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I. Objectives:

 Identify words used to describes people, objects, things and places ( color,
shape, size, height, weight, length, distance, etc.)

 Show love and concern for the environment through a simple drawing.

 Follow one-to-two step directions.

Values Integration: “Being Sensitive About What We Say To Other People”

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Describing Words

Reference: Curriculum Guide 2016 p.10
Teaching Guide:BASA PILIPINAS 2016 P. 141-143
Materials: Chart , Powerpoint , flash cards , cut outs, song

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
 Prayer Our Father…
 Greetings
Good afternoon, children! Good afternoon, teacher. Good afternoon
classmates! it’s nice to see you today.
 Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent for today?

Okay you may now take your seats.

B. Review

different categories of adjectives

I will give category then give an example.

Ready? Yes Teacher!

Color (Answer may vary)

C. Motivation

Let’s Play a game!

On the board, I have posted a mystery picture.

What do you think it is?
A toy, an animal etc…
Who would like to guess?
Yes we do!
Do you really want to know what it is?
Yes we are!
Then, you will have to draw it. You will draw
the mystery picture based on the description
that I will read. Listen carefully especially for
the adjectives that I will use. Okay, are you


 Draw a big circle.

 Draw two small triangles on top of the circle.
One on the right part and one on the left part.
 Draw two circles inside the big circle.
 Draw another circle in the middle of the circle.
 Draw three lines on the right side of the circle,
and another three lines on the left side of the
 Draw a line under the small circle in the middle
of the big circle. Yes we do!

Are you done with your picture?

Yes Teacher!
What were you able to draw?
a cat
Show your work to your seatmate. Is your picture the
same as your seatmate’s drawing?
Yes it is!
Do you think it is the same as the mystery picture?
Let’s find out.

What is the mystery picture?

A cat
That’s right. It is a cat.
Yes it is!

Now, Let’s read the instructions that you have done.

Follow the directions:

 Draw a big circle.

 Draw two small triangles on top of the
circle. One on the right part and one
on the left part.
 Draw two circles inside the big circle.

 Draw another circle in the middle of

the circle.
 Draw three lines on the right side of
the circle, and another three lines on

the left side of the circle.

 Draw a line under the small circle in
the middle of the big circle.

D. Presentation

What are the adjectives that were used in the

(pupils will answer)
Describing Words - tells about the
characteristics of people object/things and

Game : Finding Partner

Now we will have a game. Some of you I will give

describing words and others a picture. you are going to
pair the pictures that describes in the flashcards that
your classmates holding. Then stand in front of the
class if you find your partner.

a tall tree

a blue tie

sweet potato

hot chocolate

a big house
E. Application

Now were going to have group activity. I will

group you into three groups. We have here
three activities, Each group will have one
representative in each activity.

First Activity - “ BOX IT”

Directions: Box the describing words used in
each sentence.

1. The flower is red.

2. The pencil is long.
3. I have a big bag.

Based on the first activity, what word used to

describe the flower?
What does it tells? Red
Tells the color of a flower.
Good !

Second Activity - “Picture Perfect”

Directions : Select at least 3 words that best
describe the picture.

big noisy clean

beautiful dirty

Based on the second activity,

how do they describe the place?
Big , clean , beautiful
Very Good !

Third Activity “ Match it”

Directions : Using a line connect the picture to

the word describe it.




F. Generalization

What you learned today?

Describing words

It describes colors, shape, sizes, numbers of

objects, things and places.

Can you rap what is describing words?

Yes Teacher!
What does adjectives describes?

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Encircle the describing words in each sentence.

1. The bag is red.

2. Lino is tall.
3. Mary has a big doll.
4. The coffee is hot.
5. My mom is a pretty lady.

V. Assignment

Give 10 Examples of Describing Words.

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