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Class VIII Chemistry

Carbon and its compounds – Test


Name the products formed when:

(a) wood is burnt in the absence of air.
(b) bone is heated in the absence of air.
(c) diamond is burnt in air at 900°C.
(d) graphite is subjected to high pressure and 3000°C temperature.

Q 5 . Give reasons for the following :

a) Why is graphite a good conductor of electricity but not diamond?

b) Why is wood charcoal used in water filters and gas masks?
c) Why is sulphuric acid not used for the preparation of carbon dioxide in the
laboratory ?
d) Solid carbon dioxide is used for refrigeration of food.
e) Why is carbon monoxide called silent killer ?

Q6 Answer the following :

1. With reference to the structure of the two crystalline allotropes of carbon, state
why diamond is inert or unreactive while graphite is comparably more reactive.
2. ‘Wood charcoal – an amorphous aliotrope of carbon reduces heated metallic oxides
to metals.’ Give a balanced equation to support the statement
3. ‘When carbon dioxide is bubbled into lime water, the lime water turns milky and
when bubbled in excess the milkiness disappears’. Give balanced equations to
support the statement.
4. What happens when:
(a) a lit splinter is introduced into a jar containing carbon dioxide ?
(b) moist blue litmus paper is placed in a jar containing carbon dioxide ?
5. Write the balanced chemical equations for the preparation of carbon dioxide by:
(a) heating calcium carbonate.
(b) the action of acetic acid on sodium bicarbonate.
(c) the action of dilute sulphuric acid on sodium bicarbonate
6. What is destructive distillation? What are the products formed due to the
destructive distillation of coal?

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