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PENXXX10.1177/0148607113520005Journal of Parenteral and Enteral NutritionTappenden

Invited Review
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral
Pathophysiology of Short Bowel Syndrome: Considerations Volume 38 Supplement 1
May 2014 14S­–22S
of Resected and Residual Anatomy © 2014 American Society
for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1177/0148607113520005
hosted at
Kelly A. Tappenden, PhD, RD, FASPEN1

The human small intestine is organized with a proximal-to-distal gradient of mucosal structure and nutrient processing capacity. However,
certain nutrients undergo site-specific digestion and absorption, such as iron and folate in the duodenum/jejunum vs vitamin B12 and bile
salts in the ileum. Intestinal resection can result in short bowel syndrome (SBS) due to reduction of total and/or site-specific nutrient
processing areas. Depending on the segment(s) of intestine resected, malabsorption can be nutrient specific (eg, vitamin B12 or fat) or
sweeping, with deficiencies in energy, protein, and various micronutrients. Jejunal resections are generally better tolerated than ileal
resections because of greater postresection adaptive capacity than that of the jejunum. Following intestinal resection, energy scavenging
and fluid absorption become particularly important in the colon owing to loss of digestive and absorptive surface area in the resection
portion. Resection-induced alterations in enteroendocrine cell abundance can further disrupt intestinal function. For example, patients
with end jejunostomy have depressed circulating peptide YY and glucagon-like peptide 2 concentrations, which likely contribute to
the rapid intestinal transit and blunted intestinal adaptation observed in this population. SBS-associated pathophysiology often extends
beyond the gastrointestinal tract, with hepatobiliary disease, metabolic bone disease, D-lactic acidosis, and kidney stone formation being
chronic complications. Clinical management of SBS must be individualized to account for the specific nutrient processing deficit within
the remnant bowel and to mitigate potential complications, both inside and outside the gastrointestinal tract. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral
Nutr. 2014;38(suppl 1):14S-22S)

short bowel syndrome; pathophysiology; malabsorption; intestine

Short bowel syndrome (SBS) refers to a condition in which Normal Intestinal Physiology
patients exhibit malabsorption-induced diarrhea, dehydration,
electrolyte disturbances, and malnutrition due to poor nutrient The intact digestive system exhibits a proximal-to-distal ana-
processing capability resulting from extensive surgical resec- tomic absorptive gradient. That is, the absorptive surface area
tion of the intestine (Table 1).1,2 Intestinal failure occurs of the duodenum and proximal jejunum is greater than that of
when intestinal function is insufficient to meet the body’s the ileum. The number, height, and thickness of the plicae
nutrition and hydration needs, and supplementary parenteral
nutrition and/or intravenous fluid (PN/IV) support is required.3
From the 1Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University
The reported incidence and prevalence of SBS vary by country of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois.
(see Jeppesen,4 this issue), but overall, the estimated new inci-
Financial disclosure: The publication of the supplement in which
dence of SBS is approximately 2 persons per million per year.5
this article appears is supported by an educational grant from NPS
Although most patients with SBS require PN/IV support, at Pharmaceuticals, Inc (Bedminster, NJ). K.A.T. has served as a consultant
least in the immediate postoperative period, many patients are for NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. No financial compensation was provided to
able to wean off PN/IV because of the innate process of intes- K.A.T. for the preparation of this work. Funding for medical writing assis-
tinal adaptation that increases total intestinal digestive and tance was provided by NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
absorptive capacity.6-9
Received for publication October 26, 2013; accepted for publication
Intestinal pathophysiology following resection presents a December 9, 2013.
spectrum of dysfunction, even in individuals with enteral auton-
Corresponding Author:
omy. The symptoms and severity of SBS can vary markedly and
Kelly A. Tappenden, PhD, RD, FASPEN, Department of Food Science
are dependent on the anatomic sections of the intestine that were and Human Nutrition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 443
resected, the length and absorptive capacity of the remnant bowel, Bevier Hall, 905 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, USA.
and the presence of active primary disease.2,17,18 E-mail:
Tappenden 15S

Table 1.  Causes of Short Bowel Syndrome Among Adults in Recent Studies Including More Than 50 Patients.

