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Independent University, Bangladesh

School of Environmental Science and Management

Home assignment 1 ENV 325: Waste Management Spring, 2021


1. Answer in a word file. Before submitting convert it in pdf.
2. Write in your own language. Don’t copy from other sources.
3. If there are similarities between two scripts, both of them will be cancelled.
4. Write down your name, ID and section at the beginning of your document.
5. Answer to all questions.

St. ID# Name: Ashraful Islam

Section: 2

1. Mass people consider that wastes are useless and unwanted materials and they prefer 2
to throw it. Do you like to do the same thing? Justify your answer.

2. Should the safety equipment (such as masks, gloves etc. used for protecting from Covid-19) 1
be mixed with MSW? Justify your answer. How can we manage those safety equipment?

3. Do you think that the compositions of MSW generated in DSCC area and that 2
in Rajshahi city corporation are identical? If not, explain.

4. Consider that MSW generated in your area contains 20 % metal cans, 40 % food waste 2
and 40% paper. How can we utilize them?

5. Compute the heat content of the MSW with the composition of C400H2500O40N10S3Cl2. 3

Dulong’s equation: Hawf = 337C + 1419 (H2 - 0.125O2) + 93S + 23N

Atomic mass of C, H, O, N, Cl and S is 12, 1, 16, 14, 35.5 and 32 respectively.

Note: Dulong’s equation: Hawf = 337C + 1419 (H2 - 0.125O2) + 93S + 23N

Atomic mass of C, H, O, N, S and Cl is 12, 1, 16, 14,32 and 35.5 respectively.

Answer 1: Not all wastes are irrelevant and are meant for dumping. Some waste can be
recycled and also be re-used so that can be used for many purposes. For example: many
people usually tend to throw away paper after they are done using and they consider it as a
waste. But as far as I am concerned, we can reuse that piece of paper in many ways. Like
we can make packages out of those papers. We can also reuse plastic coffee containers
after they are empty as a snack storage. So in my opinion not everything we use becomes a
waste at some point. We can always make something out of what used in a beneficial way
for us and also for the society.

Answer 2: The safety equipment’s are specially made out of cloth which falls under the
textile category in the composition of MSW. We know not all MSW’s are the same.
Treatment methods are always depended on composition. Some sort of textiles is
combustible which means we can produce heat from that substance and later convert it to
electric energy which is very much beneficial for us. But if the gloves and hand masks are
not itemized and mixed with every other waste material their composition might change
and as a result, we won’t be able to incinerate the fabrics. So in my opinion, they shouldn’t
be mixed with every other waste material and they should be itemized so that we can later
recycle them or make better use of them.

Answer 3: The composition of MSW generated in DSCC ( Dhaka south city corporation )
area and that in Rajshahi are not identical. Because solid waste is non-standard. Not every
waste has similar composition that is why no two wastes can be similar. Domestic or
residential waste will differ from Institutional waste. Even waste from a single house will
vary from week to week because of the composition. Similarly, Waste from DSCC area
and that in Rajshahi will not be identical.

Answer 4: We can easily utilize metal cans, paper and food waste found in our area. First
of all, Paper can be reused and recycled. We can make different types of packaging for our
house from paper. Secondly, Food waste can be used to generate heat energy and then heat
energy can be converted to electric energy. So we can get electricity from Food waste.
Metal cans can also be reused but we can not burn them as they don’t have high energy
content but we can be easily recycled. We can make scrap metal pots from used metal cans
for our household purposes to store essential things.

Answer 5 : two pictures below.

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