Study On Ultrasonically Assisted Emulsification and Recovery of Copper (II) From Wastewater Using An Emulsion Liquid Membrane Process

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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 17 (2010) 318–325

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Study on ultrasonically assisted emulsification and recovery of copper(II) from

wastewater using an emulsion liquid membrane process
Mahdi Chiha a,*, Oualid Hamdaoui a, Fatiha Ahmedchekkat b, Christian Pétrier c
Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Department of Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Annaba, P.O. Box 12, 23000 Annaba, Algeria
LARMACS, Faculty of Engineering, University of Skikda, P.O. Box 26, 21000 Skikda, Algeria
LEPMI, Université Joseph Fourier, 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this work was to study the emulsification assisted by ultrasonic probe (22.5 kHz) and inves-
Received 19 May 2009 tigate the removal of copper(II) ions from aqueous solution using water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W)
Received in revised form 30 August 2009 emulsion liquid membrane process (ELM). The membrane was prepared by dissolving the extractant
Accepted 2 September 2009
bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) and the hydrophobic surfactant sorbitan monooleate (Span
Available online 8 September 2009
80) in hexane (diluent). The internal phase consisted of an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid. Effects of
operating parameters such as emulsification time, ultrasonic power, probe position, stirring speed, carrier
(D2EHPA) and surfactant (Span 80) concentrations volume ratios of organic phase to internal striping
phase and of external aqueous phase to membrane (W/O) phase, internal phase concentration and choice
Emulsion liquid membrane of diluent on the membrane stability were studied. With ultrasound, the W/O emulsion lifetime were
Ultrasound much higher than those reported previously by mechanical agitation. The effect of carrier and Cu(II) ini-
D2EHPA tial concentration on the extraction kinetics was also investigated. Nearly all of the Cu(II) ions present in
the continuous phase was extracted within a few minutes. Additionally, the influence of H2SO4 concen-
tration on the stripping efficiency was examined.
Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction liquid membrane, efficiency of extraction and evaluating the inter-

facial contact area. It is also important to obtain information about
Water contamination by heavy metals is a serious environmen- the swelling, breakage and coalescence of dispersed drops.
tal problem, which has been extensively discussed. One of the Unfortunately, ELM process has not found widespread usage in
promising techniques for the separation of heavy metal ions from industrial application. The slow industrialization of this technology
wastewater is the emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) technique, is mainly due to the stability problems (i.e., the tendency of an
which is first described by Li [1] and other scientists [2]. Emulsion emulsion to remain dispersed and resist coalescence) associated
liquid membrane separation process constitutes an emerging tech- with the emulsion and their tendency to undergo swelling [4].
nology with a wide variety of applications, such as the removal, The main factors affecting emulsion stability encompass mem-
recovery, and purification of many heavy metal ions from dilute brane formulation, technique of emulsion preparation, and the
solutions of industrial interest. condition under which the emulsion is contacted with an external
In the ELM process, a simultaneous extraction and stripping are phase. Energy must be supplied to produce such meta-stable mix-
accomplished through a large surface area (1000–3000 m2/m3) of a tures. Energy may be provided through various means including
liquid membrane prepared with a minimum quantity of selective mechanical agitation (stirrer, colloid mill, mixer, valve homoge-
extractant [3]. Multiple emulsion systems are generally prepared nizer) and ultrasound generation. In water/oil system, the process
using a two-step process. In the W1/O/W2 multiple emulsion type, of emulsification assisted by ultrasound initiates when the cavita-
primary water-in-oil (W1/O) emulsion is prepared in a first step tion threshold is attained. Ultrasound can provide an excess energy
using a hydrophobic surfactant. The W1/O emulsion is then dis- for new interface formation; hence it is possible to obtain emul-
persed in a second aqueous phase W2 (Fig. 1). The size of the dis- sions even in few quantities of surfactants (emulsifiers).
persed drops is important for determining the stability of the The sono-emulsification process is dependent upon a range of
parameters, notably the acoustic power, location of the energy dis-
sipating source and chemical composition of the system; beyond a
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +213 790681263; fax: +213 38876560. certain range of optimum conditions, ultrasound may cause the in-
E-mail address: (M. Chiha). verse effect (coagulation and precipitation phenomenon) [5].

1350-4177/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Chiha et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 17 (2010) 318–325 319

Membrane phase
Internal aqueous phase

Splitting (demulsification)

External aqueous phase


Extraction (Permeation) Settling

Fig. 1. The emulsion liquid membrane process.

