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Brain Imaging
Acute Headache in the Emergency
Melike Guryildirim, MD
Marinos Kontzialis, MD Acute headache is a common symptom and is reported by ap-
Merve Ozen, MD proximately 2%–4% of patients who present to the emergency de-
Mehmet Kocak, MD partment. Many abnormalities manifest with headache as the first
symptom, and it is crucial to obtain a patient’s complete clinical
Abbreviations: AV = arteriovenous, AVM = ar- history for correct diagnosis. Headache onset, duration, and sever-
teriovenous malformation, CAD = carotid artery ity; risk factors such as hypertension, immunosuppression, or ma-
dissection, CSF = cerebrospinal fluid, CVT =
cerebral venous thrombosis, ED = emergency
lignancy; and the presence of focal neurologic deficits or systemic
department, FLAIR = fluid-attenuated inver- symptoms may aid the radiologist in deciding whether imaging is
sion-recovery, ICH = intracerebral hemorrhage, appropriate and which modality to choose. Imaging findings are
IIH = idiopathic intracranial hypertension,
PRES = posterior reversible encephalopathy more likely to be abnormal in patients with a “thunderclap” head-
syndrome, RCVS = reversible cerebral vasocon- ache than in those with headaches of lesser severity. The causes of
striction syndrome, SAH = subarachnoid hem-
orrhage, VAD = vertebral artery dissection headache in the emergency setting are various. They may manifest
at imaging as subarachnoid hemorrhage (ruptured aneurysm, re-
RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1739–1759
versible vasoconstriction syndrome, or pituitary apoplexy), paren- chymal hemorrhage (hypertension, ruptured arteriovenous malfor-
Content Codes: mation, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, dural arteriovenous fistula,
From the Department of Diagnostic Radiology or sinus thrombosis), or parenchymal edema (posterior reversible
and Nuclear Medicine, Rush University Medi- encephalopathy syndrome, reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syn-
cal Center, 1653 W Congress Pkwy, Chicago,
IL 60612. Presented as an education exhibit drome, sinus thrombosis, or encephalitis). Alterations in intracranial
at the 2018 RSNA Annual Meeting. Received pressure that are related to idiopathic intracranial hypertension or
February 26, 2019; revision requested May 29
and received July 11; accepted July 25. For this
spontaneous intracranial hypotension and prior lumbar puncture
journal-based SA-CME activity, the authors, ed- or epidural injection may manifest with specific imaging findings.
itor, and reviewers have disclosed no relevant re- With accumulating knowledge of disease pathophysiology, radiolo-
lationships. Address correspondence to M.K.
(e-mail: gists have started to play a more central role in making the correct
diagnosis. This article reviews multiple causes of acute headache
RSNA, 2019
and their characteristic appearances at multimodality imaging and
familiarizes the reader with current concepts in imaging.
SA-CME Learning Objectives
After completing this journal-based SA-CME Online supplemental material is available for this article.
activity, participants will be able to: ©
RSNA, 2019 •
■■Recognize the indications and select
the appropriate imaging techniques
for evaluation of acute headache in the
emergency setting.
■■Describethe CT and MRI features Introduction
of common and less-common causes of Headache is one of the most common patient concerns in the
acute headache. emergency department, and approximately 2%–4% of all patients
■■Formulate a differential diagnosis on who present to the emergency department (ED) report symptoms
the basis of clinical and imaging mani- of headache that are unrelated to trauma (1–3). Appropriate selec-
tion of patients who require diagnostic workup is important. Studies
(1,3–5) have shown that secondary (pathologic) causes of headache
are diagnosed in 4% of all patients with headaches and in greater
than 14% of those with sudden-onset severe headaches.
According to the Choosing Wisely initiative of the American Board
of Internal Medicine Foundation, no imaging should be performed
in patients with an uncomplicated headache. The American Head-
ache Society similarly does not recommend neuroimaging studies in
patients with stable headaches that meet the criteria for migraine. The
American College of Radiology (ACR) developed evidence-based
guidelines, the ACR Appropriateness Criteria (6), to assist providers
in making imaging decisions for patients who present with headache.
1740  October Special Issue 2019

headache or may recur over a few days. It may

Teaching Points start spontaneously or during performance of the
■■ Convexity SAH is the earliest complication of RCVS; however, Valsalva maneuver, exertion, sexual activity, emo-
it is seen in only 20%–25% of cases.
tional stress, bathing, or showering. Neurovascular
■■ Angiographic studies including MR angiography, CT angiog-
disorders including ruptured cerebral aneurysms
raphy, and catheter angiography can be normal during the
1st week after clinical onset of RCVS. This is likely related to or reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome
centripetal progression of cerebral vasoconstriction that ap- (RCVS) are the most common causes of thun-
pears in small peripheral arterioles and proceeds centrally to derclap headaches. Less commonly, intracranial
involve medium and large cerebral arteries. hypertension and hypotension syndromes, infec-
■■ Two-dimensional time-of-flight MR venography is the most tions, cervical artery dissections, cerebral venous
commonly used technique to evaluate CVT and is most sensi- thrombosis (CVT), or pituitary apoplexy may also
tive to the flow that is perpendicular to the plane of acquisition.
manifest with a thunderclap headache (8).
■■ Headache is the earliest symptom and is reported by 68% of
Pregnancy requires that special emphasis be
patients with spontaneous internal carotid artery (ICA) dissec-
tion (ICAD) and by 69% of those with spontaneous vertebral given to multiple precipitating factors that are
artery dissection (VAD). unique to the peri- and postpartum periods. The
■■ Transverse sinus stenosis has been shown in more than 90% most common causes of headache during these
of patients with IIH, rendering venous outflow obstruction as periods are posterior reversible encephalopathy
one of the possible underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms. syndrome (PRES), sinus CVT, postepidural
headache, and Sheehan syndrome.

Indications for neuroimaging are strongly based Imaging Modality Decisions

on the patient’s clinical history and a detailed Diagnostic imaging workup of patients who pres-
physical examination. Studies have shown that ent with acute headache in the ED starts with
several clinical signs, symptoms, and types of nonenhanced CT, which readily shows intracra-
headache are associated with increased likeli- nial hemorrhage, edema, or mass effect and may
hood of the patient having a serious intracranial be sufficient to exclude many causes (9).
abnormality. These include abnormal findings at When nonenhanced CT shows no abnormality
neurologic examination, a cluster-type headache, in patients with a thunderclap headache, a lumbar
the patient seeing an aura or vomiting, a headache puncture should be performed to rule out SAH.
that the clinician cannot define as being caused However, despite this traditional teaching, there
by a common primary headache disorder, and a is an increasing trend to skip lumbar puncture
headache aggravated by exertion or performance because of its invasiveness, low diagnostic yield,
of a Valsalva maneuver. Among these findings, and potential to cause a more severe postpuncture
the highest association with serious intracranial headache (10,11). A traumatic lumbar puncture
abnormality was found to be with the presence of further reduces specificity. Xanthochromia of the
any abnormal finding at neurologic examination. cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is pathognomonic for
Other helpful clinical information includes pain SAH; however, more than 12 hours must pass
radiating to the face or neck, Horner syndrome, after SAH for xanthochromia to develop. In ad-
cranial nerve palsies, systemic symptoms such as dition, ex vivo hemolysis and hyperbilirubinemia
fever or weight loss, immunosuppression, known may cause a false-positive result (12,13).
malignancy or HIV infection, pregnancy, vision When SAH is confirmed, CT angiography,
loss, or pulsatile tinnitus. Imaging of patients with MR angiography, and/or catheter angiography
a headache related to trauma is beyond the scope should be the next step. In most institutions, CT
of this article. angiography is the preferred modality, given its
Special consideration is given to the “thun- shorter examination time and noninvasiveness. A
derclap” headache, which is a severe headache sudden unilateral headache accompanied by neck
for which the patient reports a pain score of 7 and facial pain or ipsilateral Horner syndrome
on a 0–10 pain scale and during which the pain in a young patient may warrant CT angiography
peaks within 60 seconds of onset. Thunderclap or MR angiography of the neck to evaluate for
headaches have a higher imaging yield in the ED. cervical artery dissection. In patients with a skull
A large Norwegian study (7) showed subarach- base, orbital, or periorbital headache who have
noid hemorrhage (SAH) in 16% of patients who accompanying cranial nerve palsies (likely related
presented with acute severe headache in the ED; to involvement of the cranial nerves at the skull
however, the percentage was dramatically higher, base, cavernous sinus, or orbital apex), contrast
at 47%, in patients who presented with a thun- material–enhanced MRI is indicated. Heavily T2-
derclap headache or reported having experienced weighted sequences should be performed to better
“the worst headache of my life.” The location and delineate the cisternal segments of the cranial
type of pain are not specific. It may be a single nerves (14).
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Guryildirim et al  1741

