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Name: Vanessa Aurelia

NIM: A1F019093
Study Program: Food Technology


The generalizations we make can be either FACTS or OPINIONS.  If we are dealing

with a FACTUAL GENERALIZATION, we usually have no trouble convincing our
readers of the logic of what we are saying.  Facts can be checked and proved.  When
our generalization is an OPINION or a VALUE JUDGMENT, we cannot PROVE our
idea.  We can, however, write CONVINCINGLY about our opinion.  We can choose
good examples to support our opinion.

A. Which one of each of the following pairs of generalizations will be easier to


1. (a) The President has many powers.

(b) The President has too many powers.

Generalizations that will be easier to prove or to write convincingly is b

2. (a) Helen Keller was exceptional. 

(b) Helen Keller was the most exceptional woman who ever lived.

Generalizations that will be easier to prove or to write convincingly is b

3. (a) Americans are extravagant about their pets. 

(b) Americans are stupid and wasteful.  

Generalizations that will be easier to prove or to write convincingly is a


Read the following information about mobility in the U.S.

1. Every year since 1950, twenty percent of U.S. families have moved to a different

2. In 1968, 41.5 million Americans moved to a different place of residence. 

3. Many Americans save the boxes that toasters, clocks, and so on, come in so that
they can pack them for moving more easily. 

4. There are 3.5 million miles of highway in the United States. 

5. The typical U.S. family stays in the same house 6 2 years. 

6. Fifty percent of the U.S. population does not live in its native state or native

7. Eighty-seven percent of U.S. adults have moved at least once since they became

8. Six percent of the U.S. population moves at least 150 miles every five years.

On the basis of this information make a GENERALIZATION about people who live
in the U.S.A.   Examine the data you are given.  Is this information FACT or
OPINION?  Is your generalization FACT or OPINION?  Where would you place your
generalization on a this relative scale of true to false?

 Most americans like to move (opinion) // (true)

Supporting Evidence:

o Eighty-seven percent of U.S. adults have moved at least once since they
became adults. 

o Fifty percent of the U.S. population does not live in its native state or native

 Almost all Americans have moved in their lives (facts ) // (true)

Supporting Evidence:

o Six percent of the U.S. population moves at least 150 miles every five years.

o Eighty-seven percent of U.S. adults have moved at least once since they
became adults. 

o Every year since 1950, twenty percent of U.S. families have moved to a
different place

o In 1968, 41.5 million Americans moved to a different place of residence. 

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