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Scanned microstrip arrays using simple integrated

ferrite phase shifters

J.C.Batchelor, L.Economou and R.J.Langley

Abstract: A ph;isc-slccrcd microstrip antenna array is presented, suitable for application a s ti mobile
vchiclc satellite terminal. Phase shifters are implcmentecl on ii hybrid dielectric-l'erritc substrate, and
use is madc of tlic phase transilion iicin the cut-ol'l' region of the biased ferrite. Small permanent
nlagiiels and carcfiilly biased l'crriics remove the ncetl l'or large applied clcctromagnctic ficlds. 2-, 3-
and 4-clement dcnionstrator arrays llave been constructed, and np to 30' beam squint has bccn
achieved For applied magnetic biascs of' about 1 0 0 0 ~ .

1 Introduction layouts arc tested. A uscfiil amount of beam steering (30")

is predicted and measured.
Tlie introduction of ii new gencralion ol' connnunication The insertion loss ol' phase-shifting elements is an inipor-
systcins involving a mohilc tcrniinal-to-satellite link, such 11s tant pariimclcr, a s il ani ncgatc array gain improvement.
lridium, Globalsliir, Odyssey and KO-Global [I, 21, and Mcasurenients Iiiivc been taken to ensure that absorption
vehicular anti-collision rxiitr syslcms, incans that compact in thc krrite subslratc docs not significantly reduce the
inexpensive anlcnnas with bean-stccring capability will array gain.
become desirable. Ilowever, coiivenlional phase-driven
arrays arc cxpcnsivc, complex and unsuited to integration 2 Microwave ferrites
in hand-held or vehicle-mounted tcnninals. The aim ol' this
paper is Lo describe tlic dcsign and performance of an When ferritcs arc biased by a sktic inagiletic field, the per-
unconiplicatcd beam-steered printcd iii-ray with integrated nieabilily of the rnedium is given by the well known Polder
ferrite phase shil'tcrs [3]. kmor. For a bias licld directed norinally to tlie surliw: o f a
The pcrincability of ii ferrite wilh an applied static or ferrite slab, the effective pcrincability of the rnediuin can be
low-l'rccliiency inagnclic field changes according 10 Lhc derived from the tensor [XI:
applicd ficld strength [41, Interesting properties, such a s l'rc-
qitency tuning and reduction in RCS, hiive been rcporled.
llic variable pcimcability lias been used here to change tlic
electrical length oT microstrip lines traversing the l'erritc
substrate. Usually significant changes in bias field strength Tlie tensor clcmcnts {Lstid K arc given by
are necessary to bring userul phase changes along the line
[5, 61, and large electroniagncl currents are requircd. We
have made use of tlie ferrilc behaviour near the cut-oll' The complex magnetic susccptibilitics arc given by Pozar
region whcrc microstrip modes do no1 propagate. With an PI.
incrcasing tipplied magnetic field, there is a rapid phase
chiinge associaled with the ferrite pcnncabilily tis lhe cut-
o f f region is approached. 11 is this region of fast phase .. _ I

