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asker st 2 The popey wor wet prepared. Cove Concept ore fine. A bet rewsiow 9 Analy leet queslion s or Kh Lelp Scanned with CamScanner ‘Answer All the Questions 1s of the body. of caeebole eres Qi The kidney is one of ory O19 Define the term eee Hon.. 18 the moval com Drearp 2X88 lax Ka out of the .Oagy,- Oz; AO Sadly owe nok metabolic (b) One of the roles of the Kidney isto filter the blood Fig, 1.1 shows a section of a kidney. State the name of the parts labelled A, B and C on Fig. 1.1 a Cont er C B Medula — 6 ReMal...Wetn.. {c) Table 1.1 shows the concentrations of four solutes: + in the blood in the renal artery + in the fluid in the kidney tubule + in the urine. Page 2 of 14 Scanned with CamScanner Solute conga —__ eentration/gdm-3 blood in the [| > fluid in the Kidney tubule Fenal artery and the urine Show your working . | (ii) Describe ther : Aico fom (é) Nhe. 4 te ee concentration of salts ‘shown in ee 11, &. 4 6... Concentachin.of salts i the bleecl ef renal artery vt lui inde iy tod is. the. a Haake ic. Badm". Me carcentrarnn tn oie.iS. Slight 2% twice oe aie egy Heel (iii) State the reason for the difference in the concentration of protein — the blood in the renal artery and the fluid in the sa vet the venal arte hein jh ose Wee ciGkerent Ola but tas Witches uncle fet {iv) State the reason for the difference in the "ee ale ie the hy jetween ug bbe the kidney tubule and the urine. hriclnesy...rabes Ae A eke. 1S. releasedt. out.of he. be emma ee Scanned with CamScanner (a) Dialysis is a treatment used for people with kidney failure. Saye mone yo Seen elena days Wil 2y transplant instead of Loa. nfson ges. a kidney. Hans lan then. dhe. ties oes. nest howete te a ote foo wees 7.4, 0mealh. ld ot He Persons card). 3 ihe dc, oa cii Tt will alee. save He Person toe, copes tring ately afer Sone. Pecack.of time. Lf thes get a ihny tans! lant then they. shoul. 2S. Meee a wl not, Oxy. Problem. in fotore..arel thee... bi Swill netgedt.t wee OS Fit will Mapper by at tahltg olmalys/S. (otal: 18] Q2 (a) State three uses of energy in the human body. 1. For. ee Chemica\ oc tians...i.the tbedy...3 2 Fe. the .arervth.anch OP ate of celle 3.kat eacckatalag Tae Fem PLE dnR soon (b) Fig. 2.1 shows part of the digestive system of a human. \b ~ disphtagn SSS |g Page 4 of 14 Scanned with CamScanner Complete Table 2.1. One row has been done for you. Table 2.1 Lives KY plete gi L~ Races “CE tion of fatty acids and glycerol Dleum 4 D a | sesoton of posi wa Sigiech 6 g : 7 (c) Describe the role of the liver in the recovery from oxygen debt after sensi exercise t ali Meh its ell Qlycoaen..anck sees Total: 11] Q3 (a) A student investigated respiration in yeast. An equal mass of yeast was added to different types of sugar solution. The student measured the volume of carbon dioxide released by the yeast using four different sugar solutions with the same concentrations. ‘The four different sugar solutions used were: + dextrose + lactose * maltose + sucrose, Page Sof a Scanned with CamScanner Fig. 3.148 a graph of the results, 100) maltose # 70: volume of carbon 804} ide TLL 0 20 40 a 80 Fig. 3.4 (i) State the name of the sugar solution that produced the most carbon dioxide. “Mua ose..Galeher.« aa ne (ii) State the volume of carbon dioxide produced by EN with the dextrose solution al 80 minutes. on A. (b) The ernperlure during the investigation was maintained at 20°C. Pret the effect on the volume of carbon dioxide produced if the investigation was repeated at ene volume, of. (0z, tense veld hare. inextasedt solutions. : sn vy (H anaerobig ein in yeast to make use! ) State two ways F umans U Sf : They oe rid s,). which aS. Week 2 ee 2 thes © release. (ox, whic. ne aleo.ussek EAL oy Framoeka\ Bren, Page 6 of 14 Scanned with CamScanner aerobic respiration in humans, similares Rot Comer C pie Set! sig idle G Pedvete en bah “ bc vecpicadinn. in yencl Prades. sales D4. aaa Auman fab res Pledieg elacrabi FBO ts.alsa ETA aves Ic. (a0 abi ain but not ein aneed ws State the word equation for anaerobic na in humans, Se lalvtece —>Lache fod Small Bauc o(24 (otal: 14] Q4 Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment. (a) Human skin is involved in the maintenance of a constant internal body temperature, (i) Skin is an organ. 7. State why the skin is an organ. This ade up. of multe diferent tissues, bert hich. a a Fide the finctons.g SEI soon (ii) State the name of the organ that coordinates the control of ody ue HePathal amus.. +} pe hala} Scanned with CamScanner Fig 44 (ii) State the names of structures A. B a CinFig. 