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4/2/2021 Truth over Fear: Covid-19, the Vaccine & the Great Reset

Bible Believers' Newsletter 1148

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased
you could join us in fellowship around the Absolute of God's Word.

Our contributing author this week is Roman Catholic Archbishop

Carlo Maria Viganò who understands the dreadful destiny of
Pope Francis I and is unafraid to declare his case. Certainly few
Churches in the circle of this Message would feature a Roman
Catholic, and a man in high office. This man sees the world for
what it is; unlike our presidents, prime ministers, elected dictators, kings and
queens he is not hiding but exposing what is probably the greatest treachery on a
global scale since the Great Flood. Jesus, Matthew and II Peter foresaw the
antitype in "the (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming of the Son ofLoading...
man" to His end-time Bride,
thence to the children of Jacob. Again "the wickednessPoweredof man is great RefTagger
by Faithlife in the
earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart is only evil continually".

Our worldly leaders are "all honourable men and women" as the conspirators
Brutus and Cassius were "honorable men." Our unregenerate Congressmen,
Senators, Parliamentarians, lawyers, doctors, ministers of religion, industrialists
and bankers are all called "honourable—even worshipful men." To Jesus' disciples
Judas Iscariot was their most "honourable" man and treasurer of the Church. In
the eyes of Melchisedek our unregenerate men and women have their price: once
met they genuflect to the gods of Covid-19—an open and obvious hoax and
fraud; "and jurisdiction is given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill
with sword, and with famine, and with death, and with the wild beasts of the
earth" (Amos 8:11; Revelation 6:8).

Carefully read the wise observations of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, and read
the Full story in our items of current News.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. We encourage you to share our
Newsletter with friends, family and colleagues, and look forward to any comments
or questions you may have. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed
their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should
be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

WHO Confirms Covid-19 PCR Test Meaningless!

Lockdown no Scientific Basis
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky © 2021 all rights reserved

March 26, 2021 — The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain
Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a
means to detecting the SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a 1/13
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Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital,

Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
(For Further details see the Drosten Study) . . . ALL the so-
called confirmed "positive cases" tabulated in the course
of the last 14 months are invalid . . . Invalid Data and the
Numbers' Game

It should be understood that these "invalid estimates" are the "numbers"

quoted relentlessly 24/7 by the media in the course of the "First Wave"
and "Second Wave", which have been used to feed the fear campaign and
"justify" ALL the policies put forth by the governments:

• lockdown,
• closure of economic activity,
• poverty and mass unemployment,
• bankruptcies
• social distancing,
• face mask,
• curfew,
• the vaccine.
• the health passport

Invalid Data. Think Twice Before Getting Vaccinated

And now we have entered a so-called "Third Wave". (But where's the

It's a complex "Pack of Lies".

It's a crime against humanity . . .

Since its release on March 15, quite unexpectedly tens of thousands of people
have read this article.

My intent was essentially to Refute and Reveal the Big Lie (focusing on
scientific and statistical concepts) without directly addressing the broader
implications of the lockdown and closure of economic activity.

This diabolical project which emanates from the upper echelons of the financial
establishment (including the World Economic Forum) is destroying people's
lives Worldwide. It is creating mass unemployment, triggering famines in
developing countries.

With some exceptions including Tanzania, most of the 193 member states of the
United Nations have endorsed the WEF's "corona consensus".

The Truth is a peaceful yet powerful weapon. Now is the time to confront those
governments and demand a repeal of the lockdown policies which are triggering
poverty and despair Worldwide.

The WHO's BIG LIE is refuted by the WHO. The alleged pandemic is a scam.
That is something which cannot be denied or refuted.

Video The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered 2/13
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Economic Depression, Global Coup d'État and the "Great Reset"

Full story:

Comment: In Newsletter 1106 Prof. Montaigner, a 2008 recipient of the Nobel

Prize for medicine and other scientists and doctors with impeccable credentials
concluded "Humanity has good reason to fear and tremble, not so much at
the dreaded disease as at its potentially terrifying cure, which we are told
is in the making (perhaps in the same laboratories where the disease was
concocted) and undoubtedly will soon be unveiled.

