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Module 1: Characteristics, Importance and Ethics of Research

MODULE 1 | WEEK 20: JANUARY 18-22, 2020

A. Explains the importance of research in daily life

B. Describes the characteristics and ethics of research

1. I can explain the characteristics, ethics, and importance of reach in daily life using analyzing the given
research findings.

Characteristics, Importance, and Ethics of Research

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In this module, the partner parent is expected to do the following:

 Check if the student has started and finished answering the module.
 Participate in the student’s work if necessary and possible.
 Contact the subject teacher if needed for any clarification.

Thank you, and God bless!

- The Teacher

Before you start taking this module, I want you to remember that “ YOUR
GOALS are the ROADMAPS that guide you and show you what is the possible
for your life.”

Tap your shoulder and say to yourself, “I can do the best I can “
1 2 3
(30 minutes) (10 minutes) (60 minutes)
4 5 6
(60 minutes) (60 minutes)

Let us start our journey by asking the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the prayer before class. Remember
that we are in the presence of the Lord Almighty.


() In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Lord, we offer you our activities today.

We pray that through your Divine Guidance,
we would learn everything we need to learn.
May we value each other’s contributions
as a building block towards harmony and peace.
We recognize the fact that all our learning activities
should be accomplished for your greater glory.
We pray that you keep us safe from harm and illnesses.
And we would be able to apply correctly what we have learned.
All these we ask in your powerful name.

What comes first to your mind when you encounter the word research? Experiment? Investigation?
Inquiry? Product Development?
Many students are overwhelmed when asked to do research. It is probably due to the misconception
that research is a job of scientists or a requirement for students who want to earn a college or postgraduate
degree. As a Senior High School student, you might have your conception of research. Thus, this module is
designed to help you understand the characteristics, ethics, and importance of research in daily life.
Picture Analysis: Examine these different scenic places. Which of these places interest you the most? Why?
Your answers will be discussed during Zoomustahan.


Answer the following questions based on the activity above. Answers will be discussed during Zoomustahan.

1. Would you like to know more about the sceneries above? Why?

2. How do you like to know more about them?

3. How do you think you will be more knowledgeable about your favorite or most loved places?

4. Why do you think it is essential to follow proper etiquette in visiting your favorite places?

Do you want to learn more? Kindly follow the instructions below:

 Log in to your Schoology account.
 Go to the Course Practical Research 1.
 Select the folder named FIRST SEM MIDTERM
 Click Folder Module 1
 Click #WatchandListen.


Research Defined:
The word research comes from the prefix “re” which means again and the root word “search” which
is synonymous to “look for” “explore”, “study”, “investigate”, “discover”, “inquire”, “examine”,
“probe”, “analyze”, and “scrutinize”. Putting these together, research literally means to look for again, to
explore anew, to investigate again, and to study again.
As a field of discipline, research is an investigation, study, exploration, or probe on anything by
applying systematic or scientific methods in gathering data in order to provide answers to some questions or
problems that are aimed to improve the quality of life.

Characteristics of a Good Research

1. Empirical – it uses facts and data that are obtained through a thorough investigation.
2. Systematic – It follows a certain method or procedure in order to obtain objective results.
3. Cyclical – It begins with a problem and ends with the resolution or tentative answers to the problem to
complete the cycle.
4. Analytical – The researcher carefully analyzes and interprets the gathered data before arriving at a
5. Critical - Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
6. Originality – it is expected that any research output is a product of novel ideas and shows originality.

The following are some importance of research.

1. Gather Relevant Information – The research results are used as a springboard in conducting more research
or planning new projects.
2. Improve Quality of Life – Research undertaking is basically toward improving the quality of life. The major
breakthroughs in communication, transportation, medicine, entertainment, and food and
nutrition are all possible because of research conducted.
3. Understand History – Research plays an important role in helping us trace our history and understanding
and providing possible solutions to the pervading problems of our current society.
4. Personal and Professional Development – Research challenges us to become better individuals through the
new ideas, perspectives, and skills we can get when researching.

The following is a general summary of some Ethical Principles that researchers must observe.
1. Honesty – Do not fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent.
2. Objectivity – Avoid or minimize bias or self-deception.
3. Integrity – Keep your promises and agreements, act with sincerity, and strive for consistency of thought
and action.
4. Carefulness – Avoid careless errors and negligence, carefully and critically examine your own work.
5. Openness - Share data, results, ideas, tools, resources. Be open to criticism and new ideas.
6. Respect for intellectual property – Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property.
7. Confidentiality – Protect confidential communications and personal information of your respondents, if any.
8. Social responsibility – Strive to promote social good and prevent or mitigate social harms through research,
public education, and advocacy.
9. Legality – Know and obey relevant laws and institutional and governmental policies.
10. Competence – Maintain and improve your own professional competence and expertise through lifelong
education and learning.


Answer the questions below precisely.

1. What makes a good research?

2. What practical benefits can you get from research?

3. If you are an athlete or an artist, do you still need to conduct research? Why or why not?

4. How essential ethics in conducting research?

Worksheet 1

Explain the research ethics being manifested/violated in the given situations.

1. A movie reporter interviewed a movie star and published on a magazine every detail of the past five
relationships the latter ha without her consent.

2. A group of five students were assigned a topic for research. Two did the assignment and the rest financed
all expenses.

3. A group of researchers had a case study of a philandering husband. They revealed the name of a man in
their report, including pictures with the other woman.

4. Christine Grace was very careful in citing her references in her research report by making sure that all
authors were acknowledged in every citation.

5. In the final research report, Deo’s name was included by his friends even if he did not contribute anything
to the accomplishment pf the task.
Worksheet 2

What to do:
1. Surf the net on the latest research findings on any topic of your choice. It may be health-related, family-
related, sports, relationships, business, best practices on anything, etc.
2. Get the five most fascinating findings.
3. Fill in the table below and explain your answer in 2-3 sentences.

Research Findings Implications to the Characteristics of good

Improvement of the quality of research

 Joefe B. Santarita et. Al (2016) Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics,

VIBAL Group, Inc.
 Maria Ela Atienza, Ph.D et. Al (2016) Understanding Culture, Society, and
Politics, C & E Publishing, Inc.
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