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Classroom Management:

Once a teacher loses control of their classroom, it becomes increasingly more difficult for them to regain that control-Moskowitz
& Hayman (1976)
Ineffective teachers discipline their classrooms with consequences and punishments, whereas effective teachers manage with
procedures and routines – Wong, H.K. (2006)
The very first day, the very first minute, the very first second of college, teachers should begin to structure and organize their
classrooms, to establish procedures and routines.-Wong H.K. (2004)
Purposes of classroom management:
1. To ensure that classroom teaching run smoothly despite the disruptive behaviour shown by some students.
2. To intimate the students what is expected from them
3. To maximize the time of academic learning
4. To prevent or minimize disruptive behaviour shown by students.
5. To provide an environment to the students this is conducive to learning
6. To exploit the maximum time for teaching learning activities.
Principles of classroom management:

According to Brophy (1983), there are three general principles for good classroom management:

1. Willingness of the teacher to accept responsibility for classroom control.

2. Long-term, solution-oriented approaches to problems rather than short-term, cease/control responses.
3. Check to see if symptomatic behaviour is caused by underlying personal problems, e.g. , impulsivity, lack of awareness,
home problems, and sickness.

Lesson planning

Lesson planning is the teacher’s mental and emotional visualization of the classroom experience as he/she plans to occur. It is an
elastic but systematic approach for the teaching of concepts, skills and understandings.


Daily lesson planning involves defining the objectives, selecting and arranging the subject matter and determining the method and
procedure. –Bining and Bining.

Lesson Plan is the title given to a statement of the achievements to be realized and specific means by which these are to be
attained as a result of the activities engaged in day-by-day under the guidance of the teacher –N.L. Bossing

Advantages of Lesson Planning:

1. As the goal is determined, the teacher gets impetus to relize his/her goal.
2. It delimits the field of work of the teacher as well as of the students and provides a definite objective for each day’s work
3. It tends to prevent wandering from the subject and going off the way. It serves as a check on the possible wastage of time and
energy of teachers and students.
4. It helps the teacher as well as the taught in fixing new learning by making adequate provision for drill work, practice and
5. It provides an adequate checking of outcomes of instruction.
6. Helps the teacher in organizing the learning process whereby the continuity of educative process is ensured.
7. Helps to avoid duplication.
8. Enables the teacher to integrate new knowledge with the previous one.
9. Helps the teacher to develop confidence and overcome fear and insecurity.
10. Provides opportunities for the teacher to make the class interesting and produce thought-provoking questions.
11. Ensures a definite assignment for the class and availability of adequate resources for the class.
12. Enhances teacher in preparation of a class in organization, materials activities.
13. Provides an opportunity for teacher to provide variety of vivid audio-visual aids relevant to the topic.
14. Makes it possible to provide for individual differences in pupils.
15. Helps the teacher to render suitable summaries.

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