Crenn et al, Lal et al, Pironi et al, Jeppesen et al, Thompson et al, Jeppesen et al, Amiot et al,
200010 200611 200612a 201113 201114 201215 201316
Cause (N = 57) (N = 134) (N = 688) (N = 83) (N = 300) (N = 86) (N = 268)
Mesenteric ischemia/ 37 13 27 30 21 34 43
vascular disease
Crohn’s disease 7 21 23 36 16 21 6
Malignancy/radiation 35 10 13 NR 21 4b 23
Surgical resection NR 32 8c NR 28 NR 12c
Trauma NR NR NR 7 8 9 5d
Dysmotility NR 14 NR NR NR NR NR
Other 21 10 29 26 6 33 11

Values are presented as percentages. NR, not reported.

Study includes patients with intestinal failure receiving home parenteral nutrition (75% had short bowel syndrome).
Includes malignancy only.
Includes only surgical complications.
Includes volvulus.

circulares, for example, are greater in the jejunum than in the enteroendocrine secretions, and stimulate epithelial cell growth
ileum.19,20 Similarly, the villi are longer in the more proximal and differentiation in the small and large intestine.29,30 The
regions of the bowel.19-21 Furthermore, in the small intestine, details of carbohydrate digestion and absorption are discussed
the diameter of the lumen decreases aborally from the duode- in more depth in a recent review by Goodman.31
num to the distal ileum.19 The development of this anatomic Dietary proteins are initially denatured by the acidic envi-
gradient is likely a product of the higher concentration of nutri- ronment of the stomach, where parietal cells of the fundus
ents in the proximal vs the distal small bowel. Several lines of secrete hydrochloric acid, thus lowering the gastric pH.27
evidence have established the trophic properties of luminal Denaturation renders proteins more susceptible to hydrolysis
nutrients on the intestinal mucosa. First, starvation decreases and proteolytic cleavage. The presence of food also triggers
villus height and mitotic index, whereas hyperphagia increases fundal chief cells to release precursor proteinases, the pep-
villus height and width.22,23 Second, following intestinal resec- sinogens, which are cleaved to their active form, pepsins, at
tion, oral nutrition is associated with increased villus height, low pH.31 Pepsin primarily cleaves proteins at the peptide
whereas absence of oral nutrition results in decreased villus bonds of aromatic amino acids.32 In the duodenum, the chyme
height.24 Finally, complex nutrients stimulate a greater degree is mixed with pancreatic secretions containing bicarbonate,
of intestinal adaptation than do more hydrolyzed nutrients.25,26 which neutralizes the local pH, and preproteases, including
The functional capacity of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen. Membrane-bound
reflected by this anatomic gradient. Digestion occurs primarily enteropeptidase (also known as enterokinase) at the apical
in the stomach and proximal small intestine. Mechanical forces surface of intestinal epithelial cells converts trypsinogen to
and acidic secretions in the stomach begin the process of nutri- its active form, trypsin. This initiates a cascade, whereby acti-
ent breakdown, which is furthered by digestive enzymes and vated trypsin cleaves additional molecules of trypsinogen as
bile released by the stomach, pancreas, and gallbladder.27 Most well as other preproteases into their active forms.33 The acti-
macronutrient digestion and absorption occurs in the proximal vated peptidases catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins into short
small intestine28 because of the proximity of bile and pancre- polypeptides and amino acids.31 Larger oligopeptides are fur-
atic secretions, the higher concentration of nutrients present in ther broken down by enzymes in the brush border membranes
these regions, and expanded functional epithelium relative to of the jejunal and ileal epithelia before absorption.34 Amino
the distal intestine. However, nutrient digestion and absorption acids, dipeptides, and tripeptides are then transported by spe-
do continue throughout the small and large intestine when cific carrier proteins, most commonly PepT1, into jejunal and
luminal substrate is present. ileal epithelial cells, where the dipeptides and tripeptides are
Carbohydrates are digested by the action of amylase hydrolyzed by cytoplasmic peptidases to free amino acids.31
released by both the salivary glands and the pancreas. The For a comprehensive review on the topic of peptide digestion
majority of released sugars are absorbed by the proximal small and absorption, please refer to the recent article by Jahan-
intestine.20 However, some complex carbohydrates reach the Mihan and colleagues.32
colon intact, where they can be fermented by intestinal Lingual and gastric lipases initiate the breakdown of lipids,
microbes into several products, including short-chain fatty which are represented in greatest abundance in the human diet
acids (SCFAs).2 Besides being a preferred oxidative substrate as triglycerides.31,35 Emulsification occurs at first via mechani-
for colonocytes, SCFAs enhance mineral absorption, provoke cal shearing in the stomach and at the pyloric sphincter and
16S Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(Suppl 1)