Ultrasound has been proved to be suitable for emulsification emulsification), industrial processes involving ultrasound can be
[6]. Ultrasound emulsification was reported for the first time by optimized for scale up.
Wood and Loomis [7]. With ultrasound, for example, the size of In the present work, the preparation of W/O emulsion assisted
W/O emulsions (Sauter diameter d32) is much smaller than those by ultrasound and the extraction of copper from aqueous media
given by mechanical agitation under the same conditions, as con- into ELMs using D2EHPA as carrier are reported. The influence of
sequence it increase the stability [8]. operational conditions on the prepared W/O emulsion as well as
Removal of copper ions from aqueous solution using ELMs has on the extraction efficiency by ELM was investigated.
been an area of interest ever since ELMs were invented. Most
investigators [9–12] preferred studying the effect of chemical com-
position of the system using chelating extractants, such as LIX 63, 2. Experimental section
LIX 64 N, LIX 65 and SME 529, because of their immiscibility with
water. Economic evaluation showed that ELM extraction of copper 2.1. Reagents
using LIX 64 N turns out to be 40% cheaper than solvent extraction
[13]. D2EHPA (bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid) was analytical
Little work has been reported in the literature for the utilization grade product (Aldrich) and was used as received. The non-ionic
of ultrasound in all the steps of ELM process (emulsification, surfactant Span 80 (sorbitan monooleate, Aldrich) was used as an
extraction and demulsification). Chakravarti et al. [14] have inves- emulsifier. Diluents (hexane, heptane and dodecane) were ob-
tigated the extraction of copper by ELMs using mechanical emulsi- tained from Fluka. Copper(II) solutions were prepared by dissolv-
fication. Also, Sengupta et al. [15] preferred using mechanical ing requisite amount of copper sulfate (CuSO45H2O, Prolabo) in
agitation (12000 rpm) to prepare W/O emulsion for copper extrac- bidistilled water. Analytical pure sulfuric acid, obtained from
tion with LIX 984 N-C as carrier. Valenzuela et al. [16,17] have Merck, was employed for the preparation of the aqueous internal
studied the removal of copper ions from a wastewater by a liquid phase.
emulsion membrane method using an Ultraturrax Janke Kunkel
ultrasonic agitator in first step preparation of W/O emulsion and
an Elma Ultrasonic bath in second step was used to accelerate 2.2. Apparatus and measurement
the phase separation process by enhancing the coalescence of the
small droplets. Behrend et al. [18,19] have investigated vegetable The 22.5 kHz ultrasonic wave was emitted from a titanium horn
oil-in-water emulsion stability using ultrasonic emulsification be- (tip diameter 3 mm) connected to a commercial supply (Microson
cause the power density sufficiently characterizes the process con- 2000 XL). Acoustic power dissipated in the reactor was estimated
ditions in terms of droplet disruption. Juang and Lin [20] have using standard calorimetric method [22,23]. The used experimental
studied the efficiency of emulsification with ultrasonic probe set-up was shown in Fig. 2. The determination of Cu(II) concentra-
(20 kHz) and the possibility of ultrasound demulsification. They tion was carried out using atomic absorption spectrophotometer
have indicated that emulsification can be realized with the supply (AAS, Shimadzu A. A-6601 F, Atomic Absorption Flame Emission
of a suitable form of energy. All the oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions Spectrophotometer) at 325 nm. Each experiment was performed
were prepared by the ultrasonic method (Ultrasonic 42, Branson) twice at least and the mean values were presented. The reproduc-
by Zha et al. [21]. By understanding the relationship (ultrasound – ibility of the concentrations measurements was within 3%.
320 M. Chiha et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 17 (2010) 318–325

To generator


Ultrasound Probe
Cooling water outlet


Cooling water inlet

Fig. 2. Experimental set-up for ultrasound-assisted preparation of the W/O emulsion.