change hat produces ii largc phase shift Tor ii sinall 111tcr:i-

tion in the applied field.
The resollatit frequency or radiating elements printed on
region of interest
I !
krritc substrates alters with applied bias [7]. This unwanted
c k c t is elimated by utilising ii substrate coniposed 01' both
ferrite and dielectric regions. The radiating palchcs and
phase shifters are printed on the dielectric and l'crritc
substrates, respectively. Rcsulls arc presented for arrays of
two and three clcments, and two tlill'crcnl phase-shifter line
-1ol \I
Fig. I shows the complex pcrmciibility of a ferritc above achieved in the rcgion between 2.3 and 2.4KOc. The atten-
saturation at 7.8GHz. Tlic material parameters of tlic uation at iicld strengths above 2.4KOe is &IC to the cut-off
ferrite are given in Table 1. Two resonances arc visible. region. This rcgion of rapid phase change, with littlc
Signal attenuation is associated with the imaginary part or incrcasc in iittcnuation at magnetic bias levels just below
,ucp and thc resonance peaks correspond to regions of cul-off, is used in this work to realise printed ferrite phase
maximum absorption. Note that thc position of thcsc shirtcrs integrated with microstrip antenna arrays.
peaks is rrcquency-dependent.
3 Array design
Table 1: Parameters of G-350 YIG ferrite
An array incorporating a travelling wave feed is most snita-
ti &(unbiased) h Saturation field AH hlc for this application, as it allows a progressive phasc
13.69 1 lmm 3500e 300e shift to be included with equal increments betwccn radiat-
ing elemcnts. A corporate feed, althougli sorncwhat Casicr
Peak A is the absorption resonancc where the tensor to design, requires diflcring phasc delays at branched points
component p = 0. This canscs the effective rerrite pcrmea- to producc a linear phase slope at the array elements. 'I'liis
bility to becoinc indeterminate, and propagating waves in tr~msliitesto magnetic bias fields of different strengths, VU-
the medium are strongly attenuated. The rcgion or interest ying in proportion to cach other.
for this appliciitioii occurs just beforc the absorption reso- Thc 2- and 3-clcment ray results prcscnted in this piper
nance (peak A). Peak B corresponds to the gyroinagnetic arc taken from a linear array or circular pitches cxcited by
resonance where R F power couples maximally to the pre- a series feed. Fig. 4 shows the geometry of the 3-clcment
ccssing magnetons in the crystal lattice. As the inagnetic array, indicating thc structnrc of the ferrite-dielectric sub-
bias field is increased l'rom saturation towards absorption strate. The substrate diincnsions arc 1 IOmm x 7 0 n m
resonance, another region of interest is encountered. This is Mobile-to-satellite systems o h n require circularly polarised
the cut-off regioii where p5u < 0, and consequently wave antennas. These can be produced in the discussed arrays by
propagation is preventcd within the rerrite. The value or the introducing notch perturbations to the patches, with no
real part of ,ucirdecreases rapidly as the cut-off point is modification required to the I'ccd structure [9]. All the pre-
approached, and this alters the clcctrical Icngth of a micro- sented arrays are linearly polal.iscd.
strip line printed on the ferritc.
t Z

I ferrite

t t tB2 ferrite 1 tBz dielectric

A 3-elenient array was designed on 5870 R T duroid with
a binomial fccd amplitude distribution. Phasc shifters wcrc
created by routing two sections of line betwccn the antcniia
elements ovcr ti region of ferrite in the substrate plane. Cir-
cular printed patches operating in the T M , , mode were
selected 21s the radiating clcments. This mode has a single
beam dirccted to the zenith and a half-power beam width
of 60". The design paramclcrs are given in Table 2.

Table 2: Parameters of microstrip patch on 5870 RT-duroid

E, Substrate thickness, h Frequency Patch radius

2.33 0.787" 7.8GHz 7.0"

