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Update Release Bulletin

RS232 Dash Card Reader Threshold Takes the ATM Out of Service

RS232 Dash Card Reader Threshold Takes the ATM Out of Service. After this error is
Summary generated, the ATM must be rebooted to return it to service.

JIRA Issue JIRA Build

Number PSNAMERDEV-2615 Number

Release Date July, 2014 Type of ATM NCR

Restrictions RS232 dash card reader

Platform NCR APTRA™ XFS & XP (Americas) Release XFS

Application NCR APTRA™ Edge (Americas) Release Edge 05.00 CD2-MUP-05.00.13

This issue has been corrected with an update to the following component:
RS232 dash card reader component

Probability NCR categorizes probability of occurrence for this issue as 1 = low

The host takes the ATM out of service dues to a threshold error. After this error is
Impact generated, the ATM must be rebooted to return it to service.

In previous releases of the RS232 dash card reader driver, the front sensor error
Detail threshold defaulted to 0. The current version of the XFS 6 (edge 5) driver defaults to 10,
causing fatal mstatus 76, which causes the host to take the ATM out of service. After this
error is generated, the ATM must be rebooted to return it to service.

To recreate this issue:

How to
Recreate the 1) Turn on the ATM and login.
Problem 2) Insert a card that has the front portion of the magnetic stripe cut off into the Dash
reader. Move it forwards and backwards until an unsolicited MStatus 76 fatal
message is sent to the host.
3) If the ATM hangs and requires a reboot, you may have this issue.

Confidential and proprietary information of NCR. Unauthorized use, reproduction, and/or distribution is strictly prohibited.
Update Release Bulletin
Installation Instructions
Complete the following steps to install the component:
Important: Do not interrupt the installation process. The ATM might reboot automatically.

Step Action

1 Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive.

2 Enter Supervisor mode by moving the mode switch to the Supervisor position.

3 Select 2 - Maintenance and Supplies on the Supervisor menu.

Select 2 - Copy File on the Maintenance and Supplies menu.
4 The installation starts.
Note: The next steps for this installation will depend on the specific update.

Continue to the next section and verify the installation.

Note: If the ATM reboots, remove the CD while the ATM is rebooting.

Installation Verification
Complete the following steps to verify the installation of the update:

Step Action

1 Return to Supervisor mode.

2 Select 4 - Diagnostics from the Supervisor menu.

3 Select 4 - Display Software Versions from the Diagnostics menu.

Select one of the following options:

4 1 - Display Software Versions to view a list of installed software
2 - Print Software Versions to print a list of installed software
5 Verify the production update name displayed matches the name on the update media.

July, 2014 – Bulletin released. Author: ks185142

Pre-Release Software
NCR has not certified this software for general release in a live environment; however, our Development
and QA teams have certified this release for your needs. This software has passed the standard NCR
product integration testing process and QA testing/certification process for software updates.

AFSS Support
To report an issue or provide your input regarding this document, please contact

Confidential and proprietary information of NCR. Unauthorized use, reproduction, and/or distribution is strictly prohibited.

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