availability of sites, it was not feasible to survey all possible Land use Classes within the first edition of this
manual. Should trip generation and parking rates be required for a land use that is not covered in this manual, then other internationally
recognised manuals should be referenced or a specific survey undertaken for this land use. In either case, it is recommended that the Liaison
Engineer at the DoT be consulted to agree the most appropriate action.

Instructions on use of the Manual 22

1.3 Instructions on use of the Manual

2. Class Description and Range: The Land use Classes contained within the manual have been established based upon on a clear land use
description and defined size range. In the event of having a site whose description marginally differs or whose size falls outside of the range,
engineering judgment should be applied to assess the trip generation.

3. Pass By-Trips: Whilst the manual records all trips into and out of a land use, it does not differentiate between ‘new’ trips on the network (i.e.
a trip whose sole purpose was to visit a land use) and ‘pass by trips’ (i.e. a trip which was already on the network, but deviated to visit a land
use).The exception to this statement is Regional Shopping Malls. It is the responsibility of the end user to determine any appropriate reduction
factors to account for Pass-by Trips for a given Land use. These must be agreed with the DoT Liaison Engineer during the Methodology Stage
of the Transportation Impact Study.

1.3.6 Manual Updating Procedure

This first edition of the ADTGM is a comprehensive guide for estimating travel patterns and parking demands in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The
manual reflects the travel characteristics of the Emirate at the time of survey, which is influenced by a number of factors including type of
development and choice of travel mode. As the Emirate continues to grow and diversify with advancements in public transport infrastructure and
new development opportunities, the travel characteristics of its inhabitants will also continue to evolve.

With this in mind, the DoT will update the manual on a periodic basis. As well as introducing new Land use Classes, the DoT will resurvey existing
land uses in order to monitor changes in travel patterns which may arise from advancements in public transport or the implementation of transport
policy initiatives. The Land uses Classes which have not been covered in the first edition of the manual will be given priority for surveys in
subsequent revisions of the manual.

The DoT will remain custodians of the ADTGM, however consultants may be invited to contribute to the upgrade of the manual through the
provision of traffic survey information undertaken for transportation studies within theEmirate.

23 Instructions on use of the Manual

1.4 Terminology

Term Definition
DoT Department of Transport, Emirate of AbuDhabi

UPC Urban Planning Council, Emirate ofAbu Dhabi

WRDC Western Region Development Council

ADTGM Abu Dhabi Trip Generation and Parking RatesManual

1.4.2 General Definitions

Term Definition
AM, Noon and PM Peak Hour Volume refers to the highest hourly volume during the morning,
midday and evening peak periods respectively prevailing over Abu Dhabi roads. The AM, Noon and
AM, Noon and PM Peak Hour Volume PM peak periods correspond to the following times: - 06:00 to 09:00, 12:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to

Average Weekday Trip Rate is the weighted weekday (Sunday through Thursday) average vehicle
Average Weekday Trip Rate trip generationrate.

Average Weekend Trip Rate is the weighted weekend (Friday or Saturday) average vehicle trip
Average Weekend Trip Rate generationrate.

Central Business District (CBD) also called central activities district or downtown refers to the heart
of a city where commercial, retail and trade businesses are predominant. The main characteristics
Central Business District (CBD) of a CBD are a high concentration of traffic, good provision of public transport, high employment
rate, high pedestrian movement and extensive parking restrictions.
Parking Demand Rate is the weighted average of the maximum number of parking spaces occupied
in a given development during a typical day. This is measured in units of independent variable, for
example, number of parking spaces per residential unit. The weighted average rate is used rather
Parking DemandRate
than the average of the rates of individual sites due to the variance within each data set. It provides
an estimate of the number of parking spaces that must be provided by the proposed development.

Pass-by Trips refers to the proportion of trips attracted by a development which were already on
Pass-by Trips the road network. By their definition, Pass-by Trips are not new trips generated by a development.

Peak Hour of the Generator (PHG) is the hour during the whole day when the highest trips ends
Peak Hour of the Generator(PHG) are generated by a development.

Terminology 24
1.4 Terminology

Term Definition
Total Area refers to the total area of a development plot. It includes any built-up areas, parking
areas, storage areas as well as any open areas that are not in use. Total Area is typically used for
TotalArea industrial developments whose facilities are located over a large expanse of land.

Trips are a single or one direction vehicle movement with either the origin or the destination inside
Trips the study site. The total trips for a land use over a given period of time are the total of all trips
entering and exiting a site.
Variable is a physical, measurable or predictable unit describing the study site that can be used to
predict the number of trip ends or parking spaces required. Some examples of independent
Variable variables used in this book are Gross Floor Area, number of Employees and Units.

Vehicle is a motorized machine e.g. motorcycle, car, bus, etc, or any other device that runs on the
Vehicle road by motorized power.

Vehicular Trip is the number of vehicle trips to be generated by a site. This is calculated considering
Vehicular Trip the modal split and vehicle occupancy information collected from site and other DoT sources.

Variable Definitions
Term Definition
Bed is the number of beds available in a hospital to accommodate in-patients. This is a variable
Bed used to assess the trip generation and parking demand for a hospital.

Bedroom Bedroom is a room used for sleeping. This is a variable used to define villas.

Berth is a ship’s allotted place at a marina, wharf or dock. This is a variable used to assess the trip
Berth generation and parking demand by a Marina.

Doctor is a qualified practitioner of medicine. This is used as a variable to assess the trip
Doctor generation and parking demand by a health clinic.

Employee is defined as a full-time or part-time worker. The number of employees refers to the
total number of persons employed at a facility, not just those in attendance at the time the study
was conducted.

25 Terminology
Term Definition
Gross Floor Area (GFA) is the sum of the area of each floor level, including all usable floor areas
as well as corridors, lobbies, mechanical and storage spaces. This measurement should be in
Gross Floor Area (GFA) accordance with the building permit issuing authority. For the purpose of trip generation calculations,
parking garages within a building should be excluded.
Gross Leasable Area (GLA) is the total floor area provided for the exclusive use of the occupying
tenant. This excludes common areas such as corridors. For purposes of trip generation calculations,
Gross Leasable Area (GLA) the floor area of any parking garage within a building should not be included within the GLA of the
Invitee is a guest or a visitor to whom hospitality is extended. This is a variable used to assess the
Invitee trip generation and parking demand for a wedding hall.

Resident is a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis. This is used as a
Resident variable to assess the trip generation and parking demand for a student-hostel.

Something such as a chair or stool, that can be sat on. This is used as a measurable unit for
Seat restaurants.

Student is a person who is studying at a school or college. This is a variable used to assess the trip
Student generation and parking demand for a school or academic institution.

An individual entity regarded as a elementary part of a whole.This is a variable used to assess the
Unit trip generation and parking demand for a hotel or residential apartments.

Vehicle Fuelling Position is defined by the number of vehicles that can be fuelled simultaneously at
a service station. For example, if a service station has three fuel dispensing pumps with one hose
Vehicle Fuelling Position
of gasoline on each side of the pump, then the number of vehicle fueling positions would be six.

Terminology 26
Part 2 - Trip Generation and Parking Rates
Land use Classes

Class No. Class Name Page No.

100 Commercial Group
111 Regional Shopping Centre/Mall 31-32
112 Local Shopping Centre 33-34
113 Superstore 35-38
114 Supermarket 39-44
115 On-streetShopping 45-50
116 Vegetable/ Fish Market 51-52
117 Souk 53-54
121 High End Restaurant 55-56
122 Quality/High Turnover Restaurant 57-60
123 Fast Food Restaurant 61-66
131 Gas Station withAmenities 67-68
141 Furniture Store 69-70
142 Electronic Store 71-72
143 Class reserved for futureuse -
144 Vehicle Showroom 73-75
145 Other Showroom 76-77
200 Office Group
211 Local Government/ Administrative Building 78-81
212 Class reserved for futureuse -
221 Exclusive Office Building 82-83
222 Multi-User Office Building 84-88
231 Post andCourier 89-90
232 Computer and Telecommunication Service Provider 91-92
233 Immigration Centres/ Visa Offices 93-94
234 Embassy andConsulate 95-96
235 Banking Services 97-102
236 Police Station 103-104
237 Fire Brigade 105-106
238 Bank Head Quarters 107-108

27 Land use Classes

Class No. Class Name Page No.
300 ResidentialGroup
311 Studio and One BedroomApartment 109-114
312 Two BedroomsApartment 115-120
313 Three or more BedroomApartment 121-126
321 Standalone Villa 127-135
322 Townhouse Type Villa 136-141
323 Class reserved for futureuse -
324 Farm House 142-143
331 CompanyAccommodation 144-145
332 LabourAccommodation 146-147
333 Hostels 148-149
400 Lodging Group
411 3 Star and belowHotel 150-153
412 4 Star and aboveHotel 154-156
413 Class reserved for futureuse -
421 Suites/ ApartmentHotel 157-159
500 InstitutionalGroup
511 Nursery/ Child Care 160-163
512 Government Kindergarten 164-167
513 Government Primary and Intermediate School (Boys/ Girls) 168-171
514 Government Secondary School (Boys/ Girls) 172-175
515 Private Schools (All Levels) 176-179
516 Private Kindergarten 180-183
521 Institute for Higher Education/ University 184-185
522 Professional Institution 186-187
523 Driving Institute 188-189
524 Research and DevelopmentLab 190-191
531 Class reserved for futureuse -
532 Exhibition Gallery 192-193
533 Museum 194-195

Land use Classes 28

Land use Classes

Class No. Class Name Page No.

534 Jumma Mosque 196-197
535 Local Mosque 198-199
536 Class reserved for futureuse -
537 Class reserved for futureuse -
538 Class reserved for futureuse -
600 Recretional Group
611 Class reserved for futureuse -
612 Class reserved for futureuse -
613 Class reserved for futureuse -
614 Class reserved for futureuse -
615 Wedding Hall 200-201
621 Park 202-204
622 Class reserved for futureuse -
623 Class reserved for futureuse -
624 Marina 205-206
625 Class reserved for futureuse -
631 Social Club 207-208
632 Sports Club 209-210
633 Class reserved for futureuse -
634 Special Sport Centre 211-212
635 Class reserved for futureuse -
636 Class reserved for futureuse -
700 Industrial Group
711 Production OrientedIndustry 213-214
712 Services OrientedIndustry 215-216
713 Warehousing 217-218
721 Medium Industry 219-220
731 Heavy Industry 221-222

29 Land use Classes

Class No. Class Name Page No.
800 MedicalGroup
811 Government Hospital 223-224
812 Private Hospital 225-226
821 Government Clinic 227-228
822 Private Clinic 229-232
831 Pharmacy 233-235
900 TransportGroup
911 Bus Station 236-237
912 Class reserved for futureuse -
913 Class reserved for futureuse -
921 TaxiStand 238-241
931 Class reserved for futureuse -

Land use Classes 30

100 - Commercial Group
Class 111: Regional Shopping Centre/ Mall

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 110 Land use Category Name Shopping Malls/ Centres

Land use Class No. 111 Land use Class Name Regional Shopping
Centre/ Mall
Total Sites Surveyed 4 Variable Used 100 SQM of GLA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Regional shopping centre is a large retail shopping complex which provides a full range of shopping services to a large geographic area. These
centres tend to have anchor stores, high end stores, full-size department store or superstore, specialty shops, restaurants, offices, amusement
activities and a movie theatre located within the same complex.
Sample Sites: Al Ain Mall, Marina Mall

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

31 Regional Shopping Centre/Mall

111: Regional Shopping Centre/ Mall

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 111, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Regional Shopping Centres/ Malls located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GLA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.07 1.64 2.55 2.55 Rate 0.12 2.22 4.67 4.67

% In 58 49 53 53 % In 55 53 52 52

% Out 42 51 47 47 % Out 45 47 48 48

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.204 100 SQM of GLA

Car - Visitors 2.433 100 SQM of GLA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.013 100 SQM of GLA

Regional Shopping Centre/Mall 32

Class 112: Local Shopping Centre

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 110 Land use Category Name Shopping Malls/ Centres

Land use Class No. 112 Land use Class Name Local Shopping Centre

Total Sites Surveyed 5 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A local shopping centre is comparatively smaller in size than a regional shopping mall and attracts typically local area shoppers and visitors. It
is a collection of retail stores generally having one or more large department, discount or food stores. It may have shared or exclusive parking
Sample Sites:Al Raha Mall, City Mall

