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Kyra Peake

March 8 – April 22
Professional Semester II

Classroom Management Plan

For Grade 4 Classroom

1. Classroom Expectations, or Guidelines

 Be respectful of yourself and others
 Clean up after yourself!
 Kindness is cool
 Use your imagination

2. Relationship-Building Plan:
 Remember their names
 Socialize with each students
 Fine out key interests of them during the first week
 Find out likes and dislikes
 Be interest their background/diversity
 Learn their pronouns

3. Classroom Procedures:

 Attention-Getting Procedure:
- “Hands on top” “That means stop”
- Silence and waiting
- “1-2-3 eyes on me” “1-2- eyes on you”
- “All set?” “You bet!”
- Using a bell (noise)
 Transition Procedures:
- Counting down in 10 seconds (put everything away)
- Using coloured tables to transition from one project to another
- Using number tables to transition from one project to another

 Individual Seatwork Procedure

- Place students will visual disabilities in the front
- Break up “clicks” so students can meet new people
- Move kids around so they have different perspectives of the classroom

 Safety Procedures
- Not moving around desks or chairs so students with visual disabilities don’t trip over them.
- Fire drill procedures.
- Lock down procedure.
Kyra Peake
March 8 – April 22
Professional Semester II

- Putting baskets or binders away, so no one trips.

- No running in the classroom.
- Don’t drink from others water-bottles (Covid-19)

 Other Procedures: homework, lateness, absence, personal electronic devices (iPods, cell
phones-secondary level):
- Please electronics away in your backpacks.
- Have a notes from a parent if your late
- Hand in homework on time

 Clean-up plan and routine

- Give heads up (time) to clean up
- Be patient with the students while they’re cleaning up
- Have plan for your clean up procedure

4. Intervention Plan (before and updating during practicum

• Intervention Strategies (Bump System) See Roscoe Article and Class slides

- Give plenty of feedback. 

- Developing Classroom Rules

- Model and roleplay

- Teach, review, reteach

5. Reflections on Classroom Management (during and after practicum)

1. Successes/Strengths:

 I have gained confidence in teaching in front of students.

 I have learned how to help students when upset, and how to communicate with
 I have learned how to go with how the day goes. You can plan everything, but a
teacher needs to be flexibly with their students.

2. Problem Areas/Areas for Growth:

 Calm and quiet voice

 Use multiple ways of getting their attention
 Outdoor line up procedure - guide the students into a straight line, use hand signals,
moving the troubled students to the front of the line. Saying that they are holding up us.
 Establish good behavior strategies
Kyra Peake
March 8 – April 22
Professional Semester II

 Ask what our goals are - then get students to “echo” those goals
 Choices! That is effective teaching
 Popcorn reading is good.
 Wait time
 Students response to rationales
 Develop classroom management
 Keep using the bell as an attention grabber
 Don’t use “your guys’ ….” or “you guys”
 Say “your work”, instead of “your guy’s work”
 Use appropriate language.
 Talk slower - when giving instructions

3. Alternative
 Say “everyone” or “grade 4s” instead of “you guys”.
 Use “you” “grade 4’s” “class”
 Give students choices.
 Allow students to answer- hear their voices
 Say “loud talking” - not “going crazy”

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