The Philosopher Kimbulo Tales of Nicolau Flamel and Philosopher S Stone Thalys Eduardo Barbosa Billy Ventura Tales of Nicolau Flamel and Philoso

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The Philosopher Kimbulo -Tales of Nicolau Flamel and Philosopher's Stone-

Thalys Eduardo Barbosa – Billy Ventura

Tales of Nicolau Flamel and

Philosopher's Stone
Zee had dreamed that he was walking
down a red road, with spiraling
stones, a kind of fortune, when he
saw a huge round stone levitating
Zee kept the stone sphere
when he went further and saw, as if in a mirage, the
apple that he cried, golden tears appeared, on top,
controlling all that magic, to a smell of burning tin,
very strong, Zee had run to get the golden apple,
where Zee Griston was read , when he saw a huge
mountain made of philosopher's stones and on it high
above Zee he saw the Edem of Philosopher's Stones,
with the sea of elixir of immortality. When Zee
becomes the Dragon that he faced in the second year
in kimbulândia, appear in the form of that place. The
so-called Paraiso Keila Griston.
Tales of Nicolau Flamel and Philosopher's Stone

Zee had dreamed that he was walking down a red

road, with spiraling stones, a kind of fortune, when
he saw a huge round stone levitating Zee kept the
stone sphere
when he went further and saw, as if in a mirage, the
apple that he cried, golden tears appeared, on top,
controlling all that magic, to a smell of burning tin,
very strong, Zee had run to get the golden apple,
where Zee Griston was read , when he saw a huge
mountain made of philosopher's stones and on it high
above Zee he saw the Edem of Philosopher's Stones,
with the sea of elixir of immortality. When Zee
becomes the Dragon that he faced in the second year
in kimbulândia, appear in the form of that place. The
so-called Paraiso Keila Griston.

Nicolau Tales Zedom Flamel kimbulo, who had lived in France around the sec. XVII, with
alchemical powers, in his laboratory he had done many alchemical works, connected to the
human being and gold, in search of transmuting the human being into something he
understood to be immortal, Nicolau had had a son, little one, Nicolau's father carpenter
named Zedom, when Nicholas was a child he had read that a prophecy had revealed that his
grandson in the future, coming from his lineage, would be the King of the kimbulo world, the
world of the Magi, kimbulos ,.Nicholas locked himself in his laboratory, where there was a
great image of the Sun God, he was trying to find a way to make the human adopt Midas'
powers in his potential existence.He had become immersed in the Greek Philosopher Tales of
Miletus, He had spent a long period with Francis Bacon studying the Green Lion, so he had
heard that the Buliflau Stone had been discovered,and to Pedras Phospumbulo, Nicolau
ventured into research, and on an arduous journey, for wisdom and knowledge.When he
moved to Italy he discovered, in ancient Latin scribes, the alchemical powers, and understood
a study called Oro del Mago.And the History of the Golden Sun of Andromeda de
Merlin.That he had taken the apprentice magician kimbulo to a closer study of lapidius and
enlightenment with the instructor Magus.When on ancient scrolls about paradise and Edem,
on a Christmas present he had received from Francis Bacon, which was very
successful.Flamel, he decided, to take a trip.He understood. Locked in a chicken coop.The
encounter of power the gold of the magician and the devil and of the mother tales of
maximum powers.Then one day, Flamel had gone to England, by a Spanish Ship, and had
arrived at the port, the Alchemist had a mark on the back on Magic parchment written King,
which his father had said was born with him, and said, you will represent the powers
alchemical.On the Sol del Oro, and from this sun you will know, that the power that you
exercise, you are the master in Tale.And he will have the responsibility, in these medieval
lands, to take his transmutation, to the generation he saw after you, to his great-grandfather
Cláudio Hermes Ozimale Brandum.You will keep this secret.Asked the Father of Nicholas a
very influential man in learned circles.For their relatives, left Portugal, and traveled with the
Portuguese Empire, through the seas of the Kingdom of Welsh, to America, and guided by a
Dragon and the star of David prophesied with The God Horus, the look of Armageddon
...Nicolau, then locked himself in his laboratory, and one of his first discoveries, had been to
create an Omunculo one to be born inside a Glass, a Golden Dragon, with the Financing of a
Man Called Drogo, he then, went out for a winery called Ondas de la Phoenix.And decided to
take a trip.He had gone to a native land, still undeveloped, rich in cocoa, which was born in
plants, and with Wizards and Scribes, who cultivated everything that magic could offer,
Warmed by the Eye of Zedom.While Magnus and Zedom were at war.So Flameu had entered
a White and Red Balloon, and made the most incredible trip of his life, he was very
enchanted with balloons.I couldn't imagine, how something was so perfect.And also trying to
find the treasure for alchemists like Transform, an Apple in the Golden Snitch, Flamel had
already heard Ora Bolas, the stories.But I always wanted to see the elven tongue radiating
from the apples.For he had read that one day, a Child, named Zee Griston, would arrive.That
would be his great-grandson, in the world of magic.And it would be your heir and
nest.Flamel flew from Balloon to cornwall to find Merlin's writings.That had been a
kimbulo.When Flamel had met a bar where Flamel, he heard that a person would have eyes
that they would see like the God Horusthat the same man would have the power of the
Vitrovian man, having his existence, power to centralize everything he wanted around
him.Who would be born into a royal familyendowed with magical powersso Flameu had been
a place where they made pasta, an English pizzaiolo. Cristhofer, he told Flamel, to get to a
place and talk to Delphi.A Lady Delphi had given Flamel a lost map at the time of the
Malleus Maleficarum.The Hammer of Witches, who punished and punished, who was not
heir to the King's Family, in a magical land in England, where she lived, a Girl Called
Edwine Platin.According to everyone she was the first Witch, and after she discovered how
to be a witch.The people of the Kingdom, of King Saladin, plundered the peasants, taking the
Golderiam coin, the Gold Dream.and Flamel found a city with red stone walls, and a lion on
the shore of a sea, the sea was an elixir of eternal life. Those who drink would have eternal
life would never die.And the mountain stones, when any metal radiated with the sea of elixir
transformed metals into pure gold, he analyzed that place, taking samples, when he took out a
lead cauldron, and noticed that even the ants of that place cultivated copper that transformed
all in gold so the skin of the boar.And that something controlled that native Kimbulo
civilization.When he saw a great light shine, and the rain from that place was temporal in that
place, creating, and the waterfall that flowed into that sea, was from Minas Kimbulos.The
legend of the book The Eyes of Armageddon.He then entered a cave, when he saw an egg
species, with the eye of Zee Gristonin Tales.And that egg, with one eye, raised a red flame of
fire, and illuminated Flameu's eyes that turned red and green.When a Blue Cape Magician
approached and told Nicolau Flamel that he was the God of that civilization, son of the God
of Magic Zedom.So Flameu, removed only a few purple ones and put them in a large leather
bag.And away.With a little bit of the sea on that beach.And plant for study. And when he saw
the Green Lion on the Beach, and when the lion dived, his mane became red stones, and his
body gold, and on the lion's back was a stone called Ankord. He served only one person in
his existence, his creator. Flamel had also heard of a diamond called Diamond of Drawn, it
was the source of the Magic of that place. Then he understood that Francis Bacon had already
gone there first.When he returned to France, he went to his laboratory, and with the elixir he
heated the stone with the substance of the sea of immortality, an amber that was inside the
stone called Armageddonium.He had turned everything into gold.Then Flamel, on a warm
night of fireplaces flaming at Christmas and a lot of snow, had shown his invention
discovered, for the first time in Europe, on May 14, the philosopher's stone was born, at a
party called Jarro da Rosa in Paris, in the newspaper La Magic Bordô ...and became very
famous, for producing the elixir of eternal life, and turning metals into gold.And where many
scholars and scribes, heard about, and wrote this Tales.The End.