We published a video interview with Dr. Kary Mullis who won the Noble Prize for
Chemistry for developing PCR in Newsletter 1114; in 1134 Mullis stated
categorically the PCR device is not designed for diagnosis and can never diagnose
disease. In Newsletter 1135 we posted an illustrated transcript of interview with
Prof. Mullis which stated, "The test used to confirm a person is supposedly infected
with Covid-19 . . . doesn't actually TEST for Covid-19. The PCR test—the
Polymerase Chain Reaction test—does NOT test for Covid-19. That fact has been
confirmed by the CDC and by the developer of the PCR test, Kary Mullis,
who won the Nobel Prize. The PCR test does only ONE thing: it multiplies by
thousands (or millions) ANY virus, so the virus can be detected by some OTHER
test. But the PCR cannot be used to "identify" a particular virus. There is NO test
that can identify the Covid-19 virus—because it doesn't exist!

Anti-vax Medicos warned

March 11, 2021 — Doctors, nurses and pharmacists could be stripped of
their ability to practice if they are found by the medical watchdog to be
spreading COVID anti-vaccination claims. The punishment is a part of a
string of penalties health practitioners face after the national medical boards of the
Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) released a joint
directive warning. The alert said practitioners risked regulatory action if they
spouted false or misleading information to patients or on social media which could
undermine Australia's vaccination program.

There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice,

and any promotion of anti-vaccination claims, including on social media, and
advertising may be subject to regulatory action," spokesmen for the medical
boards and Pharmacy Board chairman Brett Simmonds said. AHPRA chief
executive urged all of Australia's 800,000 registered practitioners and 193,000
students to follow the guidelines. Full story:

Comment: Hippocratic Oath R.I.P. PCR and Quick Test swabs are sterilized with
the carcinogen Ethylene Oxide . . . which is described by the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) as a carcinogen. In other words, a potentially cancer-
causing chemical toxin (

The Gates Family – Eugenics and Covid 19:

December 19, 2020 — We cannot fully understand Bill Gates until we know
about his and his father's agenda to depopulate our world. And it will also help you
in making a decision to receive the vaccine or not. Their agenda is NOT about 3/13
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helping people with vaccines. The agenda is world depopulation through

sterilization. Full story:

Comment: You might find some interest in Pilgrims Society Pilgrims Society
2and Pilgrims Society 3.

Sesame Street pushing 'Racial Justice' for Toddlers in

'ABCs of Racial Literacy' Segments
March 25, 2021 — Dr. Jeanette Betancourt,
the Senior Vice President of Sesame Workshop,
also released a statement saying, "children are
not colorblind—not only do they first notice
differences in race in infancy, but they also
start forming their own sense of identity at a
very young age." The addition of black Muppets
apparently will help "foster open, age-
appropriate conversations among families and
support them in building racial literacy". . .

"Color me skeptical but telling kids that skin color is 'an important part' of them
doesn't feel like it'll end racism. In fact, suggesting that children can inherently
judge others by race is far more racist than anything I've seen lately. Besides, we
all know that the "racial justice" they're talking about is the BLM abolishing the
police variety. It always is," she wrote. Full story:

Comment: The ABC is allegedly a taxpayer-funded alien Fifth Column whose

program is to 'divide and conquer' in behalf of the usual suspect.

U.S.—In a controversial new episode of Sesame Street, the puppets try to teach
kids about social justice and inequality by having Elmo join Antifa and torch some
local businesses . . . Elmo teaches the kids at home about justice. "Elmo will burn
down this black-owned business. Elmo loves throwing Molotov cocktails! Elmo is so
happy!" the Muppet says. "Eat the rich! Haha! Elmo loves you! Unless you
disagree politically. Then, Elmo hopes you die! Haha! OK, everyone, remember:
brutally attack those who disagree. Elmo loves you, bye-bye!".

