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List of Ocean Sciences Journals with Impact Factor

Sl No. Title of Journal 2008 2009 2010

1 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 0.679 0.691 0.925
2 Annal of Geophysics 0.418 0.548 0.336
3 Atmospheric Ocean 1.273 1 1.304
4 Atmospheric Research 1.456 1.811 1.597
5 Boundary Layer Meteorology 2.81 2.127 1.879
6 Climate Dynamics 4.046 3.917 3.843
7 Climate Research 1.725 2.25 2.11
8 Climate Change 2.145 3.635 1.938
9 Coastal management 1.3 1.063 0.887
10 Current Science 0.774 0.782 0.89
11 Deep Sea Research : Part I 1.791 2.593 2.372
12 Deep Sea Research : Part II 1.411 1.965 1.67
13 Dynamics of Atmosphere and Ocean 1.97 1.788 2.674
14 Earth and Planetary Science Letters 3.955 4.062 4.279
15 Earth Interactions 1.911 1.444 1
16 Earth-Science Reviews 6.558 6.942 5.833
17 Geophysical Research Letters 2.959 3.204 3.505
18 Global and Planetary Change 2.67 3.272 3.351
19 Hydrogeology Journal 1.1 1.417 1.326
20 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2.167 2.462 2.463
21 Hydrology & Earth System Sciences 2.167 2.462 2.463
22 ICES Journal of Marine Science 1.661 1.92 1.808
23 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 1.832 1.379 1.42
24 Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences 0.31 0.102 0.204
25 International Journal of Climatology 1.971 2.347 2.479
26 International Journal of Earth Science 1.97 2.445 1.98
27 International Journal of Remote Sensing 1.041 1.089 1.182
28 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 1.761 1.894 1.918
30 Journal of Asian Earth Science 1.342 1.842 2.215
31 Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 1.699 1.588 1.86
32 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 1.667 1.643 1.579
33 Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 2.989 2.911 2.6
34 Journal of Climate 4.307 3.363 3.513
35 Journal of Coastal Research 0.517 1.366 0.679
36 Journal of Earth Systems Science 0.786 0.819 0.941
37 Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 0.158 0.457 0.406
38 Journal of Fish Biology 1.546 1.226 1.33
39 Journal of Fish Diseases 1.54 1.697 1.603
40 Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 3.147 3.082 3.303
41 Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 3.147 3.082 3.303
42 Journal of Hydrology 2.305 2.433 2.514
43 Journal of Hydrometeorology 2.953 2.739 2.185
44 Journal of Marine Research 1.657 1.556 1.484
45 Journal of Marine Science and Technology 0.83 0.361 -
46 Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan 0.951 1.104 1.149
47 Journal of Oceanography 0.482 1.188 0.266
48 Journal of Physical Oceanography 2.375 2.382 2.481
49 Marine Biology 1.953 1.999 2.011
50 Marine Geodesy - 1.053 0.917
51 Marine Geology 2.1 2.521 2.517
52 Mausam - 0.203 -
53 Meteorological Applications 0.583 1.467 1.402
54 Meteorologische Zeitschrift 1.257 1.097 1.402
55 Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 1.034 0.872 0.921
56 Monthly Weather Review 2.358 2.238 2.348
57 Natural Hazards 0.989 1.217 1.398
58 Nature 31.434 34.48 36.101
59 Nature Geoscience 0 8.108 10.392
60 Ocean & Coastal management 2.468 0.815 1.524
61 Ocean Dynamics 0.857 1.612 1.677
62 Ocean Engineering 2.225 2.236 0.954
63 Ocean Modelling 2.225 2.236 2.081
64 Ocean Science - 0.937 -
65 Oceanography Marine Biology 1.038 0.613 8.571
66 Oceanography - 2.113 1.293
67 Progress in Oceanography 1.375 1.669 3.269
68 Pure and Applied Geophysics 0.523 0.415 1.091
69 Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 6.688 4.818 2.977
70 Remote sensing of Environment 3.943 3.612 3.951
71 Reviews of Geophysics 7.114 8.021 9.538
72 Science - 29.747 31.36
73 Surveys in Geophysics 2.733 3.179 3.59
74 Tellus – A 1.965 2.214 2.062
75 Tellus – B 2.356 4.278 3.336
76 Theoretical & Applied Climatology 1.621 1.776 1.684
77 Water Resources Research 2.398 2.447 2.737
78 Weather and Forecasting 1.376 1.663 1.448

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