To test this theory, a 5cm long microstrip line phasc The regions or microstrip traversing the ferrite substrate
shifter (as shown in Fig. 2) was produced, where 2cm of were designed to he of similar length and characteristic
the line was affected hy the biasing inagnetic field. Fig. 3 impcdance to each other, to ensure that the iipplication of
shows the measured SI, parameter of the line. It can be identical magnetic bias at each point would produce a
seen that thcrc is a significant phase shift occurring before uniCorm phiise gradient. The unbiased phase lengths were
the cut-ofl point is encountered, with a change or over 20" chosen to give an initial zero phase difrcrcnce bctwccn adia-
238 IiX P r i i c . ~ M i c r o wA,ilenaoa I ' r q m ~ . ,Viil. 147, No. 3, .hme 20UU
cent array clcmcnls. Potcntial i~ii~iiiatclic~at the substrate field is linear, design I cxhihited a phase gradient of h5"/
transition could he inininiised by selecliiig a dielectric with KOe and design 2 had a slope of 1 IYiKOe. Dctailed nieas-
permittivity similar to that of the ferrite. However, the iireniei~tof phase change iininediatcly around the cut-off
cxtreincly thin high impedance lilies that this would poinl Tor design 2 yielded a phase shift of 90"/1000e for a
producc makc fccd-matching a serious problem. Low- 2dB iiicrcilse in transinission loss. This shows an X-fold
permittivity substrates improve printed anlcnna elliciency increase in tlie phascilield slope compared to the region
and bandwidth. It was determined experimentally that well helow cut-off.
using a low dielectric substrate below the patches did no1 The mcasured figures-ofmerit (FOM) for designs 1 and
CAUSC a significant discontinuity at the ferrite transition, 2 were 3o"/dU and 15o"/dB, respectively, whcrc FOM is
provided that the line width is adjiislcd accordingly to dcfincd a s the phase change over which a IdU loss iiici-e-
niinirnise tlie impedance misniatch. 1,itllc radiation loss was mcnt is cxpcl.icnmd.
delcctcd. Thc kcd design frequency was made insensitive to An inscrtiu~iloss of 2.l9dB was measured for design 2
applied bias field, by ensuring that no highly frcqucncy- with zero bias whcrc 110 magiictic absorplion will occur.
dependent components (e.g. impedance t~ansforincrs)wcrc The insertion loss iiicrcasctl by only 0.3dB i i i the biased
placed on llic ferrite. region just below cut-off. This suggests that [lie ferrite is
not intrinsically causing tlic above poor SI?magnitudes.
4 Simulation Tlie ferrite manufi~ct~~rer's quoted dielectric loss tangent is
5 0.0002, which coinparcs well with good quality micro-
The array win designed and siinulated using the Hcwlctl wave dielectric materials. A probable ~ a u s eo f llic poor
Paackard software pickage Momcnlum, which is based 011 transmission loss is the low quality of tlie metallisation on
thc inethod of moments techniquc. It was necessary 10 the ferrite. It was no1 possible lo obtain metal-clad rerrite
model the two sections of the hybrid substfiatc scparalcly, samplcs: all phase shillcrs wcrc constructed by affixing cop-
due to the plaiiar nature of' the modelling process. The per foil to tlic substrate surfiice with aerosol adhcsivc.
starting point for the design and sinnilation was zero mag- lnscrlion losscs as low as 1.2dB were nieasured for some
netic bias, with tlic paramnctcrs given in Table 1. The phase trial designs in the bias region close to cut-off. Mcandcrlinc
shirts under bias were predicted using cqns. I and 2 with phase shiTtcrs wilh closely couplcd elements on ferrite liave
simple array theory for radiation pattern calculation. been studicd previously [IO]. This work indicates that using
I n addition, note that Moincnluni docs not inodel sur- multilayer structures and stepped admittances at tlic edge
face waves in the substrate, a coiiinion ~ a u s eof coupling sections of the incandcrlinc inay improve the phase shifter
bctwccn arrayed microstrip patches. However, as the s u b pcrfoiniancc. The input sections arc ncmssary to match the
stratc permittivity was IOW and thc height small, surhce cvcn and odd mode phase behaviour caused by coupling.
waves were not expected to contribute to significanl mutual The convolutcd lines presentcd in l h i s work ai-c not as
coupling bctwccn radiating clcmcnls. tightly coupled as those of FIansson cl d.[IO], and multi-
section input matching is thoughl lo be less iinporlant.
5 Results Howcvcr, this will bc studicd i n ai alteiiipt to optiinise thc
phase shifter pcrforniancc.
The per-forinancc or llic phase shilicrs was assessed by S- Fig. 6 shows tlic radiation patterns, both expedrnental
parameter measurcnieiit on a Wiltroii 360 network and theoretical, of a niagnctically stccrcd 2-clcmcnt array.
analyser. The phase shilicrs were jig-mounted so that tlic Mcasurcmcnts show that a significant change iii beam
I'crrilc-dielectric transition was included in tlic nicasiirc- direction omurs, u p to 25" Tor a change o f only 1200e i n
inent. the applied DC magnetic field. Ln general, the niorc clc-
I 1300 ments an array his, tlie l'iirthcr II given phase progression
will slccr tlic bcam. The side-lobes increase a s expected for
ia 2-element unil'onnly cxcitcd array. Thcrc is reasonable
agrcctncnt with theory.