The Biden Family

March 26, 2021 — This is the world we live in today. One set of rules for the
Obamas, Bidens, Clintons, Podestas and other creeps, and another set of rules for
God-loving Americans. Full story:

Comment: Hunter and Haille.

Guatemala: Pacaya Volcano continues to erupt

March 27, 2021 — Guatemalan volcano Pacaya, which has been active for two
months, coated cars with ash in the nation's capital and caused aircraft to be 4/13
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grounded at the main airport. Full story:

US Pivot to Asia: Cold War Lessons from Vietnam for

March 17, 2021 — There were Cold War preparations underway as early as
August 1945 and the two regions selected, Korea and Vietnam, were pre-planned
years in advance . . . a massive US arms stockpile in Okinawa, Japan that was
originally intended to be used for the planned American invasion of Japan . . . half
were transported to Korea and the other half to Vietnam . . . the official narrative
for why the Korean War and the Vietnam War were fought are fabrications . .
. Full story:

Klaus Schwab is the Great Barker of the Fourth Reich

March 15, 2021 — Sir Klaus Martin Schwab, KCMG (British Knight Commander
[of the Order] of St Michael and St George, 2006). Founder and only chairman of
the World Economic Forum (WEF) that first met February 4, 1907; 1971 in Davos,
Switzerland. Its original name was the European Management Forum until 1987. It
was founded under the "supervision of the Swiss Federal Department of the
Interior" by Klaus and the soon-to-be Mrs. (Hilde) Schwab (née Stoll). They were
married within weeks of that first conference.

Since inception WEF has been a British-American Pilgrims Society new world order
League of Nations cum United Nations cum Marshall Plan hustle, under the
direction of Rockefeller Foundation operatives Otto von Habsburg, IBM, Henry
Alfred Kissinger, John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul Adolph Volcker and other "new
world order" globalist hucksters from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge and the
London School of Economics (communism central).

In 1971, Klaus Schwab, under British Pilgrims Society direction, chose Otto von
Habsburg, the would-be Fourth Reich king, to keynote the first World Economic
Forum (then named the European Management Forum). Schwab's hometown—
Ravensburg, Germany—was the first German city to practice eugenics (killing
"useless eaters"). Ravensburg was a transport hub for stolen Nazi gold to the
Swiss Bank for International Settlements run by Pilgrims Society spies Allan W.
Dulles (later C.I.A. director, 1953-61), Edwin W. Pauley (Allied reparations) and
William J. Donovan, director of the OSS (MI6-controlled precursor to the C.I.A.—
Dulles' boss).

Until 2003, the British Pilgrims Society in America operated under Donovan's New
York non-profit. Henry Kissinger and Paul Volcker became Pilgrims Society vice-
presidents 2007-09 during the "bank bailout." Schwab's family company, Escher
Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-
making technologies for Adolf Hitler and South Africa, sold Swiss flame throwers to
the Nazis, and was named a National Socialist Model Company by Adolf Hitler . .
. Full story:

Comment: Introduction to the Illuminati (40. min.) 5/13
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Truth over Fear: Covid-19, the Vaccine & the Great Reset
By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò © 2020 all rights reserved

"Ecce nova facio omnia" (Revelation 21:5)

What we have learned so far about the pseudo-pandemic gives us the

picture of a disturbing reality and of an even more disturbing criminal
conspiracy hatched by misguided minds. This reality, however, is not
taken into consideration by those who, hypnotized by media
indoctrination, persist in considering a serious seasonal influenza as a pandemic
scourge, known treatments as ineffective, and the so-called vaccines that are
admittedly useless and harmful as nothing short of miraculous.

The reputation of pharmaceutical companies

We know that the pharmaceutical giants—Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson

& Johnson – not only have not followed the ordinary protocols for drug testing, but
they have a track record of a long history of condemnations for having previously
caused grave damage to the population, distributing vaccines that have been
revealed to cause disabling diseases.