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

33 Local Shopping Centre

112: Local Shopping Centre

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 112, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Local Shopping Centres located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 5

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.01 0.96 1.12 1.44 Rate 0.01 1.29 2.25 2.25

% In 0 52 57 49 % In 0 55 50 50

% Out 100 48 43 51 % Out 100 45 50 50

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.107 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.204 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.007 100 SQM of GFA

Local Shopping Centre 34

Class 113: Superstore

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 110 Land use Category Name Shopping Malls/ Centres

Land use Class No. 113 Land use Class Name Superstore

Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Superstore is a very large, free-standing retail establishment, usually a part of a chain, offering highly diversified merchandise; such as
groceries, toys, and camera equipment, or a wide variety of merchandise in a specific product line, such as computers or sporting goods,
organized into different departments.
Sample Sites: Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society, LuluHypermarket

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
113-A: Abu DhabiCity
113-B: AlAin City


35 Superstore
113-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 113-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Superstores located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.58 1.78 2.05 2.05 Rate 0.13 1.40 2.61 2.61

% In 58% 50% 48% 48% % In 87 55 56 56

% Out 42% 50% 52% 52% % Out 13 45 44 44

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.211 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.704 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.015 100 SQM of GFA

Superstore 36
113-B: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 113-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Superstores located within Al AinCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.57 2.43 2.77 3.08 Rate 0.59 3.08 3.78 4.58

% In 67 52 57 45 % In 60 50 51 50

% Out 33 48 43 55 % Out 40 50 49 50

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.212 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.717 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.127 100 SQM of GFA

37 Superstore
113-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 113-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Superstores located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.38 4.08 6.01 6.30 Rate 1.29 3.10 9.62 9.62

% In 61 52 50 50 % In 48 47 50 50

% Out 39 48 50 50 % Out 52 53 50 50

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.276 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 3.722 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.141 100 SQM of GFA

Superstore 38
Class 114: Supermarket

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 110 Land use Category Name Shopping Malls/ Centres

Land use Class No. 114 Land use Class Name Supermarkets

Total Sites Surveyed 15 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Supermarket is a large store selling a wide variety of food and household merchandise. It is larger in size and has a wider selection than a
traditional grocery store, but it is smaller than a superstore. Most of the supermarkets will be standalone with dedicated parking or on-street
Sample Sites: Green House Supermarket, Choitram Supermarket

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
114- A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD
114- B: Abu Dhabi City - NonCBD

114- C: Al AinCity - CBD

114- D: Al Ain City - Non CBD


39 Supermarket
114-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 114-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Supermarkets located within the CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.06 9.41 17.32 18.99 Rate 2.96 7.08 12.71 16.01

% In 52 53 50 52 % In 57 49 51 48

% Out 48 47 50 48 % Out 43 51 49 52

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.450 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 6.303 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.121 100 SQM of GFA

Supermarket 40
114-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 114-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Supermarkets located within the Non CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 3.74 8.39 8.14 9.58 Rate 5.40 10.53 20.91 21.49

% In 53 47 55 45 % In 59 56 55 45

% Out 47 53 45 55 % Out 41 44 45 55

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.949 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 6.371 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.214 100 SQM of GFA

41 Supermarket
114-C: Al Ain City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 114-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Supermarkets located within the CBD of Al AinCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.44 8.53 11.68 13.68 Rate 2.78 10.10 17.53 17.53

% In 54 56 50 49 % In 53 45 50 50

% Out 46 44 50 51 % Out 47 55 50 50

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.167 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 4.442 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.037 100 SQM of GFA

Supermarket 42
114-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 114-D, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Supermarkets located within the Non CBD of Al AinCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 3.91 4.31 9.95 Rate 0.53 4.13 6.73 7.10

% In - 52 53 50 % In 55 49 55 49

% Out - 48 47 50 % Out 45 51 45 51

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.060 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.146 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.034 100 SQM of GFA

43 Supermarket
114-E: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 114-E, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Supermarkets located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 1

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 6.89 7.72 7.68 10.32 Rate 1.92 6.96 12.42 12.42

% In 64 46 57 52 % In 70 41 51 51

% Out 36 54 43 48 % Out 30 59 49 49

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.121 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 5.676 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.109 100 SQM of GFA

Supermarket 44
Class 115: On-Street Shopping

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 110 Land use Category Name Shopping Malls/ Centres

Land use Class No. 111 Land use Class Name On-StreetShopping

Total Sites Surveyed 15 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

On- street shops are an agglomeration of small retail/wholesale stores or shops which are situated next to each other. These shops are
generally situated on either side of a local or collector street and usually share a common wall. These shops can be located anywhere and
generally do not have dedicated parking.
Sample Sites: Sheikh Zayed the First Street On-Street Shops, Hili On-StreetShops

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
115- A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD
115- B: Abu Dhabi City - NonCBD

115- C: Al AinCity - CBD

115- D: Al Ain City - Non CBD

115- E: Others

45 On-StreetShopping
115-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 115-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for On-Street Shopping located within the CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 2.37 9.30 9.68 10.60 Rate 8.94 14.71 19.58 19.58

% In 61 46 47 56 % In 54 57 49 49

% Out 39 54 53 44 % Out 46 43 51 51

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.283 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 3.906 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.010 100 SQM of GFA

On-StreetShopping 46
115-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 115-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for On-Street Shopping located within the Non CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.78 4.28 4.47 5.91 Rate 2.71 5.70 13.07 13.07

% In 50 50 50 57 % In 14 49 51 51

% Out 50 50 50 43 % Out 86 51 49 49

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.281 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.264 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.507 100 SQM of GFA

47 On-StreetShopping
115-C: Al Ain City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 115-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for On-Street Shopping located within the CBD of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 2.93 3.39 4.45 4.88 Rate 0.96 0.61 5.09 5.09

% In 57 49 52 52 % In 50 50 52 52

% Out 43 51 48 48 % Out 50 50 48 48

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.033 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.085 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.095 100 SQM of GFA

On-StreetShopping 48
115-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 115-D, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for On-Street Shopping located within the Non CBD of Al AinCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 3.91 4.87 3.37 5.67 Rate 0.92 1.01 2.01 2.36

% In 54 51 53 50 % In 50 51 47 53

% Out 46 49 47 50 % Out 50 49 53 47

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.190 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.248 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.100 100 SQM of GFA

49 On-StreetShopping
115-E: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 115-E, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for On-Street Shopping located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 7.74 6.74 18.60 18.79 Rate 4.12 5.52 20.01 20.01

% In 53 42 56 51 % In 60 49 50 50

% Out 47 58 44 49 % Out 40 51 50 50

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.624 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 7.750 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.724 100 SQM of GFA

On-StreetShopping 50
Class 116: Vegetable/ Fish Market

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 110 Land use Category Name Shopping Malls/ Centres

Land use Class No. 116 Land use Class Name Vegetable/ Fish Market

Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Vegetable/ fish market is a place selling perishable goods. These markets generally have a collection of small shops which are located next to
each other. These markets are wholesale markets and are usually located in the outer part of the city.
Sample Sites: Vegetable/ Fish Markets in Abu Dhabi City and Al Ain City.

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

51 Vegetable/ Fish Market

116: Vegetable/ Fish Market

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 116, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Vegetable/ Fish Markets located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.69 2.61 3.07 3.18 Rate 3.73 3.86 6.08 6.43

% In 57 49 50 54 % In 58 48 49 52

% Out 43 51 50 46 % Out 42 52 51 48

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.107 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.287 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.143 100 SQM of GFA

Vegetable/ Fish Market 52

Class 117: Souk

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 110 Land use Category Name Shopping Malls/ Centres

Land use Class No. 117 Land use Class Name Souks

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A souk is a traditional market place where any kind of goods are bought or exchanged. It is a collection of small shops and can be open-air or
closed. Generally these kinds of souks sell ornaments, antiques, jewellery, perfumes etc. It attracts local area shoppers and visitors as well.
Sample Sites: Shahama Souq,Al Bawadi Souq

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

53 Souk
117: Souk

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 117, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Souks located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 2.36 3.55 3.98 3.98 Rate 0.79 1.41 2.78 2.78

% In 55 49 50 50 % In 67 54 54 54

% Out 45 51 50 50 % Out 33 46 46 46

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.197 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.866 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.053 100 SQM of GFA

Souk 54
Class 121: High End Restaurant

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 120 Land use Category Name FoodCategories

Land use Class No. 121 Land use Class Name High End Restaurant

Total Sites Surveyed 4 Variable Used Seat

Land use Class Description/ Definition

High-end restaurant refers to star rated restaurants having high floor area per seat and offering a specific style of cooking, covering specialized
cuisine. These restaurants generally target a high class clientele and families. They are considered as fine, elegant restaurants which serve food
in special, formal ways.
Sample Sites: Leisure Restaurant, Xiao Wei International Restaurant

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

55 High End Restaurant

121: High End Restaurant

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 111, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for High End Restaurants located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used Seat

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.03 0.18 0.12 0.25 Rate 0.03 0.35 0.45 0.49

% In 56 51 62 49 % In 49 53 55 48

% Out 44 49 38 51 % Out 51 47 45 52

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.018 Seat

Car - Visitors 0.193 Seat

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.003 Seat

High End Restaurant 56

Class 122: Quality/ High Turnover Restaurant

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 120 Land use Category Name FoodCategories

Land use Class No. 122 Land use Class Name Quality/ High Turnover
Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used Seat

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Quality/ high turnover restaurant are family oriented restaurants having a high turnover per seat and lesser floor area per seat. These
restaurants generally provide traditional meals and refreshments. A home delivery facility is provided in most of these restaurants.
Sample Sites: Ibrahimi Restaurants, Ponderosa Restaurant

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
122-A: Abu DhabiCity

122-B: Al Ain City


57 Quality/ High Turnover Restaurant

122-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 122-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Quality/ High Turnover Restaurants located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Seat

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 0.70 0.31 0.70 Rate - 1.56 0.55 1.56

% In - 51 55 51 % In - 57 62 57

% Out - 49 45 49 % Out - 43 38 43

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.056 Seat

Car - Visitors 0.568 Seat

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.090 Seat

Quality/ High Turnover Restaurant 58

122-B: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 122-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Quality/ High Turnover Restaurants located within Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Seat

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.01 0.37 0.13 0.37 Rate 0.004 0.40 0.17 0.40

% In 100 44 59 44 % In 50 56 54 56

% Out 0 56 41 56 % Out 50 44 46 44

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.024 Seat

Car - Visitors 0.222 Seat

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.017 Seat

59 Quality/ High Turnover Restaurant

122-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 122-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Quality/ High Turnover Restaurants located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Seat

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.13 0.20 0.16 0.24 Rate 0.07 0.21 0.45 0.45

% In 60 55 42 57 % In 54 55 39 39

% Out 40 45 58 43 % Out 46 45 61 61

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.013 Seat

Car - Visitors 0.234 Seat

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.000 Seat

Quality/ High Turnover Restaurant 60

Class 123: Fast Food Restaurant

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 120 Land use Category Name FoodCategories

Land use Class No. 123 Land use Class Name Fast Food Restaurant

Total Sites Surveyed 15 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Fast food restaurants without driveway are convenience food restaurants which offer low cost food that is cooked and served quickly. Fast food
restaurants are usually part of a restaurant chain or franchise operation. They have large take away clientele, long operating hours and high
turnover per seat. These restaurants may also include play areas for children and dedicated parking for customers.
Sample Sites: Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hardees, McDonald’s

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
123-A: Abu Dhabi City -CBD

123-B: Abu Dhabi City - NonCBD

123-C: Al Ain City - CBD

123-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD


61 Fast Food Restaurant

123-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 123-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Fast Food Restaurants located within the CBD of Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 11.53 9.33 11.64 Rate - 12.71 19.53 20.24

% In - 47 54 54 % In - 53 51 52

% Out - 53 46 46 % Out - 47 49 48

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.511 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 6.923 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.268 100 SQM of GFA

Fast Food Restaurant 62

123-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 123-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Fast Food Restaurants located within the Non CBD of Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 35.60 25.84 41.68 Rate - 28.76 48.38 70.48

% In - 48 48 50 % In - 49 61 53

% Out - 52 52 50 % Out - 51 39 47

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.476 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 13.798 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.768 100 SQM of GFA

63 Fast Food Restaurant

123-C: Al Ain City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 123-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Fast Food Restaurants located within the CBD of AlAin City.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.53 11.61 10.66 18.51 Rate 2.67 9.24 17.09 17.09

% In 52 43 52 50 % In 51 51 51 51

% Out 48 57 48 50 % Out 49 49 49 49

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.196 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 6.049 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.493 100 SQM of GFA

Fast Food Restaurant 64

123-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 123-D, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Fast Food Restaurants located within the Non CBD of AlAin City.

