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Bidimensional Technique: well based in the scientific ortho-

Theory and Practice dontic literature. Although they
ANTHONY A. GIANELLY, certainly advocate nonextraction
DMD, PHD, MD therapy when specifically indi-
256 pages, 128 illustrations. cated, they present a convincing
$225. 2000. argument against indiscriminate
GAC International, Inc., 185 expansion therapy.
Oval Drive, Central Islip, NY The biomechanics use
11722. (800) 645-5530; space-age materials, including superelastic coil springs and
archwires and crimpable hooks,
with minimal wire bending dur-
ing routine treatment. Step-by-
T his well-illustrated com-
pendium of chapters written
by distinguished professionals is
step instructions are given for a clear and comprehensive text
every phase of bidimensional on the rationale and techniques
therapy, including a particularly of bleaching, a service offered
noteworthy section on indirect by some orthodontists. The pur-
bonding. pose of the book is to help clini-
The authors present numer- cians thoroughly investigate the
ous cases, illustrated with superb most appropriate of the wide va-
clinical photographs, to rein- riety of available treatments and

T he Bidimensional Technique
was made famous by Dr.
Gianelly, of the Boston Univer-
force their claims. In addition,
the many outstanding color
drawings make this book a plea-
incorporate them into their prac-
The authors point out that
sity School of Dental Medicine, sure to read as well as an indis- in addition to the obvious esthet-
and is espoused by each of the pensable scientific resource. ic benefit, there is reason to be-
other authors who contributed to While the techniques pre- lieve that bleaching provides a
this book: Drs. John Bednar, sented here may not appeal to physiological benefit as well, in
Sandro Cociani, Victor Dietz, every practicing orthodontist, it that it can preserve tooth struc-
Franco Giancotti, D. Giuliano is hard to imagine any orthodon- ture. The color of not only the
Maino, Oswald Richter, and tist or orthodontic student who enamel, but also the dentin, is
Roger Wise. would not learn a great deal from changed by bleaching, and that
Essentially a modification Dr. Gianelly’s book. This is truly affords a conservative option for
of preprogrammed appliance a high-quality piece of work and treating tetracycline and other
therapy, the method gets its is strongly recommended. RGK intrinsic tooth stains.
name from the fact that .018" The book contains a defini-
slots are used in the central and Bleaching Techniques in tive section on the safety issues
lateral incisor brackets, ostensi- Restorative Dentistry: An involved in bleaching teeth, and
bly to optimize three-dimen- Illustrated Guide even instructions and a consent
sional control, while the cuspids LINDA GREENWALL, Editor form for home bleaching. If
and posterior brackets have 269 pages, 312 illustrations. bleaching teeth is in an ortho-
.022" slots to minimize friction $89.95. 2002. dontist’s portfolio, this book de-
during sliding mechanics. Martin Dunitz, London; distrib- serves a place on the shelf.
The protocol espoused for uted by Thieme Medical JOHN J. SHERIDAN,
diagnosis and treatment plan- Publishers, 333 Seventh Ave., DDS, MSD
ning leans toward extractions, New York, NY 10001. (800) (continued on next page)
and the authors’ reasoning is 782-3488;



Optimization of
Orthodontic Elastics
R ubber bands—elastics—are
ubiquitous in orthodontics.
Practically every case needs ei-
tics”; and extraoral forces. The
author also reviews the history of
elastics and the theoretical ratio-
DSO, DUO ther intermaxillary or intramax- nale for elastic prescriptions. He
224 pages, 159 illustrations. illary elastics at some point in seems to lean strongly toward a
$125. 2000. the treatment sequence, whether Bioprogressive treatment philos-
GAC International, Inc., 185 for Class II or III sagittal correc- ophy.
Oval Drive, Central Islip, NY tions or for resolution of an ante- The text is copiously illus-
11722. (800) 645-5530. rior open bite. Although several trated with color photographs,
of the more fundamental ortho- line drawings, and charts. Of
dontic texts make general refer- particular note are several quiz-
ence to the use of elastics, this is zes that could assist an orthodon-
the first book to my knowledge tic instructor in the didactic por-
to explore such treatment in tion of resident training. I have
depth. already put this book to use in
Dr. Langlade’s book con- my graduate program at the Uni-
sists of 10 chapters, addressing versity of Southern California,
the topics of classification of and I would strongly recommend
elastic forces; patient motiva- it as required reading in any or-
tion; Class I, II, and III forces; thodontic training program.
“particular intermaxillary elas- RGK


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