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English level 3

Unit 1.
Definition and level of stress.

• Achy: affected by a continuous • Frustrated: expressing distress
dull pain. and annoyance because of
inability to change or achieve
• Adjective: a word imputing a something.
characteristic to a noun or
pronoun. H
• Healthy: in good health.
• Adjustment: adaptation to a
particular condition, position,
or purpose. L
• Level: c a position on a real or
• Adverb: adverbs are some imaginary scale of amount,
words used to provide more quantity, extent, or quality.
information about a verb, an
adjective, another adverb, a
clause, or a whole sentence.
• Manifestation: a symptom or
C sign of an ailment.

• Change: a transformation or • Mechanism: a natural or

modification; alteration. established process by which
something takes place or is
• Consumption: the eating, brought about.
drinking, or ingesting of
D • Overwhelmed: having a strong
emotional effect on.
• Danger: the possibility of
suffering harm or injury.
E • Reaction: a person's way to
respond physically and
• Experience: to have experience mentally to external stimuli.
of; meet with; undergo; feel.
• Risky: full of the possibility of
danger, failure, or loss. T
• Tension: mental or emotional
S strain.

• Stress: a state of mental or • Tired: in need of sleep or rest;

emotional strain or tension weary.
resulting from adverse or very
demanding circumstances.

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