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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 37 2 April 2021

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the thirty-seventh issue to loosen the soil quite deep down to
of my newsletter for Volume 3. ensure that your carrots don’t end up
Newsletter back issues forked
I hope you are all well.
Facebook  Plant herbs. Coriander, dill,
Mum and I are still on holiday at our parsley, thyme, rosemary and
Instagram bach in Tauranga Bay, in the far oregano can all be planted now.
Twitter north. It is good to see from the
weather forecast that our garden in  Plant winter bedding annuals,
Linkedin Auckland is finally getting some rain! including pansies, viola and poly-
It has also been raining a lot here, anthus
Pinterest which means lots of time indoors for
 Sow poppies this month for a
reflecting on our garden and of course
beautiful display in late winter
writing my weekly newsletter, which I
and spring. This year I’m grow-
Contact me really look forward to.
ing Iceland poppies for the first
I’m afraid this week’s issue won’t time.
 Feedback
have any pictures in it because I’m
away from the garden and don’t have  Plant spring bulbs, including daf-
 Newsletter input
any new photos. I like to take photos fodils, dutch iris, freesias and
(tips, recipes, gar-
every few days, and just what I con- gladioli nanus. If you live in a
den photos etc)
sider to be the best ones, so that what warm climate, leave anemones,
 To be added to my I have is a recent collection of pictures ranunculus, tulips and hyacinth
mailing list to include in my newsletter. Some- for planting next month. It may
thing else I have gotten in the habit of pay to pop them in the fridge for
doing is writing my newsletter to- six weeks so they are chilled
wards the end of the week rather than when you go to plant them. This
in advance, as I used to do in spring helps the bulbs to flower better.
because I was so busy in the garden.  Remove runners from your
Inside this issue: This ensures that all my news is fresh
strawberry plants so that they
and I can include the most recent up-
are ready for re-planting next
dates from the brands I collaborate month. May is the time of the
with, which are in the list of links in year that commercial growers
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2
the right hand column.
Anita’s Garden plant their strawberry plants
Now that it’s April, what should you
 Keep on top of weeding so it
be doing around the garden?
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 doesn’t get on top of you!
for the week  Plant winter veggie seedlings,
Useful links
such as broccoli, broad beans,
cabbage, cauliflower, kale, let-  Italian Seeds Pronto
News 2 tuce, rocket, mesclun, spinach
and silverbeet. Prepare beds  Awapuni
well beforehand by mixing in
lots of compost and sheep pel-  Bulbs Direct
Establishing a garden at 3
lets and turn them over.
your holiday home Kind regards,
 Sow carrots direct to where you Anita Kundu
want to grow them. Remember
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 3 7

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

I’m afraid I don’t have any pic- I transplanted many lettuce seed- into 10 cm pots. I sowed Italian
tures of my garden this week, be- lings from small punnets into seed (flat leaf) parsley and a curly vari-
cause I’m away from home at our raising trays, for planting out into ety called Darki, which is suitable
bach and not able to take any. larger containers when we return for growing in containers. I pur-
chased it from the Egmont Seeds
Here are a few new gardening  Plant thyme in plastic buck- Commercial Catalogue. They will
tasks I have added to my list from ets. In last week’s column, I eventually be planted into plastic
last week: included a photo of the two troughs. We have found that our
large thyme plants I grew parsley has grown even better in
 Plant pea seedlings. April from seeds kindly given to deep plastic troughs than it has in
is a good time to sow peas me by Gillian from Italian the ground. It’s also much easier
as it’s a bit cooler. They’re Seeds Pronto. These are to care for.
best sown direct, but some- happily growing in one litre
times this doesn’t always pots and they are ready for  Check on oregano seedlings.
work well, as I have found. moving on to their final des- The last time I was in our
This season, I have raised tination, 9 litre plastic buck- patio, I noticed that I had a
Giant Alderman, Snow Pea ets. I wanted to wait until lovely plant growing from
Goliath and Petit Provencal we returned home before seeds given to me by Gillian
in punnets for transplant- doing this as they’ll need from Italian Seeds Pronto.
ing along our fence line quite a bit of water to get It was only a small seedling
them established. but it might have grown
 Plant lettuce in containers.
since then. I might have to
Before I left for our holiday,  Pot up parsley seedlings move it to the greenhouse.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

containers, plant pansies, violas
1. Plant broad beans 3. Sow poppies
and polyanthus.
They grow quite tall, so stake April is the perfect time to sow
5. Plant spring bulbs
them at the time of planting for poppies. It’s a lot cooler and the
support, so you don’t damage the ground is more moist thanks to the Now that it’s cooler, it’s the perfect
roots later on rain. Scatter seeds directly to time to plant daffodils, dutch iris,
where you want to grow them and freesias and more. If you haven’t
2. Plant lettuce cover lightly with soil. already ordered your spring bulbs,
For winter salads, pop in some Bulbs Direct have a great range at
4. Plant bedding annuals
lettuce seedlings. I like growing affordable prices and deliver direct
mine in containers for easy care. For a beautiful display for your to your door. They also offer a
borders, hanging baskets and friendly and efficient service.