In patients with suspected headache of rhino- The differential diagnosis of diffuse SAH
genic origin and clinical visual confirmation of includes conditions such as ruptured nonsaccu-
sinonasal disease, no imaging may be necessary lar aneurysm, arteriovenous (AV) malformation
in the ED, whereas MRI of the brain or paranasal (AVM), and dural AV fistula. The most common
sinuses may be indicated if there is any suspicion locations of intracranial aneurysms are the anterior
for intracranial complications or invasive fungal communicating artery (30%–35%), the posterior
sinusitis (15). communicating artery (30%–35%), the middle
In patients with immunosuppression, cancer, cerebral artery bifurcation (20%), the basilar ar-
suspected encephalitis, or papilledema who have tery (5%), the internal carotid artery terminus or
a new-onset headache or a positional headache, posterior wall, the superior cerebellar artery, and
nonenhanced CT and MRI with and without the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (Fig 1a, 1b).
intravenous contrast material usually are ap- The accuracy of CT for reliable detection of
propriate for initial imaging (16). If there is any SAH is 98%–99%, with the use of a 64-detector-
suspicion for dural venous sinus CVT, initial row CT scanner and the current highest spatial
evaluation starts with a nonenhanced CT study. resolution for CT angiography of 0.4–0.7 mm.
It is appropriate to perform CT venography while CT angiography has specificity rates of 90%–94%
the patient is still on the table. MR venography for aneurysms smaller than 3 mm and up to 100%
with and without intravenous contrast material for aneurysms larger than 4 mm. CT angiography
is otherwise preferred and can be combined with should be performed with a section thickness of
MRI of the brain to evaluate for parenchymal 1.5 mm or less.
abnormalities (17). In patients with odontogenic MR angiography is used mostly in nonemer-
pain, contrast-enhanced maxillofacial CT is gency settings in patients with clinical features
performed in our institution to guide treatment. that are suspicious for or a family history of SAH.
Patients older than 55 years with a new-onset Three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiog-
headache in the temple regions, particularly with raphy is the most widely used technique and
tenderness of the superficial temporal arteries, provides good spatial resolution; however, it can,
should be evaluated for temporal (giant cell) ar- at times, be of limited value because of its sus-
teritis and MRI or MR angiography are the pre- ceptibility to motion artifacts and the intrinsic T1
ferred modalities, although imaging investigation hyperintensity of methemoglobin-containing he-
for giant cell arteritis is not commonly performed matomas, which could appear on source images.
in the ED. The cluster headache, a subtype of In those cases, contrast-enhanced MR angiog-
trigeminal autonomic headache, has an increased raphy, which has higher sensitivity (approaching
association with pituitary macroadenomas in that of CT angiography) may be preferred (19).
5%–10% of patients, thereby justifying the need Vessel wall MRI is an emerging technique
for contrast-enhanced MRI of the brain (6). for evaluating intracranial vascular disease (20).
In this article, we review the etiology of acute Although it is not commonly used in the ED,
headache in the ED and classify abnormalities ac- vessel wall MRI may help in determining which
cording to the predominant imaging manifestations aneurysm has ruptured in patients with acute
as hemorrhage, vascular abnormality, or edema or SAH and multiple aneurysms. In these patients,
mass effect. Other abnormalities that do not neces- neurologic interventional radiologists may not
sarily fall under these categories are discussed in always place coils or stents successfully in all
the “Miscellaneous Manifestations” section. aneurysms. In these cases, to decide whether
a surgical intervention is necessary, vessel wall
Hemorrhage MRI is performed to investigate inflammation
and/or enhancement of the aneurysm wall. In
SAH due to Nontraumatic Rupture of an autopsy studies, inflammatory changes such as
Aneurysm macrophage and leukocyte invasion, which may
Most intracranial aneurysms are saccular (berry manifest as circumferential aneurysm wall en-
aneurysms). Ruptured saccular aneurysms are hancement at vessel wall MRI, were encountered
the most common cause of nontraumatic SAH more commonly in the vessel walls of ruptured
and represent approximately 85% of cases of aneurysms than in those of their unruptured
spontaneous SAH (18). The epicenter of the ex- counterparts (21, 22) (Fig 1c, 1d).
travasated blood may allow prediction of the site
of ruptured aneurysm. Infected (Mycotic) Aneurysms
Intraventricular hemorrhage can coexist; for Cerebral arteries are the third most common site
instance, an anterior communicating artery aneu- of infected (mycotic) aneurysms, after those of the
rysm may rupture into the third ventricle through aorta and peripheral arteries. Infectious arteritis
the lamina terminalis. destroys the vessel wall, with resultant contained
1742  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 1.  Aneurysm in a 64-year-old woman who presented with a thunderclap headache. (a) Initial
axial nonenhanced CT image shows subarachnoid hemorrhage in the basal cisterns. (b) Coronal maxi-
mum intensity projection CT angiogram that was subsequently obtained shows a bilobed aneurysm aris-
ing from the right middle cerebral artery bifurcation (thick arrow) and another smaller aneurysm arising
from the anterior communicating artery and projecting inferiorly (thin arrow). (c, d) Nonenhanced (c)
and contrast-enhanced (d) vessel wall MR images show wall enhancement in the right middle cerebral
artery bifurcation aneurysm (arrow). There was no enhancement around the anterior communicating
artery aneurysm (not shown).