Conflicts of interest

We know what macroscopic conflicts of interest exist between the pharmaceutical

companies and the bodies responsible for their control: in many cases, employees
of these companies have passed through the entities which must approve and
authorize the use of drugs, and it is difficult to imagine that they—who often
continue to have professional ties to Big Pharma—would have the freedom to
make a fair and prudent assessment. Indeed, we have just seen recently with the
case of Astra Zeneca in Europe that the obvious harmfulness of the so-called
vaccine—which has led some Nations to suspend its distribution—is not considered
a sufficient reason by the EMA (European Medicines Agency) to prohibit its
adoption. The recent findings about serious side effects have been designed to
exclude the majority of cases and above all to deliberately ignore the causal
relationship between inoculation with the vaccine and its short (or long) term side

Immunity for side effects

We know that, in defiance of any legal principle and the protection of the
population, the pharmaceutical companies have demanded total immunity for
damages that may arise to patients who are asked to sign a release form along
with their informed consent. Thus, along with the scandalous profits from the sale
of the vaccines, the pharmaceutical multinationals guarantee their own impunity
for a criminal operation, conducted with the complicity of international institutions
and governments.

Secrecy about the contractual clauses

We know that the contractual terms of the agreements made by Nations and by
the European Union with these pharmaceutical companies are inaccessible and
secret: not even the parliamentarians and political representatives are allowed to
see the clauses that they had to approve inside a sealed box. And we know that 6/13
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the same pharmaceutical companies not only are not taking any responsibility for
the side effects, but they also declare that they do not even guarantee their
effectiveness to provide immunity from the virus.

The Chinese origin of the virus

We know that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was in all probability produced in a

laboratory, with the complicity of the Chinese dictatorship. Since China is one of
the main financiers of the WHO after the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, it has been able to prevent any investigation on the origin of the
virus or the early stages of its spread.

Complicity of health personnel

We know that every Nation, with very few exceptions, immediately adopted the
most absurd health protocols coming from the WHO, beginning with the
unfortunate decision not to treat the sick at the onset of the first symptoms, and
to subject them to deep ventilation once the flu syndrome degenerated into acute
bilateral pneumonia. And this happened with the execrable complicity of
health-care personnel—from doctors to hospital staff—provoking
thousands of deaths not from Covid, as we are told by the mainstream
media, but from incorrect treatment.

Delegitimization and boycott of available treatments

We also know about the furious campaign against the effectiveness of already-
existing treatments, from the use of hyperimmune plasma to the use of drugs that
many doctors, despite violating the health norms that have been imposed during
these months, have deemed it their duty to administer to their patients, with
success. And it is not difficult to understand that the low cost of treatments, the
fact that many of them are not subject to patents, and above all their immediate
effectiveness in treatment represent for pharmaceutical companies and their
accomplices a more than sufficient reason to oppose and discredit them, even to
the point of banning their use.

A project planned for years

We know that in order to conduct this criminal operation—since we must speak

of a crime against God and against humanity, not of a merely unfortunate fate—it
was necessary to have years of planning, conducted systematically, in
order to weaken national pandemic plans, drastically reduce the number
of beds in hospitals and intensive care units, create a mass of blind, deaf,
and dumb employees, no longer doctors, who placed their own safety in
the workplace ahead of their duty to cure the sick. The Hippocratic oath
was violated in the name of profit for the pharmaceutical companies and
the pursuit of a social engineering project.

Involvement of the health system

We know that in order to obtain the complicity of doctors and scientists,

not only has recourse been made to the system of corruption and conflicts
of interests that has existed for decades, but also to the distribution of
prizes and cash bonuses. To give an example, in Italy a specialist doctor
receives 60 euro per hour to administer vaccines in the vaccine centers;
general practitioners are given incentives for every patient they have 7/13
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vaccinated; a bed in intensive care is paid about 3,000 euros per day by
the National Health Service. It is evident that neither general
practitioners, nor hospital personnel, nor regional health agencies have
any interest in depriving themselves of huge revenues, after public health
has been demolished for the last decade in the name of cuts to waste
imposed by the European Union. To give an idea, Italy has received 72 invitations
from Brussels to close all the small hospitals that today, under the pretext of the
pandemic, have been reopened and financed with funds that the EU allocates on
loan with constraints and conditionalities that in other moments would have been
judged unacceptable. Yet these hospitals worked well, making it possible to offer
widespread service to citizens, and they were able to avoid the spread of disease.