2.3. Experimental procedures 10pH0  10pH

V s ¼ V ext
10pH  Cint

The ELM used in this work was water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W)
emulsion formed by dissolving the extractant (D2EHPA) and the Where Vext is the initial volume of external phase, Cint
Hþ the initial
surfactant (Span 80) in diluents (hexane, heptane or dodecane). concentration of H+ in the internal phase, pH0 the initial pH of the
Internal aqueous phase was a solution of H2SO4. Water-in-oil (W/ external phase and pH is the external phase pH being in contact
O) emulsion was made by slowly adding the internal phase to with the emulsion after a certain time of stirring.
the organic membrane phase upon intensive emulsification with
the ultrasonic probe. 3.1.1. Effect of emulsification time
A certain volume of the obtained stable emulsion (20 mL) was One of the most important parameter for ELM processes is the
dispersed in the feed phase (100 mL of aqueous solution). The emulsification time. Fig. 3 shows the effect of emulsification time
extraction runs were performed in a glass vessel of 61 mm diame- on the emulsion stability using a surfactant concentration of 4%
ter using a mechanical agitator (Junke & Kunkel RW20) with four- (w/w) in the membrane phase (oil phase). For emulsification times
paddle impeller of 20 mm diameter. All experiments were carried higher than 3 min, it has been observed that the breakage percent-
out at constant temperature (25 ± 1 °C) using water jacket around age gradually increased because of the high internal shearing lead-
the vessel. The concentration of copper in the aqueous external ing to a very high number of small droplets, which is conducive to
phase was determined by AAS and in the internal phase was deter- their diffusion into external phase (bidistilled water). For lower
mined by mass balance. emulsification times (<3 min), the relatively higher breakage per-
centage values are due to the large size of inner droplet that causes

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Emulsion stability
Several parameters can affect the stability of W/O emulsion
such as the ultrasound power, emulsification time, probe position, 20
Breakage (%)

stirring speed, surfactant and carrier concentrations, volume ratios

of organic phase to internal striping phase and of external aqueous
phase to membrane (W/O) phase, internal phase concentration and
choice of diluent were studied. The produced W/O emulsions
should be employed for the removal of copper(II) from aqueous
The stability of emulsions was investigated by using the break- 0
up, e, defined by the following equation: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Emulsification time (min)
e¼  100 Fig. 3. Effect of emulsification time on the W/O emulsions stability (experimental
V int conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external phase (pure water) volume: 100 mL;
The emulsion breakage represents the ratio in percentage of the volume ratio of internal phase to organic phase: 1; emulsification time: 1–10 min;
ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring speed: 200 rpm; concentration of Span 80: 4% w/
volume of internal phase leaked into the external phase by split- w; carrier concentration: 20% w/w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions to external
ting (VS) to the initial volume of the internal phase (Vint). The vol- phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane; contact
ume VS is calculated by the mass balance. time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn from the bottom of vessel: 20 mm).
M. Chiha et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 17 (2010) 318–325 321

coalescence phenomenon. The lower breakage is obtained for an 70

emulsification time of 3 min.

3.1.2. Effect of ultrasonic power 50

Breakage (%)
The emulsification efficiencies at different ultrasound powers
are shown in Fig. 4. The emulsion breakage profile shows the
important effect of ultrasound power on emulsion stability. For 30
low power values (5–15 W), the sound field is insufficient to give
the necessary energy for a good dispersion of aqueous droplets in 20
the membrane phase. The percentage of breakage decreases
with the increase of the power of ultrasound. 20 W is the optimum
value. Beyond this value, higher ultrasonic power produces higher 0
specific surface area of W/O emulsions, but the phenomenon of 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Stirring speed (rpm)
coalescence is more significant. Freitas et al. [24] have found the
same behavior and showed that oil droplets of 5–10 lm diameters Fig. 5. Effect of stirring speed on the W/O emulsions stability (experimental
could be observed in emulsions processed at an ultrasonic power conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external phase (pure water) volume: 100 mL;
of 25 W, and practically no droplets were microscopically visible volume ratio of internal phase to organic phase: 1; emulsification time: 3 min;
at 32 W, i.e. at full power. ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring speed: 100–500 rpm; concentration of Span 80:
4% w/w; carrier concentration: 20% w/w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions to
external phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane;
3.1.3. Effect of stirring speed contact time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn from the bottom of vessel: 20 mm).
Stirring speed directly influences membrane stability behavior.
Since globule size gets affected by stirring, higher agitation speeds
lead to the formation of smaller sized globules, thereby increasing 16
the interfacial area between continuous phase and the membrane 14
phase, and accelerate the mass transfer for extraction. Also, higher
stirring speed may bring about higher breakage percentage. There- 12
fore, it is very important to select a suitable stirring speed and keep 10
Breakage (%)

