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Trends, Networks and Critical

Thinking in 21st Century
Quarter 2 – Module 5:
Neural Networks
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written to help you master the Neural
Networks. The scope of this module can be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the
order in which you read them can be changed to correspond the textbook you used
for the students.
On the other hand, in this time of pandemic, before you use this module,
make sure that you sanitize your hands and always guided with proper health
protocol to avoid such spread of viruses.
Moreover, the module is divided into four lessons, namely:

  Lesson 1 – Our Connections and Relationship in the 21ST Century

  Lesson 2 – The Differences of Connections, Relationship and Networks
  Lesson 3 – The Human Brain as the Neural Network
 Lesson 4 – Artificial Neural Networks
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. explain our connections and relationship in the 21st Century world;
2. identify collaboration as a vital skill to survive in the 21st Century world;
3. differentiate connections from relationship and networks;
4. discuss Neural Network;
5. illustrate how the brain or neural network works;
6. define Artificial Neural Network; and
7. determine the structure of Artificial Neural networks.

What I Know

Direction: Select the best answer and write it on your answer sheet.

1. It is the act of connecting or the state of being connected.

a. Connection
b. Networks
c. Relationship
d. None of the above
2. It receives various forms and structures of information based on an
internal weighting system, and the neural network attempts to learn about
the information presented to produce one output report.
a. Input units
b. Hidden Layers
c. Output Layer
d. None of the Above
3. The following are the reasons why collaboration is important, except.
a. Collaboration helps people learn from each other
b. Collaboration boosts morale across your organization
c. It opens up new channels for communication
d. It leads to complicated situations
4. It is two or more devices connected through links.
a. Connections
b. Neural Networks
c. Networks
d. Relationship
5. A process using the error functions, calculating the discrepancies between
the predicted output and resulting output and adjust the weights of the
neural network.
a. Back propagation
b. Input units
c. Hidden Layers
d. Output Layer
6. A group of neurons that work together to carry out specific process.
a. Dendrites
b. Human brain
c. Neurons
d. Neural Networks
7. It is the state of being related or interrelated.
a. Connections
b. Collaboration
c. Networks
d. Relationship
8. It is described as a biological neural network.
a. Axon
b. Dendrites
c. Human brain
d. Neurons

9. It performs various types of mathematical computation on the input data
and recognizes the patterns that are part of.
a. Back propagation
b. Input units
c. Hidden Layers
d. Output Layer
10. It acts as a neuron that receives signal from other neurons.
a. Axon
b. Cell body
c. Dendrites
d. Neural Networks

What is It
Our Connections and Relationship
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary connection is the act of connecting
or the state of being connected. Meanwhile, relationship is the state of being related
or interrelated.

As social beings, it is natural for us to crave connections. This can be proven

by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. This theory explains around the stages of
needs that all human have in their lives. Love and Belonging, a stage that might be
considered illogical due to the overly sentimental connotation that it brings, is in
reality, a crucial need for humans. Every individual is connected to each other.
Each one is like a unique thread in a tapestry, with unique capacity to contribute
to the whole.
In this generation, it’s easy to get connected. You may have millions of
followers on Instagram, thousands of people liking your Facebook pictures, five
thousands plus connections on LinkedIn that makes you connected to all over the
world. It is even common for us to connect with someone and obtains a palpable
amount of knowledge on the other person’s background and interests through
fieldwork done with the help of social media.

Having close, positive connections and relationship can give us purpose and
sense of belongingness. Extensive evidence shows having good quality of
connections and relationships can help us to live longer and happier.
What’s More
Activity 1-Think of it!

Direction: Give your insights on the following quotations in relation to Connection

and Relationships in the 21st century world.

