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¨My body, My choice; is that true?

Fondly imagine that, after your wife gets pregnant, the doctor diagnoses that the fetus
will be born with a trisomy 18, also called: “Edwards Syndrome.” This genetic condition
means the baby will have a high possibility of dying, just a few months after birth. What
would you do like a parent? Would you consider abortion, or would you prepare yourself
emotionally and mentally of what will come? Above the years the abortion has been one of
the topic conversations of almost every congress from a lot of places in the world. Some
countries like the USA, Argentina and Uruguay have legalized this medical process, but
others have preferred keeping it illegal like our country, Dominican Republic. I independently
think that abortion is not an option and should be unlegalized because it knowingly violates
the most important right that it life itself, also causes women a lot of suffer and does not the
problem of early pregnancy.
First of all, the fetus inside the mother’s belly is a current life and should not untaken.
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 3 justly says that ¨everyone
has the right to life, liberty and security of person.¨1 Life begins from conception, when a
sperm and an ovule get together and form the zygote. Some people might think the unborn
baby is property of the mother, but that is fake. Babies have their own unique genetic code,
called DNA, that accurately determines physical and genotypic traits, which are totally
different from their parents. Is true that those little individuals have not seen the sun's light
yet, but they are already living beings from conception.
Another argument to not legalize the miscarriage is that it causes women many suffer,
in the medical process and after it. It is proven that abortion women experience diverse
physiological effects, like depression, anxiety, self-destructive behaviors, suicide acts, eating
disorders, nightmares, alcohol abuse and others, just to mention a few. According to the
nonprofit organization ¨Foundations of Life¨ there are ¨side effects may occur with induced
abortion, whether surgical or by pill. These include abdominal pain and cramping, nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea. Abortion also carries the risk of significant complications such as

Streich, M. (2008). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen
& Unwin.
bleeding, infection, and damage to organs.¨2 No one in their right mind wishes such a painful
fate for someone.
Last not least, the feticide does not solve the issue of the early pregnancy or any
health problem. In countries like United States or Uruguay, where the abortion is legal, the
mortality rate has been increasing since its decriminalization. The abortion is just a
consequence of an uncontrolled behavior, but it doesn't solve anything. We need focusing in
the root of the problem, which is lack of sex education, quality contraceptive methods, better
adoption systems, among others things that we can do as a society to prevent an unwanted
Some countries like Chile have been legalized the abortion in three causes, which are:
¨life risk of the mother, fetal inviability and violation¨.3 Those cases are very delicate, and
have their reasons. However, we cannot accept such a general law like abortion, due to
extreme and particular cases. If you did not know, abortion for rape, for example, constitutes
less than 1 percent of all the abortions that are performed. One of the famous football players
these days is Cristiano Ronaldo; did you know his mother in the beginning of the pregnancy,
wanted to abort him? Of course she didn't do it, but brought to this world one of the most
emblematic figures of the sport industry and worldwide. Just think of it, we weren't here if
our mothers had made that cruel decision, but thank God we´re alive. Just remember, a
mother is an eternal condition, either for a living baby, or a death one that has been destroyed
by herself.

Risks About Abortion | Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center & Adoption Services.
Retrieved 8 August 2020, from
T13 | Tele 13. (2017). Retrieved 8 August 2020, from

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