rupture and pseudoaneurysm formation. Although related to perimesencephalic SAH (18). Nonaneu-
most cases are asymptomatic, patients may pres- rysmal perimesencephalic SAH is characterized
ent with a headache, seizures, or focal neurologic by the presence of subarachnoid blood imme-
deficits. Anterior circulation is more commonly in- diately anterior to the midbrain and pons, most
volved than is posterior circulation (23). They tend commonly in the interpeduncular and prepontine
to be located peripherally (segment 2 and beyond) cisterns (Fig 3). Hemorrhage may extend into
and are fusiform in appearance (Fig 2). The A2 the ambient or quadrigeminal plate cisterns or
segment courses superiorly along the genu of the to the basal part of the sylvian fissures. In rare
corpus callosum. The M2 segment refers to the cases, there is further extension along the lateral
sylvian segment of the middle cerebral artery after sylvian fissures or the posterior part of the inter-
it trifurcates into an anterior division, posterior hemispheric falx. Frank intraventricular hemor-
division, and the anterior temporal artery. rhage does not occur, except for a small amount
of sediment in the occipital horns. This pattern at
Nonaneurysmal Perimesencephalic SAH nonenhanced CT is reliable only within the first
In up to 15% of patients with SAH, no source of 3 days after onset of symptoms, given that sub-
bleeding is identified. Two-thirds of these cases are stantial redistribution occurs after 3 days. Angio-
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Guryildirim et al  1743

Figure 2.  Ruptured saccular aneurysm

in a 52-year-old woman with a history of
Crohn disease, opiate use, and known os-
teomyelitis of the humerus who presented
with headache and altered mental status.
Axial three-dimensional time-of-flight MR
angiogram source image (a) and maxi-
mum intensity projection image (b) show
a ruptured saccular aneurysm arising from
the left M2 segment. Moderate-sized in-
traparenchymal hemorrhage is noted in
the left temporal lobe.

Intracerebral Hemorrhage
The incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage
(ICH) is approximately 25 per 100 000 person-
years, with a mortality rate of 40% at 1 month
after presentation (24). Risk factors include male
sex, older age, low to middle income, alcohol
consumption, hypercholesterolemia, anticoagula-
tion, and drug abuse. Headache is more com-
mon in patients presenting with ICH than in
those with SAH and ischemic stroke. Additional
clinical manifestations of ICH include focal
neurologic deficit that develops within minutes to
hours. This gradual occurrence of functional loss
is uncommon in patients with ischemic stroke
or acute SAH. Vomiting is also more common in
Figure 3.  Acute SAH in a 44-year-old
woman with a history of alcoholic hepa- ICH than in ischemic stroke and SAH (25).
titis and an elevated international normal- Spontaneous nontraumatic ICH is presumably
ized ratio who presented to the ED with a an end result of small vessel diseases (micro-
headache after a fall. Axial nonenhanced angiopathies), which include arteriolosclerosis,
CT image of the brain shows acute SAH in
the interpeduncular cistern. CT angiogra- liophyalinosis, and cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
phy was performed and was negative for After initial diagnosis of an ICH, CT angiog-
aneurysms. The patient recovered fully. raphy, CT venography, MRI, MR angiography,
or MR venography are considered to investigate
the underlying cause. Findings that are suspi-
graphic studies are normal, without any underly- cious for a vascular abnormality or lesions include
ing aneurysm. Recognition of this type of SAH is enlarged vessels or calcifications along the margins
important, given its excellent prognosis, without of the ICH, associated SAH, hyperattenuation in
rebleeding, vasospasm, or hydrocephalus. a dural sinus or cortical vein, disproportionately
A ruptured vertebrobasilar aneurysm may large surrounding edema, and hematoma with an
show a similar imaging appearance in 5% of cases unusual shape and heterogeneous intensity (26).
(18). Clues to diagnosis at nonenhanced CT are Patients with ICH who have lobar hemorrhage,
extension of the blood into the anterior interhemi- are younger than 55 years, and have no history of
spheric or lateral sylvian fissures or the presence of hypertension benefit from MRI for identification
frank intraventricular blood. The distinction is im- of a secondary cause (27).
portant, because basilar artery aneurysms carry a Hypertension is the most common cause of
50% risk of rehemorrhage within 4 years after the nontraumatic ICH in elderly patients. Hyperten-
initial hemorrhage. Other rare causes of perimes- sive cerebral microangiopathy affects the small
encephalic hemorrhage include cervicomedullary deep perforating arteries that supply the basal gan-
junction tumors such as hemangioblastomas, pos- glia and deep white matter. The most commonly
terior fossa and cervical spine AVM, acute arterial affected sites are the basal ganglia, thalamus, pons,
dissection, and dural AV fistulas (18). and cerebellum (Fig 4). Microbleeding has been
1744  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 4.  Characteristic locations of hy-

pertensive intraparenchymal hemorrhage
in four different patients. Axial nonen-
hanced CT images show hypertensive in-
traparenchymal hemorrhage in the basal
ganglia (a), pons (b), thalamus (c), and
cerebellum (d).

linked to subsequent intracerebral hemorrhage, risk of future symptomatic hemorrhage, with a

which is seen most commonly in the same loca- 3-year cumulative risk of 14% for those with only
tions (28) and is best viewed with gradient-echo one hemorrhage, 17% for those with two lesions,
and susceptibility-weighted MRI sequences. 38% for those with three to five lesions, and 51%
Expansion of the hematoma is characterized by for those with six or more lesions. Convexal SAH
the “spot sign” on a CT angiogram or contrast- is described increasingly in patients with cerebral
enhanced CT images. amyloid angiopathy, especially in those who pres-
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is a major cause ent with symptoms similar to those of a transient
of lobar hemorrhage in elderly patients. This entity ischemic attack (18).
is characterized histopathologically by amyloid Gradient-echo weighted T2*- and suscepti-
deposition in the small- to medium-sized cortical bility-weighted MRI are the best methods for
and leptomeningeal vessel walls, which leads to evaluation of cerebral microbleeds, with true-
fibrinoid necrosis and vascular fragility that ap- positive rates of 48%–89%, false-positive rates of
pear at imaging as multiple microbleeds in lobar 11%–24%, and false-negative rates of 18%–48%.
distribution. Less commonly, cerebral amyloid False-positive imaging features that mimic those
angiopathy is associated with cerebellar involve- of cerebral microbleeds include microaneurysms,
ment. The lobar distribution tends to favor the microcalcifications, and arteriolar pseudocalcifica-
posterior cortical regions, particularly the occipital tions (28).
lobe. As in hypertensive microbleeds, cerebral AVM, or more specifically, pial AVM, is a ma-
amyloid angiopathy microbleeds have been linked jor cause of lobar hemorrhage in patients up to
to increased risk of intraparenchymal hemorrhage 40 years old. Hemorrhage rates are 2%–4% per
(Fig 5). In a 2004 study (29) among 94 survivors year for all patients with AVM, with higher rates
of primary lobar hemorrhage, a higher total num- in those who initially present with hemorrhage
ber of hemorrhages (initial ICH plus other micro- (30). AVMs consist of abnormal connections
and macrobleeds detected at T2*-weighted MRI between the arteries and veins, resulting in an in-
at baseline) allowed prediction of an increased tervening network of vessels. The fistulous connec-
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Guryildirim et al  1745

Figure 5.  Intraparenchymal hematoma

in a 72-year-old man who presented to
the ED with a headache and altered men-
tal status. (a) Initial axial nonenhanced
CT image shows an intraparenchymal
hematoma in the right parietal lobe.
(b) Axial susceptibility-weighted MR im-
age obtained a few months earlier in the
same patient shows multiple subcortical
microbleeds, particularly in the right pa-
rieto-occipital region.