stable mixing conditions during the process in order to maintain

adequate membrane stability and minimize the emulsion swelling.
According to Fig. 5, for lower stirring speeds (100 and 150 rpm con- 6
ditions), the breakage percentage is low because the size of the 4
emulsion globules increases and the interfacial area available for
mass transfer decreases. Increasing the stirring speed above a crit- 2
ical value (200 rpm) affects the stability of the emulsion and in- 0
creases the osmotic swelling of the membrane and makes the 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
emulsion unstable. Thus, 200 rpm was the best stirring speed to Sulfuric acid concentration (N)
ensure a good stability of the W/O emulsion and to enhance the
Fig. 6. Effect of internal aqueous phase (H2SO4) concentration on the W/O
interfacial area available for mass transfer for the subsequent emulsions stability (experimental conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external
experiments to fulfill the demand of well dispersing and low phase (pure water) volume: 100 mL; volume ratio of internal phase to organic
breakage. phase: 1; emulsification time: 3 min; ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring speed:
200 rpm; concentration of Span 80: 4% w/w; carrier concentration: 20% w/w;
volume ratio of W/O emulsions to external phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration
3.1.4. Effect of internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.1–1.2 N; diluent: hexane; contact time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn
The effect of internal phase concentration (H2SO4) on the ELM from the bottom of vessel: 20 mm).
stability is illustrated in Fig. 6. When the sulfuric acid concentra-
tion increased from 0.1 to 0.3 N, the percentage of breakage de-
18 creased. A concentration of 0.1 N leads to high breakage
16 percentage because the ionic strength difference between internal
and external phases is not sufficient conducting in high emulsion
breakage. Concentration of the internal phase giving the weakest
12 breakage (0.3 N) was chosen in this study. Beyond this concentra-
Breakage (%)

10 tion the emulsion stability slightly decreased. The slight decrease

8 of the W/O emulsion stability may be due to the reaction of sulfuric
acid with Span 80, which results in a partial loss of its surfactant
properties [30].

3.1.5. Effect of extractant concentration
0 The effect of D2EHPA (carrier) concentration on the W/O emul-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
sion stability is shown in Fig. 7. This figure shows that when the
Ultrasonic power (W)
carrier concentration in the membrane phase increased from 5%
Fig. 4. Effect of ultrasonic power on the W/O emulsions stability (experimental to 20% (w/w), the breakage percentage decreased. This behavior
conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external phase (pure water) volume: 100 mL; is due to the interfacial properties of the D2EHPA that leads to a
volume ratio of internal phase to organic phase: 1; emulsification time: 3 min; good stability of the emulsion. A very high content of carrier in
ultrasound power: 10–35 W, stirring speed: 200 rpm; concentration of Span 80:
4% w/w; carrier concentration: 20% w/w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions to
the membrane (higher than 20% (w/w)) does not result in a benefit
external phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane; due to the increase in viscosity, which leads to larger globules.
contact time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn from the bottom of vessel: 20 mm). Swelling phenomenon was observed when carrier concentration
322 M. Chiha et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 17 (2010) 318–325

20 40
18 35

Breakage (%)
12 25
Breakage (%)

10 20
2 5
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Extractant concentration (% w/w) Vint /Vorg

Fig. 7. Effect of carrier concentration on the W/O emulsions stability (experimental Fig. 9. Effect of the volume ratio of internal phase to organic phase on the W/O
conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external phase (pure water) volume: 100 mL, emulsions stability (Experimental conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external
volume ratio of internal phase to organic phase: 1; emulsification time: 3 min; phase (pure water) volume: 100 mL; volume ratio of internal phase to organic
ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring speed: 200 rpm; concentration of Span 80: 4% w/ phase: 0.5–2; emulsification time: 3 min; ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring speed:
w; carrier concentration: 5–40% w/w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions to external 200 rpm; concentration of Span 80: 4% w/w; carrier concentration: 20% w/w;
phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane; contact volume ratio of W/O emulsions to external phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration
time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn from the bottom of vessel: 20 mm). (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane; contact time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn from
the bottom of vessel: 20 mm).

