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PREP 1300 Assignment

Team Project Component Weight Due Date

Select Project Team & Topics Week 6

Assigned Week 6, Due Assignments

Part: Team Contract & Proposal 5%
in Week 9 Folder

Part: Project Delivery 10% Week 12 & 13 In-class

TBD – Dates in DC Assignments

Part: Self & Peer Evaluations 5%
Connect Folder


 Include a profile of each team member including their full name, phone number, and preferred e-
mail address.
 Clearly identify the specific topic of research.
 Include an ordered breakdown of the topic, with main topics and subtopics
 Clearly identify the specific assignment of tasks each team member will complete.
 Identify at least three preliminary research sources, and list them in APA citation style
(reference list citation). Note: Consult the APA Guide posted on DC Connect or Google ‘OWL
Purdue APA’ for help, if needed).
 Include 2 one-hour periods per week during which each Team member is available and agrees to
meet (may be online).
1. Team Profile & Contact Information
Team Members: First & Last Phone Number Preferred Email Address
1. Rohma Malik
2. Jana Lozares

2. Identify your topic and create a preliminary outline (create at least three main topics and at least
three subtopics, point form notes are fine). This preliminary outline will guide your presentation
preparation and allow your Team to fairly distribute work. Note: Feel free to add more main topics
and subtopics.
Remember that your project is engaged with one of the following categories:
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 Solves a Problem
 Argues or Persuades the Classroom
 Provides a Teachable Moment
 Explores a Research Question

Each team member should have a clear portion of the project.

State the Overall Topic Approach:

The project aims to explore the cultural contributions of the country, South Korea, through a
historical context. Subtopics include:
 Popular Culture (Korean Music/Entertainment), The Korean Wave
 Traditions and Customs
 Arts and Fashion
 Food and Cuisine
Problem? Argument? Teachable Moment? Research Question?
 Project aims to guide the audience on a cultural journey through South Korea
 Poses the idea of Globalization as a method of unification 
 Raise awareness of other cultures/way of life aside from those we know or are currently in
(i.e. Canadian culture)
 Importance of mass media in bringing to light other countries’ contributions/successes aside
from our own
 Understand the impact that the Korean popular culture has on the majority of the population
of the world.

Outline topic #1 What is the point of the research and what do you hope to
K-Pop and The Korean Wave
The purpose of this research is to explore the Korean culture in
depth and discover the primary elements that led to the
worldwide popularity of their popular culture (i.e., the success
and global phenomenon of their music and entertainment
industries). We aim to explore the questions of how and why
these things became popular, and how much of an impact it has
on us globally. 

Outline topic #2 What is the point of the research and what do you hope to
Korean Customs and Traditions
The purpose of this research is to become aware of the Korean
way of life and educate the audience on the fascinating history of
South Korea. We aim to discover the unique customs and
traditions that differ from our own, while being able to improve
our cultural intelligence and cultural agility -- both of which are

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important in the idea of Global citizenship. 

Outline topic #2 What is the point of the research and what do you hope to
Korean Fashion and Art –
Traditional and Contemporary The purpose of this research is to learn more about the
traditional and modern Korean attire (ex. A hanbok and its
influences on fashion); the historical and religious importance of
their buildings; and discover the reason behind the global
admiration of the Korean heritage. 

Outline topic #2 What is the point of the research and what do you hope to
Korean Food and Cuisine
The purpose of this research is to delve deeper into the Korean
culture and learn about their traditional cuisines and delicacies.
Food can be an essential part of a country’s culture. Food is also
something that brings people together. We can explore the
cultural integration that happens within the context of food, and
its role in our contemporary culture and the mainstream (ex.
Korean barbeque, Korean restaurants in our city, Koreatown,

3. Three preliminary sources in APA citation style (reference list citation):

Scholarly Source #1:

 Leung, S. (2012). Catching the K-Pop Wave: Globality in the Production, Distribution, and
Consumption of Korean Popular Music. Digital Window @ Vassar, 2-84.