tion between the artery and the vein occurs via a or muscles and small venules in the dura mater.
nidus, an abnormal tangle of vessels in the AVM. They account for 10%–15% of all intracranial
Spetzler and Martin (31) developed a grading AV shunts (33). The presence or absence of
system for AVMs based on their size, the pattern cortical venous reflux allows the prognosis of an
of venous drainage, and the eloquence of the AV fistula to be determined. The lack of corti-
adjacent brain to estimate the risk of open surgery. cal venous drainage is associated with a benign
The nidus size could be small (1–3 cm), medium course and extremely low risk of intracranial
(3–6 cm), or large (greater than 6 cm), which cor- hemorrhage (Borden type I, Cognard types I or
respond to 1, 2, and 3 points on the grading scale, IIa). Borden types II and III or Cognard types
respectively. If the nidus is adjacent to an eloquent IIb–V fistulas have cortical venous reflux and
site, 1 point is allocated. The presence of deep are regarded as malignant fistulas. The reported
venous drainage adds 1 point, whereas superficial annual risk of intracranial hemorrhage is 8.1%.
drainage is worth 0 points. Therefore, the grade of In the ED, nonenhanced CT can show the
an operable AVM varies between grades 1 and 5. ICH and edema related to venous congestion.
Grade 6 lesions are considered nonoperable (31). Depending on the presence of venous reflux,
The diagnosis is made on the basis of the ap- dilated veins or venous ectasia may appear as
pearance of the nidus at CT, MRI, and catheter hyperattenuating tubules overlying the cortex.
angiography and early venous drainage at dynamic MRI helps in determining coexisting parenchy-
imaging such as conventional catheter angiogra- mal abnormalities such as white matter T2-
phy. Nonenhanced CT may show a hematoma weighted or fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery
due to rupture or a slightly hyperattenuating mass (FLAIR) hyperintensity or venous ischemia. At
due to microbleeding or blood pooling in the MRI, a cluster of flow voids around the venous
AVM. Mass effect is not expected in AVMs, be- dural sinuses should lead to evaluation with CT
cause they tend to replace rather than displace the angiography, MR angiography, or digital sub-
brain parenchyma. The presence of calcifications traction angiography (34). CT angiography or
associated with the hematoma at nonenhanced MR angiography shows dilated cortical veins as
CT should raise suspicion for an underlying AVM. abnormal enhancing tubular structures or flow
At conventional T2-weighted MRI, the nidus is voids. No true nidus is identified in the brain
seen as a cluster of signal voids. Draining veins parenchyma (Fig 6) (35).
are seen on susceptibility-weighted magnitude
images as hyperintense vessels because of higher Spontaneous
oxyhemoglobin content in the draining vein. CT Retroclival Hematoma
angiography is effective for evaluating the AVM All patients with spontaneous retroclival he-
nidus, feeding arteries, and draining veins. CT matoma present with a sudden-onset severe
angiography is 90% sensitive for the diagnosis of headache. This condition is characterized by a
AVM. CT angiography better shows the feeding contained blood collection that crosses the basi-
artery and intranidal aneurysms than does 1.5-T occipital synchondrosis that remains in a nonde-
time-of-flight MR angiography (32). pendent configuration in the retroclival region
Dural AV fistulas are abnormal connections (Fig 7). The nondependent configuration may be
between the arteries feeding the meninges, bone, related to the meningeal coverings in this region,
1746  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 6.  Ethmoidal dural AV fistula in a 62-year-old man with hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
and diabetes who presented to the ED with headache, confusion, and diaphoresis. (a) Axial
nonenhanced CT image shows a right frontal lobe hematoma and prominent hyperattenu-
ating cortical veins. (b) Subsequently obtained CT angiogram shows dilated tortuous veins
along the right frontal and temporal convexities and the left frontal convexity. Multiple areas
of venous aneurysmal dilatation are also seen, one of which is adjacent to the right frontal lobe
hemorrhage. (c) Conventional angiogram shows an ethmoidal dural AV fistula fed primarily
by hypertrophic internal maxillary artery branch vessels with superficial venous drainage and
substantial bilateral venous ectasia draining bilaterally to the Labbe veins.

given that the basilar plexus exists in the inter-

dural (subdural) space between the two-layered
dura and that a separately named layer called
the anterior pontine membrane (or free arachnoid
membrane) separates the clival dura from the
subarachnoid space (36).
Spontaneous retroclival hematoma is more
common in pediatric patients than in adults and
usually occurs as a result of trauma. The loca-
tion of the hemorrhage is epidural in trauma
patients. An epidural clival hematoma does not
extend beyond the tectorial membrane, whereas
a subdural clival hematoma can enter the spinal
subarachnoid space. Retroclival subdural he-
matomas are less common compared with their
epidural counterparts and are more commonly
seen in adults. A spontaneous retroclival subdural
hematoma is believed to occur as a result of dis-
ruption of petrosal and bridging cortical veins at
the foramen magnum. The prognosis is favorable
in patients with no angiographic abnormalities; understood, but a disturbance in the cerebral
most patients recover completely and have no vascular tone appears to be the final common
risk of vasospasm or rebleeding. pathway (37). The concept of transient and fully
reversible arterial vasoconstriction was initially
Vascular Abnormalities described in 1988 by Call and Fleming, hence
the less commonly used name is Call-Fleming
Reversible Cerebral syndrome. PRES can coexist with RCVS, which
Vasoconstriction Syndrome suggests a common pathogenetic mechanism.
RCVS is not a single disease, but rather is the RCVS is commonly the correct diagnosis
end result of multiple abnormal processes that in patients who present with a thunderclap
cause reversible vasoconstriction in the cerebral headache, and its symptoms mimic those of
vasculature. The pathophysiology is not clearly aneurysmal SAH. The headache usually starts
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Guryildirim et al  1747

Figure 7.  Retroclival blood col-

lection in a 43-year-old woman
who presented to the ED with a
sudden headache. Axial (a) and
sagittal (b) nonenhanced CT im-
ages show a retroclival blood
collection that crosses the basioc-
cipital synchondrosis and remains
in a nondependent configuration
along the retroclival dura (arrows).
The patient recovered without any