41 A. “TemQuy UATE cee A. 8... Sweat a lod sooth nnn : 3. oN ibaee. fue C% (iv) Structure D is a shunt vessel and E is an arteriole. Describe how these blood vessels are involved in maintaining a constant internal body temperature in a cold environment. these. a Nasoctonchichen.-Pleecl pasage...2 the : 18 Lenerech. anc, flood. aSces, eon v1. the Sent vessely this. kee) Ms the. Med heal, and fen. the.chi (b) Energy is used to maintain body temperature. State three other uses of energy in humans. eo Chemica.| ae indhe...bed ay, Fet..@Padcing,,. dk lamaged. cells. Som 2 Fee. ayant Wroduchien, ct few cel Trotalz Page Sof 14 Scanned with CamScanner OO Some as QS Some crap farmers Use herbicides on their fields, Sg 51 shows a farmer spraying a ice crop with herbicides Fig. 5.1 {2) Herbicides kill weeds. Explain why farmers use herbicides, mak, Weeds aew along wth he capne...Th peede.con et hen aganet the CGD ec fore. the. imhecale dol Salts. 4 foe ‘he. Soil. This. neduces..qvality, of, cep. To, a i nese — es use.. herbicides. of crop plants were e sprayed with two herbicides. A farmer measured the concen (b) Fi the two herbivides, A and B, in a lake near the fields. waiter in the lake was sampled at intervals for two weeks. Fig. 52 shows the results. Page 9 of 14 (ee i - Scanned with CamScanner herbicides Key: sprayed on =-O-+ herbicide A the fields —H— herbicide B Fig 5.2 (i) Compare the concentrations of herbicide A and herbicide Bin the lake Use the information in Fig. 5 2 to support your answer -Me..concenvation of herbicide A ic much mere than the. congo hertion..of herbicicle 8B. M the shat can tation of A is acon OLE m ng oak but Gr Q it is aveund..0:12.. Concentration. of herbie; “4 teaches L.days..while, the concottation of A aches 0 after lke — hich és twice the: E02 / 6 (iy Suggest Row herpicides damage ecosystems in a lake dllite Jakes. then kill mar h pi Jake... The chepiieak al Page 10 of 18 Scanned with CamScanner M1... o..dn the Kh. aed thc.» macine..[rfe. maki them ill and mabe een. billing, theca. People wth eat thece..sick Ach or Adal hc Kann the Lele. stl. B.alse get sick” we ttm AA 2 aoe Aisa synthetic plant hormone called 2,4-D that selectively kills dicotylet plants only, (i) State two features that distin, morecoted }Ous plants, e Russa als hae fat wei weit. but fel Deeb 2 Dies {ii) State the name of a natural plant hormone that ‘stimulates cell a AUXIN... gy Q6 (a) Fig. 6.1 is a diagram showing some parts ofa plant. The circle shows a magnified cross- section of part of the stem ‘duish leaves of dicotyledonous plants from leaves of not to scale Fig 6.4 Page 11 of 14 Scanned with CamScanner — - {i) Table 6.1 contains statements about the functions of some of (he structures in Fig. 64 Complete the table by: + stating the name of the structure + identifying the letter that labels that structure. Table 6.1 : “| name of structure | fetter from Fig. 61 aan aa | COOL shor “oO Qo mee - a | | , BR |! 6) (ii) owen letter from Fig. 6.1 wa a structure that contains a haploid cs (iii) “pe the name of the Brocess Wy} describes the transport of sucrose in a plant. POMEL OAM 1 Knsnnsnnnninninensnns . S {iv) State one letter from Fig. 6.1 that isa structure that is an example of a source for sucrose transport. ‘ (b) In addition to sucrose, amino acids are also transported in plants. (i) State the name of a mineral ion that becomes part of an amino acie NEI Loess sons ti (ii) State the name of the structures inside cgils that assemble amino acids into proteins, ; = Ribesenaes nena ell [Total: 10] page x2 0114 Scanned with CamScanner a. (a) (iy ae on a enpeen het mae ORM Ben eee fi les (6) Marmots and tynx are mar ‘The percentage of fat in the Cold environment and Virginia is a war Fm environment. ‘The results are shown in Table 7.1 Table 7.1 percentage of fat in the body difference in the | species percentage of in Alaska in Virginia fat in the body Caled em marmot 36 2 = lynx 15 a a Page 13 of 14 Scanned with CamScanner | | (i) Complete Table 1.1 by calculating the difference in the percentage of fa ody for the lynx. Write your answer in Table 7.1. (1 (ii) Describe the results from: in Table 7.4 | the. table...s| at inthe, cel onvicnrwat.of Alaska | there. ig tote. pelea f of fot_in both aienels aud | inthe wadn eauiteamerto Vicaienes there. i less. Peccente Rosever the ifr if ihe eh ia mech mete, 8c. the... chacmat tran the, tk (iii) Explain the difference in the percentage of fat in the body between the mammals living in Alaska and Vi (eee he "i ha for Mama tose mere..then 7 ATM - or ie keepin wis “ois he heat:..60. mele not .needl. tee RN. Fat. ia...calcl..omas..uslile. ae mater needs. becouse it does net have alot «f FR- other (Total: 10] ways te Keep its heat. Page 14 of 14 Scanned with CamScanner

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