Total Sites Surveyed 5

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 27.24 22.61 46.58 Rate - 30.79 20.98 32.34

% In - 49 51 52 % In - 47 53 51

% Out - 51 49 48 % Out - 53 47 49

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.653 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 7.982 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.498 100 SQM of GFA

65 Fast Food Restaurant

123-E: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 123-E, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Fast Food Restaurants located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed -

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.16 20.63 14.54 24.16 Rate 0.78 18.49 21.32 30.72

% In 50 46 50 51 % In 50 50 51 52

% Out 50 54 50 49 % Out 50 50 49 48

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.451 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 7.643 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.140 100 SQM of GFA

Fast Food Restaurant 66

Class 131: Gas Station with Amenities

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 130 Land use Category Name Gas Stations

Land use Class No. 131 Land use Class Name Gas Station with
Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used Fuelling Position

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A gas station is a facility which sells fuel for motor vehicles. This land use includes gas stations which provide amenities such as car-wash,
vehicle servicing, convenience store, ATMs and wash rooms. It may also include a mechanical garage or tire shop.
Sample Sites: ADNOC GasStations

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

67 Gas Station withAmenities

131: Gas Station with Amenities

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 131, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Gas Stations with Amenities located within the Emirate of AbuDhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Fuelling Position

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 15.73 20.15 19.49 21.84 Rate 10.13 15.09 23.28 26.26

% In 41 55 50 52 % In 53 53 50 47

% Out 59 45 50 48 % Out 47 47 50 53

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident - Fuelling Position

Car - Visitors 2.782 Fuelling Position

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Fuelling Position

Gas Station withAmenities 68

Class 141: Furniture Store

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 140 Land use Category Name Mega Specialty Stores/
Clusters/ Showrooms
Land use Class No. 141 Land use Class Name Furniture Store
Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A furniture store is a store which sells a specific range of furniture and wood related items which are mainly used for utility purposes. These
stores are large in size and have an extensive width and depth of stock, and provide high levels of service and expertise.
Sample Sites: Home Decor, PAN Emirates Furnishing

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

69 Furniture Store
141: Furniture Store

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 141, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Furniture Stores located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.32 0.98 2.03 2.72 Rate - 0.98 5.06 5.06

% In 51 43 49 45 % In - 48 47 47

% Out 49 57 51 55 % Out - 52 53 53

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.270 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.411 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.0005 100 SQM of GFA

Furniture Store 70
Class 142: Electronic Store

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 140 Land use Category Name Mega Specialty Stores/
Clusters/ Showrooms
Land use Class No. 142 Land use Class Name Electronic Store
Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

An electronics store is a standalone store which specializes in the sale of home and other vehicle electronic products. These kinds of stores are not
a part of a mall or superstore. The main items sold in these stores are washing machines, microwave oven, compact discs, tape recorders, mobile
phones, cassettes, air conditioner, refrigerators, television, small kitchen appliances, computer equipments and many more electronic products.
Sample Sites: Jumbo Electronics, EMAX Electronics

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

71 Electronic Store
142: Electronic Store

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 142, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Electronic Stores located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 5.92 7.93 8.66 Rate - 6.82 13.91 13.91

% In - 52 46 51 % In - 52 52 52

% Out - 48 54 49 % Out - 48 48 48

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.069 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 4.198 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.082 100 SQM of GFA

Electronic Store 72
Class 144: Vehicle Showroom

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 140 Land use Category Name Mega Specialty Stores/
Clusters/ Showrooms
Land use Class No. 144 Land use Class Name Vehicle Showroom
Total Sites Surveyed 4 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A vehicle showroom is a standalone showroom that sells new cars and/or used cars at the retail level, based on a dealership contract with an
automaker or its sales subsidiary. It may also provide maintenance services for cars, thus employing automobile mechanics, stock and selling
spare automobile parts, and process warranty claims. However, it does not include any garage or workshop area.
Sample Sites: Toyota Showroom, MitsubishiShowroom

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
144-A: Abu DhabiCity

144-B: Al Ain City and Others

73 Vehicle Showroom
144-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 144-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Vehicle Showrooms located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 7.44 8.15 9.04 11.40 Rate 0.83 3.26 6.00 6.49

% In 47 38 37 49 % In 68 41 45 47

% Out 53 62 63 51 % Out 32 59 55 53

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.242 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 3.841 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.670 100 SQM of GFA

Vehicle Showroom 74
144-B: Al Ain City and Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 144-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Vehicle Showrooms located within Al Ain City and Otherareas.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 7.42 8.58 6.67 13.00 Rate 3.98 16.82 8.68 16.82

% In 54 57 56 38 % In 78 42 51 42

% Out 46 43 44 62 % Out 22 58 49 58

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.788 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 5.164 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 1.333 100 SQM of GFA

75 Vehicle Showroom
Class 145: Other Showroom

General Information
Land use Group No. 100 Land use Group Name Commercial

Land use Category No. 140 Land use Category Name Mega Specialty Stores/
Clusters/ Showrooms
Land use Class No. 145 Land use Class Name Other Showroom
Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Other showrooms are small standalone retail stores selling diversified merchandise like books, garments, jewellery etc. These stores may be a
part of a chain or individual showrooms. These showrooms are generally located in busy residential areas.
Sample Sites: Technical Parts EST, Babyshop

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Other Showroom 76
145: Other Showroom

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 145, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Other Showrooms located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.17 2.79 4.68 4.68 Rate 0.50 1.25 5.10 5.10

% In 59 47 40 40 % In 49 59 50 50

% Out 41 53 60 60 % Out 51 41 50 50

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.146 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.101 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.311 100 SQM of GFA

77 Other Showroom
200 - Office Group
Class 211: Local Govt./ Administrative Building

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 210 Land use Category Name Government Offices

Land use Class No. 211 Land use Class Name Local Government/
Administrative Building
Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A local government/ administrative building refers to an individual building or place used as an office or other businesses by a local government
department or unit. Local government / administrative building provide public services in a specific field, which may or may not have an ancillary
customer care service. However, it excludes dedicated customercare centres.
Sample Sites: Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Al Ain Distribution Company

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
211-A: Abu DhabiCity
211-B: AlAin City


78 Local Govt./ Administrative Building

211-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 211-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Local Government/ Administrative Buildings located within Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.78 0.92 - 1.44 Rate - - - -

% In 60 48 - 50 % In - - - -

% Out 40 52 - 50 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.714 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.252 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.016 100 SQM of GFA

Local Govt./ Administrative Building 79

211-B: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 211-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Local Government/ Administrative Buildings located within AlAin City.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.03 1.11 - 1.50 Rate - - - -

% In 53 44 - 59 % In - - - -

% Out 47 56 - 41 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.883 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.626 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.019 100 SQM of GFA

80 Local Govt./ Administrative Building

211-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 211-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Local Government/ Administrative Buildings located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.84 2.46 - 2.46 Rate - - - -

% In 66 38 - 38 % In - - - -

% Out 34 62 - 62 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 2.642 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.270 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.021 100 SQM of GFA

Local Govt./ Administrative Building 81

Class 221: Exclusive Office Building

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 220 Land use Category Name Non-Government Offices

Land use Class No. 221 Land use Class Name Exclusive Office Building

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

An exclusive office building is a single tenant office building which houses the corporate headquarters of a company or organization. It generally
consists of offices, meeting rooms, space for file storage and data processing, a restaurant and cafeteria and other service functions.
Sample Sites: Al Mansouri Group National Contracting & Ind., EMKE GroupBuilding

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

82 Exclusive Office Building

221: Exclusive Office Building

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 221, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Exclusive Office Buildings located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.57 3.22 1.84 3.22 Rate - - - -

% In 62% 49% 20% 49% % In - - - -

% Out 38% 51% 80% 51% % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.178 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.523 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.003 100 SQM of GFA

Exclusive Office Building 83

Class 222: Multi-User Office Building

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 220 Land use Category Name Non-Government Offices

Land use Class No. 222 Land use Class Name Multi-User Office
Total Sites Surveyed 15 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A multi-user office building houses multiple tenants/companies and is a place where affairs of business are conducted. The building generally
contains offices, meeting rooms, space for file storage, data processing and other related offices activities. These offices may have small retail
and restaurants attached which are used by the internal occupants.
Sample Sites: Al Muhairy Office Tower, Al Faraa Group

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
222-A: Abu Dhabi City -CBD
222-B: Abu Dhabi City - NonCBD

222-C: Al Ain City


84 Multi-User Office Building

222-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 222-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Multi-User Office Buildings located within the CBD of Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.70 1.44 0.97 1.70 Rate - - - -

% In 76 46 33 76 % In - - - -

% Out 24 54 67 24 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.280 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.492 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.009 100 SQM of GFA

Multi-User Office Building 85

222-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 222-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Multi-User Office Buildings located within the Non CBD of Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 2.73 2.24 1.56 2.73 Rate - - - -

% In 80 48 23 80 % In - - - -

% Out 20 52 77 20 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 2.574 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.663 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.022 100 SQM of GFA

86 Multi-User Office Building

222-C: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 222-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Multi-User Office Buildings located within Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 8

Variable Used 100 SQM GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.72 0.92 1.05 1.05 Rate - - - -

% In 73 44 48 48 % In - - - -

% Out 27 56 52 52 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.293 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.107 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.005 100 SQM of GFA

Multi-User Office Building 87

222-D: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 222-D, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Multi-User Office Buildings located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed -

Variable Used 100 SQM GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.72 0.92 1.05 1.05 Rate - - - -

% In 73 44 48 48 % In - - - -

% Out 27 56 52 52 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.293 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.107 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.005 100 SQM of GFA

88 Multi-User Office Building

Class 231: Post and Courier

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 230 Land use Category Name Service Oriented Offices

Land use Class No. 231 Land use Class Name Post andCourier

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A post office is a government owned and operated facility for the posting, receipt, sorting, handling and delivery of mail. Post offices offer mail-
related services such as post office boxes, postage and packaging supplies.
A courier is a privately owned company that delivers messages, packages and mail.
Sample Sites: Emirates Post Office, Aramex Couriers

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Post andCourier 89
231: Post and Courier

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 231, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Post Offices and Couriers located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 11.27 14.70 17.17 19.04 Rate - - - -

% In 58 51 50 50 % In - - - -

% Out 42 49 50 50 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.397 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 4.713 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - 100 SQM of GFA

90 Post andCourier
232: Computer and Telecom Service Provider

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 230 Land use Category Name Service Oriented Offices

Land use Class No. 232 Land use Class Name Computer & Telecom
Services Providers
Total Sites Surveyed 4 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

This includes the customer care centres of Etisalat, Du etc, which handles customer services related to computer and telecommunication.
Sample Sites: Etisalat Business Centre, Etisalat Service Centres

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Computer and Telecommunication Service Provider 91

232: Computer and Telecom Service Provider

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 232, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Computer and Telecom Service Providers located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 12.70 28.75 16.67 28.75 Rate - - - -

% In 53 50 51 50 % In - - - -

% Out 47 50 49 50 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.668 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 12.695 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.022 100 SQM of GFA

92 Computer and Telecommunication serviceprovider

Class 233: Immigration Centres/ Visa Office

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 230 Land use Category Name Service Oriented Offices

Land use Class No. 233 Land use Class Name Immigration Centres/
Visa Office
Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Immigration centres/ visa offices are government offices which handle all issues related to immigration and provide visas, E-gate cards, etc.
They fall under the jurisdiction of General Directorate of Residence and Foreigners Affairs - Abu Dhabi (GDRFA).
Sample Sites: Various

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Immigration Centres/ Visa Office 93

233: Immigration Centres/ Visa Office

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 233, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Immigration Centres/ Visa Offices located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 6.27 8.50 3.73 9.16 Rate - - - -

% In 62 51 50 54 % In - - - -

% Out 38 49 50 46 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.962 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 3.957 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.002 100 SQM of GFA

