Mighty Empires

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Drakenwald F797 UE 1 Ruins Eligus 2 Chita Midlt 3 For Alin 5S Chives de Mok] 6 Le Midday 7” Fort du Chaser aniba Midiar Turia de Lae la Mab i Midday Tein de ot Puy Midas Bromcestng Bary Mob Hiscarg Jogsbors Cael Mit Fares €Onone ‘Cael Mob 1 Naddeng Conte et Ter77 ARR AREY souk PEURPEy taney “LD a Qn. PF Pires Kisky +AU 1 2 Ps des Tle Tero Tal Lind der Tete Tees dei Tall Decline del Cnt tonne WROR NE 4 Monagncs ds Bord de. Monde Monts del Fi dt Modo The Mighty Empires set consists of 48 plastic snap-together hexagonal map tiles representing various terrain features such as mountains, rivers, plains, forests and cultivated land. In addition the set includes banner markers (little pennants), mines, castles and cities that can be pegged in place on the tiles themselves to create a complete fantasy landscape. The map can be made and re-made any ‘number of times and assembled in countless ways. The idea Is to provide Warhammer gamers with a way of creating maps to use for playing ‘campaigns or map-moderated games of various kinds, Mighty Empires is not a game in itself ~ iC is a kit of parts that can be used in any number of different ‘ways ~ but this booklet gives a complete example of one way of using the Mighty Empires set to run a Warhammer campaign, Before you create a map you will need 10 carefully remove all ofthe tiles, pieces and banners from the plastic frame to which they are attached. We recommend using a paie of Plastic Clippers but a sharp pair of scissors ot a modelling knife will suffice. ‘As with any kit of parts it may be beneficial to remove plastic mould lines or injection markings using @ modelling knife or fi Painting The Tiles and Pieces The Mighty Empires tiles can be used unpainted, but doubtless most players will want t paint the tiles along the lines shown om the box and in this booklet. The tiles and other pieces ean be painted using the same Citadel paints and brushes that you would normally use for painting your Warhammer models. We've included ‘examples of painted tiles illustrating different landscapes on the side ofthe Mighty Empires box. ‘The banners can be painted different colours to represent different players or factions. Obviously, the number of different colours you will need depends on the umber of players, 9 we leave this for you to sort out to your liking - the banners can always be repainted should you need t0 adda faction at some later date! Components Your Mighty Empires set contains the following © 1 Mighty Empires booklet (you're reading it) # 48 snap-together hexagonal Mighty Empires map tiles | «24 castle pieces © 12 city pieces 72 Banners (litle pennants} ‘heels clip tagether along theo as shown, ach tle has @ hole allowing @ ci cust, mine or banner 0 be placed. meiner ine aia aay tal. to thetites as shown. a : MAP GENERATOR oe | WARHAMMER CAM Se i‘ The Mighty Empires set is not a game as such ~ itis a kit of parts that enables you (0 assemble maps suitable for playing Warhammer campaigns or map- moderated games in any form you wish The following campaign rules are just cone way of playing a campaign and are offered as an example of the sort of map-based game possible using the Mighty Empires map. ‘You will ned at least wo ~ and preferably three ~ players to play a campaign as described here. A single Mighty Empires set is sufficient to accommodate as many as ‘You can use the tiles to represent part of the Warhammer World, ot you cam invent ‘your own maps, or you cam generate a landscape by taking and placing random tiles as described here. A number of examples are shown on the cover of this instruction booklet. It is easy to make larger maps by combining two or more sets of Mighty Empires together. Here's a handy way of generating a map by placing random tiles: Separate ou the mountain es, Place Latte remaining tes in the box Take two of the mountain tiles and connect them together on your table surface to start the map. Select a tile at random (without looking!) and place it om the table (stil without looking!) so that a random side ofthe tle is placed face-up. ‘Take the tile and connect it to the map with the randomly selected side face- up. It must be placed so as to touch two tiles on the map. 5 vec ely be lace wit ne end connecting fo a mountain or to another river, and must be placed such a way that the other end of the river is not blocked by another tile. The only thing that can connect to an already placed river is another river tle or a marst, If is impossible to place a river then flip cco the other side and add that side to the map instead. six players, and sets can be joined together if more players are to take part. In our ‘campaign, rival players compete for territory until one player conquers the others or establishes an