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Q #1: To what extent does globalization affect your identity?

-People’s identities are forever changing and very complex; this is due to other people’s
influences or the places you have stayed or been, it is a tool to break down barriers in cultures,
places like Chinatown in the Philippines where you can experience Chinese delicacies, culture
and many more, identities are hard to understand since it is fluid and unstable which is why
people have multiple identities rather than singular. The internet is great and helps us to connect
to people much easier and to spread culture and tradition into every corner of the world
effectively influencing people, much like today many teens have taken cultures and traditions of
Koreans due to the ever popular k-pop, thousand years ago we were influenced by religion
through the Spanish, influences like these affect our identities, forever changing, reshaped by
people we meet, places we go and traditions we witness.

Q #2: How has the internet affected Globalization?

-The internet is a great place, a place of knowledge, culture, and entertainment. Internet
and Globalization are working hand and hand, a tool for companies to communicate, a platform
of culture and traditions to spread. The Internet has been a key factor in driving globalization in
recent years since the internet is full of culture and traditions in simply searching it or watching
documentaries on YouTube, applying for jobs is now easy and simple, communication with
people of different cultures and identities is simple, news and products could be shipped and read
by other countries. Teens are influenced by the internet in fashion, sayings, culture and many
more, one great example is the influence of k-pop in the Philippines, teens begun buying Korean
merchandise and accepting Korean culture and language as their own. Since the age of
exploration globalization began, and with the new age of internet, it became its best partner.

Q #3: Do the positive impacts of globalization outweigh the negative impacts of it in the

-Globalization does has its ups and downs but for me it does outweigh the negative
effects of globalization, “In the past half century, the world economy has become much more
integrated, interdependent and intertwined as globalization and liberalization appear to have
become an inevitable and irreversible trend. Regional trading arrangements, the removal of
restrictions on the flow of trade and investment, and rapid technological changes have led to the
deepening of economic integration and the heightening of globalisation” (Aldaba (2011)). In
globalization jobs more jobs would be open and help people to inform them about global
disasters and risk, it brings wealth and foreign currency to local economies and extras my be
used to make schools and hospitals. From the 1990s to the 2000s, trade openness in the
Philippines improved from 88.1% to 101.0% of the country’s gross domestic product( National
Accounts, Philippines Statistics Authority; BOP Statistics and International Investment Position,
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas). “Rapid growth in the information and communications technology-
business process outsourcing (ICT-BPO) services in the country. Based on data on earnings from
IT-BPO, the industry recorded above 50% annual growth from 2006 to 2008, this growth
remaining in double digits until 2016. The Philippines has also established itself as one of the
two major BPO industry centres in Asia, along with India. With the country’s continued
openness to globalisation, the total trade of the Philippines increased further, to 101.4% of GDP
in the 2010s”( Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas). Globalization boosting our economy is good for us
but bad for the environment for this comes with more greenhouse gases and pollute the earth
Aldaba, R (2011): “Globalization, competition, and international production networks: policy
directions for the Philippine automotive industry”, Philippine Institute for Development Studies,
Policy Notes, no 2011-13, June. 3/3/21. [

Philippine Statistics Authority, National Accounts of the Philippines (2017).3/3/21

“Negative impacts of globalisation”,3/3/21,[]

“Positive impact of globalization”. 3/3/21


Guinigundo, D (2019):” The globalisation experience and its challenges for the Philippine
economy”. 3/3/21. []

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