posteriorly and may become diffuse over time. however, it is seen in only 20%–25% of cases (18)
It is often triggered by sexual activity, exertion, (Fig 8a, 8b). CT angiography can be helpful for
Valsalva maneuver, emotion, postpartum state, exclusion of other potential diagnoses such as
or vasoactive substances such as illicit drugs, aneurysms, vasculitis, or arterial dissections.
α-sympathomimetics, and serotoninergic drugs. The key imaging feature of RCVS is segmental
It has been shown to be associated with pheo- arterial vasoconstriction characterized as a “string
chromocytoma, porphyria, and thrombotic of beads” pattern, with alternating areas of arte-
thrombocytopenic purpura (38). The headache rial stenosis and dilatation. Angiographic studies
recurs over a few days or weeks, although in rare including MR angiography, CT angiography, and
cases, it progresses rapidly over hours or more catheter angiography can be normal during the
slowly over days. In up to 75% of patients, the 1st week after clinical onset. This is likely related
headache is the only symptom; however, fluctu- to the centripetal progression of cerebral vaso-
ating neurologic deficits and seizures have also constriction. The small peripheral arterioles are
been described. Conversely, the headache may be affected first, and the medium and large cerebral
absent in some patients with RCVS. arteries may not yet show vasoconstriction at the
Primary angiitis of the central nervous system time of initial imaging. Segmental arterial vaso-
(PACNS) may overlap clinically and radiographi- constriction can lead to ischemic or hemorrhagic
cally with RCVS. The distinction is important, infarcts that can cause permanent disability, and
because the management is different. The onset of in severe cases, death. Infarcts often are seen in
headache is more insidious and is seen predomi- the arterial border zones. By definition and also
nantly in older men with PACNS, whereas the included in the diagnostic criteria, the cerebro-
thunderclap headache is seen more commonly in vascular abnormalities are transient and resolve
young to middle-aged women with RCVS. At im- in 3 months (40) (Fig 8c, 8d).
aging, approximately 90% of patients with PACNS Transcranial Doppler US is used to moni-
show multifocal infarcts of varying ages, whereas tor the course of vasoconstriction in RCVS. A
initial imaging may appear normal in patients with crescendo-decrescendo pattern of flow velocities
RCVS. Hemorrhagic complications or concomi- has been shown in affected vessels.
tant PRES are not seen as commonly in PACNS
as they are in RCVS (39). Posterior Reversible
Imaging is important to confirm the diagnosis Encephalopathy Syndrome
of RCVS, to exclude other causes such as aneu- There is substantial overlap in the clinical and
rysmal SAH or cerebral vasculitis, and to moni- radiologic presentations of PRES and RCVS,
tor potential complications. Nonenhanced CT of which suggests a common physiologic path-
the brain is the initial modality of evaluation and way, and likely, altered vascular tone (40,41).
shows intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral edema, PRES is seen in patients with preeclampsia or
and in some cases, infarcts. However, the initial eclampsia, renal failure, hypertension, sepsis, or
CT examination appears normal in most patients. alcohol withdrawal and those who take cytotoxic
Various patterns of intracranial hemorrhage (con- or immunosuppressive medications (42,43).
vexity SAH, ICH, and/or subdural) are seen. Con- The pathophysiology of PRES remains unclear;
vexity SAH is the earliest complication of RCVS; however, dysregulation of cerebral vascular tone
1748  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 8.  RCVS in a 21-year-old

woman who presented to the
ED with a headache. (a, b) Axial
nonenhanced CT image (a) and
axial FLAIR MR image (b) show a
hyperintense left convexity sulci
hemorrhage (arrow in a) and cor-
responding sulcal hyperintensities.
(c, d) MR angiograms show seg-
mental vasoconstriction of bilateral
A1 and M1 segments (arrows in
c) that subsequently resolved (d).
Review of the patient’s medica-
tions revealed selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor use.

due to sympathetic overactivity and subsequent cases (42). Contrast enhancement can be seen in
endothelial dysfunction likely are involved (44). 21%–44% of patients and may be leptomenin-
The clinical and imaging findings are usu- geal, gyral, or nodular (42,46,47).
ally reversible. The symptoms may vary from
confusion to status epilepticus. Because of the Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
involvement of the occipital lobes, patients usu- Headache is the most frequent and often the
ally have visual symptoms including disturbances, first symptom of CVT; however, it is associated
hallucinations, or blindness (41). Nonenhanced almost invariably with other symptoms such
CT is often the initial imaging modality in these as papilledema, focal deficits, seizures, altered
patients and usually shows low attenuation in the consciousness, or cranial nerve palsies. Headache
cortical-subcortical regions, with loss of differ- as the sole presentation of CVT is rare. Headache
entiation between gray and white matter due to type is nonspecific and can be thunderclap, acute,
vasogenic edema. At MRI, FLAIR signal hyperin- or progressive (48).
tensity is seen primarily in the cortex and subcor- The superior sagittal sinus is involved most
tical white matter. Parieto-occipital involvement commonly. Cortical venous involvement is seen in
is classic and is seen in approximately 70% of 6% of patients; however, it is likely to be overlooked
cases (Fig 9). The other imaging patterns include when there is accompanying dural sinus involve-
a holohemispheric watershed pattern and a supe- ment. Parenchymal imaging abnormalities reflect
rior frontal sulcus pattern. Atypical locations such increased venous pressure and comprise vasogenic
as the basal ganglia, cerebellum, or brain stem or cytotoxic edema or parenchymal hemorrhages
also may be involved. Intracranial hemorrhage (in one-third of cases). Substantially increased
(eg, SAH, parenchymal hematomas, or microhe- venous pressure may impede arterial perfusion, and
morrhages) can be seen in approximately 15% cell death may occur. The initial imaging evaluation
of cases (45) (Figs 10, 11). Restricted diffusion starts with nonenhanced CT. The sinus CVT may
in a punctate or gyral pattern is another atypi- appear to be hyperattenuating, which is a finding
cal finding that is seen in approximately 17% of present in only 20%–25% of cases (49,50).
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Guryildirim et al  1749

Figure 10.  Parenchymal hemorrhage in a

68-year-old woman with a history of hyperten-
sion who presented with headache. Axial non-
Figure 9.  PRES in a 45-year-old man with a his- enhanced CT image shows parenchymal hemor-
tory of kidney transplant and hypertension who rhage in the left parasagittal parietal lobe.
presented with a headache. Axial FLAIR MR im-
age shows hyperintensities in the gyri and jux-
tacortical white matter of the bilateral occipital
lobes. The patient was diagnosed with PRES, and
the imaging findings resolved over time. be made with multiple sequences. Contrast
material administration and application of veno-
graphic techniques allow confirmation of the
Measuring the attenuation value of the sinus diagnosis (55). MRI also is preferred for evalua-
CVT at nonenhanced CT may provide addi- tion of parenchymal abnormalities. In the brain
tional diagnostic value (51). Buyck et al (52) parenchyma, focal vasogenic or cytotoxic edema
found a mean attenuation value of 73.9 HU in may be detected, or both types may coexist.
sinus CVT, and they suggested a threshold of 62 The use of the term venous infarct is not desired,
HU for the differentiation of CVT from paren- because CVT-related parenchymal abnormalities
chymal abnormalities. Further studies (53,54) may be reversible. Affected brain parenchyma
suggested similar thresholds of 64 HU and 58 appears hyperintense at T2-weighted or FLAIR
HU in adult and pediatric patients, respectively. MRI, with or without associated hemorrhage.
Parenchymal hemorrhage is seen only in one- Restricted diffusion or T2-weighted “shine-
third of cases. Lobar hemorrhage in the para- through” may be seen at diffusion-weighted
sagittal frontal and parietal lobes is typical in pa- MRI, depending on the type of edema.
tients with superior sagittal sinus CVT, whereas The most commonly used venographic
hemorrhage in the temporal or occipital lobes techniques are nonenhanced time-of-flight MR
is more typical of transverse sinus CVT. Hem- venography, contrast-enhanced MR venography,
orrhage is typically cortical, with subcortical and CT venography. Phase-contrast MR venog-
extension (Fig 12a). Venous pressures beyond raphy is used less often. Two-dimensional time-
the durability of venous walls and continued of-flight MR venography is the most commonly
arterial perfusion are believed to contribute to used technique to evaluate CVT and is most
the development of parenchymal hemorrhages sensitive to the flow that is perpendicular to the
(55). Nonenhanced MRI is superior to non- plane of acquisition. Therefore, axial, coronal, or
enhanced CT for the detection of CVT. The oblique planes may be used for image acquisition.
absence of a flow void or asymmetric altered Potential pitfalls of time-of-flight MR venogra-
flow signal intensity should alert the radiologist phy are the nulling of the venous signal that is
to an underlying CVT. The T1 and T2 signal parallel to the plane of imaging and T1 shorten-
intensity characteristics of CVT depend on the ing of methemoglobin. CT venography is a rapid
interval between the onset of CVT and the time and reliable technique, with 95% sensitivity (Fig
of imaging. Acute CVT (0–5 days) appears as 12b). A 45-second prescanning delay is ideal, and
T1 isointensity and T2 hypointensity at MRI. a shorter prescanning delay (<30 seconds) may
The T2 hypointensity may be misinterpreted as result in a nondiagnostic scan because of inad-
a normal flow void; therefore, assessment should equate venous enhancement (56).
1750  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 11.  SAH in a 48-year-old

man with a history of end-stage
renal disease who presented with a
headache. (a) Axial FLAIR MR im-
age shows bilateral abnormal sig-
nal hyperintensity in the cerebellar
hemispheres. (b) Axial suscepti-
bility-weighted MR image shows
convexity SAH.