Figure 1.  (A) Site-specific absorption of dietary nutrients.2,38 (B) Location of release and primary effects of the major humoral and
neural mediators of nutrient processing. SCFA, short-chain fatty acid.

later via the addition of emulsification agents, including phos- somewhat reduced expression in the jejunum.40 In the jejunum
pholipids and, in the duodenum, bile salts.36 The net effect is to and the proximal ileum, the majority of lactase is synthesized,
increase the exposed surface area of the lipids available for and it is here that most lactose digestion occurs.41 Bile salt
digestion. The majority of lipid digestion is carried out by pan- resorption occurs in the ileum as well, as part of the enterohe-
creatic lipases that are mixed with the emulsified fat droplets in patic circulation.2 In the distal ileum, a specific receptor com-
the latter part of the duodenum.31 This generates long-chain plex consisting of the proteins cubilin and amnionless plays a
fatty acids and monoglycerides, which, along with bile salts, key role in mediating absorption of vitamin B12.42 In the colon,
are then incorporated into smaller-diameter micelles that can a second folate transporter, reduced folate carrier (RFC-1), is
be absorbed through the mucosal brush border.27 Medium- expressed and may be responsible for the limited uptake of
chain fatty acids and SCFAs are hydrophilic enough to remain folate produced by colonic bacteria.43
soluble in the aqueous environment of the intestinal lumen and
do not generally require assimilation into micelles before
absorption.2,36 The subject of lipid digestion and absorption is
Regulation of Intestinal Transit
given a more thorough treatment in the review by Phan and Modulation of intestinal motility is an important regulator of
Tso.37 nutrient processing in the intact digestive system. The pyloric
Fluid and electrolyte absorption occurs throughout the GI sphincter, which connects the stomach and duodenum, titrates
tract.38 In total, 8–9 L/d of fluid reaches the small intestine, chyme based on nutrient composition and concentration.44
from a combination of oral intake and endogenous secretions. This sphincter regulates the movement of liquids and small-
Approximately 98% of this fluid is absorbed by the GI tract, diameter nutrient particles into the duodenum, thereby permit-
including 80% by the small intestine and 18% by the colon.2 ting adequate mixing with bicarbonate, pancreatic, and biliary
Although carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are capable of secretions.27 Within the small intestine, the chyme is then
being absorbed throughout the small intestine, certain nutrients churned locally via segmentation contractions and propagated
undergo more site-specific digestion or absorption (Figure 1). distally via peristaltic contractions.2 The ileocecal valve that
In the duodenum and proximal jejunum, nonheme iron is links the ileum and the colon likely plays a role in decreasing
absorbed following reduction to the ferrous form and subse- intestinal motility and may help prevent reflux of colonic flora
quent uptake by transporter proteins such as the divalent metal into the small intestine.45
cation transporter (DMT1).39 The primary intestinal transporter GI transit can be modulated by the action of a number of
for dietary folate in humans, proton-coupled folate transporter humoral and neural mediators. The peptide hormone cholecys-
(PCFT), is also expressed primarily in the duodenum, with tokinin (CCK) is released from enteroendocrine cells lining the
Tappenden 17S

Table 2.  Mediators Regulating Nutrient Processing.

