Macbeth Study Guide Questions

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Achenbach Name
AP/IB/Honors English 12 Date:
Act 1
1. What themes are introduced in this scene? Why do you think the witches introduce them?

2. What battle is described in scene 2? What possible alternative could “Bellona’s Bridegroom”
be besides Macbeth?

3. Who is the nobleman who betrayed the king? Who acquires his title? What is the

4. At the end of scene 3, Macbeth and Banquo discuss the prophecies. What are their attitudes
towards the witches?

5. Discuss the attributes that the minor characters bestow on Macbeth when talking about him.
Compare it to his reaction to the witches and to his discussions with Banquo.

6. Compare the view of Macbeth in question 5 with the view his wife presents. Discuss her

7. Identify the significant passages in scene 7 and discuss.

8. What imagery is found in Act one?

Act II

1. Describe Macbeth’s different reaction to Banquo’s comments about the witches prophecies.

2. Discuss the stylistic and tonal devices in the dagger speech.

3. Compare Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeths reactions to Duncan’s murder.

4. What is the purpose of the porter scene. Consider his role, his comments, and his actions.

5. How does Lady Macbeth give herself away? How does she recover?

6. Where do Malcolm and Donalbain flee?

7. Discuss the symbolism in the “old man” scene. How has this setting changed from the
closing in Act 1.

Act III.
1. Discuss Macbeth’s purpose in killing Duncan, even though Duncan named Malcolm to the
throne. Why did Macbeth choose to kill Banquo? Why would Banquo be considered a foil?
How does Macbeth feel about his other competitor Macduff?

2. Trace Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relationship using diction and other literary devices.
Mrs. Achenbach Name
AP/IB/Honors English 12 Date:
3. How does Macbeth have Banquo murdered. Compare the means by which he has
accomplished Duncan’s murder and then Banquo’s. How does Fleance’s proposed murder add a
dimension to Macbeth’s character? What is the significance of the setting in this murder scene.

4. How has the appearance of Banquo’s ghost shed light on the theme? How does Lady
Macbeth interpret Macbeth’s actions? Add this scene to the discussion of their relationship up to
this point.

5. Discuss the ambiguity and similarity of the witches and the apparitions?

Act IV

1. Compare the relationship with the witches and Macbeth in this scene and with the first scene
in Act 1. Discuss the structural and thematic similarities and differences. What is the
significance of three. Are there other three’s in the play?

2. Discuss the logic behind the killing of Macduff’s family. How does this action contribute to
his downfall? Consider Macduff’s departure for England. Is this a responsible action?

3. What qualities are spoken by Malcolm about himself that contradict his actions?

4. What miraculous gift does Edward the King of England possess? Why is this interlude about
his powers symbolic?

5. Describe Macduff;s reaction to his family’s deaths.

Act V

1. Consider the statements of Lady Macbeth during her sleepwalking scene. Connect them to
the major events in the play. Why is her absence in Act 4 dramatically effective? What does this
say about hers and Macbeth’s relationship.

2. Describe Macbeth’s character through his speeches in scene 3. What is his main motivation?

3. Consider the “tomorrow “ speech as representative of Shakespeare’s attitude toward human

existence. Compare Old Siward’s response to the news of his son’t death to Macbeth’s response
to the death of the queen.

4. Compare the roles played by Seyton and Ross.

5. What images do Macbeth and other characters use to describe Macbeth in schenes 7 and 8?

6. Compare Macbeth as tragic hero to Sophocles Oedipus and to Hamlet (if read).
Mrs. Achenbach Name
AP/IB/Honors English 12 Date:

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