Scholarly Source #2:

Lee, S. J. (2011). The Korean Wave: The Seoul of Asia. Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in
Communications, 85-92.

Scholarly Source #3:

Lie, J. (2012). What Is the K in K-pop? South Korean Popular Music, the Culture Industry, and
National Identity. Korea Observer, 339-362.

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4. Include 2 one-hour periods per week during which each Team member is available and agrees to
meet. Note: You may use any communication tool (e.g. online) as long as it is agreed upon by each
Team member!

Date # 1: February 26, 2021 Date # 2: March 4, 2021

5. This project is worth 20% of your final mark. What mark do you expect to achieve? Have a detailed
discussion about this as a team.

Team Mark Goal (%):

We aim to achieve 90+% Team Marks
Is this a reasonable goal? How will you ensure success? Discuss…
Success is reflected in the students’ efforts of thoroughly completing the required tasks and
meeting the expectations set for the project.  Since there is a genuine interest in the topic, it is
easier to maintain the momentum of completing tasks in a timely manner. We wanted to choose a
topic that is fun and interesting to learn about. We can ensure success by:
 Collectively checking-in with team members (personal or project-related)
 Practicing and exhibiting trust and honesty
 Having active communication between members throughout all stages of the group work
 Being organized and setting up schedules
 Fairly delegating and equally dividing the group work/tasks between team members.

6. Please indicate four commitments (i.e. short-term goals) agreed upon by all Team members to
achieve the aforementioned mark. For example: All Team members will dedicate at least 1-2 hours
per week to their assigned tasks.

Commitment #1:

All team members will virtually meet up at least once to discuss the components of the project and
plan how it will be presented.

Commitment #2:
All team members will assign specific days to collectively work on the project for at least an hour.
Each meeting will begin with a progress check to see where everyone is on the project.

Commitment #3:
Assign equal parts of the presentation to each team member and set attainable due dates for each
component of the project to be completed.
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Commitment #4:
Schedule a virtual meeting with Professor Parsons to go over our presentation format/method and
finalize a date for the presentation.

7. Please indicate who is responsible for what in terms of planning/preparing for your Team

Team Members: First & Last Assigned Tasks


1. Rohma Malik Research & Execute: Subtopics 1 & 2

Proofread Jana’s work
Collectively work on components 1 & 2

2. Jana Lozares Research & Execute: Subtopics 3 & 4

Proofread Rohma’s work
Collectively work on components 1 & 2

8. Identify 3-4 characteristics of what will make your project engaging, informative, interesting, and
effective. Note: Please use full sentences and discuss.

1. Since our project is about Korea, specifically, the South Korean culture, it is going to prove to
be interesting for our audience by tapping into the creative and curious minds of the audience.

2. Our project aims to educate people on the various cultures that, while living in Canada, we
often come across but rarely make the effort to get to know more about. We also intend to
inform the audience about the global phenomenon that the Korean culture has become and
how it is affecting most of the world’s population.

3. Interactive activities embedded within our presentation are there to keep the audience engaged
and attentive.

4. We hope to have a positive effect on our audience by making them tolerant to different kinds of
people and their unique cultures.

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9. What types of materials, visuals, activities, or components of the project do you foresee using?

Component # 1:
Interactive Youtube Videos / Social Media Platforms -- links to videos, music playlists, profiles,

Component # 2:
Prezi Presentation Format
Possible insertion within presentation method: 

10. Please have all Team members sign (or type your names) and date below this line:

Date: March 4, 2021

Team Members: Rohma Malik and Jana Lozares

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Clearly structured project outline (i.e. problem statements, research questions,
main topics and subtopics).
Detailed discussion of grade desired and related commitments (i.e. short-term
Schedule of checkpoints and assignment of tasks clearly identified. 1

Three preliminary research sources listed in APA citation style (reference list

In-depth discussion regarding materials and expectations. 1


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