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Raj Desai

CMGT 6685: Construction Safety Management

Enhancing Construction Hazard Recognition and Communication with Energy-

Based Cognitive Mnemonics and Safety Meeting Maturity Model: Multiple
Baseline study


The summary of this research paper is to give insights of a construction safety

programs that how to deal and control hazardous events before they are experienced at
a construction workplace. Construction Safety management involves recognizing and
managing safety hazards in the work environment. Hazards that remain unrecognizable
and can potentially expose workers to unanticipated risk that can result in catastrophic
injuries. The research is followed with specific three objectives: (1) devise a new hazard
recognition method; (2) build a maturity model to improve hazard recognition
performance; and (3) experimentally measure improvement in hazard recognition and
communication resulting. To minimize the hazardous events and to magnify hazard
acknowledgment skill, workers have to go through hazard acknowledgment programs
which gives insights about the safety concerns which are faced at a workplace also
these programs help them effectively to identify, process and respond to hazards
involved in the working environment. The research was carried out in two phases. The
phase one gives insights of strategically developing a new method of hazard
identification and communication by developing a pre-job safety meeting and quality
measurement (SMQM) maturity model. The second phase conducted of experimentally
field testing the research base maturity model with the six crew workers at two different
construction sites. The model structure of phase one describes the proportion of
hazards recognized and discussed with the help of SMQM model it will advance the
acknowledgment and better understanding for the crew workers. SMQM model is
developed on the basis of continuous improvement which is beneficial to the workers in
all safety aspects. The SMQM model is assemble into three variants according to the
Plan-Do-Asses-Adjust progression of hazard management. To estimate maturity levels,
the SMQM model have categorize three individual maturity levels (least, less and
mature). Phase two describes Hypothesis testing in three linear methods: pre/post
testing, withdrawal design and multiple baseline testing. Multiple baseline testing was
selected because it is beneficial for researchers and overcoming objectives in positive
intervention and reduced systematic errors. This study presents the first attempt to
subsume retrieval mnemonics into safety planning and to develop a maturity model that
is effectively beneficial for workers, researchers and civil engineering community to
recognize and avoid hazardous events. The experimental field testing revealed that the
construction workers were able to recognize and communicate about hazards by 31%.
The research paper has some limitations such as not all the hazards are
comprehensively identified, long term impacts remain unknown. This research paper
can be beneficial for future research and to minimize hazards involved in construction
industry by enhancing workers awareness of safety performance.

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