94 Immigration Centres/ Visa Office

Class 234: Embassy and Consulate

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 230 Land use Category Name Service Oriented Offices

Land use Class No. 234 Land use Class Name Embassy andConsulate

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

An embassy is the office of a country’s diplomatic representatives in the capital city of another country. Aconsulate is the office of the representatives
of the embassy in different cities of the country. These offices are generally situated in big villas and may include the residence of the ambassador
or consulate.
Sample Sites: Indian Embassy, JordanEmbassy

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Embassy andConsulate 95
234: Embassy and Consulate

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 234, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Embassy and Consulates located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 2.77 3.40 - 4.76 Rate - - - -

% In 81 36 - 40 % In - - - -

% Out 19 64 - 60 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.063 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.280 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.001 100 SQM of GFA

96 Embassy andConsulate
Class 235: Banking Services

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 230 Land use Category Name Service Oriented Offices

Land use Class No. 235 Land use Class Name Banking Services

Total Sites Surveyed 15 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

These are standalone bank offices or branches which handle administrative functions and provide financial services to the customers. The bank
services may include ATM transactions, loans and money exchange. Bank headquarters are excluded from this class.
Sample Sites: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Branches, National Bank of Abu Dhabi Branches

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
235-A: Abu Dhabi City -CBD
235- B:Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD
235- C: Al AinCity - CBD
235- C: Al AinCity - CBD

Banking Services 97
235-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 235-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Banking Services located within the CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 10.18 19.41 - 22.91 Rate - - - -

% In 53 50 - 52 % In - - - -

% Out 47 50 - 48 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.564 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 4.413 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.015 100 SQM of GFA

98 Banking Services
235-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 235-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Banking Services located within the Non CBD of Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 9.31 18.25 - 18.25 Rate - - - -

% In 48 52 - 52 % In - - - -

% Out 52 48 - 48 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.509 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.285 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.098 100 SQM of GFA

Banking Services 99
235-C: Al Ain City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 235-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Banking Services located within the CBD of Al AinCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 5

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 4.02 6.77 - 8.13 Rate - - - -

% In 57 52 - 55 % In - - - -

% Out 43 48 - 45 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.299 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.089 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.0002 100 SQM of GFA

100 Banking Services

235-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 235-D, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Banking Services located within the Non CBD of AlAin City.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 3.17 5.51 - 7.14 Rate - - - -

% In 65 46 - 51 % In - - - -

% Out 35 54 - 49 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.332 100 SQM of GFA
Car - Visitors 1.774 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - 100 SQM of GFA

Banking Services 101

235-E: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 235-E, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Banking Services located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 9.41 12.20 - 15.47 Rate - - - -

% In 57 53 - 45 % In - - - -

% Out 43 47 - 55 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.786 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.201 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.135 100 SQM of GFA

102 Banking Services

Class 236: Police Station

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 230 Land use Category Name Service Oriented Offices

Land use Class No. 236 Land use Class Name Police Station

Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A police station is a government office building which serves to accommodate police officers and other members of staff. These buildings may have
offices and accommodation for personnel, along with locker rooms, temporary holding cells and interview/ interrogation rooms.
Sample Sites: Various

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Police Station 103

236: Police Station

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 236, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Police Stations located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 2.11 2.48 0.43 2.48 Rate - - - -

% In 86 57 34 57 % In - - - -

% Out 14 43 66 43 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.219 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.108 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.002 100 SQM of GFA

104 Police Station

Class 237: Fire Brigade

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 230 Land use Category Name Service Oriented Offices

Land use Class No. 237 Land use Class Name Fire Brigade

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A fire brigade is the department of government that provides fire protection services to the city. These offices may be large and may provide
education and training to the fire fighters as well. It may also include accommodation for the fire fighters.
Sample Sites: Various

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Fire Brigade 105

237: Fire Brigade

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 237, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Fire Brigades located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.35 0.24 0.30 0.35 Rate - - - -

% In 52 56 30 52 % In - - - -

% Out 48 44 70 48 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.223 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.094 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.236 100 SQM of GFA

106 Fire Brigade

Class 238: Bank Head Quarters

General Information
Land use Group No. 200 Land use Group Name Office

Land use Category No. 230 Land use Category Name Service Oriented Offices

Land use Class No. 238 Land use Class Name Bank Head Quarters

Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A bank headquarters is the main centre of operation for the respective bank. This building accomodates corporate functions, conferencing,
individual departments, small retail banking unit etc.
Sample Sites: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, National Bank of Abu Dhabi

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Bank Head Quarters 107

238: Bank Head Quarters

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 238, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Bank Head Quarters located within the Emirate of AbuDhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution


Rate 1.79 1.75 - 1.95 Rate - - - -

% In 76 44 - 45 % In - - - -

% Out 24 56 - 55 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.470 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.630 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.002 100 SQM of GFA

108 Bank Head Quarters

300 - Residential Group
Class 311: Studio/ One Bedroom Apartment

General Information
Land use Group No. 300 Land use Group Name Residential

Land use Category No. 310 Land use Category Name Apartments

Land use Class No. 311 Land use Class Name Studio/ One Bedroom
Total Sites Surveyed 29 Variable Used Unit

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Studio or one bedroom apartments are dwelling units which are generally located within the same building. These types of accommodation are
small in size and are generally used by bachelors or small size families.
A studio apartment is a single unit which combines a living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen in the same unit.
A one bedroom apartment has a separate bedroom and living room and includes kitchen and bathroom.
Sample Sites: Various

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

311-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

311-B: Abu Dhabi City - NonCBD

311-C: Al Ain City - CBD

311-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD


109 Studio/ One BedroomApartment

311-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 311-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Studio/ One Bedroom Apartments located within the CBD of Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.48 0.60 1.06 1.06 Rate 0.26 0.41 0.62 0.62

% In 17 60 48 48 % In 40 54 44 44

% Out 83 40 52 52 % Out 60 46 56 56

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.818 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.043 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.003 Unit

Studio/ One BedroomApartment 110

311-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 311-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Studio/ One Bedroom Apartments located within the Non CBD of Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 6

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.65 0.91 1.30 1.30 Rate 0.40 0.70 0.86 0.90

% In 16 53 35 35 % In 36 47 37 44

% Out 84 47 65 65 % Out 64 53 63 56

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.940 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.049 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.012 Unit

111 Studio/ One BedroomApartment

311-C: Al Ain City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 311-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Studio/ One Bedroom Apartments located within the CBD of AlAin City.

Total Sites Surveyed 7

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.38 0.59 0.83 0.83 Rate 0.34 0.69 0.50 0.69

% In 29 52 45 45 % In 48 59 38 59

% Out 71 48 55 55 % Out 52 41 62 41

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.783 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.041 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.008 Unit

Studio/ One BedroomApartment 112

311-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 311-D, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Studio/ One Bedroom Apartments located within the Non CBD of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.58 0.71 0.99 0.99 Rate 0.35 0.31 0.69 0.69

% In 15 29 20 20 % In 27 37 27 27

% Out 85 71 80 80 % Out 73 63 73 73

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.834 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.044 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.019 Unit

113 Studio/ One BedroomApartment

311-E: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 311-E, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Studio/ One Bedroom Apartments located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.49 0.83 0.90 0.90 Rate 0.30 0.52 0.56 0.56

% In 6 51 37 37 % In 31 41 38 38

% Out 94 49 63 63 % Out 69 59 62 62

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.826 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.043 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.015 Unit

Studio/ One BedroomApartment 114

Class 312: Two Bedrooms Apartment

General Information
Land use Group No. 300 Land use Group Name Residential

Land use Category No. 310 Land use Category Name Apartments

Land use Class No. 312 Land use Class Name TwoBedrooms
Total Sites Surveyed 29 Variable Used Unit

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Two bedroom apartments are dwelling units which are comparatively bigger in size and have two bedrooms separate from the living / dining
room. It usually consists of a kitchen, dinning and living areas and at least one bathroom.
Sample Sites: Various

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

312-A: Abu Dhabi City -CBD

312-B: Abu Dhabi City - NonCBD

312-C: Al Ain City - CBD

312-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD


115 Two BedroomsApartment

312-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 312-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Two Bedrooms Apartments located within the CBD ofAbu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.92 0.88 1.57 1.57 Rate 0.22 0.56 0.81 0.81

% In 17 60 48 48 % In 28 54 42 42

% Out 83 40 52 52 % Out 72 46 58 58

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.238 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.065 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.003 Unit

Two BedroomsApartment 116

312-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 312-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Two BedroomsApartments located within the Non CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 6

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.24 0.49 1.93 1.93 Rate 0.59 0.32 1.12 1.12

% In 16 53 35 35 % In 36 47 37 37

% Out 84 47 65 65 % Out 64 53 63 63

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.423 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.075 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.016 Unit

117 Two BedroomsApartment

312-C: Al Ain City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 312-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Two Bedrooms Apartments located within the CBD of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 7

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.75 0.96 1.23 1.23 Rate 0.51 0.62 0.65 0.67

% In 35 52 45 45 % In 48 59 38 49

% Out 65 48 55 55 % Out 52 41 62 51

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.186 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.062 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.011 Unit

Two BedroomsApartment 118

312-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 312-D, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Two Bedrooms Apartments located within the Non CBD of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.10 0.91 1.47 1.47 Rate 0.51 0.42 0.89 0.89

% In 15 29 20 20 % In 16 37 27 27

% Out 85 71 80 80 % Out 84 63 73 73

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.262 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.066 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.019 Unit

119 Two BedroomsApartment

312-E: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 312-E, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Two Bedrooms Apartments located within Otherareas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.93 0.84 1.34 1.34 Rate 0.45 0.45 0.72 0.72

% In 6 51 37 37 % In 31 29 38 38

% Out 94 49 63 63 % Out 69 71 62 62

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.250 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.066 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.015 Unit

Two BedroomsApartment 120

Class 313: Three or more Bedrooms Apartment

General Information
Land use Group No. 300 Land use Group Name Residential

Land use Category No. 310 Land use Category Name Apartments

Land use Class No. 313 Land use Class Name Three or more
Total Sites Surveyed 29 Variable Used Unit

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Three or more bedroom apartments are large dwelling units with three bedrooms separate from the living / dining room. It usually consists of a
kitchen, dinning, store, study and living areas. It may have a maids room as well.
Sample Sites: Various

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

313-A: Abu Dhabi City -CBD

313-B: Abu Dhabi City - NonCBD

313-C: Al Ain City - CBD

313-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD


121 Three or more BedroomsApartment

313-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 313-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Three or more Bedrooms Apartments located within CBD of Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.15 0.54 1.39 1.39 Rate 0.48 0.38 1.08 1.08

% In 17 60 48 48 % In 40 54 44 44

% Out 83 40 52 52 % Out 60 46 56 56

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.710 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.090 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.003 Unit

Three or more BedroomsApartment 122

313-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 312-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Three or more Bedrooms Apartments located within Non CBD of Abu Dhabi

Total Sites Surveyed 6

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.50 0.43 1.80 1.80 Rate 0.73 0.31 1.49 1.49

% In 16 53 35 35 % In 36 47 37 37

% Out 84 47 65 65 % Out 64 53 63 63

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.965 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.103 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.012 Unit

123 Three or more BedroomsApartment

313-C: Al Ain City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 313-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Three or more Bedrooms Apartments located within the CBD of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 7

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.02 0.76 1.27 1.27 Rate 0.63 0.66 0.87 0.87

% In 29 52 45 45 % In 48 59 38 38

% Out 71 48 55 55 % Out 52 41 62 62

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.638 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.086 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.026 Unit

Three or more BedroomsApartment 124

313-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 313-D, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Three or more Bedrooms Apartments located within the Non CBD of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.40 0.81 1.51 1.51 Rate 0.63 0.27 1.19 1.19

% In 15 29 20 20 % In 16 37 27 27

% Out 85 71 80 80 % Out 84 63 73 73

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.743 Unit
Car - Visitors 0.092 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.019 Unit

125 Three or more BedroomsApartment

313-E: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 313-E, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Three or more Bedrooms Apartments located within Otherareas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.32 0.83 1.38 1.38 Rate 0.55 0.51 0.96 0.96

% In 6 51 37 37 % In 31 29 38 38

% Out 94 49 63 63 % Out 69 71 62 62

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.727 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.091 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.015 Unit