Zee terminara de ler o Livro , e Zee e Nina , então após Zee vir subir uma chama de fogo
flamejante de uma fogueira ,que lembra ouro Flamel e o natal , Zee vira o Livro os olhos do
armagedom , ficar , avermelhado como um livro natalino com a foto do papai noel bem
pomposo , o livro flutuou ,e então guardou aquele lugar , no olho oval , na capa do livro os
olhos do armagedom como uma miragem , e aquela magia daquele lugar todo , no diamante
de Drawn do Fogo Negro , o Diamante de Drawn o primeiro diamante , que os anões da
Branca de Neve deu o nome , o criador do fogo negro , “ Zee estava lendo sobre , Nikin
polindo o ovo do olho de Zee Griston ,Zee e Nina voltaram pra casa usando o coração da
magia o beetime , Zee então vira uma carruagem correndo na chuva e um Rei desmaiado num
riacho com os cabelos em pedras azuis e cristalinas ...

Zee had dreamed that he was walking down a red

road, with spiraling stones, a kind of fortune, when
he saw a huge round stone levitating Zee kept the
stone sphere
when he goes further and sees as if in a mirage the
apple he cried, golden tears appear, at the top
controlling all that magic, to a smell of burning can,
very strong, Zee had run to get the golden apple,
where Zee Griston , when he saw a huge mountain
made of philosopher's stones and on it high above
Zee he saw the Edem das Filosofais stones, with the
sea of elixir of immortality. When Zee becomes the
Dragon that he faced in the second year in
kimbulândia, appear in the form of that place. The
so-called Paraiso Keila Griston.

Zee Griston saw a magic rising lilac in very clear

cores, he saw the castle where he was holding a
golden apple with a lilac background, in a very
beautiful lilac fog, with his name written in gold
letters twisted with flaming fire Zee Griston and the
Eyes of Armageddon, Soon Zee saw a unicorn
running in the forest Zee Mareou with the Elf
Flamely, and came to a kind of snow white cave, Zee
had worn a jacket with the Warner Broz logo on his
jeans back.
Zee then climbed on a kind of ice cart from the gold
and diamond mines, and Zee had arrived at a place
that looked like a mine of the seven dwarfs of snow
white, Zee climbed on a huge lilac pumpkin that flew
when Zee and Flamely slipped in a waterfall of
sparkling, and Zee turns his face on a glass picking
up a golden beetle that had the sound of gold tinkling
in the snow at Christmas, when Zee mounted a
golden deer and arrived at a place where Zee started
playing a floating flute like God Pam, and then he
had seen the Purple Lime Dragon, Zee had flown
flying over a bluish gray car of the flying Batman,
when he removed batman shoes with flying bat
wings, Zee found another Dragon lost in the snow,
when an expectro appeared, black with teeth and a
green fog , Zee then shouted the spell “Haleluian
Forever“, soon Zee had arrived at the mine cart in a
place with many diamonds stuck to the wall. Zee had
a necklace that was a glass heart, with purple sand
inside a gold string, a kind of hourglass pendant,
which went back in time, Zee approached in an
overwhelming rain, and saw the snow white house, at
Christmas. And a baby deer playing in an ice lake,
with his nose frozen, Zee had seen Santa fly in a
Purple balloon, wearing very light blue Magician
clothes. And a Christmas dinner with apple candles
illuminating a snow white cottage near the mine, Zee
had fallen into a forest called a plant called the
queen's crown, and arrived, a place where he found a
little blue and white cottage that looked like castles
Zee and flamely, saw the unicorn once again, Zee
saw a plantation of frozen giant red and purple
apples, and remembered when she kissed Marina
Capucci on the snow mist and cobwebs on the
willow tree.
Zee woke up by a monet and followed the
unicorn, who had run through a Forest Called
“Warlock Tales Bard” Zee and Flamely arrived
in a kind of forest where the cave was purple
and lilac cosmic stones, and had fairies flying,
fairies with straight hair like of the Egyptians.
Zee entered a kind of mine cart, crossing the
gold mines, arriving him and Flamely close to a
black cat, behind the mine that looked like Snow
White's dwarf mine, Zee then called the Dragon
Forever, who flew across the sky that arrived
with Marina Capucci, Zee Flamely and Nina,
flew on the Dragon, arriving where Zee Griston
found a book called “The Philosopher Kimbulo
-Tales of Nicolau Flamel and Philosopher's
Stone“, Zee finds a legend that said that in the
underground of kimbulândia hid a mystery, Zee
then and Nina with the Book the Eyes of
Armageddon which was the key to get to this
place, arrived in kimbulândia, Zee then faced
the Dragon and Nina who had a book with the
face of a Deer, removed the clothes , by Zee in
emerald and embroidered rubies, in Snow Path,
and Zee dropped a book Dark Fantasy Blood
Radiator Tales, Zee had approached, Zee had
another book on the cover with a book with lilac
gold letters around it r of many mirrors of the
Snow White Witch, and a Knight with a golden
sword in the very heavy rain, in Cedar trees,
Zee then facing the Dragon slipped under the
dragon, and marina fitted the book, and Zee
Griston, then was inside a forest that was ruby-
colored crystal mountains, where Zee had seen
a huge golden statue of Tales, near bluish
clouds called Philosopher's Clouds, Zee looked
at the red mountains, and a sea that is the elixir
of immortality, Zee then becomes the kangaroo
rabbit, Zee arrived at Edem da Pedra Filosofal,
the place where the first Stone was originally
discovered, as the book tells