Figure 12.  CVT in a 57-year-old

man who presented to the ED
with headache and subsequently
lost consciousness. (a) Axial non-
enhanced CT image shows paren-
chymal hemorrhage in the bilat-
eral frontal lobes in a symmetric
distribution. (b) Axial CT veno-
gram obtained later shows the fill-
ing defect in the superior sagittal
sinus (arrows).

Carotid and Vertebral Artery Dissections Babo et al (59) showed a 10-fold increase in the
Spontaneous craniocervical dissections occur in development of SAH in patients with VAD com-
patients with underlying arteriopathy and can be pared with those with ICAD. Pulsatile tinnitus is
triggered by minor activities such as coughing, more common in patients with ICAD, whereas
vomiting, or cervical manipulation. Headache is ischemic stroke is more common in patients with
the earliest symptom and is reported by 68% of VAD; however, the ischemic stroke associated
patients with spontaneous internal carotid artery with ICAD is more severe.
(ICA) dissection (ICAD) and by 69% of those Extracranial CAD is most commonly seen dis-
with spontaneous vertebral artery dissection tal to the carotid bulb, extending toward the skull
(VAD). When headache was present, it was the base and terminating before the petrous segment.
initial manifestation in 47% of those with ICAD ICADs are most common in the supraclinoid
and in 33% of those with VAD (57). Nearly 10% segment. VADs are often seen in the pars transver-
of patients with cervical artery dissection present saria or the atlas loop in 35% and 34% of patients,
with isolated headache or neck pain (58). The respectively. Nonenhanced CT may show a hyper-
thunderclap headache is uncommon and is seen attenuating crescent-shaped intramural hematoma
in only 3.6% of patients with ICAD and 9.2% of in cervical CADs (60).
patients with VAD. The relatively higher incidence The accuracy of MRI and CT angiography
in VAD is partly explained by the more com- for diagnosis of ICADs and VADs are relatively
mon occurrence of SAH in those with VAD. Von similar, with 83%–99% sensitivity and specificity
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Guryildirim et al  1751

Figure 14.  VAD in a 37-year-old woman who

presented to the ED with a right-sided head-
ache and neck pain. Initial nonenhanced CT (not
shown) was negative. CT angiogram of the neck
shows wall irregularity and luminal narrowing
involving the atlas loop and distal pars transver-
saria segments of the left vertebral artery (arrow).

when the tear extends into the subadventitial

region, widening the weakened adventititia and
Figure 13. Spontaneous ICAD
in a 39-year-old woman who pre-
forming an aneurysm.
sented with a headache and neck The pathognomonic crescent sign is seen
pain for 2 weeks. Reformatted CT classically at axial fat-suppressed T1-weighted
angiogram of the carotid artery MRI and represents an eccentric rim of T1-
shows a long segment and distal
tapering of the right cervical inter-
hyperintense subintimal hematoma, surrounding
nal carotid artery from its middle a hypointense arterial lumen (Fig 15). This sign
segment to the skull base. I = infe- is seen more commonly in CADs than in VADs
rior, S = superior. likely because of the horizontal course of the atlas
loop segment in relation to the imaging plane
and the presence of the adjacent vertebral venous
(61). Angiographic findings of CAD include an plexus. Dorsal vessel wall thickening against
intimal flap, elongated tapered stenosis or occlu- the adjacent fat with a normal luminal caliber,
sion, and a dissecting aneurysm (pseudoaneu- which is described as the suboccipital rind sign, is
rysm) (Fig 13). sometimes the only imaging finding in atlas loop
The string sign is caused by diminished ante- segment dissections. This finding can be missed if
grade flow into the ICA and appears as a trickle only lumen-enhancing techniques are used (64).
of contrast material in the lumen (62,63). It can Also, inherent strong background suppression at
be seen with CADs; however, it can also be seen contrast-enhanced MR angiography substantially
with other abnormalities including preocclusive limits evaluation of the vessel wall.
atherosclerosis at the carotid artery bifurcation,
carotid artery disease resulting from radiation, Edema or Mass Effect
subacute partial thrombosis of the ICA, and par-
tial recanalization of an occluded artery (63). Intracranial Infections
CT angiographic findings of VAD include Headache is the most common and often the first
irregularity and/or stenosis of the vessel, the manifestation of intracranial infections caused
string sign, the double lumen sign, dissecting by bacterial, viral, and fungal and other parasitic
aneurysm formation, or complete occlusion. agents. Intracranial extension of a paranasal sinus
The most common imaging finding of VAD infection and otitis may result in epidural empy-
is stenosis caused by formation of subintimal emas, meningitis, cerebritis, or abscess. Intracra-
hematoma (Fig 14; Fig E1). The double lumen nial infection should be suspected whenever a
sign is a direct sign of dissection and is formed headache is associated with fever, altered mental
by the presence of an intimal flap that divides state, focal neurologic deficits, or generalized
the lumen (Fig E1). Dissecting aneurysms occur seizures. The most common bacterial causes of
1752  October Special Issue 2019

