Experiment No-3: Name: Pushkar Sharma Roll No.: 2K18/EP/059 Date:15/02/2021

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Roll No.: 2K18/EP/059 Date:15/02/2021

Experiment No- 3
Introduce the concept of ratio meter, and its significance for the scalar Network Analyser.

S-parameters are complex numbers, having real and imaginary parts or magnitude and phase parts,
because both the magnitude and phase of the incident signal are changed by the network. Quite often we
refer to the magnitude of the signal only, as it is frequently of most interest.
S (scattering) parameters are used to characterize electrical networks using matched impedances.
Here, scattering refers to the way traveling currents or voltages are affected when they meet a
discontinuity in a transmission line.

 S-parameters are usually displayed in a matrix format, with the number of rows and columns
equal to the number of ports.
 For the S-parameter Sij the j subscript stands for the port that is excited (the input port), and the
"i" subscript is for the output port.
 S11 refers to the ratio of the amplitude of the signal that reflects from port one to the amplitude of
the signal incident on port one.
 Parameters along the diagonal of the S-matrix are referred to as reflection coefficientsbecause
they only refer to what happens at a single port, while off-diagonal S-parameters are referred to
as transmission coefficients, because they refer to what happens at one port when it is excited by
a signal incident at another port.
 Here are the S-matrices for one, two and three-port networks:
S-parameters are typically measured using a Vector Network Analyser (VNA). The VNA measures S-
parameters over frequency by sweeping the frequency of the input, it has the ability to separate
transmitted and reflected power using directional couplers for power measurements.

S11 is

equivalent to the input complex reflection coefficient or impedance of the DUT, and S21 is the forward
complex transmission coefficient.
S11 represents how much power is reflected from the antenna, and hence is known as the reflection
coefficient (sometimes written as gamma: or return loss. If S11=0 dB, then all the power is reflected from
the antenna and nothing is radiated.
S21 means the response at port 2 due to a signal at port 1. The most common "N-port" networks in
microwaves are one-port and two-port networks.
While the S-parameter is defined as “target/reference”, the insertion loss is defined as
“reference/target”; which means that S-parameter and the insertion loss are reciprocal.

Properties of [S] Matrix
 [S] Is always a square matrix of order nxn.[S]n×n.
 [S] Is a symmetric matrix. i.e., Sij=Sji.
 [S] Is a unitary matrix. i.e., [S][S]∗=I.
 The sum of the products of each term of any row or column multiplied by the complex
conjugate of the corresponding terms of any other row or column is zero. i.e.,

 S-parameter is a complex number and these data were presented in matrix format
 These data represent a magnitude and phase angle would be presented for each S ij
 The input and output reflection coefficients of networks (such as S 11 and S22)
 Transmission coefficients (S21 and S12) 
 We study about scaler network analyser, s- parameter, matrix,Transmission
coefficients,reflection coefficients, & what s-parameter coefficient are represented

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