“The Philosopher Kimbulo -Tales of Nicolau

Flamel and Philosopher's Stone- Thalys
Eduardo Barbosa - Billy Ventura” Zee jumped
on a rabbit, and a butterfly and a duck The Tale
of the Butterfly of the Unicorn and the Duck a
book with an egg that was the eye of Zee
Griston who controlled all that magic,
alchemical, Zee had seen the lion Ankord,
playing in the sea of immortality, when he
looked at the water, he was golden with the
mane of philosophical stones,.

Tales of Nicolau Flamel and Philosopher's Stone

Nicolau Tales Zedom Flamel kimbulo, who had lived in France around the sec. XVII, with

alchemical powers, in his laboratory he had done many alchemical works, connected to the

human being and gold, in search of transmuting the human being into something he

understood to be immortal, Nicolau had had a son, little one, Nicolau's father carpenter

named Zedom, when Nicholas was a child he had read that a prophecy had revealed that his

grandson in the future, coming from his lineage, would be the King of the kimbulo world, the

world of the Magi, kimbulos ,.Nicholas locked himself in his laboratory, where there was a

great image of the Sun God, he was trying to find a way to make the human adopt Midas'

powers in his potential existence.He had become immersed in the Greek Philosopher Tales of

Miletus, He had spent a long period with Francis Bacon studying the Green Lion, so he had

heard that the Buliflau Stone had been discovered,and to Pedras Phospumbulo, Nicolau

ventured into research, and on an arduous journey, for wisdom and knowledge.When he

moved to Italy he discovered, in ancient Latin scribes, the alchemical powers, and understood
a study called Oro del Mago.And the History of the Golden Sun of Andromeda de

Merlin.That he had taken the apprentice magician kimbulo to a closer study of lapidius and

enlightenment with the instructor Magus.When on ancient scrolls about paradise and Edem,

on a Christmas present he had received from Francis Bacon, which was very

successful.Flamel, he decided, to take a trip.He understood. Locked in a chicken coop.The

encounter of power the gold of the magician and the devil and of the mother tales of

maximum powers.Then one day, Flamel had gone to England, by a Spanish Ship, and had

arrived at the port, the Alchemist had a mark on the back on Magic parchment written King,

which his father had said was born with him, and said, you will represent the powers

alchemical.On the Sol del Oro, and from this sun you will know, that the power that you

exercise, you are the master in Tale.And he will have the responsibility, in these medieval

lands, to take his transmutation, to the generation he saw after you, to his great-grandfather

Cláudio Hermes Ozimale Brandum.You will keep this secret.Asked the Father of Nicholas a

very influential man in learned circles.For their relatives, left Portugal, and traveled with the

Portuguese Empire, through the seas of the Kingdom of Welsh, to America, and guided by a

Dragon and the star of David prophesied with The God Horus, the look of Armageddon

...Nicolau, then locked himself in his laboratory, and one of his first discoveries, had been to

create an Omunculo one to be born inside a Glass, a Golden Dragon, with the Financing of a

Man Called Drogo, he then, went out for a winery called Ondas de la Phoenix.And decided to

take a trip.He had gone to a native land, still undeveloped, rich in cocoa, which was born in

plants, and with Wizards and Scribes, who cultivated everything that magic could offer,

Warmed by the Eye of Zedom.While Magnus and Zedom were at war.So Flameu had entered

a White and Red Balloon, and made the most incredible trip of his life, he was very

enchanted with balloons.I couldn't imagine, how something was so perfect.And also trying to

find the treasure for alchemists like Transform, an Apple in the Golden Snitch, Flamel had
already heard Ora Bolas, the stories.But I always wanted to see the elven tongue radiating

from the apples.For he had read that one day, a Child, named Zee Griston, would arrive.That

would be his great-grandson, in the world of magic.And it would be your heir and

nest.Flamel flew from Balloon to cornwall to find Merlin's writings.That had been a

kimbulo.When Flamel had met a bar where Flamel, he heard that a person would have eyes

that they would see like the God Horusthat the same man would have the power of the