empie of such size and power he is declared the victor During each round of the campaign the Participating players play a game of Warhammer and, depending upon their degree of success, they can expand thelr territories or encroach upon the territories of their neighbours, The map is used to show the territory that each player controls. Each player begins PAIGN You can decide to add a mountain to map instead of the tle you have drawn from the box lid. Return the tile thar was drawn to the box lid and add ‘a mountain tle o the map instead 17 Sesh om adding es to he map un is complete ‘with one tile marked with a banner painted in his chosen colour. When games of Warhammer are fought, players are awarded ‘Empire Points’ that are used to take over adjoining tiles as explained below. As a player's empire expands he places banners on the tiles to mark his territory ‘The winner is the first player to carve cout an empite of ten tiles ~ this isa simple way of working out who has won and Yyou can set this target higher or lower as you wish Ne ARTING A CAMPAIGN If you want to make a random map we recommend that the players get together to do this and take it in turns to select and place one tile at a time. The map ‘needs to have at least seven tiles for every player taking part. You will need a set of banner markers for each player taking part in the campaign. Paint each player's markers in a distinctive colour ~ ‘or paint a number or leter on the Pennants if you prefer. Each player must now choose a capital city from amongst the cities that are on the campaign map. Choose a player to begin and then work round clockwise so that ‘each player gets a chance to pick a capital city. The player may select any available city by attaching an appropriately coloured ‘banner. capital cannot be chosen next to ‘another capital ~ there must be a gap of at least 1 tle between them. If there are no available capital cities left on the map then Sequence Of Play the player may add a new city to the map to claim as their capital. Once each player has selected his capital you are ready to play. Note that no other banners are set up at this stage ~ players will get to add them to the map as the game progresses The Largest Empire Daring the campaign players will often need to do things ina certain order depending on the sizeof their empires. This is determined by courting the number of tiles each player controls. Tiles that contain a city count as two tiles when working out the size of a player's empire. AA the start ofthe turn, count how many tiles each player controls. The player with the most tiles has the largest empire, the player withthe second most tiles has the second largest empire, and soon. If players are tied for the number of tiles, use the number of cites asa ticbreak, then number of castes, and finally a dice roll If they are otherwise identical. This order is for the whole turn, even if circumstances change Sequence Of Play ‘The campaign is fought over a number of rounds. Ideally all players must be present for each round ~ although itis often possible ro arrange instructions beforehand if a player is unavoidably absent. A ypial group of players will usually work through one round every ‘week, but i all depends on how often you can get together ~ itis perfectly possible to play a whole campaign over a single weekend ifyou wish. At the end of each round, players must organise and play any Warhammer games that are required before the next round can proceed, in each round all players work their way through the following sequence of play ll the players carry out the event phase, then all carry out the revenue phase, and soon 1, Events 2. Revenue 3. Challenge 4. Battle 5. Conquest & Build Events Phase 1 | Foors Gold ] (5 [Scouts ] Each player picks one event from eS ee —_______ the event chart, starting with the Pick a player That player cannot in any battles you fight in this round player with che smallest Empire, collect any revenue during this round. oUr opponent must deploy their whole You may not pick an event that army before you deploy your am. and another player has chosen unless you get the fist turn all the events have been taken fas oe ceecteeves. ‘once each. Once all of the events have been taken once each you Billing Boom 1 Tina may pick any event you like, 2 s. 6 3 ¥ even ifit has been taken once by ‘You may place a caste or mine marker ] Pick one player: They may not issue a other players. in any tile that you control, or replace challenge against you this round. a castle you control wiih a city l | 3 | Disaster 7 [hand Grab Pick one player. They must roll a D6 The first tle you claim this turn only foreach Castle, City or Mine. Ona roll costs 1 empire point rather than the Of {the place is destroyed. normal 2 l 4 J Alor Nothing 8 | Blite Army You receive