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Daily Life - New Guy in Town IV (C0060)

A: All right, drag her over here, and help me tie her

B: I can’t believe she fell for it! She is a lot more

gullible than I thought!

A: Well, you gotta admit, my acting was brilliant!

B: Whatever. I was the one that convinced her to

come. Look, she’s waking up.

C: What’s going on? Ellen? What are you doing?

A: The cat’s out of the bag, you witch! You can stop
pretending, now!

B: Yeah Lois, we know who you are! Now, we want

some answers! Why are you here?

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.
C: Fools! You don’t know who you’re dealing with!
You can’t stop me!

B: Run!

Key Vocabulary

fall for it phrase believe a lie

tie up phrase to attach someone or

something with a rope
or string

drag principle move something usually

verb, heavy

the cat’s out of phrase the truth is revealed,

the bag

gullible Adjective easily believing some-

thing that is not true,
easily fooled

Supplementary Vocabulary

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.
frank Adjective used to say that some-
one is speaking or writ-
ing in a very direct and
honest way

compulsive common person that can’t tell

liar noun, sin- the truth, lies about
gular anything

disoriented Adjective state of not knowing

where you are, confused

spill the beans phrase tell the truth when you

don’t really want to;
tell someone everything

wizard common the male form of a

noun, sin- witch; man that prac-
gular tices magic

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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