Gonzales Mary Joyce G. Entice Enlighten The Learner

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Carousel Brainstorming, also known as Rotating Review, is a strategy
and cooperative learning activity that can be used both to discover and discuss
background knowledge prior to studying a new topic, as well as for review of
content already learned. Thus, it does not only help students in recalling previous
knowledge, but using this this knowledge in learning a new one. This technique
allows for small group discussion, followed by whole-class reflection.
This strategy works in a way that small groups of students rotate around
the classroom, stopping at various stations for a designated period of time, which
is usually 1-2 minutes. At each station, students activate their prior knowledge of
a topic or concept and share their ideas with their small group. Each group posts
their ideas at each station for all groups to read.
Carousal Brainstorming will hugely help in getting the attention and
motivation of students in learning a new topic whilst using their previous
knowledge in doing so. It will not only develop their thinking skills, but as well as
their cooperation and communication toward other people. Thus, helping them
build trust and confidence in working in groups.


Audio Presentation/Videotapes/CD-ROM Presentation can be used in
the process of enlightening the learner for the discussion that will take place. The
integration of this strategy will start off by the preparation of the clip, it is
important that only the relevant information to the topic is included in the said clip
to maximize the time allotted for the viewing or listening. Also, before the actual
presentation of the clip, the teacher will provide the learners an overview and
why it is significant for students to know about the topic. Moreover, to provide a
purpose for the students’ learning, guide questions will be given and introduced
to the learners to encourage them to focus on the media clip. Furthermore,
during the viewing or listening, the teacher will pause the media clip on particular
times to let student reflect on what they are seeing and hearing, thus helping
them formulate questions and seek for answers.
This specific strategy in enlightening the learners will greatly help in
allowing them to learn the topic in a much exciting way than merely sticking on
the traditional way of introducing a lesson. Since students are said to be diverse
and has their own learning style, letting them experience the integration of media
will help teachers assess their learners in which strategy is more interesting and
useful for students in learning.

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