The fundamental role of the media

We know that Nations have granted funding to the media, as a contribution to

information on Covid. In Italy the Giuseppe Conte Government allocated large
amounts so that the national information system would give one aligned version of
the pandemic, and it censored any voice of dissent. The dissemination of data
on the infections and deaths has been grossly manipulated, suggesting
that every person with a positive test result should be considered sick,
even though the asymptomatic are not contagious—by the very admission of
the WHO and the analogous bodies in the United States, Canada, Australia, etc.
And alongside these government fundings, in many cases the conflict of interest
with the pharmaceutical companies has also been able to interfere with the
choices of broadcasters and newspapers, on the one hand because BigPharma
represents one of the principal buyers of advertising space, and on the other hand
because it is present on the board of directors of information companies. It is
difficult to believe that the editor of a newspaper, even if persuaded that the
pandemic is a fraud, would dare to go against the CEO or deprive the newspaper
of the advertising profits from Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson.

RELATED: "Biden's Border Crisis" (video).

Social media responsibility

We know that in addition to the complicity of the media, the infernal machine
of social media, from Facebook to Twitter, from Google to YouTube, has
mobilized a brazen and scandalous censorship operation, to the point of
erasing the profiles of eminent scientists and established journalists, for
the sole reason that they did not obey the diktats of the Covid
narration. Even in this case, it is not surprising to discover the economic and
kinship relations existing between these colossal multinationals, which over time
have become the owners of information and the arbiters of who has the right to
free speech and who does not.

Cui prodest? – Who benefits?

We also know who the primary beneficiaries of the pandemic are, in

economic terms: the usurers of the banks, who have the power to keep
ideologically aligned companies afloat, and at the same time to make
small businesses fail if they are an annoying obstacle to the
establishment of the New World Order. These small companies, spread above
all across the Old Continent and especially in Italy, constitute the social fabric and
economic identity of many nations. Their widespread diffusion disturbs the
multinationals of large distribution, from Amazon to JustEat, which during the 8/13
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period of lockdown have increased their profits in a scandalous way, to the

detriment of normal commercial activities, because that book that we used to buy
at the corner bookstore must now be ordered online, along with lunch, printer
toner, and dishwasher detergent. This "new economy" imposed itself with
arrogance in just a few weeks last year, thanks to the simultaneous closing of
stores and the stay-at-home orders that were imposed on citizens .


We know that the need to indoctrinate the young generations could not
exclude scholastic and university instruction from this plan, which today
is given via "distance learning" with very grave psychological
consequences for children and young people. This operation today lays
the foundations for ensuring that one day the teaching offered via the
internet can be unified, deciding which teachers are allowed to give lessons and
what they should say, and I will not be surprised if soon this aligned form of
education soon includes an increasingly small number of teachers: one single
history professor for all students of a nation, with a program that is narrowly
defined and controlled. This is not a far-off reality, when every student is obliged
to connect online and can no longer use a teacher at his own school, who has been
forced into retirement or removed from teaching because he does not comply with
the orders of power. Nor can we be surprised if the new teachers are holograms
that elaborate algorithms, or disturbing artificial intelligences that indoctrinate
millions of young people into gender theory, LGBT doctrine, and all of the moral
aberrations that we have anticipated in recent years.