an extra 2 empire points this round as long as you dont lose or ‘draw any battles. Ifyou lose or draw then you receive no empire points at all this round. ‘In any battles you fightin this round, {you may take as many Special andlor Rare units as you © oS Revenue Phase Each player collects revenue from any mines they contol. The gold is added to the player's treasury each round and can be spent or saved up and spent in future rounds. Each player must keep a record of hhow much gold he has ~ or players may choose to nominate one of theit number to keep track if they prefer. Mines generate 206 x 10 gold pieces to a player's treasury each round if they are on a river tile, and 3D6 x 10 gold pieces each round if they are on a mountain tile, Exhausting A Mine all of the dice eolls are the same (eg, you. roll two ‘1's on a river, or three °S's on a ‘mouncain) then the mine Is exhausted. Collect revenue as normal and then remove the mine's marker from the map, bus leave the banner behind to show who controls the tile. A new marker may be created on the tile later in the game if desired. Challenge Phase Each player must issue a challenge to another player, stating with the player with the smallest empire. The challenger and the player they challenged must fight a ‘Warhammer batle in the batle phase A player who has been challenged cannot Issue a challenge that round ~ his amy is already commited t bate! Forming A Team A player can challenge a player who has already been challenged to a battle, The player who has been challenged can choose to either fight one battle against all his challengers (see team battles), or he can choose to fight a series of individual ‘one-on-one battles against each of his challengers in turn (see multiple battles) Any numberof players can form a team in this way Cen s as ———— PHASES Breaking Up A Team AA player can challenge a player who is already part of a team - this will break the team up. For example, if Andy and Phil had formed a team against Bob, then Max could challenge one of thems in order to break up the team. If you do this then the player you have challenged fights a battle with you, leaving the remaining team member(s) to fight their opponent. So, carrying: on our example, if Max challenges Phil, then Max. and Phil fight a battle, leaving Andy to fight against Bob. Battle Phase Payers can agree to fight battles of whatever size they find convenient ~ there {is no need forall battles to fought at a pr- set size or with a pre-selected army list Just play Warhammer games as you normally would at 1000pts, 2000p, ‘3000pts or whatever your preferred size Army Bonuses Either player recefves a bonus to use when they select their army. The player who has the largest empire receives a bonus of 100 pois in all battles that they Fight Any player may spend up to 250 gold pieces from their treasury to generate extra points for their army. 1 gold piece paint (see Revenue) Multiple Battles Sometimes a player will have to fight more than one battle in a round (see challenges). A player can use all bonuses they are entitled to in each and every battle they fight that round. However, gold spent in one battle is used up, and may not be used again in a later battle Team Battles ‘Sometimes players will fight together as a ‘team (see challenges). When his happens the team must spit the total points Value of thei force between all the players in the ‘eam in a mutually agreeable manner For example, in a 2,000 point game a two. player team might take 1,000 points each. fof one might take 1,500 and the other 500, and so on). Each player is then allowed to ‘add bonuses to their individual total as described above, Here are some rules and guidelines for playing team games: ‘© Each player ina team controls his own, army. Both players move their units in ‘the movement phase, both players shoot in the shooting phase, etc: ‘© Units may not charge, shoot or cast magic spells against units controlled by another player in the team. ‘© Characters from one player's army may not join units belonging to a team member's army: ‘= Generals and army standards only affect units from their own army. ‘© Only units that belong to the same army count as “riendly units’ for the purposes of the rules. Units belonging toa eam member's army do not count as friendly units, ‘© Players in a team have a single pool of ower dice and dispel dice, and may share them as they see fit. If the players can't agree on how to share the dice, roll a dice to see who gets to decide. fa Dwarf army is part of a team, only ‘add two dice tothe dice pool if any of the armies in the team are Dwarfs. In any other circumstances, only add one extra dice t the dice pool Conquest & Build Phase ‘When you play a game of Warhammer you earn empire points as shown on the chart below. Empire points