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N a m e _________________________________

Haley Hogan D a t e _________________

2/16/2021 P e r i o d 3__________

In problem solving, there are many approaches people can take. Through
experience, people know that different types of problems must be approached
in different ways. By identifying the type of problem it is, people have an idea of
which method to use, which stems to take, in solving the problem.
Burt Block Says. . . .
Some types of problems are best approached with algorithms. An algorithm is a step-by-step
procedure that, will always lead to the solution of a problem. Formulas are examples of algorithms.
Many algorithms are complex and time consuming. One type of algorithm is called a systematic
search. In a systematic search, each possible solution to a problems is tried and tested.
Algorithms are a step by step process that always work to solve
1. What are algorithms? ___________________________________________________________
problems. specific

Systematic Search is an algorithm, an is

2. What is a systematic search? _____________________________________________________
you try every single possiblewhen
For example, Burt Block is working on a crossword puzzle. He tries to fill in a word
for which he has all but one letter (S H _ N). Burt tries every letter beginning with A, the
first letter in the alphabet(S H A N). Nope, that’s a name. Burt is looking for a word, not a
name. That doesn’t work. Then Burt tries B, the next letter in the alphabet(S H B N). He
continues trying following letters one by one, C, H I. . . Finally with the letter U, he solves
the problem, S H U N. It takes time, but it works.

Algorithms work, but are not always practical. In the previous example, suppose
Burt was missing two letters, not one(S _ _ N). In order to have success with the
systematic search, Burt would have to try every letter of he alphabet in each of
the two spaces, but he would have to fill in one of them with a placeholder while
he tried letter after letter in the other space.

For example: Burt would first have to fill the first blank space with an A, then he would have to run
through all 26 letters in the second blank space. And when that did not work, he would
have to try B in the first space and repeat. In order the find the correct answer, S H U
S N N, he would have to run through hundreds of possible solutions. It would eventually
work, but it would take so much time that Burt would probably just give up. Poor Burt.
Heuristics are simpler thinking strategies that often, but not always, help us find the solution to
a problem. They are shortcuts.
In Burt’s puzzle where their is only one missing letter, Burt would probably use the following
heuristic: “Huh” Says Burt, “S, H, N are all consonants. The letter missing is probably a vowel.”
Burt would only then just have to use the 5 vowels to get the correct answer. For the second
example in which two letters were missing, Burt may try to find letters that are often used with S,
like SH and discover the correct answer, SHUN. But what the answer was actually STUN? Burt’s
heuristic could have directed him to the wrong answer.
Heuristics are easier strategies that people use to try and find the
3. What are heuristics? ____________________________________________________________
to a problem howeversolution
they do not always
4. Heuristics are ______________________ than algorithms, but they are not as reliable.

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N a m e _________________________________D a t e _________________P e r i o d __________

Complete the following chart

Technique Advantage DISADVANTAGE

there is always a hard to find correct
Algorithm solution algorithms
Burt Block Says. . . .
simpler, easier not always right


Deciding which method to use depends on the need for either accuracy or speed. If complete
accuracy is required, it is best to use an algorithm. By using an algorithm, accuracy is increased
and potential mistakes are minimized. On the other hand, if time is an issue, then it may be best to
use a heuristic. Mistakes may occur, but this approach allows for speedy decisions
when time is of the essence. Heuristics are more commonly used in everyday situations.
Which approach is being used in the following situations? Algorithm or Heuristic
5. Betty is going to bake a cake. Surprisingly, she’s never baked one before.
She will use a recipe. ___________________________________________________________
6. Burt wants so much to beat Barry in chess. Burt practices by playing a computer. What
approach does the computer use to beat Burt again, and again, and again. . .
7. Burt’s doctor, Dr. Draper is making a decision about how to treat Burt’s symptoms. Dr.
Draper uses his experience with past patients to help him decide how to treat Burt.
8. Burt is going downtown to meet with a new client. Burt has never been to the address
before. Burt doesn’t have a map. __________________________________________
9. It’s Saturday, and you know what that means! Burt has time to build a brand new model
airplane. He’s so excited. Burt loves Saturdays._____________________________________

10. Burt is cold. He heard on the radio that it was -7° Celsius. He has no idea what that means.
So, using a formula, Burt converts the temperature to Fahrenheit._____________________
11. Burt has forgotten all but the middle two letters of his computer password. Oh Burt. He
decides to insert every combination of letters in the missing spaces to try to find his password.
12. Burt is playing chess with his friend Barry. Burt is losing. _______________________________
13. When Burt used to study for exams, he would study just his notes and ignore studying from the
book. He thought it took too long. _________________________________________________
14. Burt lost his wallet. He remembers seeing it Sam’s house the night before. So Burt retraces
every step he has taken since that time. ____________________________________________

15. Burt lost his wallet. . . again. This time he goes to all the places where he has left his wallet in
the past hoping to find it._________________________________________________________

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