The promoters of the pandemic

We know who are the theorists of the pandemic as the instrumentum

regni, from Bill Gates to George Soros, in a network of complicity of
interests so vast and organized that any measure of opposition is
practically impossible. Along with them, we find the most disturbing
repertoire of so-called philanthropic organizations and lobbies of power,
like the World Economic Forum with Klaus Schwab, the WHO and all of its
national branches, the Trilateral Commission, the Bildeberg group, the
Council for Inclusive Capitalism headed by Lady Lynn Forester de
Rothschild under the spiritual direction of Bergoglio and, more generally,
the phalanx of multinationals, banks, and groups of power that belong to
this dome of conspirators. Do not be surprised if, in perfect coherence with
their plans, the sects and world Satanist movements also mobilize, beginning with
the Church of Satan that exalts abortion as a propitiatory ritual for the end of the
pandemic, exactly as BigPharma requires pseudo-vaccines produced with aborted

Subjugation of the Catholic Hierarchy

Finally, we know—and this is certainly the most shocking aspect—

that part of the Catholic hierarchy is also present in this
plan, which in Jorge Mario Bergoglio finds an obedient
preacher of the pandemic narrative and the primary
sponsor of the vaccines, who has not hesitated to define
them as "a moral duty," despite the very serious ethical
and religious concerns which they raise. Bergoglio even went
to the point of having himself interviewed by the Vaticanist
Domenico Agasso, in a conversation contained in a book called Dio e il mondo che 9/13
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verrà, to recommend to the masses the administration of the gene serum and to
furnish an authoritative and unfortunate endorsement of the ideology of globalism.
And since March 2020, the Holy See has shown itself to be perfectly aligned with
the globalist plan by ordering the closure of churches and the suspension of the
celebration and administration of the Sacraments. If this had not really happened,
and instead a strong condemnation of this antihuman and antichristic project had
occurred, the highest levels of the Church would have had a difficult time
accepting subjecting the multitudes to absurd limitations on their natural
freedoms, in the name of not only an ideological enslavement but obviously also
economic and social.

Let's not forget that, as a counterpart to the loss of the faithful in the churches
and the resulting drastic reduction in the offerings for the Bishops' Conferences,
there must necessarily be an alternative form of financing that it will not take us
long to discover. I think that neither communist China, nor de Rothschild,
nor Bill and Melinda Gates (who, as I learned from an authoritative
source, have opened an account at IOR, the Vatican Bank), nor the network
of self-styled democratic parties—the international Left—obedient to globalist
ideology, are foreign to this operation. On the other hand, the Great Reset
envisages the establishment of a Universal Religion that is ecumenical, ecological
and Malthusian, which sees in Bergoglio its natural leader, as was recently
recognized by Masonry. The adoration of the pachamama in the Vatican, the Abu
Dhabi agreement, the Encyclical Fratelli tutti and the upcoming sabbath of Astana
all point in this direction, completing the inexorable dissolutive process of the
Church that began with the Second Vatican Council.

If something does not work, it can be used for something else

It must be recognized that the apparent illogicality of what we see happening—the

boycotting of preventative treatments, erroneous therapies, ineffective vaccines,
lockdowns with no usefulness, the use of masks that are absolutely useless—
makes perfect sense as soon as we understand that the declared purpose—
defeating the alleged pandemic—is a lie, and that the real purpose is the
planning of an economic, social, and religious crisis using an artfully
provoked pseudo-pandemic as a tool. Only in this way can we understand that
the simultaneity and univocity of the provisions adopted by various Nations, the
aligned narration of the media, and the behavior of political leaders. There is a
single script under a single direction, which makes use of the collaboration and
complicity of politicians and rulers, doctors and scientists, Bishops and priests,
journalists and intellectuals, actors and influencers, multinationals and bankers,
public employees and speculators. Profits and gains are instrumental to this,
because they purchase and assure the loyalty of subordinates, but this war—may
be never forget this!—is an ideological and religious war.

