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Alice C.

Stelle Middle School

Restorative Response to Misbehavior Written Task

Task: Due to a recent incident in which you are responsible for harm, it is your task to
reflect upon your behavior to help create a plan to restore the learning

Directions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences with specific details. To
create a meaningful plan moving forward you need to be thoughtful in your


1. What happened? Be descriptive.

2. Who was affected or harmed? In what ways? Think about the first point of harm and
move outward. Include yourself and your family. Think, was the school harmed? Anyone
else’s family? Any teachers? Staff? Other students?

3. What would help to repair this? Think backwards. These are the steps that would fix
the harm of the past action. Make sure your plan addresses all the harm caused.

4. What would prevent this from happening again? Think forward. What plan can you
create to make sure this never happens again? Make sure your plan addresses all the
harm caused.

This is due to the AP Office no later than __________________________ or additional

consequences will be incurred.

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