A few fun facts about Italian Seeds In addition to stocking a fantastic Awapuni are having an Easter
Pronto: selection of bulbs, Bulbs Direct native special. Natives are 30% off
also offer a great range of garden- over the Easter weekend. Now is
 Franchi is the oldest family- ing accessories. Choose from ferti- the perfect time to get your Na-
run seed company in the lisers, pest control, soap, healing tives planted.
world balms, gardening tools, bits and
pieces for your hose, pots and Note that this deal does not apply
 The seeds in their range are plant labels. They also stock a to Native combos.
all heirloom beautiful range of locally made
garden sculptures.
 Seed is not chemically treat-
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 3 7 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Establishing a garden at your holiday home

While on holiday at our bach, my trees on the border of your section, constantly need to be sowed, plant-
cousin’s husband (who also owns a be aware that the branches will ed, harvested, removed and re-
place here) asked me if I’d like him encroach on your section and may planted. If you simply must have
to help me establish a garden at block your driveway, requiring edibles at your bach, stick to easy
our holiday home. I graciously constant pruning. You also don’t care perennials such as rhubarb
declined, because our bach is an want to annoy neighbours with the and herbs.
escape from our garden in Auck- same problem.
Here’s a list of ideal plants for
land, which occupies nearly every
Ground conditions your holiday home:
waking moment of our daily lives.
When I come up here, I am free The soil may be different and not  Protea
from it and return refreshed and as good as back home. Ours is
ready to get back into it again. very sandy. Be prepared to spend  Hydrangea
But it did get me thinking. If I a lot of money, time and effort
were to set up a garden here, how  Vireya
building it up with compost, sheep
would I go about it and what could pellets and fertiliser so it is ready
I plant? We are not here very of-  Gardenia
for planting.
ten, which presents a number of  Hibiscus
challenges. Here are some things Pests
you may wish to consider before  Cactus
digging up your (coastal property) Coastal gardening presents chal-
lawn. lenges that may not exist back  Camellia
home. Possums, rabbits and puke-
Whether to have a garden at kos are all eager to munch on your  Osteospermum
all crops! Something my cousin and
her husband have done to help  Palms
If you work very hard at home, protect their fruit trees and keep
your bach may be a place where  Ornamental trees
pests out is surround them with
you just want to relax and do noth- weed mat stapled to wooden
ing, like us. And if you have a  Natives
stakes. If you grow veggies, you
very big garden at home, you may may need to cover crops with bird  Flax
enjoy simply having a break from netting to protect
it. Gardens are great but they are them from rabbits.  Orna men-
a lot of work. Also, if you’re not at You can drape net- “If you work very hard at tal grasses
your bach very often, it can make ting over tunnel home, your bach may be a
establishing and maintaining a place where you just want  Avocadoes
hoops and secure it
garden difficult without some help with pegs to do this. to relax and do nothing,
from a local. There is a lot of care  Guavas
like us. And if you have a
involved in planting, nurturing Suitable plants very big garden at home,  Bananas
and maintaining new plants. You you may enjoy simply
may not be able to do this alone. Don’t expect what having a break from it”  Passion-
New plants (even fruit trees and you can grow at
shrubs) require a lot of water in home to thrive at
order to become established. Most your holiday home. On the same  Tamarillo
people are at their bach over the token, you may find that things
warmest months when it scarcely you have struggled to grow at  Feijoas
rains, making this difficult. Most home thrive on your coastal prop-
erty.  Rhubarb
people are also on tank water at
their holiday homes, so ready ac-  Parsley
If you’re hardly ever at your holi-
cess to water can also be a prob-
day home, like us, avoid growing
lem, unless you have a bore.  Mint
annuals as they require a lot of
Fruit trees can be very productive work. You need to be there to sow  Rosemary
but before planting them, think or propagate seedlings and trans-
about whether you will be there at plant them, care for them and re-  Sage
harvesting times so you can enjoy move them once they have fin-
the fruits of your labour. ished. Perennials are lower-care Have a good weekend
and a better bet.
If you plant ornamental and fruit Happy gardening!
Veggies are also hard work and

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