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Reflecting on 2020…

Rose: One thing you enjoyed or was

meaningful to you in 2020

Thorn: One thing you did not enjoy or was

difficult for you in 2020

Bud: One thing you’re looking

forward to in 2021!
Take some time, reflect and write

The first line of Ch. 3 in our novel, Their Eyes

Were Watching God, is

“There are years that ask

questions and years that
What type of year has this been for you? For
this state? This country? The world?
You have lived through an unbelievable
amount of history in the last 12 months (even
the last 24 hours!) and there’s no changing
that. It’s important that you have the space
and opportunity to think through how that’s
impacted you and how you’re feeling, in a
safe moment that’s just about you.
We will take five minutes to write and
process individually. Then we’ll engage in a
respectful discussion if you’d like to share. If
you’d like to stay behind after the Google
Meet to talk through any of what you’re
feeling, we’re here.
Take some time, reflect and write...

Although Animal Farm is an allegory for the

Russian Revolution, it is also a commentary on
government structures in general. What
connections can you draw between Animal
Farm and what is occuring in our government?
What type of year has this been for you? For
this state? This country? The world?
You have lived through an unbelievable amount
of history in the last 12 months (even the last 24
hours!) and there’s no changing that. It’s
important that you have the space and
opportunity to think through how that’s
impacted you and how you’re feeling, in a safe
moment that’s just about you.
We will take five minutes to write and process
individually. Then we’ll engage in a respectful
discussion if you’d like to share. If you’d like to
stay behind after the Google Meet to talk
through any of what you’re feeling, we’re here.
“There are years that
ask questions and
years that answer.”
~Zora Neale Hurston

Write for five minutes to reflect on

this quote (or your personal reaction)
in light of yesterday’s events (or the
events of this past year) and gather
your thoughts. What questions and
answers do you have so far?
First letter of your FIRST name:
Personality trait that
describes you

First letter of your MIDDLE name:

Something that you love
(activity, person, food, etc.)

First letter of your LAST name:

Emotion that you’re
currently feeling
What are three concrete things you’re
grateful for today?
Answer one or more in the chat:
(guesses are okay!)
1. Why do we celebrate Veterans Day on
November 11?
2. What is the international symbol for Veterans
3. Do you have any veterans in your family?
Human nature is
essentially good. In
other words, all people
are good on the inside.

Put your opinion in today’s

poll, and be prepared to share
your thoughts out loud!
Which color best
represents your personality?

5 4

What’s your
favorite MLK

7 8
1 2

3 4

5 6

What show(s) are you
currently binge-watching?
Which one has to go FIRST?
Which one has to go LAST?
1 2 3
4 5 6

7 8 9
1 2 3
Which Gatsby character
are you today?

6 7 8

9 10 11
1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

Which one is your favorite

9 OR
which one best describes you
right now?
What did you do on your snow day?


What is the best thing about snow days?


What was your favorite

super bowl commercial?
1 2

3 4
How did you spend your snow day?

5 6

7 8
If the winter (and Covid Quarantine)
blues have you feeling like this, which
kitty best fits your *at home*
1 2
3 4

Which character best 5

represents YOU?

What is your favorite thing about fall?
If you could only watch one holiday
movie for the rest of your life, what
would it be?
Pick the best sentence above
If you could safely travel to any
other country, where would you go?
Which is the creepiest?
9 Two-sentence horror stories that will keep you up at night
1. I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I thought it was the
window until I heard it come from the mirror again.

2. The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she
pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling
my screams. I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as I
noticed my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard my closet door creak open.

3. Growing up with cats and dogs, I got used to the sounds of

scratching at my door while I slept. Now that I live alone, it is much more

4. She asked why I was breathing so heavily. I wasn’t.

5. I awoke to the sound of the baby monitor crackling with the sound
of a voice comforting my firstborn child. As I adjusted to a new position,
my arm brushed against my wife, sleeping next to me.

6. I always thought my cat had a staring problem – she always seemed

fixated on my face. Until one day, when I realized that she was always
looking just behind me.

7. There’s nothing like the laughter of a baby. Unless it’s 1 a.m. and
you’re home alone.

8. “I can’t sleep,” she whispered crawling into bed with me. I woke up
cold, clutching the dress she was buried in.

9. I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy, check for
monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see
him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and
whispering, “Daddy, there’s somebody on my bed.”
Post in the chat either ONE
question that you have about
the research paper


ONE word to describe how

you’re feeling about the
research paper
For your mini-research assignment…

1. What did you research?

2. What conclusion/result did you come to?
Please open your
TicTacToe Prompts and
prompts you’ve
responded to so far.

THEN pick your prompt for today!

What is one thing you
dislike that everyone
else seems to love?

Ex: Sushi, scary movies, Skittles, Fruity

Pebbles, Jim Carrey, etc.
While you’re logging on...

Think about one song that always lifts

your mood

“Aw, shot!”

What is one word or phrase that you

use in your family or your friend group
that people outside of that group
might not know?

“Smells like victory!”

If you were stranded on a remote
island, what are the top 3 things you
would want to have with you?

RULES: You cannot say a boat, phone,

or more things...LOL.
“I hope she'll be a fool “So we beat on, boats
-- that's the best thing
a girl can be in this 1
against the current,
borne back ceaselessly
world, a beautiful little into the past.”
fool.” “In my younger and
more vulnerable years
“I was within and
my father gave me
some advice that I've
enchanted and repelled 3 been turning over in my
mind ever since.
by the inexhaustible
variety of life.” 4
“So we drove on toward
death through the
cooling twilight.” 5
What is your favorite Gatsby quote?
“Angry, and half in love “Reserving judgements
with her, and is a matter of infinite
tremendously sorry, I
turned away.”
6 hope.”
“Let us learn to show our
“There are only the
pursued, the pursuing, 8 friendship for a man
when he is alive and not
the busy and the tired.” after he is dead.”
“No amount of fire or freshness can 9
challenge what a man will store up
in his ghostly heart.” 10
My name is ___________.
I’m always craving __________.
One day I hope to visit _______________.
My biggest pet peeve is ______________.
How do you pronounce COUPON?
a. Coo-pon
b. Q-pon
Mad Gabs

Egg Know Rinses Bless

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