adult meningitis are Streptococcus pneumoniae,

Neisseria meningitidis, and Listeria monocytogenes.
Nonenhanced CT usually shows no abnormali-
ties in patients with uncomplicated meningitis.
Contrast-enhanced CT or MRI may show lepto-
meningeal enhancement. At MRI, FLAIR hyper-
intensity of the cerebral sulci is typical. Complica-
tions of meningitis include cerebritis or cerebral
abscess, subdural empyema, hydrocephalus, CVT,
ventriculitis, and vasculopathy or infarcts.
Subdural empyema is a purulent fluid col-
lection in the subdural space. It may arise from
hematogenous dissemination of infection, osteo-
myelitis of the adjacent bone, sinus or ear infec-
tions, thrombophlebitis, or as a complication of
bacterial meningitis. An iso -or hypoattenuating
fluid collection is seen at nonenhanced CT. The
distinctive features are hyperintensity at FLAIR Figure 15.  ICAD in a 37-year-old woman who pre-
MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging with low sented with a headache and left-sided neck pain.
apparent diffusion coefficients. Rim enhancement Initial nonenhanced CT (not shown) was negative.
may be seen. In ventriculitis, ventricles enlarge Axial nonenhanced T1-weighted fat-suppressed MR
angiogram shows a crescent-shaped T1-hyperin-
with a rim of surrounding T2-weighted FLAIR tense intramural hematoma along the left internal
hyperintensity, or there may be hyperintense layer- carotid artery. The crescent sign (arrow) is more
ing material in the ventricles at diffusion-weighted commonly seen in ICADs than in VADs.
imaging. Contrast-enhanced images show ependy-
mal enhancement.
In patients with HIV infection, infectious mary brain tumors or intracranial metastases in
causes including cryptococcol meningoen- the supra- or infratentorial compartments. Head-
cephalitis or toxoplasmosis may cause headache. ache was reported by 47%–71% of patients with
Toxoplasmosis tends to favor the basal ganglia intracranial tumors (68–70).
and shows ill-defined areas of hypoattenuation at Colloid cysts of the third ventricle are be-
nonenhanced CT that correspond to hyperinten- nign tumors that comprise 1% of all intracranial
sity at T2-weighted or FLAIR MRI. Rim or solid neoplasms. The most common manifestation is
enhancement can be seen (Fig 16; Fig E2). headache in 68%–100% of patients. Headaches
Herpes simplex encephalitis is one of the most may be relieved by a change in position, and this is
important causes of viral encephalitis and requires likely related to intermittent foraminal obstruction
timely treatment to prevent catastrophic results. due to the pendulous nature of the lesion. There is
People of all ages may be affected and there is no a reported risk of sudden death due to obstruction
seasonal predilection (65). Hyperintense areas at of the foramen of Monro, resulting in acute hydro-
FLAIR and T2-weighted MRI and abnormalities cephalus. The imaging appearance depends on the
in the temporal lobe, insulae, and inferior frontal composition of the cyst contents (the amount of
lobes are typical. The basal ganglia are character- cholesterol and protein). At nonenhanced CT, the
istically spared. The disease may be bilateral but colloid cysts typically appear as a well-defined hy-
asymmetric. Hemorrhage and necrosis may develop perattenuating lesion at the anterosuperior aspect
throughout the course of the disease (Fig 17). of the third ventricle. Usually they are hyperintense
Petrous apicitis develops when acute suppura- at T1-weighted MRI and vary from hypointense to
tive otitis media spreads into a pneumatized pe- hyperintense at T2-weighted MRI, depending on
trous apex (Fig 18; Fig E3). Gradenigo syndrome the content of the cyst. Contrast-enhanced images
is the triad of abducens nerve palsy (causing may show a thin rim of enhancement related to the
diplopia), deep facial pain (involving the first and cyst capsule. Calcifications are rare; however, they
second divisions of the trigeminal nerve), and can be seen in the walls of larger cysts (71).
acute otitis media. In addition, patients may pres- Hemorrhagic metastasis is another commonly
ent with headache and tinnitus. This entity has encountered abnormality in the ED in patients
been rare since the widespread use of antibiotics who present with a headache. Tumors that mani-
and is easily overlooked if the patient’s clinical fest most commonly and show spontaneous hem-
presentation is incomplete and atypical (66,67). orrhage include metastases (eg, melanoma, renal,
Headache may be the initial and isolated thyroid, carcinoid, and choriocarcinoma) and
symptom of intracranial tumors including pri- high-grade gliomas, particularly glioblastomas.
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Guryildirim et al  1753

Figure 16.  Toxoplasmosis in a 45-year-old man with a history of HIV infection and a CD4 count
of 23 who presented to the ED with a headache and confusion. (a) Initial axial nonenhanced CT
image shows a large area of hypoattenuation centered in the left basal ganglia with mass effect
and a rightward midline shift. (b) Axial FLAIR MR image shows the hyperintense lesion. Poly-
merase chain reaction results confirmed the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.

Figure 17.  Herpes simplex virus-1 encephalitis in a 93-year-old woman who presented to the
ED with a headache. (a) Initial axial nonenhanced CT image shows subtle hypoattenuation in
the right anteromedial temporal lobe. (b) Axial FLAIR MR image shows corresponding abnormal
hyperintensity and mild swelling in the anteromedial right temporal lobe and parahippocampal
gyrus. Lumbar puncture results confirmed the diagnosis.

Metastases account for 2%–15% of nontraumatic another commonly used name for this entity.
intracranial hemorrhages. Although it has also been referred to as “benign
intracranial hypertension,” this name is not ac-
Miscellaneous Manifestations curate and should be avoided, given the risk of
vision loss and reduced quality of life with this
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension condition. Transverse sinus stenosis has been
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is el- shown in more than 90% of patients with IIH,
evated intracranial pressure without evidence of rendering venous outflow obstruction as one of
an intracranial mass, hydrocephalus, or abnormal the possible underlying pathophysiologic mecha-
meningeal enhancement. Pseudotumor cerebri is nisms. The typical patient is an obese adolescent
1754  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 18.  Meningitis in a 32-year-old man who presented with a 1-week history of sinus pressure fol-
lowed by right ear pain, muffled hearing, and drainage. (a) Axial CT image (bone window) of the tem-
poral bones shows diffuse opacification of the right mastoid air cells, mastoid antrum, tympanic cavity,
and pneumatized petrous apex. (b) Axial T2-weighted MR image shows extensive fluid signal intensity
in the same anatomic regions.

or adult woman who presents with papilledema. CSF pressure is most accurately measured
IIH is rare in children younger than 3 years and with the patient in the lateral decubitus position;
patients older than 60 years of age. however, most fluoroscopically guided proce-
The diagnostic criteria for IIH, which were dures are performed with the patient in the prone
revised in 2013, include (a) papilledema; position. The benefits of removing a large volume
(b) normal neurologic examination results, with of CSF (>20 mL) from the patient to aid relief
the exception of cranial nerve abnormalities (eg, is controversial. A normal opening pressure level
dysfunction of cranial nerves VI or VII); (c) no does not exclude the diagnosis of IIH when the
evidence of a mass, hydrocephalus, or meningeal patient has other typical symptoms such as bilat-
enhancement at neuroimaging; (d) normal CSF eral papilledema. Conversely, an increased open-
composition (eg, no pleocytosis, elevated pro- ing pressure level without appropriate symptoms
tein level, low glucose level, abnormal cytologic should not be interpreted as IIH.
results, or other evidence of infection or malig- Meningoceles and CSF leaks also are associ-
nancy); and (e) elevated lumbar puncture open- ated with increased intracranial pressure (73–75).
ing pressure (greater than 250 mm in adults and Some patients who undergo repair of a CSF leak
greater than 280 mm in children) (72). may later present with symptoms of increased
IIH without papilledema also is well recog- intracranial pressure. Therefore, the skull base
nized. These patients tend to have lower open- defects and resultant CSF leaks are believed
ing pressure levels than those who present with to have a role in decompression of increased
papilledema. In the absence of papilledema, the intracranial pressure. Meningoceles are protru-
other criteria should be met, with the additional sions of meninges through points of weakness
symptom of unilateral or bilateral abducens nerve and are conceptually similar to empty sella; both
palsies. If there is no abducens nerve palsy, three entities represent enlarged subarachnoid spaces
of the following neuroimaging criteria should be that result in decompression of the increased
met: (a) empty sella, (b) flattening of the posterior intracranial pressure. Petrous apex cephaloceles are
aspect of the globe, (c) distention of the sub- posterolateral protrusions of Meckel’s cave into
arachnoid space with or without a tortuous optic the petrous apex and may be seen in patients
nerve, and (d) transverse sinus stenosis (Fig 19; with IIH (73,76).
Fig E4). The right transverse sinus is dominant in
most individuals, and unilateral artifactual irregu- Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension
larities may be seen in the transverse sinuses at Spontaneous intracranial hypotension is an im-
MR venography. Tonsillar descent can be seen in portant cause of new persistent daily headaches
patients with both intracranial hypertension and and is much more common in the ED than it was
hypotension, and therefore it is not included in the previously understood to be. In an ED–based
neuroimaging criteria (72). study (77), spontaneous intracranial hypotension
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Guryildirim et al  1755