Vitrovian man, having his existence, power to centralize everything he wanted around

him.Who would be born into a royal familyendowed with magical powersso Flameu had been

a place where they made pasta, an English pizzaiolo. Cristhofer, he told Flamel, to get to a

place and talk to Delphi.A Lady Delphi had given Flamel a lost map at the time of the

Malleus Maleficarum.The Hammer of Witches, who punished and punished, who was not

heir to the King's Family, in a magical land in England, where she lived, a Girl Called

Edwine Platin.According to everyone she was the first Witch, and after she discovered how

to be a witch.The people of the Kingdom, of King Saladin, plundered the peasants, taking the

Golderiam coin, the Gold Dream.and Flamel found a city with red stone walls, and a lion on

the shore of a sea, the sea was an elixir of eternal life. Those who drink would have eternal

life would never die.And the mountain stones, when any metal radiated with the sea of elixir

transformed metals into pure gold, he analyzed that place, taking samples, when he took out a

lead cauldron, and noticed that even the ants of that place cultivated copper that transformed

all in gold so the skin of the boar.And that something controlled that native Kimbulo

civilization.When he saw a great light shine, and the rain from that place was temporal in that

place, creating, and the waterfall that flowed into that sea, was from Minas Kimbulos.The

legend of the book The Eyes of Armageddon.He then entered a cave, when he saw an egg

species, with the eye of Zee Gristonin Tales.And that egg, with one eye, raised a red flame of

fire, and illuminated Flameu's eyes that turned red and green.When a Blue Cape Magician
approached and told Nicolau Flamel that he was the God of that civilization, son of the God

of Magic Zedom.So Flameu, removed only a few purple ones and put them in a large leather

bag.And away.With a little bit of the sea on that beach.And plant for study. And when he saw

the Green Lion on the Beach, and when the lion dived, his mane became red stones, and his

body gold, and on the lion's back was a stone called Ankord. He served only one person in

his existence, his creator. Flamel had also heard of a diamond called Diamond of Drawn, it

was the source of the Magic of that place. Then he understood that Francis Bacon had already

gone there first.When he returned to France, he went to his laboratory, and with the elixir he

heated the stone with the substance of the sea of immortality, an amber that was inside the

stone called Armageddonium.He had turned everything into gold.Then Flamel, on a warm

night of fireplaces flaming at Christmas and a lot of snow, had shown his invention

discovered, for the first time in Europe, on May 14, the philosopher's stone was born, at a

party called Jarro da Rosa in Paris, in the newspaper La Magic Bordô ...and became very

famous, for producing the elixir of eternal life, and turning metals into gold.And where many

scholars and scribes, heard about, and wrote this Tales.The End.

Zee had finished reading the Book, and Zee and

Nina, so after Zee came up with a blazing fire flame
from a campfire, reminiscent of Flamel gold and
Christmas, Zee turns the Book into the eyes of
armageddon, getting as red as a Christmas book with
the picture of Santa Claus very pompous, the book
floated, and then kept that place, in the oval eye, on
the cover of the book, the eyes of armageddon as a
mirage, and that magic of that whole place, in the
diamond of Drawn from the Black Fire, the Diamond
from Drawn the first diamond, which the Snow
White dwarfs named, the creator of the black fire,
“Zee was reading about, Nikin polishing the egg in
Zee Griston's eye, Zee and Nina came home using
their hearts the magic of the beetime, Zee then
becomes a carriage running in the rain and a King
passed out in a stream with his hair in blue and
crystalline stones ...