1.5 1.7 1.9 2 .I 2.3

bios field.KOe

Fig. 5 shows SI2 for two designs or phase shiftcr. Design A 3-clcincnt array was built and tcsted. Tlie array gain
1 was a simple 3 length U shape, and design 2 was convo- was nieasurcd to bc 4.3dR below that of an identical array
luted to increase the line Icngtli affected by the bias lield. with no [errite present. The causc of this discrepancy is the
The measured insertion loss or designs I and 2 rcmained insertion loss of the two fcrritc phase sliiftcrs (rcasoiis Cor
below O S d B and Idl3, respectively. In llic region well this are presented above). This was 2.19dB per phasc
below cut-olr, and assuming thc phase change with applied shifter, giving close agreement with the recorded gains. SI I
IIX P V O . - M1~. 0 <1 ~ ~ n i ~ i i P, R, ~I ~ J X .iw
, 147, NN.i,J W X ZOIIO 239
was measured to be -20dR at 7.8GHz. The operating fre- was more complicated as different field strengths were
quency of the array is independent of applied bias. Fig. 7 required at different points. The side-lobe levels wcrc also
shows the measured array patterns, together with thosc cal- high as all four elements wcrc excited uniformly in niagni-
culated by array theory. There is an Xo squint at zero bias, tude. Ueinn stccring of 35" was achieved for bias strengths
which is due to a small phase length error in the phase comparable with thc 3-clement series feed array, but the
shifters. The diffcrences in clcvation angle bctweeii theory radiation patterns were of a poor quality due to the bias
and measurement arc caused by ground plane ef€ects, and field interaction bctwccn the different phase shift elenients.
disturbancc to the binomial amplitude distribution caused The frequency of operation for the 4-clement array was
by differences between the two phase shifters that degrade 9GHz.
the array factor and reducc the anticipated steering effect. As with any phased array, brain steering beyond a cer-
The side-lobe levels remain ~-7.5dBbelow the main beam tain angle will cBusc the side-lobe magnitude to become
for the entire steering process. Fig. 7 shows the main beam comparable to that of the main beam. Scan losscs imd
elevation angle steers up to 30" with magnetic field before blindness angles will also be encountered. The limiting fac-
the ferrite enters the cut-off region. tor with these rcrritc shifted arrays is an impodancc mis-
match due to the ferrite cut-off region. lnspection of thc
main beam allcnuation and scan angle with magnetic bias
lor the 2-element army revealed that attenuation remained
low (better than 0.5dR) until cut-off was encountered at
Applying the magnetic bias field nomially to the ferrite
produces non-reciprocal phase shirting. The scan ai& is
therefore independent of bias field polarity. Beam steering
either side of the zenith can be iichieveci by dcsigning thc
array to incorporate a compensating unbiased squint.
The rcsulls presented were all obtained by placing per-
mancnl magnets at dilfcrcnt spacings behind thc ferrite
x--Y O.OKOc: prediction substratc. An electromagnet would be necessary I'or a prac-
.. .. .. . 1.42KOc: meisitred
+- + 1.42KOe:iireillction tical application. This would present a continuous phase
shift with applied current, offering a resolution adviintage
over discrete phase step systems. The steep plxisc gradient
near cut-olr could be useful in a practical design to give sig-
12or nificant beam shifting with a realistic electromagnet driving
current. A static bias field of around 2.1KOc could he pro-
:/ vided by permanent magnets or preferably a pre-biased
hexafcrrite substrate. Wc plan to examine hcxaferrites for
this application.

6 Conclusion

We have presented the concept of a simple and cheap

beam-steered array suitable for iiuinerous applications. The
array structure is printed on an integrated dielectric-ferrite
substrate, whcrc 11 normally directed magnctic bias is
.... -
-./ applied to alter the electrical length or a microstrip line on
the ferritc. Results have been presented for a 2-element and
1.u 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 a binomially fed 3-clement array. Each array comprised cir-
bios.KOe cular radiating patches operating at the T M , , mode. A
study was carried out to improve the total phase shift avail-
able from onc region of microstrip line on the ferrite, and
this has resulted in a total phase changc of 90" for a bias
level change of just 1000e. It can therefore be dclennined
that the sharp change in transmission phasc immediatcly
Design expressions for microstrip on ferrite substrates before a lcrrite enters its cot-off region can succcssfiilly be
developed by Puce1 and Masse [ll] wcre used to calculate cmployed to produce ii useful phasc shift.
the phase changc expected for the phase shifters. The The insertion loss o l the unbiased phase shift elements
results were compared with the uniform phase progression was derived lroin the nicasurcd S I Iand SI, parameters and
required to steer the array bcani to the mcasured tingles. was Ibund to be 2.2dB. This was due to plating problems
Fig. 8 shows that the agreement with measurement is on the fcrrites and will be eliminated in future designs. The
good. The maximum phase error is 12", which corresponds insertion loss was observed lo incrcasc by only 0.3dB as
to a pointing error o l 2". The input match between thc bp'IS , increased up to the cut-olf point.

biased line and a I-efcrcncc 50 S2 line was calculated, to For a 2-element array, the applied magnetic bias pro-
assess the phase shifter bandwidth. The bandwidth between duced a 30" change in beam elevation without a significant
the operating point at 7.8GHz and the -lodB SI, fre- degradation of riidiatioii patterns and the opemting frc-
quency was just over 5%, which exceeds the usual band- quency remained constant, a s all radiating and transform-
width of the microstrip patches. ing components were printed on conventional dielectric
A 4-clement array with a corporate fecd w a s also pro- material. Such an array would be of use where space Ibr
duced. Although the symmetrical branching feed was antennas was limited, such tis on a vehiclc. The large bias
somewhat simpler to design than the series case, biasing fields ncccssary could be provided statically by small per-
2411 I M l~r"<.-lMrc,",,~. A,ilerri"\ Prqmg., I,,,/. 147, ,v<>.3, .hmc 21101J
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siinllar rcsults, but inorc work is requircd to balance thc 5
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24 I

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