Three or more BedroomsApartment 126

Class 321: Standalone Villa

General Information
Land use Group No. 300 Land use Group Name Residential

Land use Category No. 320 Land use Category Name Villas

Land use Class No. 321 Land use Class Name Standalone Villa

Total Sites Surveyed 80 Variable Used Bedroom

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A standalone villa is a large individual luxurious house with multiple bedrooms and a high GFA and site area. It does not share walls with the
adjacent villas and may house servant quarters and other facilities/amenities.
Sample Sites: Various

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

321-A: Abu Dhabi City -CBD

321-B1: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD less than or equal to 4Bedrooms

321-B2: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD more than 4Bedrooms

321-C: Al Ain City - CBD

321-D1: Al Ain City - Non CBD less than or equal to 4 Bedrooms

321-D2: Al Ain City - Non CBD more than 4 Bedrooms

321-E1: Others - less than or equal to 4 Bedrooms

321-E2: Others - more than 4 Bedrooms

127 Standalone Villa

321-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 321-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Standalone Villas located within the CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.41 0.20 0.47 0.48 Rate - - - -

% In 18 71 59 18 % In - - - -

% Out 82 29 41 82 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.730 Bedroom

Car - Visitors 0.081 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

Standalone Villa 128

321-B1: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD ≤ 4 Bedrooms

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 321-B1, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Standalone Villas less than or equal to 4 bedrooms located within the Non CBD
of Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.77 0.34 0.87 0.87 Rate - - - -

% In 33 86 75 75 % In - - - -

% Out 67 14 25 25 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.760 Bedroom
Car - Visitors 0.084 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

129 Standalone Villa

321-B2: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD > 4 Bedrooms

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 321-B2, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Standalone Villas more than 4 bedrooms located within the Non CBD of Abu
Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.49 0.23 0.66 0.66 Rate - - - -

% In 33 86 75 75 % In - - - -

% Out 67 14 25 25 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.810 Bedroom

Car - Visitors 0.090 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

Standalone Villa 130

321-C: Al Ain City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 321-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Standalone Villas located within the CBD of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.20 0.14 0.15 0.25 Rate - - - -

% In 5 88 48 5 % In - - - -

% Out 95 12 52 95 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.610 Bedroom
Car - Visitors 0.068 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

131 Standalone Villa

321-D1: Al Ain City - Non CBD ≤ 4 Bedrooms

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 321-D1, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Standalone Villas less than or equal to 4 bedrooms located within the Non CBD
of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.51 0.25 0.18 0.51 Rate - - - -

% In 0 100 65 0 % In - - - -

% Out 100 0 35 100 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.760 Bedroom

Car - Visitors 0.084 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

Standalone Villa 132

321-D2: Al Ain City - Non CBD > 4 Bedrooms

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 321-D2, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Standalone Villas more than 4 bedrooms located within the Non CBD of Al Ain

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.19 0.13 0.10 0.25 Rate - - - -

% In 0 100 65 0 % In - - - -

% Out 100 0 35 100 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.840 Bedroom
Car - Visitors 0.093 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

133 Standalone Villa

321-E1: Others ≤ 4 Bedrooms

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 321-E1, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Standalone Villas less than or equal to 4 bedrooms located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.25 Rate - - - -

% In 0 74 77 22 % In - - - -

% Out 100 26 23 78 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.400 Bedroom

Car - Visitors 0.044 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

Standalone Villa 134

321-E2: Others > 4 Bedrooms

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 321-E2, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Standalone Villas more than 4 bedrooms located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.24 Rate - - - -

% In 0 74 77 22 % In - - - -

% Out 100 26 23 78 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.760 Bedroom
Car - Visitors 0.084 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

135 Standalone Villa

Class 322: Townhouse Type Villa

General Information
Land use Group No. 300 Land use Group Name Residential

Land use Category No. 320 Land use Category Name Villas

Land use Class No. 322 Land use Class Name Town House Type Villa

Total Sites Surveyed 50 Variable Used Bedroom

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Townhouse type villas are groups of villas in the same complex sharing a common wall. They generally have a moderate GFA and site area.
They may also have individual or shared facilities/amenities.
Sample Sites: Various

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

322-A: Abu Dhabi City -CBD

322-B: Abu Dhabi City - NonCBD

322-C: Al Ain City - CBD

322-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD


Townhouse Type Villa 136

322-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 322-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Townhouse Type Villas located within the CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.21 0.12 0.47 0.47 Rate - - - -

% In 46 22 63 63 % In - - - -

% Out 54 78 37 37 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.579 Bedroom
Car - Visitors 0.064 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

137 Townhouse Type Villa

322-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 322-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Townhouse Type Villas located within the Non CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.23 0.30 0.29 0.53 Rate - - - -

% In 30 41 96 73 % In - - - -

% Out 70 59 4 27 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.638 Bedroom

Car - Visitors 0.071 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

Townhouse Type Villa 138

322-C: Al Ain City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 322-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Townhouse Type Villas located within the CBD of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.28 0.28 0.62 0.62 Rate - - - -

% In 33 33 42 42 % In - - - -

% Out 67 67 58 58 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.482 Bedroom
Car - Visitors 0.054 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

139 Townhouse Type Villa

322-D: Al Ain City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 322-D, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Townhouse Type Villas located within the Non CBD of Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.51 0.12 0.46 0.51 Rate - - - -

% In 48 100 52 48 % In - - - -

% Out 52 0 48 52 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.710 Bedroom

Car - Visitors 0.079 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

Townhouse Type Villa 140

322-E: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 322-E, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Townhouse Type Villas located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 10

Variable Used Bedroom

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.09 0.05 0.11 0.23 Rate - - - -

% In 0 42 86 18 % In - - - -

% Out 100 58 14 82 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.716 Bedroom
Car - Visitors 0.080 Bedroom

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Bedroom

141 Townhouse Type Villa

Class 324: Farm House

General Information
Land use Group No. 300 Land use Group Name Residential

Land use Category No. 320 Land use Category Name Villas

Land use Class No. 324 Land use Class Name Farm House

Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 1000 SQM SiteArea

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A farm house is the main dwelling unit on a farm. It is a large unit surrounded by cultivable or open land.
Sample Sites: Various

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Farm House 142

324: Farm House

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 324, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Farm Houses located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 1000 SQM SiteArea

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.63 0.31 0.94 0.94 Rate - - - -

% In 47 33 59 59 % In - - - -

% Out 53 67 41 41 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.336 1000 SQM SiteArea
Car - Visitors 0.234 1000 SQM SiteArea

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.005 1000 SQM SiteArea

143 Farm House

Class 331: Company Accommodation

General Information
Land use Group No. 300 Land use Group Name Residential

Land use Category No. 330 Land use Category Name GroupAccommodation

Land use Class No. 331 Land use Class Name CompanyAccommodation

Total Sites Surveyed 4 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Company accommodations are shared accommodations usually part of an apartment or villa used by workers and employees who generally
serve in a particular field e.g. hotel industry, airline industry etc. These accommodations have facilities such as TV, fridge, washing machine etc.
Sample Sites: UAE University Staff Accomodation, Bawadi Mall Staff Accomodation

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

CompanyAccommodation 144
331: Company Accommodation

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 331, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Company Accommodation located within the Emirate ofAbu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.36 0.17 0.49 0.49 Rate 0.17 0.14 0.16 0.17

% In 8 50 69 69 % In 6 44 70 6

% Out 92 50 31 31 % Out 94 56 30 94

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.401 100 SQM of GFA
Car - Visitors 0.012 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.044 100 SQM of GFA

145 CompanyAccommodation
Class 332: Labour Accommodation

General Information
Land use Group No. 300 Land use Group Name Residential

Land use Category No. 330 Land use Category Name GroupAccommodation

Land use Class No. 332 Land use Class Name LabourAccommodation

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Labour camps are shared accommodation for labourers that are generally positioned in industrial areas or construction sites. The majority of
workers are transported from the labour camps to various work sites by buses.
Sample Sites: Sawaeed Contracting Co. Labour Camp, ACCLabour Camp

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

LabourAccommodation 146
332: Labour Accommodation

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 332, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Labour Accommodation located within the Emirate of AbuDhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.21 0.07 0.33 0.33 Rate 0.11 0.19 0.09 0.19

% In 7 53 60 60 % In 20 87 42 87

% Out 93 47 40 40 % Out 80 13 58 13

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.178 100 SQM of GFA
Car - Visitors 0.009 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.115 100 SQM of GFA

147 LabourAccommodation
Class 333: Hostels

General Information
Land use Group No. 300 Land use Group Name Residential

Land use Category No. 330 Land use Category Name GroupAccommodation

Land use Class No. 333 Land use Class Name Hostels

Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used Resident

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Hostels are moderate/ large sized shared accommodations generally used by students, the aged, training purpose etc. These hostels may have
single rooms or dormitories and may have individual/ shared bathrooms.
Sample Sites:Abu Dhabi University Boys Hostel and Girls Hostel

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Hostels 148
333: Hostels

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 333, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Hostels located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used Resident

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.11 0.15 0.07 0.15 Rate 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.06

% In 8 43 56 43 % In 35 29 57 57

% Out 92 57 44 57 % Out 65 71 44 44

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.292 Resident
Car - Visitors 0.025 Resident

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Resident

149 Hostels
400 - Lodging Group
Class 411: 3 Star and below Hotel

General Information
Land use Group No. 400 Land use Group Name LodgingGroup

Land use Category No. 410 Land use Category Name Hotel andResort

Land use Class No. 411 Land use Class Name 3 Star and belowHotel

Total Sites Surveyed 13 Variable Used Unit

Land use Class Description/ Definition

3 Star and below hotels are a formal paid accommodation which provide lodging on a short term basis. These kinds of hotels are generally cheaper
and do not provide a wide range of services. These hotels may have small restaurants, conference facilities and small shops (rent a car office,
travel agency, gift shops) for the hotel guests. Number of units can also be considered as number of keys.
Sample Sites: Grand Continental Hotel, Sands Hotel

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
411-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

411-B: Abu Dhabi City - NonCBD

411-C: Al Ain City and Others

150 3 Star and belowHotel

411-A: Abu Dhabi City - CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 411-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for 3 Star and below Hotels located within the CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.22 0.38 0.33 0.38 Rate 0.12 0.23 0.27 0.27

% In 48 46 55 46 % In 34 50 53 53

% Out 52 54 45 54 % Out 66 50 47 47

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.018 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.333 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - Unit

3 Star and belowHotel 151

411-B: Abu Dhabi City - Non CBD

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 411-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for 3 Star and below Hotels located within the Non-CBD of Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.30 0.18 0.36 0.36 Rate 0.15 0.13 0.15 0.19

% In 24 67 58 58 % In 38 52 55 59

% Out 76 33 42 42 % Out 62 48 45 41

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.056 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.323 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.035 Unit

152 3 Star and belowHotel

411-C: Al Ain City and Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 411-C presents the Trip and Parking Rates for 3 Star and below Hotels located within Al Ain City and Otherareas.