Nicolau Tales Zedom Flamel kimbulo,

who had lived in France around the
sec. XVII, with alchemical powers,
in his laboratory he had done many
alchemical works, connected to the
human being and gold, in search of
transmuting the human being into
something he understood to be
immortal, Nicolau had had a son,
little one, Nicolau's father
carpenter named Zedom, when
Nicholas was a child he had read
that a prophecy had revealed that
his grandson in the future, coming
from his lineage, would be the King
of the kimbulo world, the world of
the Magi, kimbulos ,.Nicholas
locked himself in his laboratory,
where there was a great image of
the Sun God, he was trying to find
a way to make the human adopt
Midas' powers in his potential
existence.He had become immersed in
the Greek Philosopher Tales of
Miletus, He had spent a long period
with Francis Bacon studying the
Green Lion, so he had heard that
the Buliflau Stone had been
discovered,and to Pedras
Phospumbulo, Nicolau ventured into
research, and on an arduous
journey, for wisdom and
knowledge.When he moved to Italy he
discovered, in ancient Latin
scribes, the alchemical powers, and
understood a study called Oro del
Mago.And the History of the Golden
Sun of Andromeda de Merlin.That he
had taken the apprentice magician
kimbulo to a closer study of
lapidius and enlightenment with the
instructor Magus.When on ancient
scrolls about paradise and Edem, on
a Christmas present he had received
from Francis Bacon, which was very
successful.Flamel, he decided, to
take a trip.He understood. Locked
in a chicken coop.The encounter of
power the gold of the magician and
the devil and of the mother tales
of maximum powers.Then one day,
Flamel had gone to England, by a
Spanish Ship, and had arrived at
the port, the Alchemist had a mark
on the back on Magic parchment
written King, which his father had
said was born with him, and said,
you will represent the powers
alchemical.On the Sol del Oro, and
from this sun you will know, that
the power that you exercise, you
are the master in Tale.And he will
have the responsibility, in these
medieval lands, to take his
transmutation, to the generation he
saw after you, to his great-
grandfather Cláudio Hermes Ozimale
Brandum.You will keep this
secret.Asked the Father of Nicholas
a very influential man in learned
circles.For their relatives, left
Portugal, and traveled with the
Portuguese Empire, through the seas
of the Kingdom of Welsh, to
America, and guided by a Dragon and
the star of David prophesied with
The God Horus, the look of
Armageddon ...Nicolau, then locked
himself in his laboratory, and one
of his first discoveries, had been
to create an Omunculo one to be
born inside a Glass, a Golden
Dragon, with the Financing of a Man
Called Drogo, he then, went out for
a winery called Ondas de la
Phoenix.And decided to take a
trip.He had gone to a native land,
still undeveloped, rich in cocoa,
which was born in plants, and with
Wizards and Scribes, who cultivated
everything that magic could offer,
Warmed by the Eye of Zedom.While
Magnus and Zedom were at war.So
Flameu had entered a White and Red
Balloon, and made the most
incredible trip of his life, he was
very enchanted with balloons.I
couldn't imagine, how something was
so perfect.And also trying to find
the treasure for alchemists like
Transform, an Apple in the Golden
Snitch, Flamel had already heard
Ora Bolas, the stories.But I always
wanted to see the elven tongue
radiating from the apples.For he
had read that one day, a Child,
named Zee Griston, would
arrive.That would be his great-
grandson, in the world of magic.And
it would be your heir and
nest.Flamel flew from Balloon to
cornwall to find Merlin's
writings.That had been a
kimbulo.When Flamel had met a bar
where Flamel, he heard that a
person would have eyes that they
would see like the God Horusthat
the same man would have the power
of the Vitrovian man, having his
existence, power to centralize
everything he wanted around him.Who
would be born into a royal
familyendowed with magical powersso
Flameu had been a place where they
made pasta, an English pizzaiolo.
Cristhofer, he told Flamel, to get
to a place and talk to Delphi.A
Lady Delphi had given Flamel a lost
map at the time of the Malleus
Maleficarum.The Hammer of Witches,
who punished and punished, who was
not heir to the King's Family, in a
magical land in England, where she
lived, a Girl Called Edwine
Platin.According to everyone she
was the first Witch, and after she
discovered how to be a witch.The
people of the Kingdom, of King
Saladin, plundered the peasants,
taking the Golderiam coin, the Gold
Dream.and Flamel found a city with
red stone walls, and a lion on the
shore of a sea, the sea was an
elixir of eternal life. Those who
drink would have eternal life would
never die.And the mountain stones,
when any metal radiated with the
sea of elixir transformed metals
into pure gold, he analyzed that
place, taking samples, when he took
out a lead cauldron, and noticed
that even the ants of that place
cultivated copper that transformed
all in gold so the skin of the
boar.And that something controlled
that native Kimbulo
civilization.When he saw a great
light shine, and the rain from that
place was temporal in that place,
creating, and the waterfall that
flowed into that sea, was from
Minas Kimbulos.The legend of the
book The Eyes of Armageddon.He then
entered a cave, when he saw an egg
species, with the eye of Zee
Gristonin Tales.And that egg, with
one eye, raised a red flame of
fire, and illuminated Flameu's eyes
that turned red and green.When a
Blue Cape Magician approached and
told Nicolau Flamel that he was the
God of that civilization, son of
the God of Magic Zedom.So Flameu,
removed only a few purple ones and
put them in a large leather bag.And
away.With a little bit of the sea
on that beach.And plant for study.
And when he saw the Green Lion on
the Beach, and when the lion dived,
his mane became red stones, and his
body gold, and on the lion's back
was a stone called Ankord. He
served only one person in his
existence, his creator. Flamel had
also heard of a diamond called
Diamond of Drawn, it was the source
of the Magic of that place. Then he
understood that Francis Bacon had
already gone there first.When he
returned to France, he went to his
laboratory, and with the elixir he
heated the stone with the substance
of the sea of immortality, an amber
that was inside the stone called
Armageddonium.He had turned
everything into gold.Then Flamel,
on a warm night of fireplaces
flaming at Christmas and a lot of
snow, had shown his invention
discovered, for the first time in
Europe, on May 14, the
philosopher's stone was born, at a
party called Jarro da Rosa in
Paris, in the newspaper La Magic
Bordô ...and became very famous,
for producing the elixir of eternal
life, and turning metals into
gold.And where many scholars and
scribes, heard about, and wrote
this Tales.The End.
Zee was walking through the forest a forest where he
saw a black horse named Lord on a rainy day
walking with a sheepdog, who had a sweaty gold
sword, in a very strong bush, Zee had climbed on a
red pumpkin, when he looked in the sky and saw that
the sky was very blue with reddish clouds, Zee
entered a kind of snow white mine, a mine that had
diamonds stuck in the stone walls, he approached a
forest when he asked for a clearing of forest animals
as hands shaking a owl sound. Zee entered the
forest, when he noticed a very strong fire Zee
approached the fire, saw a flaming flame and a man
like Zee with very green eyes, near the flame, Zee
found a pompous red velvet book by Santa Claus,
Logo Zee he entered the forest when he saw a young
deer, near an apple tree playing, skating on the ice,
Zee approached, found a parchment stuck in the tree,
near houses that looked like little blue castles, near
the house of the seven dwarfs of the white of snow,
Zee had a glass heart stuck in a gold chain one
beetime, the lake turned gray, when Zee came closer
he saw that a Goblin was behind him, the goblin
threw Zee inside his hat and Zee became a unicorn,
Zee had run with the unicorn, who had gone to the
forest of Edwine Platin, there, Zee saw letters appear
on the piece of parchment where Keila Perelle
Griston said, Zee slipped on a kind of snow rainbow,
arriving at a place where there was a species of
tapera a hole the more Zee screamed the deeper the
hole became, Zee approached when he found
a golden altar, a page from the book the eyes of
the lost armageddon, where he had shown
something to Zee, Zee plunged into the page,
reaching a forest with sparkling green
mushrooms, and a rainbow carpet that led Zee
to a kind of waterfall of gold water, Zee arrived
at a place where he found the apple he had
bitten and wept golden tears, as he
approached, the apple opened a kind of lever,
and inside the apple was Pererfal gold, the
mother of the philosopher's stone. The stone of
Armageddon, which transformed normal stones
into red stone, the edem of philosophical stones
into mountains, as any rock could turn red
stones to philosopher's stone, it came from the
diamond that gave rise to the snow white mines,
because it could transform any stone in
precious stones. Drawn's diamond, together
with the golden apple, produced an elixir called
"Philosofyc Blue Mirror Kimbulous", Zee then
discovered, that all the philosopher's stones
were inside Drawn's diamond. And the Black
Fire, it was the sky that covered, as night, the
people who used the stone that came from the
philosopher Edem de Pedras. And that golden
tears, was Zee's lament of the pain of the
Rocks. And it was when the book the eyes of
armageddon had shone and Zee had crossed,
when he arrived at a place where he had
received, Plhamerplau Philosofic of
Armageddon, a magic stone, which thus worked
all the greed to find itself the elixir of eternal life
and turn metal into gold, created a magical
power, which transformed all the fortune
acquired from pain, into a magic of
armageddon, a weapon, in the form of an eye,
that produced the mine of true love, which could
only enter those who had suffered such pains,
Zee entered the mine and found a book called,
purple with a golden apple and a diamond,
called “Flamer Armaphilosofic”, Zee plunged
into the book kimbulo, which led Zee to a forest
where two children were playing near a tree of
red stone apples, when a child turned, touching
the ruby apples in gold, the little Zedom, and the
other boy to take revenge, took a red stone on
the banks of a small pond, and hit the boy's
head, leaving the dirty stone of s when a magic,
diamond and golden apple hovered over the air,
they became gods, and went to the battle of
Zedom and Magnus. And the golden apple,
wrote as in letters Zee Griston son of Zedom.
Zee came back when he understood everything,
and knew the value that the book the eyes of
Armageddon had, and the diamond of Drawn.

