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Double Revolving Field Theory:

In a single phase induction motor (SPIM), the stator is supplied with a single phase supply. As we
know, for induction motor action to take place, a revolving flux must be generated. In this case, a
flux of pulsating nature is generated. This causes a single phase induction motor have no starting
torque by its own. But as it will be shown, SPIM can be shown to abide by induction motor
principles when it is revolved by an external means.

Let, the SP current be given by,

i = I m sin ωt

The corresponding flux will be in phase with the current and will only vary in space

ϕ = ϕ x sin ωt
= ϕ m sin θ sin ωt
1 1
= ϕ m cos(θ − ωt ) − ϕ m cos(θ + ωt )
2 2

Thus the resultant flux is always represented as the resultant of two opposing flux. These two
revolving flux tend to produce torques in opposite directions. So the motor cannot actually start
up. This can be also viewed in the torque-slip characteristics. At start, the equal and opposite flux
stop the possible rotation of the motor.

We now assume that by some external means the rotor is made to rotate. Now the rotor has got
some slip compared to both the revolving flux.

Ns − Nr
forward slip, s f = =s
Ns − ( − Nr )
backward slip, sb = = 2−s

It is evident that, 2 − s > s

Slip compared to the backward revolving flux is greater than the forward revolving flux. Now, for
each slip and revolving flux there is a corresponding induced emf and thus a corresponding
current in the rotor. Higher slip means a higher relative speed between flux and rotor and thus by
Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction, there’ll be a higher induced voltage resulting in a
higher current in rotor. Therefore, current due to forward flux is less than current due to backward
flux. As a result, the flux due to the forward current component in the rotor will be less and the
flux due to backward current component will be more. This means the originally generated
forward flux will be opposed by a much feeble forward rotor flux. Similarly, the backward flux
will be opposed by a stronger backward rotor flux. This will result in a net forward direction flux
stronger than the net backward direction flux. Therefore, by Lenz’s Law, the rotor will follow a
rotation in the direction of forward flux and acceleration is encountered until load torque is

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