Mediator Segment(s) Cellular Source(s) Signal Origin Effect
Gastrin Stomach and G cells Luminal nutrients ●  Increases gastric acid secretion
duodenum ●  Regulates iron homeostasis
Cholecystokinin46,52 Duodenum, I cells Luminal nutrients, ● Stimulates gallbladder
jejunum, and primarily lipid and contraction
proximal ileum protein ●  Enhances pancreatic secretions
●  Inhibits gastric emptying
●  Promotes satiety
Secretin53 Duodenum and S cells Gastric acid, lipids, ● Increases pancreatic
jejunum fasting bicarbonate secretion
●  Increases pepsinogen secretion
● Slows gastric emptying and
gastric motility
●  Inhibits gastric acid secretion
Glucose-dependent Duodenum and K cells Glucose and lipid ●  Incretin effects
insulinotropic jejunum ● Increases glucose transport
polypeptide54 across the intestinal epithelium
Motilin55 Duodenum and M cells Increases cyclically ● Regulator of the migrating
jejunum during fasting motor complex
●  Increases GI motility
Vasoactive intestinal Proximal small Enteric neurons Intraduodenal acid ●  Relaxes smooth muscle
peptide27,56 intestine and ●  Increases blood flow
colon ● Stimulates pancreatic
bicarbonate secretion
●  Increases intestinal secretions
●  Reduces gastric acid secretion
Neurotensin27,57,58 Jejunum and ileum N cells Luminal fats in the ●  Reduces gastric acid secretion
proximal small ●  Reduces GI motility
intestine ● Stimulates pancreatic
bicarbonate secretion
Peptide YY59 Ileum and colon L cells Lipids, proteins, fatty ●  Slows gastric emptying
acids (including ●  Slows small bowel transit
SCFAs), bile salts, ●  Promotes satiety
cholecystokinin, ●  Reduces gastric acid secretion
gastric acid ● Reduces intestinal fluid
Glucagon-like Ileum and colon L cells Luminal nutrients in ●  Incretin effects
peptide-147 ileum/colon ●  Inhibits gastric emptying
●  Slows intestinal transit
●  Promotes satiety
Glucagon-like Ileum and colon L cells Luminal nutrients in ● Enhances small and large
peptide-247 ileum/colon intestinal villus/crypt cell
●  Maintains mucosal integrity
●  Increases nutrient absorption
GI, gastrointestinal; SCFA, short-chain fatty acid.

proximal small intestine following contact with lipid- or pro- the distal intestine slows transit time through the proximal
tein-rich chyme. CCK decreases the rate of gastric emptying to small intestine.47,49,50
maximize nutrient digestion.46 In the distal small intestine,
release of peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon-like peptide 1 Humoral and Neural Mediators of Nutrient
(GLP-1) from ileal L cells in response to nutrient stimulation
slows gastric emptying and intestinal motility.47,48 These pep-
tides, and perhaps others, are thought to mediate the so-called Nutrient processing in the healthy human bowel is regulated
ileal and colonic brakes, by which the entry of nutrients into through the coordinated actions of a variety of humoral and
18S Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(Suppl 1)

Figure 2.  Types of intestinal resections: (A) jejunoileal anastomosis, (B) jejunocolic anastomosis, (C) jejunostomy, and (D) outcomes
associated with each type of resection.17,60,61 PN, parenteral nutrition.