Total Sites Surveyed 6

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.19 0.27 0.27 0.27 Rate 0.14 0.26 0.31 0.31

% In 39 58 52 52 % In 61 45 55 55

% Out 61 42 48 48 % Out 39 55 45 45

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.042 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.252 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.009 Unit

3 Star and belowHotel 153

Class 412: 4 Star and above Hotel

General Information
Land use Group No. 400 Land use Group Name LodgingGroup

Land use Category No. 410 Land use Category Name Hotel andResort

Land use Class No. 412 Land use Class Name 4 Star and aboveHotel

Total Sites Surveyed 7 Variable Used Unit

Land use Class Description/ Definition

4 star and above hotels are luxurious paid accommodations with a large range of facilities and multilingual services. Hotels in this category have
large public areas and may have several restaurants and clubs. However, these exclude large water parks, amusement parks, souqs, small
arenas, open-air-theatres, casinos etc.
Sample Sites: Le Royal Meridien, CrownePlaza

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
412-A: Abu DhabiCity

412-B: Al Ain City and Others

154 4 Star and aboveHotel

412-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 412-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for 4 Star and above Hotels located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.38 0.42 0.50 0.54 Rate 0.23 0.29 0.32 0.39

% In 45 49 58 57 % In 54 51 52 54

% Out 55 51 42 43 % Out 46 49 48 46

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.091 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.342 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.006 Unit

4 Star and aboveHotel 155

412-B: Al Ain City and Others

General Information
Land use Class 412-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for 4 Star and above Hotels located within Al Ain City and Otherareas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.30 0.33 0.32 0.36 Rate 0.14 0.27 0.43 0.43

% In 50 55 53 52 % In 60 55 40 40

% Out 50 45 47 48 % Out 40 45 60 60

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.047 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.297 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.012 Unit

156 4 Star and aboveHotel

Class 421: Suites/ Apartment Hotel

Land use Class Description

Land use Group No. 400 Land use Group Name LodgingGroup

Land use Category No. 420 Land use Category Name Furnished Suites/ Apart-
Land use Class No. 421 Land use Class Name Suites/Apartment Hotel
Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used Unit

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Suites/ Apartment Hotels are furnished apartments used for short-term and long-term stays; each apartment normally includes a sitting room
and separate bedroom with kitchen facilities. Apartments may range from studio to 3 bedroom units with kitchen facilities.
Sample Sites: Ramee Hotel Apartment, Abu Dhabi Plaza Hotel Apartments

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

421-A: Abu DhabiCity

421-B: Al Ain City and Others

Suites / ApartmentHotel 157

421-A: Abu Dhabi City

General Information
Land use Class 421-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Suites / Apartment Hotels located withinAbu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 6

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.17 0.24 0.32 0.32 Rate 0.09 0.39 0.43 0.67

% In 19 56 55 55 % In 40 50 56 43

% Out 81 44 45 45 % Out 60 50 44 57

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.045 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.181 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.003 Unit

158 Suites / ApartmentHotel

421-B: Al Ain City and Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 421-B presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Suites / Apartment Hotels located within Al Ain City and Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Unit

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 Rate 0.12 0.21 0.16 0.21

% In 31 49 56 49 % In 48 42 28 42

% Out 69 51 44 51 % Out 52 58 72 58

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.040 Unit

Car - Visitors 0.160 Unit

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.001 Unit

Suites / ApartmentHotel 159

500 - Institutional Group
Class 511: Nursery/ Childcare

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 510 Land use Category Name Nursery andSchools

Land use Class No. 511 Land use Class Name Nursery/ Child Care

Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used Student

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A Nursery/Child care is a building or place used for child care and pre-school. These centres provide day care facilities to children and may have
classrooms, offices, eating areas and playgrounds. It is generally for children up to the age of five.
Sample Sites: Humpty Dumpty Nursery, Educare Nursery

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
511-A: Abu DhabiCity

511-B: AlAin City


160 Nursery/ Childcare

511-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 511-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Nursery/ Childcare located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.78 0.47 - 0.78 Rate - - - -

% In 74 29 - 74 % In - - - -

% Out 26 71 - 26 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.080 Student

Car - Visitors 0.392 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.017 Student

Nursery/ Childcare 161

511-B: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 511-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Nursery/ Childcare located within Al AinCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.50 0.31 - 0.50 Rate - - - -

% In 68 43 - 68 % In - - - -

% Out 32 57 - 32 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.061 Student

Car - Visitors 0.269 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.026 Student

162 Nursery/ Childcare

511-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 511-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Nursery/ Childcare located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 1

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.75 0.45 - 0.75 Rate - - - -

% In 82 0 - 82 % In - - - -

% Out 18 100 - 18 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.081 Student

Car - Visitors 0.477 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.031 Student

Nursery/ Childcare 163

Class 512: Government Kindergarten

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 510 Land use Category Name Nursery andSchools

Land use Class No. 512 Land use Class Name Government Kindergar-
Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used Student

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A kindergarten is a facility which provides pre school education facility for young children between 3 – 6 years old. It may be a government or
private facility. These are normally located in residential areas in order to facilitate student access.
Sample Sites: Emirates National School (KG), Al Ehsan KG

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
512-A: Abu DhabiCity

512-B: Al Ain City


164 Government Kindergarten

512-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 512-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Kindergartens located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.39 0.26 - 0.39 Rate - - - -

% In 81 36 - 81 % In - - - -

% Out 19 64 - 19 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.077 Student

Car - Visitors 0.230 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.024 Student

GovernmentKindergarten 165
512-B: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 512-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Kindergartens located within Al AinCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.56 0.45 - 0.56 Rate - - - -

% In 65 15 - 65 % In - - - -

% Out 35 85 - 35 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.086 Student

Car - Visitors 0.488 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.005 Student

166 Government Kindergarten

512-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 512-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Kindergartens located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.42 0.36 - 0.42 Rate - - - -

% In 90 23 - 90 % In - - - -

% Out 10 77 - 10 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.117 Student

Car - Visitors 0.274 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.019 Student

GovernmentKindergarten 167
Class 513: Govt. Primary and Intermediate School

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 510 Land use Category Name Nursery andSchools

Land use Class No. 513 Land use Class Name Government Primary and
Total Sites Surveyed 8 Variable Used Student

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Government primary or elementary schools refers to students attending grades 1 through to 6, whereas intermediate schools refers to students
attending grades 7 through to 9. The schools are operated by the local government/municipality and are centrally located in residential areas in
order to facilitate student access.
Sample Sites:Abdullah Bin Otaiba School, Jaber Bin Hayyan Boys Primary

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
513-A: Abu DhabiCity

513-B: Al Ain City


168 Govt. Primary and Intermediate School

513-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 513-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Primary and Intermediate Schools located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.34 0.15 - 0.34 Rate - - - -

% In 95 0 - 95 % In - - - -

% Out 5 100 - 5 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.102 Student

Car - Visitors 0.190 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.022 Student

Govt. Primary and Intermediate School 169

513-B: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 513-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Primary and Intermediate Schools located within Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.41 0.34 - 0.41 Rate - - - -

% In 93 5 - 93 % In - - - -

% Out 7 95 - 7 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.093 Student

Car - Visitors 0.373 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.019 Student

170 Govt. Primary and Intermediate School

513-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 513-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Primary and Intermediate Schools located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.44 0.41 - 0.44 Rate - - - -

% In 90 17 - 90 % In - - - -

% Out 10 83 - 10 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.126 Student

Car - Visitors 0.349 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.017 Student

Govt. Primary and Intermediate School 171

Class 514: Government Secondary School

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 510 Land use Category Name Nursery andSchools

Land use Class No. 514 Land use Class Name Government Secondary
Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used Student

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Government secondary/ high schools serve students who have completed intermediate school (grade 7-9) and are now enrolled in grades 10-
12. These schools also provide a technical, vocational, or college-preparatory curriculum. The schools are governed by the local government/
municipality and are centrally located in residential areas in order to facilitate student access.
Sample Sites: Emirates National School (Secondary Boys), MutanabbiSchool

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

514-A: Abu DhabiCity

514-B: Al Ain City


172 Government Secondary School

514-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 514-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Secondary Schools located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.31 0.20 - 0.31 Rate - - - -

% In 96 32 - 96 % In - - - -

% Out 4 68 - 4 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.095 Student

Car - Visitors 0.170 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.026 Student

Government Secondary School 173

514-B: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 514-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Secondary Schools located within Al AinCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.68 0.30 - 0.68 Rate - - - -

% In 91 9 - 91 % In - - - -

% Out 9 91 - 9 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.110 Student

Car - Visitors 0.439 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.029 Student

174 Government Secondary School

514-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 514-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Secondary Schools located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.45 0.30 - 0.45 Rate - - - -

% In 80 0 - 80 % In - - - -

% Out 20 100 - 20 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.155 Student

Car - Visitors 0.330 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.022 Student

Government Secondary School 175

Class 515: Private School

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 510 Land use Category Name Nursery andSchools

Land use Class No. 515 Land use Class Name Private School

Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used Student

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Private schools are schools which are run by private management and serve students attending nurseries through to high school. Students may
travel a long distance to attend private schools. Bus services are provided to students living beyond a specific distance from the school although
many students use private transportation. These schools are generally part of a chain or group.
Sample Sites: Yasmina School, Sheikh Khalifa Pakistani School

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

515-A: Abu DhabiCity

515-B: Al Ain City


176 Private School

515-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 515-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Private Schools located within Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.44 0.27 0.003 0.44 Rate - - - -

% In 95 14 46 95 % In - - - -

% Out 5 86 54 5 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.055 Student

Car - Visitors 0.131 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.019 Student

Private School 177

515-B: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 515-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Private Schools located within AlAin City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.32 0.25 - 0.32 Rate - - - -

% In 94 13 - 94 % In - - - -

% Out 6 87 - 6 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.080 Student

Car - Visitors 0.078 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.026 Student

178 Private School

515-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 515-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Private Schools located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.23 0.24 - 0.24 Rate - - - -

% In 82 14 - 14 % In - - - -

% Out 18 86 - 86 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.096 Student

Car - Visitors 0.082 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.036 Student

Private School 179

Class 516: Private Kindergarten

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 510 Land use Category Name Nursery andSchools

Land use Class No. 516 Land use Class Name Private Kindergarten

Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used Student

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A private kindergarten is a facility which provides pre-school education facilities for children between 3 and 6 years old. These are owned and
operated by Private bodies.
Sample Sites: Gulf Buds Private School (KG), International Community(KG)

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

516-A: Abu DhabiCity

516-B: Al Ain City


180 Private Kindergarten

516-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 516-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Private Kindergartens located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.42 0.22 - 0.42 Rate - - - -

% In 95 4 - 95 % In - - - -

% Out 5 96 - 5 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.104 Student

Car - Visitors 0.266 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.022 Student

Private Kindergarten 181

516-B: Al Ain City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 516-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Private Kindergartens located within AlAin City.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.80 0.58 - 0.80 Rate - - - -

% In 91 23 - 91 % In - - - -

% Out 9 77 - 9 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.186 Student

Car - Visitors 0.447 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.022 Student

182 Private Kindergarten

516-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 516-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Private Kindergartens located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.73 0.74 - 0.74 Rate - - - -

% In 76 24 - 24 % In - - - -

% Out 24 76 - 76 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.100 Student

Car - Visitors 0.401 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.004 Student

Private Kindergarten 183

Class 521: Institute for Higher Education/ University

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 520 Land use Category Name Institutes for Higher and
Professional Education
Land use Class No. 521 Land use Class Name Institute for Higher Edu-
Total Sites Surveyed 3
Variable Used Student

Land use Class Description/ Definition

University or institution of higher education provides facilities for education and research and which are authorised to grant academic and
professional degrees in a variety of subjects. These institutions may have combined or segregated facilities for boys and girls.
Sample Sites: Abu Dhabi University (Abu Dhabi and Al Ain Campuses)

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class

184 Institute for Higher Education/ University

521: Institute for Higher Education/ University

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 521, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for the Institute for Higher Education/ University located within Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.08 0.21 0.15 0.21 Rate - - - -

% In 60 42 39 40 % In - - - -

% Out 40 58 61 60 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.146 Student

Car - Visitors 0.021 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.002 Student

Institute for Higher Education/ University 185

Class 522: Professional Institution

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 520 Land use Category Name Institutes for Higher and
Professional Education
Land use Class No. 522 Land use Class Name Professional Institution
Total Sites Surveyed 1 Variable Used Student

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A professional institution is an institution or college of higher education and research, which grants professional degrees such as Medicine,
Engineering, Law, Management, Pharmaceutical etc. These institutes provide diplomas, certificates, undergraduate education or postgraduate
education. These institutes usually follow after graduation from a secondary school. They also run some part time courses.
Sample Sites: Petroleum Institute

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class

186 Professional Institution

522: Professional Institution

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 522, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Professional Institutions located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 1

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.22 0.30 0.07 0.30 Rate - - - -

% In 86 45 37 45 % In - - - -

% Out 14 55 63 55 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.241 Student

Car - Visitors 0.014 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.003 Student

Professional Institution 187

Class 523: Driving Institute

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 520 Land use Category Name Institutes for Higher and
Professional Education
Land use Class No. 523 Land use Class Name Driving Institute
Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used Student

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A driving institute is an institute which provides programs or courses that prepare a new driver to obtain a driver’s license. Students are trained for
vehicle operation and traffic codes. The training may take place in a classroom or in a vehicle or a combination of both. These institutes reserve
dedicated parking spaces for training vehicles.
Sample Sites: Emirates Driving Company.