is 40% because D2EHPA is an anionic surfactant in nature, the

stability of W/O emulsion in its presence would decrease due to ganic solution in the emulsion phase. Fig. 9 shows the experimen-
water transport [20]. The optimum concentration of carrier was tal results of the membrane stability as a function of this ratio in
20% (w/w). the range 0.5–2. It can be seen that the breakage percentage is
dependent of the Vint/Vorg ratio. When the ratio increased from
0.5 to 0.8, the stability increased slightly, because the ejection of
3.1.6. Effect of surfactant concentration
the internal phase is easier when its proposition in the emulsion
Surfactant concentration has an important bearing on the sta-
is higher. These results may be explained on the basis that increas-
bility of the emulsion. Fig. 8 shows the effect of surfactant concen-
ing the internal phase volume in this interval makes the emulsion
tration on the W/O emulsion breakage after stirring at 200 rpm.
more stable. This quantity is insufficient for mass transfer in the
The percentage of breakage was less than 10% for Span 80 concen-
second step. Hence, in order to obtain a uniform and homogeneous
trations above 4% (w/w), indicating that the membrane was suffi-
distribution of the internal phase droplets in the membrane space
ciently stable, while the breakage percentage increases with the
and to avoid the influence of H2SO4 on the emulsion stability, the
decrease in surfactant concentration (less than 4% (w/w)). Below
optimum ratio of the internal aqueous phase to the organic phase
Span 80 concentration of 2% (w/w), no emulsion was formed owing
was taken to be 1. Beyond the ratio of 1.2, further increase in the
to a lack of the surfactant adsorbing the organic/aqueous interface.
volume of stripping solution leads to a decrease in membrane sta-
The concentration of surfactant chosen in this work to produce effi-
bility, because when the volume of the stripping phase increases,
ciently stabilized membrane was 4% (w/w).
the thickness of film in droplets thin off.

3.1.7. Effect of volume ratio of aqueous internal phase to organic phase 3.1.8. Effect of volume ratio of water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions to
(Vint/Vorg) aqueous external phase
Another important experimental parameter is the appropriate This parameter expresses the treatment ratio of the whole
volume ratio of inner aqueous solution (the stripping phase) to or- emulsion liquid membrane process. Its variation cannot be ran-
dom, because it is necessary to guarantee that the acid quantity
present in the internal phase is high enough to react with the sol-
ute present in the external phase. Experiments were conducted by
taking into account the parameters already optimized and using a
volume ratio of the organic phase to the aqueous internal phase of
Beakage (%)

1. The volume ratio of emulsion to external phase varied between

30 0.05 and 1. As shown in Fig. 10, the increase of volume ratio of
emulsion to aqueous external phase (Vem/Vext) leads to an increase
20 of the breakage percentage. The increase of volume ratio of the
membrane phase to the external phase beyond 0.4 led to an in-
10 crease of the emulsion coagulation. Indeed, with increasing the
volume ratio, the swelling phenomenon becomes remarkable, fast,
0 and accompanied by an embrittlement following a more signifi-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
cant coalescence of the internal droplets which grow. This behavior
Surfactant concentration (% w/w)
involves an increase of the emulsion breakage. Therefore, it seems
Fig. 8. Effect of surfactant concentration on the W/O emulsions stability (exper- that the optimum volume ratio of emulsion to the external aque-
imental conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external phase (pure water) volume: ous phase is 0.2.
100 mL; volume ratio of internal phase to organic phase: 1; emulsification time:
3 min; ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring speed: 200 rpm; concentration of Span 80:
2–8% w/w; carrier concentration: 20% w/w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions to
3.1.9. Choice of diluent
external phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane; Although experiments have been performed with aromatic dil-
contact time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn from the bottom of vessel: 20 mm). uents [25], aliphatic diluents are generally preferred because of the
M. Chiha et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 17 (2010) 318–325 323

90 10
80 9

70 8

Breakage (%)
Breakage (%)

40 4
30 3
20 2
10 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Vem /Vext Distance of the tip of probe from the botom of vessel (mm)

Fig. 10. Effect of the volume ratio of the emulsion to the external phase on the W/O Fig. 12. Effect of the tip of horn position on the W/O emulsions stability
emulsions stability (experimental conditions: volume ratio of internal phase to (experimental conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external phase (pure water)
organic phase: 1; emulsification time: 3 min; ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring volume: 100 mL; volume ratio of internal phase to organic phase: 1; emulsification
speed: 200 rpm; concentration of Span 80: 4% w/w; carrier concentration: 20% w/ time: 3 min; ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring speed: 200 rpm; concentration of
w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions to external phase: 0.05–1; internal phase Span 80: 4% w/w; carrier concentration: 20% w/w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions
concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane; contact time: 18 min; distance of to external phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent:
the tip horn from the bottom of vessel: 20 mm). hexane; contact time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn from the bottom of vessel:
20–35 mm).