Tales of Nicolau Flamel

Nicolau Flamel faced a blazing fire flame at

near a pompous Santa Claus red book, he was
studying some magical elements:

The Alchemist who symbolized A very light Blue

Cloak Magician
The Philosopher an eye in the shape of a green egg

Warlock - Tales to Mouth like a Rose Petal

Necromancer - Blue Fire on Staff

Sorceress - The Maple Leaf

And the Wizard - The boy with the eyes of


only he discovered a more powerful element, Flamel

was a kimbulo when he arrived in kimbuland he
cried powerful tears a lead that could turn things
into gold, he then experimented with gold in the book
the eyes of armageddon with his Keila Perelle

Flamel arrived at a place in the book the eyes of

armageddon after alchemical studies with Mércurio,
and discovered the black and purple owl, the black
fire, Flamel had discovered the Edem of
Philosophical Stones, and the sea of the elixir of
eternal life the amber subtlety that only black fire
produced it, to prepare the philosopher's stone.

He found the book in the eyes of armageddon

arriving in a forest in cornwall
near Egyptian Scribes.

Egyptian art showed

the boy who in the snow white forest transformed a
tree with red stone apples
had turned into gold by touching an elven gold like a
touch of midas
and when his brothers saw that he couldn't do the
same, he took a stone and reaped it
and then the diamond that gave name to the mines of
snow white hovered the diamond that controlled
magic the diamond of Drawn.
And a golden apple.
Turning into the dark blue lake like a frozen egg.
And then the two brothers became the gods Magnus
and Zedom, going to battle The war of Americus and
Flamel found a writing about an alchemist who was
inspiring him called
he created a fable that said, the Pharaoh
Philosopher Stone, had been defeated by Zee Griston
and the eyes of Armageddon when taken out of his
face and passed to Zee gave him the power to have
eternal life delay the fountainhead of youth, and
never die.
And to take Edem to the philosopher's stones.
These are controlled by the stone Armagedolium, the
one that is stuck near the God Tales, who is the God
of Gold, Immortality, and Fortune, and the
Philosopher's Stone.
only Armagedolium produces more gold and the
Drawn diamond works as an energy source to
produce the commercial stones.
Flamel after entering the book the eyes of
he arrived in a kind of paradise with an edem of red
stones where philosopher's stone streaked, and he
had seen the sea of immortality, where the lion
Ankord swam, and had turned gold with manes made
of philosopher's stone.
Zee then used the book the eyes of armageddon and
returned home
he went into a lilac car wearing glasses and very
well dressed, he stopped at mines where it rained a
lot, climbed on a purple pumpkin and slid over a
rainbow of fogs.
Arriving at a kind of snow white mine where
diamonds sparkled on the walls.
He had a purple glass heart necklace attached to a
with purple sand, Zee crossed the snow white house.
And it turns into little blue castles.
Zee then opened a book called "Tales of Dark
Fantasy the Tale of the Radiator"
Zee also had a book called Tale of the Well and the
Zee stopped in a forest where he saw a baby deer
playing in the snow
on a frozen lake.
He used the heart beetime and came

Zee was walking through the forest when he found a

secret mine
Zee approached, he had read, “When two children
were playing in a lake, a child when he saw his
brother turn into gold, he took a stone and killed him
creating a red stone, called a philosopher's stone, in
doing this, a diamond had appeared that hovered in
the air, and a golden apple that read in elf letters
Zee Griston ", and soon the two became gods and
went to the war of Americus and Luminarius,
Magnus' ambition, over a very dark blue lake in the
shape of an egg" .

Zee understood that Perelle his mother wanted to tell

him, Zee had come to a forest that looked like the
snow white dwarf mine, walking ahead, Zee had seen
an apple tree.
With red apples ,.
the black fire the fire of God in Flames.

Zee then entered a kind of cave, where he saw many

bees, Zee approached when he found a book with an
apple and a bee and a crow, Zee held the book and
walked to a forest, where Zedom's fortune was on the
day in who had died ,.
Zee found a golden altar with a golden key in
Perelle's work, The Eyes of Armageddon.