neural mediators (Table 2 and Figure 1). The presence of spe- incretin; instead, it acts to stimulate the growth of the intestinal
cific nutrients in the GI tract stimulates the release of special- mucosa and to promote nutrient and fluid absorption.47
ized hormones and neuromodulators, which act to optimize
digestion through coordinated regulation of gastric acid con-
centration, digestive secretions, and intestinal growth, in addi-
Pathophysiology and Implications of
tion to modulation of gastric emptying rate and intestinal Intestinal Resection
motility, as described previously.27 Among those mediators In patients with SBS, the disruption to the proximal-distal gra-
affecting GI pH and digestive enzyme release are gastrin, dient of digestion and absorption depends on the anatomy of
CCK, and secretin. Gastrin is produced by the G cells of the the resection and the remnant bowel. The 3 most common
stomach and duodenum in response to the presence of luminal types of intestinal resections in patients with SBS are jejunoil-
nutrients and acts primarily to stimulate gastric acid release.51 eal anastomosis, jejunocolic anastomosis, and jejunostomy
As chyme moves into the duodenum, it promotes local produc- (Figure 2). In a jejunoileal anastomosis, a portion of the jeju-
tion of CCK and secretin. CCK triggers the release of digestive num and sometimes part of the ileum are resected, and the
enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder, remaining sections are joined together. These patients retain
thereby promoting maximal digestion as described earlier.27,46 the terminal ileum, and the colon remains in continuity with
One of the major functions of secretin is the stimulation of the the small intestine. In a jejunocolic anastomosis, the jejunum is
release of bicarbonate solution by the pancreas. Bicarbonate joined to the colon following resection of the ileum and some-
raises the pH of the chyme and permits optimal function of times part of the colon. Patients with an end jejunostomy have
digestive enzymes.53 a stoma created in the abdomen that is connected to the rem-
Other peptides function to regulate nutrient absorption and nant of the jejunum. The ileum, colon, and part of the jejunum
intestinal motility. In the distal intestine, stimulation by lumi- are removed.60 Due to the altered anatomy and associated
nal nutrients induces local release of mediators including PYY, pathophysiology, each of these resections is associated with a
GLP-1, and GLP-2, among others. A primary function of PYY, different range and severity of SBS symptoms (Figure 2).
as discussed previously, is to increase small bowel transit
time.49,50 GLP-1 and GLP-2 are generated from the same pre-
cursor protein but possess unique functions. GLP-1 is an incre-
Jejunoileal Anastomosis
tin hormone and also slows gastric emptying and intestinal In general, resections of the proximal intestine are more man-
transit time.47 Unlike GLP-1, GLP-2 does not function as an ageable than distal resections because the extent of structural
Tappenden 19S