cause intensive shock waves in the surrounding liquid and the for-
mation of liquid jets of high velocity. According to these phenom-
7 ena, in this work, the position of the tip of horn ultrasound (Fig. 1)
6 from the bottom of vessel affects the emulsion stability. The dis-
tance of this tip from vessel bottom (20 mm) that conducted to
Breakage (%)

the lower breakage is selected because this distance coincide to
4 cavitation rich region. When the distance of probe from the bottom
is short, a good stability of emulsion was obtained. In this case, the
real microstreaming phenomenon is obtained by the cavitation
2 rich region and the presence of turbulent regime due the reflection
1 of ultrasound wave.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
3.2. Copper extraction into ELM
Time (s)
Extraction of copper(II) by ELM process is governed by several
Fig. 11. Effect of diluents nature on the W/O emulsions stability (experimental parameters and poses a challenging problem in the field of hydro-
conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external phase (pure water) volume: 100 mL;
metallurgy. The equations given below exhibit extraction (1) and
volume ratio of internal phase to organic phase: 1; emulsification time: 3 min;
ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring speed: 200 rpm; concentration of Span 80: 4% w/ stripping (2) reactions of copper occurring in ELM technique [28]
w; carrier concentration: 20% w/w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions to external
phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane, heptane Cu2þ þ
aq þ 2H2 R2org ¡ CuR2  2HR org þ 2Haq ð1Þ
and dodecane; contact time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn from the bottom of
vessel: 20 mm).
CuR2  2HRorg þ 2Hþint ¡ Cu2þ
int þ 2H2 R 2org ð2Þ
insolubility in water and better emulsion stability. The mass trans- where, (H2R2) represents the D2EHPA dimmer and the molecular
fer is in many cases diffusion controlled, and therefore the viscosity structure of the complex CuR22HRorg is shown in Fig. 13.
of the diluent is an important parameter. As shown in Fig. 11, suit- Facilitated transport of behavior through ELM, being permeated
able diluent for a good stability of the W/O emulsions is hexane from the external into the internal aqueous phase, consisted of four
with viscosity of 0.294 cP, because hexane is less viscous than hep- steps: (1) diffusion of copper through the external aqueous bound-
tane and dodecane (0.386 and 1.34 cP, respectively). This is in ary film, (2) distribution of copper between the external aqueous
agreement with the ultrasound theory; cavities are more readily and liquid membrane phase, (3) diffusion of copper through the
formed when using a solvent with a high vapor pressure and low membrane phase (Fig. 13), and (4) stripping of copper, accompa-
viscosity [26]. Because viscosity is a measure of resistance to shear, nied by reaction (2), into the internal aqueous phase.
it is more difficult to produce cavitation in a viscous liquid [27]. The performance of the extraction depends on the nature of
emulsion (previously optimized) and various operational parame-
3.1.10. Effect of the probe position ters as detailed below.
Fig. 12 shows the effect of probe position in the emulsifying
vessel on the emulsion stability. It is well known that the ultra- 3.2.1. Effect of copper concentration in the external aqueous phase
sonic energy produces an alternating adiabatic compression and The effect of copper ion concentration (50, 100, 150 and
refraction of the liquid being irradiated. In the refraction part of 200 ppm) in the feed phase on the extraction efficiency was inves-
ultrasonic wave, micro-bubbles form due to sufficiently large neg- tigated. The extraction was performed at pH 2 using a stripping
ative pressures. These bubbles contain gas and vaporized liquid acid concentration of 0.3 N. The obtained results are presented in
and can be either stable about their mean size for many cycles or Fig. 14. It is observed that the percentage of extraction decreased
transient as they grow to certain size and violently collapse during when the initial content of copper increased. At low copper con-
the compression part of the wave, i.e. imploding cavitation bubbles centrations (50–100 ppm), high extraction efficiency is obtained
324 M. Chiha et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 17 (2010) 318–325

H17C8O O HO OC8H17

Extraction efficiency (%)

P P 70

H17C8O O O OC8H117 50

Cu 30
O O 0
5 10 15 20 25 30
D2EHPA (%)

