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Grade: 4 Lesson Title: Exploring Symbols (Faceless Portraits) Lesson Duration: 60 minutes

Overview of lesson. Write a clear and concise overview that indicates the following: What the lesson is, the purpose/goal of the lesson what
students will do/learn and how the lesson will conclude. *Instructional video in January 14th class give an example of a strong overview and in
contrast an overview that is incomplete.

This lesson will focus on learning about symbols and how they can be used as a source for non-verbal communication.
The purpose of this lesson is for students to be able express themselves through symbols, and be able to communicate
the message of personal characteristics or traits to the viewer of the artwork. Students will be taught how to hold a
paint brush, and will learn what acrylic paint is. Students will be constructing artworks titled “Faceless Portraits”. These
artworks will have different symbols such as a sports team logo, a food logo, a dancer, a hockey stick, or even a painting.
Symbols can represent part of ourselves we didn’t know we felt something for. These artworks can also be seen as a
self-discovery project for students. By the end of this lesson students will be able to identify what a symbols is, and how
symbols can be used as a source of expression.

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives. Carefully select GLE and SLE that pertain to your lesson. Choose selectively and think
carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end of the lesson. Importantly this is connected clearly with the information in your
Unit Map.


EXPRESSION: Students will express a feeling or a message.

A Communicational Experience B) Specific messages, beliefs and interests can be interpreted visually,
or symbolized.

Give an overview (50 words) of the learning taking place in the select DBAE areas. (The unit as a whole must cover all 4 areas of DBAE framework). For
your individual lessons, choose the DBAE area(s) that your lesson will address and explain how it will address it. Often you will find overlaps of several
areas...but focus on the more predominate areas(s)

1. Art History/Culture – Art Vocabulary: Symbols, communication in art.

2. Creative Production (Studio) – Creating the letters of their names using objects as their symbols to reflect

3. Art Criticism – None.

4. Aesthetics - Evaluating their own personalities, and objects the students can use to reflect themselves.

Learning Objectives. Translate the SLE's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words. *Instructional video in January 14th Class folder reviews this clearly

Students will:

 Construct a portrait with acrylic paint that represents themselves through different symbols.
 Identify the difference between portrait and landscape style of an artwork.
 Draw symbols that represent their personalities.
 Explain what the art vocabulary words mean; symbol and communication.

Lesson Guiding Questions: Use Bloom's Taxonomy, directing verbs in the areas of: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Be clear on what type of
knowledge/skill/attitudes students are developing and expected to do. This informs the types of questions you develop. Guiding questions must
support this and provoke student thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they have already learned,
what they still need to learn etc..

 How can symbols help us communicate a message?

 How can we identify what a symbol is?
 Can you think of some symbols you’ve noticed or can think of?
 Does anyone know what the word identity means?
 How can someone’s identity be shown or displayed?

Annotated Learning Resources List These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. If it is on online resource provide
an active link. If it a book, cite the book and author. Provide 1-2 sentences (annotated) to indicate what the resource is and how it support your
lesson/ student learning? *you may have more or less than three resources. It depends on your lesson. If you are providing material on First Nations,
Métis or Inuit, it must be an authorized source, from an Indigenous author or Indigenous community. Beth Cormier in the Curriculum Lab has many
resources to help you. If you are not sure connect with her.

Resource #1:

Resource #2:

Material and Equipment: List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you will
organize ahead of time prior to your lesson

 Acrylic paint
 Paint brushes
 White paper
 Sketchbooks
 Newspapers
 Pencils
 Water cups

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (15 min.): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior;
Transition to Body. Indicate the timing for each section. This can be written in point form
 The lesson will start by having the google slides presentation ready at the beginning of the slides title
“Exploring Symbols”.
 Next the teacher will direct the students’ attention to the Art Vocabulary board, with the words ‘symbol’
and ‘communication’ on it. The teacher will ask the class what they think a symbol is, and if they can
think of an example.
 The teacher will join in on the group discussion by telling the students that all the images on the first
google slides are symbols that could be used to represent the teacher (example: An orange because I love
orange juice, and that also why my favorite colour is orange. The Toronto maple leafs logo because that
is the team I was born into loving. The starry night painting because that is a painting I absolutely adore).
 The teacher will also talk to the students about what identify is and what a personal characteristic is.
 The teacher will share examples of artworks painted by the teacher to share with the students to help get
their creativity flowing (demonstration).
 The teacher will begin explaining the activity the students will be doing.
 Students will be constructing “Faceless Portraits”. Portraits of themselves that display symbols that they
think represent themselves.

Body (30 min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities
and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of each section. Identify teaching strategies, include any questions that you will use, organization of class etc. How and when
are you using formative assessment in your lesson? Indicate differentiation within the body of your lesson.

Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. In the lesson body there Formative Assessments Type/Name:
should be a least two activities and one transition. You may have 3 activities and 2 transitions. An Where Assessment Occurs/Purpose of
activity can be reading - transition - partner dialogue (as an example). * Style of writing in the
lesson plan is descriptive and concise (NOT POINT FORM). As well, you are not narrating, rather assessment
you are describing the activity, the learning, critical information to carry out the lesson. Any
questions you have developed to use during the learning, to facilitate discussion for instance, are
to be written directly into the lesson plan in the area where it occurs.  Thumbs up or thumbs down –
Students will show a thumbs up if they
Activity #1: Sketchbook Drawing [Small Group Learning] (10 minutes) understand what their task is, or their will
 Students will be handed back their sketchbooks and be asked hold up a thumbs down letting the
to think about what symbols could be used to represent teacher know they are confused and need
themselves. some assistance.
 Students could think of it as an opportunity for other in the  Think-Pair-Share – Students will have the
classroom to view the artwork and to get to know something opportunity to talk and discuss with other
about themselves. students what they thought of, and learn
 After the students have been given 5 minutes to think, they about another students and their
can share it with another student, and discuss what they’ve personality traits.
thought of.

Transition: Students will be given 3 minutes to share their drawings
with each other, and then will return to their seats.

Activity #2: Faceless Portraits [Direct Instruction] (20 minutes)

 Students will be shown how to hold a paint brush and will be
shown how to clean it before they start painting.
 If students are handing the art material inappropriately or
disrespectfully they will not be allowed to continue on with
their artwork for that class. Students will be expected to treat
the art materials given to them with respect.
 20 minutes will not be enough time for student to complete Differentiation: Indicate in brief sentences
this artwork, so they will be given another class to complete areas of differentiation.
 Demonstration – so students can visually
see an example of what they are to
Transition: Students will be warned when it’s close to clean up create.

Consolidating (5 ) mins In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned and understood what was intended in the
lesson. If they haven't you will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if necessary). Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole
group and/or small group discussion. This part of the lesson can act also as a transition from lesson body into cleanup and getting ready for the next class. Don't
forget to time this and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide clear steps and indicate process.

 Whole group Discussion as to what a symbol is and what symbols the students choose to express
themselves in their artwork.

Clean up (10) mins *Remember, particularly in studio processes, clean up must be well orchestrated. It is not a matter of saying "time for clean-up" and expect
that your students will know what to do. You may assign students to certain tasks to accomplish clean up in a timely and efficient manner. Outline your detailed plans
Be very clear of your timing. Typically student move slower than you'd like them during clean up.

 Students will have 10 minutes to clean up their paint, newspapers, paint brushes.

Reflection (after the lesson respond to these questions in brief. It is important that this reflective process is done after each lesson. These become points of extended reflection and conversation in post
conference with TA and UC)

How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
What must be addressed to improve this plan?
How I have grown from this teaching experience:

Other Notes

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