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Departemen Fisiologi

Fakultas kedokteran
Universitas Sumatera Utara
1. Menjelaskan konsep homeostasis dan arti
pentingnya untuk organisme.
2. Menjelaskan aspek-aspek yang
dipertahankan dalam homeostasis.
3. Menggambarkan bagaimana feedback positif
dan negatif, feedforward dan refleks
berperan untuk meregulasi homeostasis,
beserta contohnya.
 Body cells are in contact with the
privately maintained internal
 Internal environment: outside the
cells but inside the body
(extracellular fluid)
 Extracellular fluid: plasma and
interstitial fluid
 Body cells can live and function
only when the extracellular fluid is
compatible with their survival.
 Maintenance of a relatively stable
internal environment is termed
homeostasis (homeo means “the
same”; stasis means “to stand or


Is essential
Make up
for survival
1. Concentration of nutrient molecules
2. Concentration of O2 and CO2
3. Concentration of waste products
4. pH
5. Concentration of water, salt, and other
6. Temperature
7. Volume and pressure
1. Circulatory system: transport system, carries
materials such as nutrients and hormones
from one part of body to another
2. Digestive system: breaks down dietary food
into small nutrient molecules that can be
absorbed into plasma for distribution to the
body cells
3. Respiratory system: obtains O2 from and
eliminates CO2 to external environment
4. Urinary system: removes excess water, salt,
acid and other electrolytes from plasma and
eliminate them in the urine
5. Skeletal system: provide support and
protection for soft tissues and organs
6. Muscular system: moves the bones to which
skeletal muscles are attached, enables an
individual to move toward food or away from
7. Integumentary system: serve as an outer
protective barrier that prevents internal fluid
from being lost from body and foreign
micro-organisms from entering
8. Immune system: defends against foreign
invaders and against body cells that have
become cancerous
9. Nervous system: one of the two major
regulatory systems of the body
10. Endocrine system: other major regulatory
 Is a functionally interconnected network of
body components that operate to maintain a
given chemical or physical factor in the
internal environment relatively constant
around an optimal level
 Control system must be able:
1. Detect deviations from normal in internal
environment factor that needs to be held
within narrow limits
2. Integrate this information with any other
relevant information
3. Make appropriate adjustments in activity of
body parts responsible for restoring this
factor to its desired value.
 Homestatic control system:
1. Intrinsic (local) control are built into or are
inherent in an organ (within).
Ex: as an exercising skeletal muscle rapidly
uses up O2 to generate energy to support its
contractile activity, the O2 concentration
within the muscle falls causing smooth
muscle of blood vessels that supply the
exercising muscle dilate or open widely as
result increased blow flow bringing more O2
into the exercising muscle.
2. Extrinsic factors (>>>): regulatory
mechanisms initiated outside an organ to
alter activity of the organ (outside of);
accomplished by nervous system and
endocrine system.
Ex: to restore blood pressure to proper level
when it falls too low, the nervous system
simultaneously acts on heart and blood
vessels to increase blood pressure to normal
 To stabilize physiological factor being
regulated homeostatic control system must
be able to respond to and resist change
 The term Feedback refers to responses made
after a change has been detected; intrinsic
control & extrinsic control
 The term Feedforward is used for responses
made in anticipation of a change; extrinsic
 Negative feedback: change in homeostatically
controlled factor triggers a response that
seeks to restore the factor to normal by
moving the factor in the opposite direction of
its initial change
 Ex: when temperature-monitoring nerve cells
detect a decrease in body temperature below
the desired level, these sensors bring about
sequence of events that culminates in
shivering , among other responses, to
generate heat and increase the temperature
to the proper level
 Positive feedback (<<<), the output is
continually enhanced or amplified so that the
controlled variable continues to be moved in
the direction of the initial change.
Ex: in the birth of a baby, hormone oxytocin
causes powerful contractions of the uterus, as
uterine contraction push the baby against the
cervix (exit from uterus), the resultant
stretching of the cervix triggers a sequence
of events that brings about release of even
more oxytocin, which causes even stronger
uterine contraction, triggering the release
more oxytocin and so on.
Feedforward bring about a response in
anticipation of a change in a regulated
Ex: when a meal is still in the digestive tract, a
feedforward mechanism increases the
secretion of a hormone that will promote the
cellular uptake and storage of ingested
nutrients after they have been absorbed from
the digestive tract.
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