CH3 Fig. 15. Effect of carrier concentration on the extraction efficiency (experimental
conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external phase volume: 100 mL; volume ratio
Fig. 13. Molecular structure of the complex formed between coppper(II) and of internal phase to organic phase: 1; emulsification time: 3 min; ultrasound
D2EHPA dimmer in organic phase. power: 20 W, stirring speed: 200 rpm; concentration of Span 80: 4% w/w; carrier
concentration: 5–30% w/w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions to external phase: 0.2;
internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane; contact time: 18 min;
Distance of the tip horn from the bottom of vessel: 20 mm).
90 (w/w)), the permeation efficiency decreases by increasing the car-
80 rier concentration because the extractant acts as a thinner for the
Extraction efficiency (%)

70 membrane phase (i.e. the increasing concentration of carrier pro-

60 50ppm motes the permeation swelling, which dilutes the aqueous receiv-
50 100ppm ing phase and decreases the efficiency of the process). Additionally,
150ppm the stability of emulsion decreases by increasing the carrier con-
200ppm centration over a certain limit. The best value of D2EHPA concen-
tration was found to be 20% (w/w).
0 3.2.3. Effect of stirring speed
0 5 10 15 20 The stirring speed has a profound influence on the extraction
Time (min) behavior. The effect of this parameter on the extraction of copper
Fig. 14. Effect of external phase concentration on the extraction efficiency and
ions by ELM is shown in Fig. 16. By increasing the stirring speed
extraction kinetics (experimental conditions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external from 100 to 200 rpm, the shear force, which acts on the emulsion
phase volume: 100 mL; volume ratio of internal phase to organic phase: 1; globules, increases and this makes the globules smaller resulting
emulsification time: 3 min; ultrasound power: 20 W, stirring speed: 200 rpm; in an enhancement of the mass transfer and extraction efficiency.
concentration of Span 80: 4% w/w; carrier concentration: 20% w/w; volume ratio of
Increasing the stirring speed in the range 200–500 rpm not only
W/O emulsions to external phase: 0.2; internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N;
diluent: hexane; contact time: 18 min; distance of the tip horn from the bottom of decreases the extraction efficiency slightly, but also affects the sta-
vessel: 20 mm). bility of the emulsion and makes the emulsion unstable. When the
level of stirring speed is increased above 500 rpm, the extraction
efficiency significantly decreased because high stirring speed
(95%). But for 200 ppm solutions, copper extraction reached about produced coalescence and finally rupture of globules, making the
74%. This is due the saturation of the internal droplets of the emul-
sion that is attained more rapidly for high concentrations in the 100
external phase. When the solute concentration is high, the copper 90
complex must diffuse through the membrane phase to the internal 80
phase. This suggests that the mass transfer resistance in the emul-
Extraction efficiency (%)

sion globule is important. In the extraction kinetic process, the
contact time between W/O emulsion and feed aqueous phase has
a significant influence on the extraction of copper. According to 50
Fig. 14, it was observed that the kinetics of the process is very fast. 40
The level of extraction increased with the increase in contact time. 30
For copper concentrations of 50 and 100 ppm, the removal per- 20
centage is good and exceeded 95% after 18 min. 10
100 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200
3.2.2. Effect of carrier concentration
Stirring speed (rpm)
Fig. 15 shows the effect of D2EHPA concentration on the ELM
extraction of copper. It was found that extraction increased with Fig. 16. Effect of Stirring speed on the extraction efficiency (experimental condi-
increasing carrier concentration. This is because increase in tions: emulsion volume: 20 mL; external phase volume: 100 mL; volume ratio of
D2EHPA concentration will increase the mass transfer. On the internal phase to organic phase: 1; emulsification time: 3 min; ultrasound power:
20 W, stirring speed: 100–1200 rpm; concentration of Span 80: 4% w/w; carrier
other hand, an increase in carrier concentration in the membrane concentration: 20% w/w; volume ratio of W/O emulsions to external phase: 0.2;
phase increases the viscosity of this membrane, which limits the internal phase concentration (H2SO4): 0.3 N; diluent: hexane; contact time: 18 min;
extraction rate of the metal ions. Above a certain value (20% distance of the tip horn from the bottom of vessel: 20 mm).
M. Chiha et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 17 (2010) 318–325 325

100 cavitation, is not yet fully understood. D2EHPA can be used to sep-
90 arate copper ions from aqueous solutions in an ELM process with
80 95% of extraction efficiency. An extractant concentration of 20%
Extraction efficiency (%)

(w/w) in the membrane phase and a concentration of H2SO4 of
0.3 N in the internal solution were found to be optimum conditions
for obtaining a higher separation factor. It was found that 200 rpm
can be recommended as the best stirring speed.
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