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class

188 Driving Institute

523: Driving Institute

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 523, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Driving Institutes located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used Student

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.08 0.11 0.10 0.23 Rate 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.12

% In 67 53 39 53 % In 54 56 51 51

% Out 33 47 61 47 % Out 46 44 49 49

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.004 Student

Car - Visitors 0.058 Student

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.001 Student

Driving Institute 189

Class 524: Research and Development Lab

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 520 Land use Category Name Institutes for Higher and
Professional Education
Land use Class No. 524 Land use Class Name Research and
Total Sites Surveyed 3
Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Research and Developments Labs (Laboratories) refers to facilities where reasearch and development work is undertaken on a systematic basis
in order to develop new technologies and devise new applications. It may be a government or a private facility. It excludes commercial clinical
Sample Sites: AlAin Distribution Company Laboratory, Central Laboratories

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class

190 Research and DevelopmentLab

524: Research and Development Lab

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 524, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Research and Development Labs located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.92 1.14 - 3.90 Rate 1.32 0.18 - 1.32

% In 70 55 - 54 % In 52 33 - 52

% Out 30 45 - 46 % Out 48 67 - 48

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 2.186 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.280 100 SQM of GFA

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.187 100 SQM of GFA

Research and Development Lab 191

Class 532: Exhibition Gallery

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 530 Land use Category Name Place of Public Interest/
Land use Class No. 532 Land use Class Name Exhibition Gallery
Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

An exhibition gallery refers to a place where works of art such as collection of paintings, sculptures, etc are displayed and sold.
Sample Sites: Al Ghaf Gallery, Al Qattara Arts Center

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class

192 Exhibition Gallery

532: Exhibition Gallery

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 532, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Exhibition Galleries located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 1.03 1.73 1.73 Rate - - 1.27 1.27

% In - 67 64 64 % In - - 59 59

% Out - 33 36 36 % Out - - 41 41

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.589 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.793 100 SQM of GFA

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.428 100 SQM of GFA

Exhibition Gallery 193

Class 533: Museum

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 530 Land use Category Name Place of Public Interest/
Land use Class No. 533 Land use Class Name Museum
Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 100 SQM of Site Area

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A museum is a building, place or institution devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition and educational interpretation of objects
having scientific, historical or artistic value.
Sample Sites: Al Ain Museum, Heritage Village

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class

194 Museum
533: Museum

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 533, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Museums located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of Site Area

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.37 0.39 0.12 0.46 Rate 0.09 0.20 0.87 0.87

% In 80 57 59 39 % In 61 44 53 53

% Out 20 43 41 61 % Out 39 56 47 47

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.025 100 SQM of Site Area

Car - Visitors 0.329 100 SQM of Site Area

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.005 100 SQM of Site Area

Museum 195
Class 534: Jumma Mosque

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 530 Land use Category Name Place of Public Interest/
Land use Class No. 534 Land use Class Name Jumma Mosque
Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Jumma mosques are religious buildings that provide a place of worship for followers of Islam. Jumma mosques differ from local mosques in that
they are bigger in size and they offer jumma prayer. They are generally large in size and may house an assembly hall or sanctuary, meeting rooms
and classrooms. Friday has been considered as the highest trip generating day of the weekend.
Sample Sites: Yazed Bin Al Munthar Mosque, Khalifa Bin Ahmed Bin Saif Bin Jaber Al Suwaidi Mosque

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class

196 Jumma Mosque

534: Jumma Mosque

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 534, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Jumma Mosques located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.05 5.79 7.42 7.42 Rate 1.96 20.43 3.19 20.43

% In 65 81 75 75 % In 65 86 57 86

% Out 35 19 25 25 % Out 35 14 43 14

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.152 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 15.017 100 SQM of GFA

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.021 100 SQM of GFA

Jumma Mosque 197

Class 535: Local Mosque

General Information
Land use Group No. 500 Land use Group Name Institutional Group

Land use Category No. 530 Land use Category Name Place of Public Interest/
Land use Class No. 535 Land use Class Name LocalMosque
Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Local Mosques are religious buildings that provide a place of worship for followers of Islam. Local mosques are neighbourhood mosques which
serves a small number of people and are generally smaller in size.
Sample Sites: Muna Salem Al Niadi Mosque, Abduallah Ali Al Hashily Mosque

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class

198 LocalMosque
535: Local Mosque

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 534, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Local Mosques located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 3.94 8.55 8.55 Rate - 12.91 7.71 12.91

% In - 65 52 52 % In - 15 40 15

% Out - 35 48 48 % Out - 85 60 85

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.453 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 9.851 100 SQM of GFA

School/Company Bus/ Trucks 0.646 100 SQM of GFA

LocalMosque 199
Recreational Group
600 - Recreational
Recreational Group Group
Class 615: Wedding Hall

General Information
Land use Group No. 600 Land use Group Name RecreationalGroup

Land use Category No. 610 Land use Category Name Closed Type
Land use Class No. 615 Land use Class Name Wedding Hall
Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used Invitee

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A wedding hall is a venue where wedding ceremonies occur. These facilities accommodate a range of uses including a ceremonial hall, banquet
area, dedicated parking, catering area, entertainment area etc. It is an event based landuse so the peak generating hours do not fall within the
peak periods on the network.
Sample Sites: Mushrif Wedding Hall, Al Ain WeddingHall

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class

200 Wedding Hall

615: Wedding Hall

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 615, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Wedding Halls located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used Invitee

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - - 0.16 0.35 Rate - - - -

% In - - 81 24 % In - - - -

% Out - - 19 76 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.008 Invitee

Car - Visitors 0.392 Invitee

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.002 Invitee

Wedding Hall 201

Class 621: Park

General Information
Land use Group No. 600 Land use Group Name RecreationalGroup

Land use Category No. 620 Land use Category Name Open TypeRecreational
Land use Class No. 621 Land use Class Name Park
Total Sites Surveyed 4 Variable Used 1000 SQM of Site Area

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A park is an open area of land used for recreational or enjoyment purposes in an urban area. It can be landscaped in a natural or semi-natural
state, or planted, and may have lakes, flora or fauna and grass areas.
Sample Sites: Khalidiya Park, AlMaqta Park

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
621-A: Abu DhabiCity

621-B: Al Ain City and Others

202 Park
621-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 621-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Parks located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 1000 SQM of Site Area

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - - 0.52 0.59 Rate - - 1.53 1.59

% In - - 64 62 % In - - 57 59

% Out - - 36 38 % Out - - 43 41

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.031 1000 SQM of Site Area

Car - Visitors 1.053 1000 SQM of Site Area

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - 1000 SQM of Site Area

Park 203
621-B: Al Ain City and Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 621-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Parks located within Al Ain and Otherareas.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 1000 SQM of Site Area

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 0.10 2.56 2.56 Rate - 0.17 2.88 2.88

% In - 56 50 50 % In - 67 53 53

% Out - 44 50 50 % Out - 33 47 47

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.086 1000 SQM of Site Area

Car - Visitors 2.438 1000 SQM of Site Area

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - 1000 SQM of Site Area

204 Park
Class 624: Marina

General Information
Land use Group No. 600 Land use Group Name RecreationalGroup

Land use Category No. 620 Land use Category Name Open TypeRecreational
Land use Class No. 624 Land use Class Name Marina
Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used Berth

Land use Class Serving/ Definition

A Marina is a harbour serving small boats/yachts with services for recreational boating. It may have refuelling, washing and repair facilities, small
retail, ship chandlers and restaurants. Some sites may also have social and club activities.
Sample Sites: Bateen Marina, YasMarina

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Marina 205
624: Marina

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 624, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Marinas within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used Berth

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.004 0.03 0.05 0.05 Rate 0.04 0.13 0.12 0.15

% In 61 26 46 46 % In 68 62 52 90

% Out 39 74 54 54 % Out 32 38 48 10

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.046 Berth

Car - Visitors 0.391 Berth

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.006 Berth

206 Marina
Class 631: Social Club

General Information
Land use Group No. 600 Land use Group Name RecreationalGroup

Land use Category No. 630 Land use Category Name Sports & Recreational
Land use Class No. 631 Land use Class Name Social Club
Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Social clubs are small clubs where people of the same social interest meet. This can be in the form of a club including food and beverage
facilities along with small exercise/ games (mainly indoor) facilities and entertainment (dance/ drama/ small meeting).
Sample Sites: UAE University Social Club, Indian Social and CulturalClub

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Social Club 207

631: Social Club

631: Social Club

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 631, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Social Clubs within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.15 0.10 1.57 1.57 Rate 0.56 0.22 0.90 1.60

% In 69 43 67 67 % In 91 66 53 33

% Out 31 57 33 33 % Out 9 34 47 67

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.060 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.662 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.025 100 SQM of GFA

208 Social Club

Class 632: Sports Club

Class 632: Sports Club

General Information
Land use Group No. 600 Land use Group Name RecreationalGroup

Land use Category No. 630 Land use Category Name Sports & Recreational
Land use Class No. 632 Land use Class Name Sports Club
Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 1000 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Sports clubs are public or private owned facilities that may include tennis, squash, badminton or handball courts, swimming pool, fitness gym,
basketball and volleyball courts and grounds for field sports etc. These clubs may house restaurants, snack bars and meeting rooms. Usually,
these clubs require membership or they charge on a hourly basis for the usage of their facilities.
Sample Sites: Al Ain Sports & Cultural Club, Abu Dhabi International Marine Sports Club

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Sports Club 209

632: Sports Club

632: Sports Club

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 632, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Sports Clubs within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 1000 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.27 1.04 - 1.04 Rate - 1.01 - 1.01

% In 46 69 - 69 % In - 75 - 75

% Out 54 31 - 31 % Out - 25 - 25

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.071 1000 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.132 1000 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - 1000 SQM of GFA

210 Sports Club

Class 634: Special Sports Centre

Class 634: Special Sports Centre

General Information
Land use Group No. 600 Land use Group Name RecreationalGroup

Land use Category No. 630 Land use Category Name Sports & Recreational
Land use Class No. 634 Land use Class Name Special Sport Centre
Total Sites Surveyed 1 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A special sports centre is a facility dedicated typically to one kind of sport or athletic activity such as, indoor cricket, bowling, squash, snooker,
billiard, pool, fitness centre etc. These centres may house restaurants, snack bars and meeting rooms.
Sample Sites: Al Andalus Snooker Center

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

Special Sports Centre 211

634: Special Sports Centre

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 634, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Sports Clubs within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 1

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 0.40 2.00 3.80 Rate - 0.40 1.96 1.96

% In - 50 50 58 % In - 100 56 56

% Out - 50 50 42 % Out - 0 44 44

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.553 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 2.385 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks - 100 SQM of GFA

212 Special Sports Centre

Industrial Group
700 - Industrial
Industrial Group Group
Class 711: Production Oriented Industry

General Information

Land use Group No. 700 Land use Group Name Industrial Group

Land use Category No. 710 Land use Category Name LightIndustry

Land use Class No. 711 Land use Class Name Production Oriented
Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/Definition

Production oriented industries are generally less capital intensive industries manufacturing daily use products. The goods produced in these types
of industries are consumer oriented and produced directly for the end users. These industries employ less than 50 employees. They include
production unit and ancillary office space within their plot boundary.
Sample Sites: Gulf Paints, Ice Crystal

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land-use sub-classification for this class

213 Production OrientedIndustry

Class 711: Production Oriented Industry

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 711, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Production Oriented Industries located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.32 0.10 0.12 0.33 Rate - - - -

% In 66 51 38 33 % In - - - -

% Out 34 49 62 67 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.117 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.039 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.039 100 SQM of GFA

Production OrientedIndustry 214

Class 712: Services Oriented Industry

General Information

Land use Group No. 700 Land use Group Name Industrial Group

Land use Category No. 710 Land use Category Name LightIndustry

Land use Class No. 712 Land use Class Name Services Oriented
Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/Definition

Service oriented industries are generally small industries (less than 50 employees), which provide services to the customer rather than tangible
objects. It include car services, repairing , cleaning and painting services etc. This may also include small spare parts shops and an ancillary office
Sample Sites: Toyota Workshop, Al Mattar Car Service Center

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land-use sub-classification for this class

215 Services OrientedIndustry

Class 712: Services Oriented Industry

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 712, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Services Oriented Industries located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.53 1.50 1.76 2.01 Rate - - - -

% In 53 54 44 52 % In - - - -

% Out 47 46 56 48 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.624 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 1.096 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.024 100 SQM of GFA