Two opposite worlds

This crisis serves to create the conditions necessary to make the Great Reset
inevitable, that is, the transition from the world based on Greco-Roman civilization
and Christianity to a world without a soul, without roots, without ideals. In
practice, it is the passage from the Kingdom of Christ to the Kingdom of the
Antichrist, from a virtuous society that punishes evildoers to the impious and
wicked society that punishes the good. That detestable idea of "equality" that was
earlier instilled in us by freethinkers has now been used to equate good and evil,
right and wrong, beautiful and ugly, under the pretext of recognizing freedom of
expression; today it serves to promote evil, injustice, and what is wrong, and even 10/13
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make them obligatory, in order to delegitimize and prohibit goodness, justice, and
beauty. Consistent with this vision, ecumenism too—which was initially introduced
into the sacred enclosure by the Council under the pretext of bringing back
heretics and schismatics—today shows its antichristic charge, incorporating all the
false religions into a pantheon but proscribing the Apostolic Roman Catholic
Religion, because it is the only true one and as such is irreconcilable with doctrinal
error and moral deviation. We therefore ought to understand that, if we passively
witness the changes underway and allow the globalist ideology to be imposed on
us in all of its most abject forms, we will soon be considered criminals, hostes
publici because we are faithful to a jealous God who does not tolerate mixing with
idols and prostitution. The deception of liberty, equality, and fraternity propagated
by Masonry consists precisely in usurping the primacy of God to give it to Satan,
with the apparent pretext—which is in any case erroneous and immoral—of placing
God and Satan on the same level in such a way as to allow an alleged freedom of
choice that morally does not exist. But the final purpose, the true and
unconfessable one, is fundamentally theological, because the author of the
rebellion is always the same, the eternally Defeated One.

[Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is astute, but he does not realize that the Judaeo
Roman Universal church was never Apostolic and is an impersonation of the
Jewish Temple worship amalgamated with the Babylonian religion of Imperial
Rome – Ed].

Nemo propheta in patria

Of course, what we see happening today before our eyes could have been
understood and predicted for years, if we had only paid attention to what the
theorizers of the Great Reset declared with impunity. In reality those who
denounced this plan, which is currently underway, were called conspiracy
theorists, ridiculed, or passed off as crazy, ostracized by mainstream information
and criminalized, driven out of university professorships and the scientific
community. Today we understand how far-sighted were the alarms that were
raised, and how powerful is the organizational mechanism that has been put in
place by our adversaries. In the name of freedom, we have become accustomed to
seeing ourselves deprived of the right to speak and to think, and the effort to
pathologize dissent in order to legitimize detention camps and to constrain
movement based on the health passport is already taking place.

Cognitive dissonance

Faced with reality, however, it is difficult to understand the reason for which the
entire world population has allowed itself to be convinced of the existence of a
pandemic virus that has yet to be isolated and that it has supinely accepted
limitations to personal freedom that at other times would have led to revolution
and barricades in the streets. Even more incomprehensible is not so much the
absence of a true and proper social and political reaction, but the inability to see
reality in all of its crude evidence. But this is due, as we know, to the scientific
action of manipulation of the masses that inevitably led to the phenomenon that
social psychology calls "cognitive dissonance," that is, the tension or discomfort
we feel in the face of two opposing and incompatible ideas. The psychologist and
sociologist Leon Festinger has demonstrated that this discomfort leads us to
elaborate these convictions in three ways, in order to reduce the psychological
incongruence that dissonance determines: changing one's attitude, changing the
context, or changing one's behavior. Ordinary people, unable to comprehend or
even recognize any rationality in what the media obsessively says about Covid, 11/13
4/2/2021 Truth over Fear: Covid-19, the Vaccine & the Great Reset