are used to take ‘eritory; to build cities, castles or mines for to remove territory from a rival player Players take it in turn to spend their empire points, starting withthe player ‘with the smallest empire and working up. Earning Empire Points ‘The number of empire points a player has to spend depends on how well he did in the battle phase. Players who lose earn 1 point, drawing players earn 2 points, and winners ear 3 or more points depending upon the level of victory. Determine the level of victory using the Victory rules in the Warhammer rulebook using the size of the armies before any bonuses were added. © Lose 1 empire point ‘© Draw 2 empire points for each player Narrow Victory empire points = Solid Victory 4 empire points © Massacre 5 empire points In a team game all players in a team eam cone less empire point (so if thei side wins a narrow victory each player earns 2 templze points) Ia player fights more than one battle In a turn then the player must average out the empite points forthe battles they fought, rounding any fractions down. For example, ia player fights two battles, loses one and scores a solid victory in the other, then he would score (1+4)2 = 2", rounded down to 2 empire points ‘Spending Empire Points Empire points can be spent as follows. Unused points are lost. Claim Tite (2 empire points) Place a banner on a tile without a banner that is adjacent to one of your own tiles + Conquer Tile (3 empire points) Remove another player's banner from a tile that is adjacent to one of your own tiles and replace with your own. You must have fought and won a battle against the player in the preceding battle phase ‘Build (1 empire point) Add a caste, city or mine to a tile you already control (see Bullds below) ‘+ Raids (1 empire points) Add 2D6 x 10 gold pieces to your lreasury. Mountains Ic costs 1 extra empire point o Claim or Conquer a Mountain tl. Castles or Cities It costs 4 extra empire point ro Conquer a tile that contains a castle o Builds You can spend empire points to add a castle, city or mine piece to a tile that you control. Alternatively, you may instead replace a marker on a tile you eonteol with ‘another one, castle Makes it more difficult for players to conquer the tile (see above). Canmot be built on marsh tiles. city To build a city there must already be a castle on the tile. You may upgrade a castle in the same turn that you build it, and the city replaces the castle The tile counts as having a castle and In addition counts as two tiles when working out who has the largest ‘empire. Cites cannot be built on mountain or marsh tiles Mine Generates gold pieces in the revenue phase. Can only be built on ever or ‘mountain tiles. You can spend gold from your treasury to increase the points size of your army in a battle (1 gold piece = 1 extra point). Gold mines on a river generate 206 x 10 gold pieces; gold mines in a mountain ‘generate SD6 x 10 gold pieces. How To Win A player wins instantly when he claims his tenth tile or if he knocks any other player ‘out of the game by conquering the last ‘hat player controls, Tiles that contain a city count as two tiles for determining when a player wins the game. Getting More Players Involved A campaign brings an extra dimension t0 fighting bates and inevitably other players will want to join in once the action has started. Sometimes is easy enough to simply add another player once the campaign is underway ~if you have spare map ties you can even extend the map a ltd as requied. i you are feeling generous you might give the new player a feady-made empire to bring the newcomet up the same size as the smallest ofthe empires onthe map. Ie is also possible for a new player to Duddy up with an existing player and for them to share fighting battles between ‘them ~ this is especially useful if players can't always play as often as they'd like It's always useful 0 have a few extra players who are willing to stand in as ‘mercenary generals’ on the occasions when a player is unable to fight a batle within the time required The Empire* Forest of Loren® Bretomna FL h=T | Mer du Chace 2 Fo Aden Ft de Chloe 4 LEmpe Sot de Loven Mur del Cioe Bonge de Aven one de Cibes EL Ipeso. Bene de Loe Chow ‘Wald vou Area Wild von Chslots Dis Inpeiom Wil vor Lae Mure del Cos i Ave Fors i Chaloas Linge Foret i Loren ei 7708 vrevoa avy Botom, Araby es ts a ome Se = Khemri 7 2241) Vile Charme 2 Sources de is Ve Bercle 3 Tour Nove Can 4 Fangs de Dacpoe ——$- Gand Fave Moris & Muri de e Tear Ville efor Hace Mina de Vide Earn Tors Noga de Arne Charu de Ia Depencion Gran lo Meni me Licker ‘Wowet des evigenLehess Dar Schre Tam ds Onclen ir Verret Der Grae Flan Valle Canaia Soret del Vu Ema Ahi Poze dels Dipensone Morin os etek Te Newt Ae 088 rede Fame Moris 0 780m ae

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