Services OrientedIndustry 216

Class 713: Warehousing

General Information

Land use Group No. 700 Land use Group Name Industrial Group

Land use Category No. 710 Land use Category Name LightIndustry

Land use Class No. 713 Land use Class Name Warehousing

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/Definition

A warehouse is a covered storage area for goods or cargo. Warehouses are generally used by manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers,
transporters, etc. They are usually located in industrial areas of cities and may include office and maintenance areas. They generally employ less
than 50 staff.
Sample Sites: Spinneys Warehouse, AlAin Cooperative Warehouse

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land-use sub-classification for this class

217 Warehousing
Class 713: Warehousing

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 713, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Warehouses located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.89 0.54 0.23 0.91 Rate - - - -

% In 61 56 50 65 % In - - - -

% Out 39 44 50 35 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.251 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.044 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.733 100 SQM of GFA

Warehousing 218
Class 721: Medium Industry

General Information

Land use Group No. 700 Land use Group Name Industrial Group

Land use Category No. 720 Land use Category Name MediumIndustry

Land use Class No. 721 Land use Class Name Medium Industry

Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/Definition

Medium industries are generally moderate capital intensive industries, producing goods that are consumer and business oriented. These industries
produce goods for the end users as well as for other industries for further processing. These industries generally employ 50-99 employees.They
include production unit and ancillary office space within their plot boundaries.
Sample Sites: Farmazan Furniture, Al Ain Plastic Industries

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land-use sub-classification for this class

219 Medium Industry

Class 721: Medium Industry

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 721, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Medium Industries located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.51 0.27 0.38 0.74 Rate - - - -

% In 75 42 24 58 % In - - - -

% Out 25 58 76 42 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.399 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.171 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.146 100 SQM of GFA

Medium Industry 220

Class 731: Heavy Industry

General Information

Land use Group No. 700 Land use Group Name Industrial Group

Land use Category No. 730 Land use Category Name Heavy or LargeIndustry

Land use Class No. 731 Land use Class Name Heavy Industry

Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/Definition

Heavy industries are high capital intensive industries which are limited to the manufacturing of large items. Heavy industrial facilities usually have a
high number of employees. They accommodate a large number of facilities including production unit, administration, warehouses, small residential
component, medical facilities etc.
Sample Sites: Al Ain Dairy Farm, Weatherford Bin HamoodahCo.

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land-use sub-classification for this class

221 Heavy Industry

Class 731: Heavy Industry

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 731, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Heavy Industries located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.24 0.30 0.16 0.40 Rate - - - -

% In 74 61 16 55 % In - - - -

% Out 26 39 84 45 % Out - - - -

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.269 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 0.180 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.181 100 SQM of GFA

Heavy Industry 222

800 - Medical Group
Class 811: Government Hospital

General Information
Land use Group No. 800 Land use Group Name MedicalGroup

Land use Category No. 810 Land use Category Name Hospitals

Land use Class No. 811 Land use Class Name GovernmentHospital

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used Bed

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Government hospitals provide medical, surgical, or psychiatric care for both inpatients and outpatients. These hospitals generally provide
comprehensive treatment facilities and are used by a large group of people due to their concessional charges. Government hospitals are owned,
run and supervised by the Department of Health Authority. They exclude additional facilities such as medical test for visa applications.
Sample Sites: Al Rahba Hospital,Twam Hospital

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

223 Government Hospital

811: Government Hospital

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 811, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Hospitals located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Bed

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.31 1.13 0.83 1.33 Rate 0.53 0.62 0.69 0.69

% In 67 45 48 61 % In 50 52 50 50

% Out 33 55 52 39 % Out 50 48 50 50

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.281 Bed

Car - Visitors 1.066 Bed

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.022 Bed

Government Hospital 224

Class 812: Private Hospital

General Information
Land use Group No. 800 Land use Group Name MedicalGroup

Land use Category No. 810 Land use Category Name Hospitals

Land use Class No. 812 Land use Class Name Private Hospital

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used Bed

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A private hospital is a hospital which is owned by a company and is privately funded, through the payment for medical services by patients or by
insurers. These hospitals provide comprehensive and high end facilities.
Sample Sites: Al Noor Hospital, Emirates International Hospital

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

225 Private Hospital

812: Private Hospital

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 812, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Private Hospitals located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Bed

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 1.55 2.35 3.75 3.75 Rate 0.91 1.43 1.60 1.79

% In 69 55 49 49 % In 64 44 60 46

% Out 31 45 51 51 % Out 36 56 40 54

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.218 Bed

Car - Visitors 1.382 Bed

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.055 Bed

Private Hospital 226

Class 821: Government Clinic

General Information
Land use Group No. 800 Land use Group Name MedicalGroup

Land use Category No. 820 Land use Category Name Clinics

Land use Class No. 821 Land use Class Name GovernmentClinic

Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used Doctor

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Government clinics refer to an independent facility or part of a hospital, in which outpatients receive diagnostic and therapeutic medical and
surgical care. These clinics are run by government and are used by a large group of people due to concessional charges.
Sample Sites: Al Manhal Family Medical Centre, Al Nyadat Medical Clinic

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

227 Government Clinic

821: Government Clinic

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 821, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Government Clinics located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 2

Variable Used Doctor

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 2.93 4.87 3.78 5.44 Rate 0.00 0.00 2.31 3.29

% In 68 54 44 49 % In 50 50 58 51

% Out 32 46 56 51 % Out 50 50 42 49

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.239 Doctor

Car - Visitors 3.565 Doctor

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.228 Doctor

Government Clinic 228

Class 822: Private Clinic

General Information
Land use Group No. 800 Land use Group Name MedicalGroup

Land use Category No. 820 Land use Category Name Clinics

Land use Class No. 822 Land use Class Name Private Clinic

Total Sites Surveyed 9 Variable Used Doctor

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Private clinics is a private health facility which provides diagnosis and outpatient care. Private medical clinics typically operate with one or more
doctors, technicians and nurses. Private clinics are normally located in a residential area, office buildings or standalone villa.
Sample Sites: Royal Specialist Medical Center, Al Wahda Medical Center and Dental Clinic.

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification
822-A: Abu DhabiCity

822-B: Al Ain City


229 Private Clinic

822-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 822-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates Private Clinics located within Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Doctor

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 2.81 3.20 7.28 9.06 Rate - 0.25 2.14 2.14

% In 51 44 52 42 % In - 42 46 46

% Out 49 56 48 58 % Out - 58 54 54

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.370 Doctor

Car - Visitors 2.626 Doctor

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.250 Doctor

Private Clinic 230

822-B: Al Ain City

General Information
Land use Class 822-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Private Clinics located within Al AinCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Doctor

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate - 3.15 6.77 6.77 Rate 3.40 3.21 6.29 6.29

% In - 51 48 48 % In 54 44 56 56

% Out - 49 52 52 % Out 46 56 44 44

Land use Class Sub-classification

Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.115 Doctor

Car - Visitors 2.420 Doctor

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.545 Doctor

231 Private Clinic

822-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 822-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Private Clinics located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used Doctor

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 2.77 4.33 5.25 5.25 Rate - - 3.22 3.22

% In 52 54 47 47 % In - - 53 53

% Out 48 46 53 53 % Out - - 47 47

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.154 Doctor

Car - Visitors 1.999 Doctor

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.261 Doctor

Private Clinic 232

Class 831: Pharmacy

General Information
Land use Group No. 800 Land use Group Name MedicalGroup

Land use Category No. 830 Land use Category Name Pharmacies

Land use Class No. 831 Land use Class Name Pharmacy

Total Sites Surveyed 10 Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Pharmacies are retail stores which sell prescription medicines and miscellaneous articles such as cosmetics, toiletries, personal care product
etc. These stores are usually situated near hospitals and in residential communities.
Sample Sites: Mushrif Pharmacy, Maryam Pharmacy

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

831-A: Abu DhabiCity

831-B: Al Ain City and Others

233 Pharmacy
831-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 831-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Pharmacies located within Abu DhabiCity.

Total Sites Surveyed 4

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 9.93 21.00 21.63 22.54 Rate 0.48 9.34 14.54 14.54

% In 58 49 49 47 % In 61 49 56 56

% Out 42 51 51 53 % Out 39 51 44 44

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.309 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 6.566 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.007 100 SQM of GFA

Pharmacy 234
831-B: Al Ain City and Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 831-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Pharmacies located within Al Ain Cityand Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 6

Variable Used 100 SQM of GFA

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 7.29 33.36 32.29 33.36 Rate 8.93 20.94 28.25 28.25

% In 50 52 49 52 % In 50 52 51 51

% Out 50 48 51 48 % Out 50 48 49 49

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.695 100 SQM of GFA

Car - Visitors 6.587 100 SQM of GFA

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.166 100 SQM of GFA

235 Pharmacy
900 - Transport Group
Class 911: Bus Station

General Information
Land use Group No. 900 Land use Group Name TransportGroup

Land use Category No. 910 Land use Category Name Bus

Land use Class No. 911 Land use Class Name Bus Station

Total Sites Surveyed 3 Variable Used 1000 SQM of Site Area

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A bus station is a terminal which serves bus passengers. These stations are generally big in size and may serve as a local and inter city bus
terminal. These bus stations may have waiting areas, a convenience store, mechanical garages and idle parking spaces for buses. However, this
class should not be used for bus depots.
Sample Sites: Madinat Zayed Bus Station, Al Ain Bus Station

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

There is no land use sub-classification for this class.

236 Bus Station

911: Bus Station

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 911 presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Bus Stations located within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Total Sites Surveyed 3

Variable Used 1000 SQM of Site Area

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 3.99 6.05 7.09 7.78 Rate 7.10 11.67 9.17 11.67

% In 50 48 45 54 % In 53 48 51 48

% Out 50 52 55 46 % Out 47 52 49 52

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.241 1000 SQM of Site Area

Car - Visitors 1.724 1000 SQM of Site Area

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.577 1000 SQM of Site Area

Bus Station 237

Class 921: Taxi Stand

General Information
Land use Group No. 900 Land use Group Name TransportGroup

Land use Category No. 920 Land use Category Name Taxi

Land use Class No. 921 Land use Class Name TaxiStand

Total Sites Surveyed 2 Variable Used TaxiBay

Land use Class Description/ Definition

A taxi stand refers to a terminal where taxis are serviced/ repaired or parked in idle time. These terminals are the headquarters of an operating
agency and may have a small ancillary office space.
Sample Sites: Abu DhabiTaxi Stand

Land use Class Sub-classification

Urban and CBD sub-classification

921-A: Abu DhabiCity

921-B: Al Ain City


238 TaxiStand
921-A: Abu Dhabi City

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 921-A, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Taxi Stands located within Abu Dhabi City.

Total Sites Surveyed 1

Variable Used TaxiBay

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 6.64 6.41 5.55 6.73 Rate 6.30 6.62 8.05 8.05

% In 50 56 60 70 % In 54 50 47 47

% Out 50 44 40 30 % Out 46 50 53 53

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 1.022 TaxiBay

Car - Visitors 3.065 TaxiBay

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.022 TaxiBay

TaxiStand 239
921-B: Al Ain City

General Information
Land use Class 921-B, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Taxi Stands located within Al Ain City.

Total Sites Surveyed -

Variable Used TaxiBay

Land use Class Description/ Definition

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 3.79 3.83 4.27 4.86 Rate 4.06 4.09 4.72 4.94

% In 62 65 55 60 % In 56 53 39 52

% Out 38 35 45 40 % Out 44 47 61 48

Land use Class Sub-classification

Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.905 TaxiBay

Car - Visitors 2.124 TaxiBay

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.011 TaxiBay

240 TaxiStand
921-C: Others

Land use Class Description

Land use Class 921-C, presents the Trip and Parking Rates for Taxi Stands located within Other areas.

Total Sites Surveyed 1

Variable Used TaxiBay

Trip Generation Information

Average Weekday Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional Average Weekend Vehicular Trip Rates and Directional
Distribution Distribution
Rate 0.94 1.25 2.99 2.99 Rate 1.82 1.57 1.38 1.82

% In 74 74 50 50 % In 58 55 32 58

% Out 26 26 50 50 % Out 42 45 68 42

Parking Information
Type of Vehicle Parking Rate Variable
Car - Employees/ Resident 0.789 TaxiBay

Car - Visitors 1.183 TaxiBay

School/ Company Bus/ Trucks 0.000 TaxiBay

TaxiStand 241
P.O Box 20 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates,
Telephone +971 2 656 6666 • Fax +971 2 6359666 •

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