The Value of Friendship: Rory, 13

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The value of friendship

Recent research into the world of teenagers has suggested that they value friendship above
everything else.  Children aged between  12 and 15 were asked what was important  to them.
Their answers included possessions such as money and computer gadgets but also relationships
with  people. The teenagers questioned  said that friends were the most important  to them, more
even than family,  or boyfriends and girlfriends.

 We wanted to find out more about the results of this research so we asked our readers what they
thought about the value of friendship. Here are some examples of what they said about their

 Ben,  15:

Every time I   have a fight with my parents, I  need some time on my own.  But after that, the first
thing I  do is meet up with my friends. After playing football for a while,  or skateboarding, I
usually feel much happier again.

Rory, 13:

When I  moved to a village in the countryside, I thought that it would be the end of my
friendships.  But my old friends have kept in touch and they come and visit  in the holidays.
There's a lake nearby, so we often go sailing, water-skiing or windsurfing.  And I  have made some
new friends here too. at school, and since  I  joined the rugby club.

Cartos, 11:
Last year, I  broke my arm on a skiing holiday. Unfortunately,  it was my left arm and I  am left
handed.  My school friends all helped and copied their  notes for me.

It seems that our readers value their friendships very highly.  From what they told us. they spend a
lot of time with their friends, just hanging out, or sharing hobbies and interests. They seem to
need their friends for advice,  help, chats. and for having fun.  Clearly, friends make each other
feel better. Looking at what our readers told us. the results of the recent research are not really

1.  Why are Ben,  Rory and Carlos mentioned  in the article?.

   A. They know why teenagers value friendship.

   B. They gave information  about themselves.
   C. They read  magazines.
   D. They are teenage boys

2.    Which of the following best describes Ben?

   A. He often has fights.

   B. He likes being  alone.
   C. He is happier  than his friends.
   D. He likes some sports. 

3.    What do we know about the lake that Rory visits?

   A. It is near the school.
   B. It is  near his  home.
   C. It is used by a lot of people who do water sports.
   D. It is  in a village. 

4.     Carlos mentions  that he is left-handed because ...

   A. It makes skiing  harder.         

   B. It is  an interesting  fact about himself  and he was talking about his left  arm.
   C. It makes it worse that he broke the arm he uses most.
   D. It is very unfortunate when you break your left  arm.

5.    The answers to the recent research and the answers from the readers ...

   A. were surprising.
   B. were the same.
   C. were similar.
   D. were both about sports

Tick (x) the correct underlined verbs, and correct the verbs that are wrong.
I would like to be considered for your degree course In Zoology starting in October
next year. I feel I am a good candidate for the course as I (1) have always
been interested in natural history and even as a child I (2) have enjoyed studying
animals and insects in my garden. Your science faculty has a good reputation and I
would very much life to be part of it.
As you (3) already saw in Section A of this application, I have a good academic
record and I (4) just received the results of my recent exams, all of which (5) have
been excellent .
In addition, your university attracts me because I enjoy sports and I (6) have read in
your prospectus about the large number of sports on offer. Last year I (7) have
represented my school at badminton and I (8) played in football teams since I was
eleven. I (9) have recently joined a basketball team which competes at a national
I (10) did not travel abroad much yet although as a young child I (11) have been to
Singapore and Hong Kong with my family. I realize that I (12) have not spent roach
time away from home up to now, but am keen to become more independent.

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