accept the absurdity of an influenzal virus presented as being more devastating

than ebola, because they do not want to accept that their political leaders
are lying shamelessly, with the goal of obtaining the social, economic,
moral and religious destruction of a world that someone has decided to
cancel. They do not know how to accept that the lie can be passed off as
truth, that doctors are not curing and indeed are killing their patients,
that civil authorities are not intervening to stop crimes and blatant
violations, that politicians are all obeying a faceless lobby, that Bergoglio
wants to demolish the Church of Christ to replace it with an infernal
Masonic parody. Thus, out of this desire to not accept the deception and thus to
not want to take a position against it and against those who promote it, they take
refuge in the convenient mainstream narrative, suspending judgment and letting
others tell them what to think, even if it is irrational and contradictory. Billions of
people have voluntarily made themselves slaves, sacrificial victims to the globalist
Moloch, allowing themselves to be persuaded of the inevitability of such a surreal
and absurd situation. Or better still: the absurdity of what we see and what is told
us seems to give greater strength to the reasons of those who, after two hundred
years of revolution in the name of a supposed liberty, accept tyranny as a normal
fact and go up to the gallows with the resignation of those who are convinced,
after all, that they are guilty in some way.

No less dismay is aroused by the behavior of those who, in contempt of any

scientific evidence, think they can resolve this crisis by deploring the inefficiency in
the distribution of vaccines, or remedy the damages of the lockdown by
guaranteeing subsidies to companies and workers. In short, they would like to
choose whether to be executed by hanging or the guillotine, without making any
objections to the legitimacy of the sentence. And they immediately get upset as
soon as anyone formulates objections, accusing them of conspiracy theories or
denial, proclaiming that they are in favor of vaccines and giving attestations of
loyalty to the dominant ideology. And they do not realize that precisely in
allocating subsidies to companies damaged by the lockdown they legitimize the
universal income theorized by the Great Reset and that is also strongly desired by
the Vatican; they do not realize that there cannot be a vaccine for a mutant virus,
and that the antigen that would guarantee immunity from a seasonal flu cannot
exist as long as the virus has not been isolated rather than merely sequenced.
They remind us of those who, in the Catholic sphere, deplore Bergoglio's doctrinal
and moral drifts, without understanding that they are in perfect coherence with
the ideological foundations of the Council. Here too, as we see, rationality is
canceled out in order to make room for "cognitive dissonance" and accept the

Man is not a robot

There is, however, an element that the conspirators have not taken into account:
human weakness on the one hand, and the power of God on the other. Human
weakness will make some of the accomplices in this conspiracy not be completely
obedient to the orders they have been given, or they will think that they can gain
personal advantage from the pseudo-pandemic by exposing cheating and
corruption; some will think first of their own interest, others will impose the
obligation of the vaccine on anyone, but they will have some scruples when it
comes to vaccinating their own child or their elderly parent; some will fear that
pandemic farce may somehow involve them in the scandal, and they will begin to
confess and to talk; others will be used and then brutally cast aside, and this will
arouse in them the desire for revenge and will lead them to reveal the background
of the plan. A little bit at a time, this clay-footed colossus will collapse, inexorably, 12/13
4/2/2021 Truth over Fear: Covid-19, the Vaccine & the Great Reset

on its own lies and its own crimes.

A salutary warning

On the other hand, there is the power of God. Some of us, at the beginning,
believed that the pandemic was real, and, with a supernatural spirit, thought that
it was in some way a divine punishment for the grave sins of individuals and
nations: they called for acts of reparation and prayers to ask God for the end of
the plague. In the face of the evidence that there is no pandemic and that the
deaths were deliberately caused to exaggerate the effects on the
population, we must consider Covid as a scourge, not in itself, but for all that it
has revealed: the plan of Satan for the establishment of the New World Order,
which is meant to lead to the reign of the Antichrist. The Lord shows us, with the
severity of a Father, that He still wants to admonish His children and misled
humanity about the consequences of sin. He shows us what world awaits us if we
will not know how to convert, abandoning the way of perdition and returning to
Him, to obedience to His holy Law, and to the life of Grace.

The response of Catholics

[The response of Catholics must be the response of Pentecostals, Methodists,

Baptists, Lutherans, Anglicans and all isms and ites, and in obedience to our Lord
Jesus Christ "Come OUT of Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of these harlot
daughters and abominations of the earth. Lest they continue to be partakers of
her sins and receive of her plagues" (Revelation 17:5; 18:4) – Ed]. Full

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know

Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-
time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He
pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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