We must establish a ______________________________________
personal connection with ______________________________________
each other before content. ______________________________________
Without relatedness, no work ______________________________________
can occur. ______________________________________
-Peter Block ______________________________________

“Connect the dots between ______________________________________

individual roles and the goal of ______________________________________
the organization. When people ______________________________________
see that connection, they get a ______________________________________
lot of energy to work. They feel ______________________________________
the importance, dignity and ______________________________________
meaning in their job “ ______________________________________
-Ken Blanchard and Scott ______________________________________

A great relationship is about ______________________________________
two things, first, find out ______________________________________
the similarities, second, ______________________________________
respect the differences. ______________________________________

What’s New
Activity 2: Direction: On your own words and understanding, briefly define the
following words. Write your answer on your answer sheet.


What is It
Connections and Networks
A network is two or more devices connected through links. A link is a
communication’s pathway that transfers data from one device to another. For
communication to occur, two devices must be connected in some way to the same
link at the same time. One characteristic of networks is that it enables flow of
information, flow of the resources and flow of exchange among others. It serves as
link connecting nodes (or point) to each other. The nodes can be a persons (such as
parents and children), institution (government and its agencies), bodies (such as
rivers and its tributaries) and concepts (such as economics and supply and

In addition, Connection is the successful completion of necessary

arrangements so that two or more parties (for example, people or programs) can
communicate at a long distance. In this usage, the term has a strong physical
(hardware) connotation although logical (software) elements are usually involved as

Connections and Relationship

Relationship is about being and the experience of connecting with someone
over an extended period of time.

One way you might think about the difference between a connection and
a relationship is to picture it like how network mappers do. In a typical network
graph you’ll see lots of dots (or “nodes”), and these dots will be connected to
each other by lots of lines. The lines represent the relationships between the
dots, that is to say, the relationship between the things or people in the

Figure 1 below shows a line connecting person “A” and person “B.” That
line represents their relationship.

Figure.1 Traditional view of a relationship

When we say “connection is the point of contact in a relationship”. This is
the modified picture.

Figure.2 Relationship with the connection exposed

The red square in the middle represents the point of contact which is the
connection between person “A” and person “B.” Think of Figure 2. As a snapshot in
time of a zoomed in version of figure 1. It’s a zoomed-in picture because it’s not
meant to replace the simplicity or truth of seeing relationships as pictured in Figure
1. It’s just a closer look at what’s really going on here. The connection represented
by the red square moves us a half step from the fuzzy world of relationships to a
more concrete world of connections and what that contact between A and B
actually looks like.

It’s hard to visualize a relationship, but it’s easy to see connections.

Connections look like action – action that puts people in contact with each other.

What is It
Many studies suggest that human brain can also be described as a biological
neural network. Neural network serves as interconnections of web neurons
transmitting an elaborate pattern of electrical signals. Dendrites act as a neuron
that receives signals (information) from other neurons and bring information to the
cell body while axons take information away from the cell body. But on how the
human brain actually works is an elaborate and complex mystery.

Developing an engaging animated system does not require any scientific

accuracy. But the idea of how the brain functions can be of inspiration to do such.
Computer scientists have also been inspired by the human brain. In 1943, Warren
S. McCulloch, a neuroscientist, and Walter Pitts, a logician, developed the first
conceptual model of an artificial neural network. In their paper, “A Logical Calculus
of the Ideas Imminent in Nervous Activity,” they describe the concept of a neuron, a
single cell living in a network of cells that receives inputs, processes those inputs,
and generates an output.
Neural Networks

Neural networks are groups of neurons that work together to carry out a
process because individual neurons cannot carry enough information to do one
process at a time. A good example is the determination of the taste of food or the
color of an object. In the processing of colors, there are only four-labeled lines
carrying information about red, green, blue and yellow light. But, we can still
distinguish millions of colors by comparing the relative activity in these four
Complex network of neurons are required in this process. However, the
neural networks are where the most complex neural processing is carried out
through the “computing” work of the brain. And sometimes, these networks involve
a relatively small number of neurons in a single area. But because researchers
have found these networks to be inaccessible and complex, some are creating
artificial neural networks on computers.

1. A
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. C

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