brain (misinterpreted as a Chiari malformation),

subdural fluid collections, diffuse pachymeningeal
enhancement, and pituitary gland hyperemia (Fig
20; Fig E5). Objective measurements including
mamillopontine distance and pontomesencephalic
angle are also helpful in the diagnosis of intracra-
nial hypotension. The mamillopontine distance
is the distance between the inferior aspect of the
mamillary bodies and the superior aspect of the
pons. The pontomesencephalic angle is the angle
between the anterior aspect of the midbrain and
the superior aspect of the pons on a sagittal im-
age. A mamillopontine distance of 5.5 mm or less
and pontomesencephalic angle of 50° or less were
found to be sensitive and specific for diagnosis of
spontaneous intracranial hypotension (84).
Patients also may present with spinal longitu-
dinal extradural fluid collections (Fig 20), which
are associated most commonly with dural tears
along the thecal sac. In these patients, the dural
tears are most commonly ventral. There may
be laterally placed CSF leaks that are related to
either a CSF venous fistula or a distal nerve root
sleeve tear in patients who do not have spinal
extradural fluid collections (85). Conventional
myelography with subsequent CT myelography
may help to identify the site of the dural tear in
most patients. Dynamic CT myelography may
be the preferred modality to identify the site of a
high-flow CSF leak (86).
Similar to spontaneous intracranial hypoten-
Figure 19.  IIH in a 38-year-old woman who
presented with a headache and vision changes. sion, postdural puncture headache is attributed
(a) Coronal T2-weighted MR image shows an en- to low CSF pressure and is characterized by a
larged and partially empty sella (arrow). (b) Axial headache that occurs within 5 days of a lumbar
fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR image shows bilat- puncture and is caused by CSF leakage through
eral dilatation of the optic sheaths (arrows).
the dural puncture. Risk factors include female
sex, age of 31–50 years, a history of postdural
was found to be half as common as spontaneous puncture headache, and orientation of the needle
SAH, with an estimated annual incidence of five bevel perpendicular to the long axis of the spinal
cases per 100 000 patients. In some patients, the column at the time of the dural puncture.
headache is acute and mimics acute SAH. A po- Aida et al (87) described two main mecha-
sitional or orthostatic headache is a characteristic nisms for postspinal puncture headache: intra-
symptom that gets worse when the patient is in an thecal air and CSF leak, with the latter evident
upright position and improves with recumbency. in the majority of cases. Headache onset in the
International Classification of Headache Disorders intrathecal air group is short, beginning within
(ICHD-3) diagnostic criteria for spontaneous in- 1 hour of the procedure and lasting less than 3
tracranial hypotension include (a) a headache that days, whereas headache onset related to CSF
develops in temporal relation to low CSF pressure leak is relatively delayed. Epidural patch block is
or CSF leakage or led to its discovery, (b) low unsuccessful if the cause of postdural puncture
CSF pressure (<60 mm) or signs of a CSF leak at headache is intrathecal air (88). Imaging findings
imaging, and (c) no known cause of CSF leakage are similar for both causes and resemble those of
(eg, a procedure or trauma). Spontaneous CSF spontaneous intracranial hypotension.
leakage is associated with generalized connective
tissue disorders (78–83). Therefore, patients with Pituitary Apoplexy
CSF leaks should be screened for connective tissue Pituitary apoplexy is a severe and potentially
and vascular abnormalities. CSF leaks may occur fatal medical condition that is characterized by a
along the skull base or in the spinal canal. Typical sudden-onset severe headache, vomiting, ophthal-
intracranial imaging features include sagging of the moplegia, and altered mental status, followed by
1756  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 20.  Spontaneous in-

tracranial hypotension in a
76-year-old woman who pre-
sented with a headache and
double vision. (a) Axial FLAIR
MR image shows hyperin-
tense subdural fluid collec-
tions overlying both cerebral
convexities. (b) Axial contrast-
enhanced MR image shows
diffuse mild pachymeningeal
enhancement. Additional en-
tire spine MRI showed subdu-
ral fluid collections in the lum-
bar spine (not shown).

panhypopituitarism. The most common cause is and prompt diagnosis of this entity, given the
the hemorrhagic infarction of a known pituitary potentially severe prognosis. Nonenhanced CT
macroadenoma in approximately 1.6%–2.8% of may show a hyperattenuating sellar mass with
patients with pituitary macroadenomas (89). In suprasellar extension. The appropriate clinical
some cases, pituitary apoplexy may be the initial manifestations (including acute vision loss or
manifestation of a pituitary macroadenoma. Less ophthalmoplegia) must accompany these imaging
commonly, it may occur as necrosis of the pitu- findings. The differential diagnosis of a hyperat-
itary gland due to massive bleeding in the postpar- tenuating lesion of the sella includes evaluation
tum period, which is a condition that is known as for aneurysms, Rathke cleft cysts, meningioma,
Sheehan syndrome (90). Risk factors include hyper- germinoma, and lymphoma. CT with intravenous
tension, diabetes, anticoagulation therapy, estrogen contrast material may reveal rim enhancement.
therapy, use of bromocriptine, radiation therapy, MRI is the most important tool in diagnosis and
conventional angiography, open heart surgery, and may help to differentiate blood from hyperinten-
pituitary function dynamic tests. sity related to other causes. MRI signal intensity
The term pituitary apoplexy should only be used may be heterogeneous and depends on the age of
if the clinical syndrome develops. Hemorrhage the blood products. Acute hemorrhagic lesions
may coexist in asymptomatic patients with large are isointense at T1-weighted MRI and hypoin-
macroadenomas. The most common symptom at tense at T2-weighted MRI. Gradient-echo and
presentation is headache, which is seen in ap- susceptibility-weighted MRI depict hemorrhage
proximately 90%–97% of patients. The headache and blooming around the mass. At contrast-en-
is usually sudden, severe, and retro-orbital. The hanced MRI, thin rim enhancement can be seen
second most common symptom is visual deficit, (92) (Fig E6). Fluid-fluid levels in the area of
which occurs in 50%–82% of patients. These are infarction or sphenoid sinus mucosal wall thick-
followed by nausea, vomiting, ocular palsy, and ening also have been described as useful imaging
meningism. The superior aspect of the pituitary features (93,94). The latter is believed to be due
gland is covered by the diaphragma sellae, which to venous engorgement.
is a fold of dura mater that separates the subarach-
noid space from the pituitary. In pituitary apo- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
plexy, when the pressure gradient in the sella ex- Carbon monoxide poisoning should be considered
ceeds the resistance of the surrounding structures, when patients present to the ED with a headache,
blood is expelled into the subarachnoid space, especially during the winter months. The diagno-
resulting in SAH. Thus, pituitary apoplexy is in- sis is suggested when multiple family members
cluded in the differential diagnosis for thunderclap or coworkers are affected simultaneously, when
headache and SAH in patients with angiographic patients are brought from an enclosed space with
studies that show no vascular abnormalities (91). a carbon monoxide source such as a gasoline or
In most cases, the clinical diagnosis may kerosene generator, and when patients experience
be something other than pituitary apoplexy; rapid improvement when they are removed from
therefore, radiologists should be alert for early the source without other intervention. Standard
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Guryildirim et al  1757

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