Zee found Perelle a page of the book in the

eyes of the armageddon that belonged to
Perelle. "Pepeirum Ermegedonicum oelle", Zee
plunged into the very old page, and arrived at a
kind of laboratory, Zee found a woman in Purple
Robes in a painting was Perelle. Zee saw that it
was lit by two purple torches. Zee approached
when he entered a kind of trapdoor where there
was a Cerberus dog sleeping on harps played
by an angel. He went through a gold door when
he found a ring with the boom of a purple wasp,
who could control everything, could do
everything. things became invisible, turned
anything into gold, and when you used it you
didn’t age, and never died, lived forever and it
had the power to control the course of things,
and made money appear out of nowhere with
magic. And whoever used it was never called a
fool. And the owls only obeyed whoever
possesses that ring and he was the key, to
Nicolau Flamel's safe, which led to a stone
called Pedra Armagedolium, which was the
stone that was stuck day and night under a
Merlin sun, producing with his magic the
philosopher's stone. To be marketed. And its
power was greater than the philosopher's stone
itself. It came from Edem Vermelho de Tales,
which for people, they kept ignorant, for it was
not known that Tales was the God of the Gold
of the Sun, and of Immortality and his sculpture
was in gold, because he had the magic, to
control people and keep them silly in never
worshiping this God because fools would be
lucky. And if they knew, their minds would be
deprived of this truth, and they would no longer
think like owls. Nor run after the gold of the
philosophers' fools. But I would truly meet the
eyes of Armageddon. And break free. Zee had
the ring. And I knew the truth.

Zee Griston saw a magic rising lilac in very clear

cores, he saw the castle where he was holding a
golden apple with a lilac background, in a very
beautiful lilac fog, with his name written in gold
letters twisted with flaming fire Zee Griston and the
Eyes of Armageddon, Soon Zee saw a unicorn
running in the forest Zee Mareou with the Elf
Flamely, and came to a kind of snow white cave, Zee
had worn a jacket with the Warner Broz logo on his
jeans back.
Zee then climbed on a kind of ice cart from the gold
and diamond mines, and Zee had arrived at a place
that looked like a mine of the seven dwarfs of snow
white, Zee climbed on a huge lilac pumpkin that flew
when Zee and Flamely slipped in a waterfall of
sparkling, and Zee turns his face on a glass picking
up a golden beetle that had the sound of gold tinkling
in the snow at Christmas, when Zee mounted a
golden deer and arrived at a place where Zee started
playing a floating flute like God Pam, and then he
had seen the Purple Lime Dragon, Zee had flown
flying over a bluish gray car of the flying Batman,
when he removed batman shoes with flying bat
wings, Zee found another Dragon lost in the snow,
when an expectro appeared, black with teeth and a
green fog , Zee then shouted the spell “Haleluian
Forever“, soon Zee had arrived at the mine cart in a
place with many diamonds stuck to the wall. Zee had
a necklace that was a glass heart, with purple sand
inside a gold string, a kind of hourglass pendant,
which went back in time, Zee approached in an
overwhelming rain, and saw the snow white house,
at Christmas. And a baby deer playing in an ice lake,
with his nose frozen, Zee had seen Santa fly in a
Purple balloon, wearing very light blue Magician
clothes. And a Christmas dinner with apple candles
illuminating a snow white cottage near the mine, Zee
had fallen into a forest called a plant called the
queen's crown, and arrived, a place where he found
a little blue and white cottage that looked like castles
Zee and flamely, saw the unicorn once again, Zee
saw a plantation of frozen giant red and purple
apples, and remembered when she kissed Marina
Capucci on the snow mist and cobwebs on the willow

Zee woke up by a monet and followed the

unicorn, who had run through a Forest Called
“Warlock Tales Bard” Zee and Flamely arrived
in a kind of forest where the cave was purple
and lilac cosmic stones, and had fairies flying,
fairies with straight hair like of the Egyptians.
Zee entered a kind of mine cart, crossing the
gold mines, arriving him and Flamely close to a
black cat, behind the mine that looked like Snow
White's dwarf mine, Zee then called the Dragon
Forever, who flew across the sky that arrived
with Marina Capucci, Zee Flamely and Nina,
flew on the Dragon, arriving where Zee Griston
found a book called “The Philosopher Kimbulo
-Tales of Nicolau Flamel and Philosopher's
Stone“, Zee finds a legend that said that in the
underground of kimbulândia hid a mystery, Zee
then and Nina with the Book the Eyes of
Armageddon which was the key to get to this
place, arrived in kimbulândia, Zee then faced
the Dragon and Nina who had a book with the
face of a Deer, removed the clothes , by Zee in
emerald and embroidered rubies, in Snow Path,
and Zee dropped a book Dark Fantasy Blood
Radiator Tales, Zee had approached, Zee had
another book on the cover with a book with lilac
gold letters around it r of many mirrors of the
Snow White Witch, and a Knight with a golden
sword in the very heavy rain, in Cedar trees,
Zee then facing the Dragon slipped under the
dragon, and marina fitted the book, and Zee
Griston, then was inside a forest that was ruby-
colored crystal mountains, where Zee had seen
a huge golden statue of Tales, near bluish
clouds called Philosopher's Clouds, Zee looked
at the red mountains, and a sea that is the elixir
of immortality, Zee then becomes the kangaroo
rabbit, Zee arrived at Edem da Pedra Filosofal,
the place where the first Stone was originally
discovered, as the book tells

“The Philosopher Kimbulo -Tales of Nicolau

Flamel and Philosopher's Stone- Thalys
Eduardo Barbosa - Billy Ventura” Zee jumped
on a rabbit, and a butterfly and a duck The Tale
of the Butterfly of the Unicorn and the Duck a
book with an egg that was the eye of Zee
Griston who controlled all that magic,
alchemical, Zee had seen the lion Ankord,
playing in the sea of immortality, when he
looked at the water, he was golden with the
mane of philosophical stones,.
Zee was walking through the forest a forest where he
saw a black horse named Lord on a rainy day
walking with a sheepdog, who had a sweaty gold
sword, in a very strong bush, Zee had climbed on a
red pumpkin, when he looked in the sky and saw that
the sky was very blue with reddish clouds, Zee
entered a kind of snow white mine, a mine that had
diamonds stuck in the stone walls, he approached a
forest when he asked for a clearing of forest animals
as hands shaking a owl sound. Zee entered the
forest, when he noticed a very strong fire Zee
approached the fire, saw a flaming flame and a man
like Zee with very green eyes, near the flame, Zee
found a pompous red velvet book by Santa Claus,
Logo Zee he entered the forest when he saw a young
deer, near an apple tree playing, skating on the ice,
Zee approached, found a parchment stuck in the tree,
near houses that looked like little blue castles, near
the house of the seven dwarfs of the white of snow,
Zee had a glass heart stuck in a gold chain one
beetime, the lake turned gray, when Zee came closer
he saw that a Goblin was behind him, the goblin
threw Zee inside his hat and Zee became a unicorn,
Zee had run with the unicorn, who had gone to the
forest of Edwine Platin, there, Zee saw letters appear
on the piece of parchment where Keila Perelle
Griston said, Zee slipped on a kind of snow rainbow,
arriving at a place where there was a species of
tapera a hole the more Zee screamed the deeper the
hole became, Zee approached when he found
a golden altar, a page from the book the eyes of
the lost armageddon, where he had shown
something to Zee, Zee plunged into the page,
reaching a forest with sparkling green
mushrooms, and a rainbow carpet that led Zee
to a kind of waterfall of gold water, Zee arrived
at a place where he found the apple he had
bitten and wept golden tears, as he
approached, the apple opened a kind of lever,
and inside the apple was Pererfal gold, the
mother of the philosopher's stone. The stone of
Armageddon, which transformed normal stones
into red stone, the edem of philosophical stones
into mountains, as any rock could turn red
stones to philosopher's stone, it came from the
diamond that gave rise to the snow white mines,
because it could transform any stone in
precious stones. Drawn's diamond, together
with the golden apple, produced an elixir called
"Philosofyc Blue Mirror Kimbulous", Zee then
discovered, that all the philosopher's stones
were inside Drawn's diamond. And the Black
Fire, it was the sky that covered, as night, the
people who used the stone that came from the
philosopher Edem de Pedras. And that golden
tears, was Zee's lament of the pain of the
Rocks. And it was when the book the eyes of
armageddon had shone and Zee had crossed,
when he arrived at a place where he had
received, Plhamerplau Philosofic of
Armageddon, a magic stone, which thus worked
all the greed to find itself the elixir of eternal life
and turn metal into gold, created a magical
power, which transformed all the fortune
acquired from pain, into a magic of
armageddon, a weapon, in the form of an eye,
that produced the mine of true love, which could
only enter those who had suffered such pains,
Zee entered the mine and found a book called,
purple with a golden apple and a diamond,
called “Flamer Armaphilosofic”, Zee plunged
into the book kimbulo, which led Zee to a forest
where two children were playing near a tree of
red stone apples, when a child turned, touching
the ruby apples in gold, the little Zedom, and the
other boy to take revenge, took a red stone on
the banks of a small pond, and hit the boy's
head, leaving the dirty stone of s when a magic,
diamond and golden apple hovered over the air,
they became gods, and went to the battle of
Zedom and Magnus. And the golden apple,
wrote as in letters Zee Griston son of Zedom.
Zee came back when he understood everything,
and knew the value that the book the eyes of
Armageddon had, and the diamond of Drawn.

Zee had gone out into the woods, the night was lit up
by a flash, he had spoken to three boys Marina,
Ernesto and Feitosa, Zee had gone out walking
through the woods Zee had spent the afternoon
playing Ori and the will of the Wisps, Zee had gone
out riding a magic bike when he arrived in the forest.
And found a kind of cauldron he had fallen into the
cauldron and ended up in another forest, when Zee
saw a swallow in a sunny sea. Inside the cauldron ..
Zee continued, when he found the Goblin Flamely,
Zee saw that he was with Unicorn, who was playing
in the snow, they followed a shower of shooting
stars, and the unicorn's horn lit up showing a star
that was further ahead, Zee was cold, when he and
the Flamely Goblin fell into a hole, stopping at a
mine they were on top of a miner's cart, the cart
levitated taking Zee down a mine road where
diamonds were stuck in the stone walls.
Zee found the way out, when they saw the Fantasy
elf, who pointed out the location of the star, he
historic very old runes that showed the location of
something hidden and very precious.
Zee then and the elf Flamely, went out to the tip of
the mine, when Zee started walking on red stone
stairs, Zee realized that it was Christmas, that it was
snowing a lot and had seen a man with green eyes
and reddish tan skin, disappearing over flames.
And Zee then saw an altar beneath the red stones he
had stepped on, where the armageddon fit was for
the book, Zee fit the book when he opened a secret
passage and Zee
and Flamely ended up in a fire room inside the
philosopher's stone, they were inside the stone, Zee
then realized that they were alone, when Zee in the
middle of scrolls, saw the book the eyes of
armageddon inside the philosopher's stone.
On an altar it was he who gave power to the stone.
And for them to leave there, Zee would need to
remove the book. Zee found an elixir and a white
stone called armaphosfulal, which produced the gold
and elixir of immortality.
More like removing the book if they get inside the
book ,.
So Zee took the star of the journey that had guided
them there and traveled in an interdimensional space
and time and managed to get out and when Zee came
back home he was wearing a diamond from Drawn,
which was inside the philosopher's stone.The star of
the journey was the Philosopher's Stone
unbeknownst to Zee .

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