and functional adaption exhibited by the ileum is greater than fat malabsorption, deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins, steator-
that of the duodenum or jejunum.62,63 Therefore, patients with rhea, and choleretic diarrhea.2,72,73
jejunoileal anastomoses rarely exhibit major nutrient or elec- Plasma concentrations of hormonal mediators of digestion
trolyte imbalances because the remnant ileum and intact colon are also affected by ileal resection. In particular, levels of PYY,
can compensate for the absence of the resected tissues. GLP-1, and GLP-2, all of which are synthesized by enteroen-
Furthermore, following resection, the colon is capable of docrine L cells in the distal ileum and colon, are upregulated
becoming a vital digestive organ that can contribute up to 4.2 following ileectomy, as long as the colon remains in continu-
mJ/d of additional energy through SCFA production from mal- ity.49,74 GLP-1 and PYY both inhibit gastric emptying, gastric
absorbed carbohydrates reaching the resident microbiota.64,65 acid secretion, and small bowel motility.27,47 As a result,
Patients with jejunoileal anastomoses often maintain proper patients with ileal resections and colon-in-continuity exhibit
hydration for 2 primary reasons. First, the tight junctions in the normal gastric emptying and intestinal transit times for solids,
ileum are less permeable than those in the jejunum, so less and gastric acid hypersecretion is less severe after an ileal
water enters the ileal lumen than the jejunal lumen following resection than after a jejunal resection.75,76 The other mediator
ingestion of a hyperosmotic meal.2 Second, the colon has a whose expression is upregulated, GLP-2, is an intestinotrophic
large reserve capacity for fluid absorption. Although under peptide hormone that increases villus height and crypt cell pro-
normal conditions, the colon absorbs only approximately 1.9 L liferation, among other effects, and thus plays a role in mediat-
of fluid per day, it has the potential to absorb up to 5 L of fluid ing intestinal adaptation following resection.9,77-79
per day.66
Because most patients with a jejunoileal anastomosis retain
the duodenum and part of the jejunum, development of a nutri-
ent deficiency due to decreased site-specific digestion and Patients with an end jejunostomy have more serious malab-
absorption is relatively infrequent.38 However, jejunal resec- sorptive issues than patients with jejunocolic or jejunoileal
tions can result in a decrease in the regulatory hormones pro- anastomoses because they lack both the ileum and colon. Thus,
duced by jejunal cells. For example, gastric hypersecretion these patients face the same deficits in ileal site-specific
often occurs in the acute postresection phase because of loss of absorption and water recovery as do patients with jejunocolic
CCK and secretin feedback inhibition mechanisms that nor- anastomosis but do not derive the fluid-absorbing and energy-
mally regulate gastrin and gastric acid secretion. As a result, salvaging benefits of an intact colon. End-jejunostomy patients
the pH of the proximal small intestine increases, which can with less than 100 cm of remnant bowel tend to be “net secre-
denature pancreatic enzymes and impair digestion.27,67,68 The tors,” meaning that their stomal output of fluid and salt exceeds
gastric acid hypersecretion phase is usually transient, lasting a their intake because gastric and intestinal secretions are not
few weeks or months, and patients can often be successfully resorbed. These patients typically require long-term PN.80
treated with proton pump inhibitors or H2 antagonists.69 Magnesium is normally absorbed in the distal small intes-
tine and colon. As a result, magnesium deficiencies are com-
mon in patients with an end jejunostomy. In 1 study, 10 of
Jejunocolic Anastomosis 12 patients without a colon had low serum magnesium levels
Ileal resections typically result in more severe disease than despite receiving oral magnesium supplements.81 Like patients
jejunal resection because of the decreased adaptive capacity of with an ileal resection, patients with an end jejunostomy also
the jejunum relative to the ileum.62,63 More extensive ileal lose site-specific absorption of vitamin B12 and bile salts.
resections are associated with worse outcomes. Among patients Unlike patients with jejunocolic anastomosis, patients with
with jejunocolic anastomoses, those with a remnant intestine an end jejunostomy exhibit accelerated gastric emptying and
shorter than 60 to 65 cm are at the greatest risk of PN depen- intestinal transit.82 Changes in intestinal hormones following
dence.18,70 Patients with ileal resections are also more likely to jejunostomy likely contribute to this phenomenon. Because
experience diarrhea than patients with jejunal resections patients with an end jejunostomy lack the distal ileal and
because decreased water reabsorption by the distal small intes- colonic L cells that produce PYY, levels of that hormone
tine puts extra strain on the water-absorbing capacity of the decrease following resection.49 No studies have specifically
colon.2 If the colon is partly resected in addition to the ileum, examined GLP-1 concentrations in patients with an end jeju-
diarrhea is often further exacerbated.71 nostomy. However, healthy subjects who underwent a glucose
Ileal resection results in loss of specialized absorptive pro- infusion that was restricted to the proximal small intestine
teins such as vitamin B12 receptors and bile salt transporters. showed no change in GLP-1, whereas plasma GLP-1 levels
Supplementation with vitamin B12 is typically required for increased when glucose was infused over the entire small
these patients because of the deficit of specific B12 receptors intestine.83 Patients with an end jejunostomy also exhibit lower
normally localized to the distal ileum.72 In addition, bile salt postprandial increases in GLP-2 than do healthy subjects.84
absorption is reduced following ileectomy, which can result in Because GLP-2 has been shown in some human studies to
20S Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(Suppl 1)

inhibit gastric emptying, reduced GLP-2 levels may lead to conditions is beyond the scope of this article, but the topics are
increased rates of gastric emptying in patients with an end jeju- addressed in some detail by companion articles in this supple-
nostomy.78,85 In addition to these hormonal alterations, the ment. For further information, the reader is encouraged to refer
amplitude, velocity, and propagation distance of postprandial to a recent review article by Thompson et al.91
contractions in the jejunum are significantly greater than in the
ileum among healthy subjects.86 Thus, the intrinsic transit
time of nutrients through the jejunum may be faster than
through the ileum, resulting in less contact time between the Following intestinal resection, the remnant bowel should be
nutrient and the mucosa for digestion and absorption. evaluated in functional terms of absorptive capacity, rather
than in structural measures such as remaining length. Of the
3 most common types of intestinal resection that result in
Pathophysiology in the GI Tract and SBS, jejunoileal anastomosis may be the most manageable
Beyond for patients and clinicians because of the inherent adaptive
The varying degrees of malnutrition experienced by patients capacity of the ileum and the lack of site-specific nutrient
with SBS give rise to a range of clinical outcomes that have a digestion and absorption localized to the jejunum.
significant impact on patients’ lives. In those patients who have Conversely, the specialized nutrient processing of the ileum
undergone more extensive resections, malabsorption and the cannot be compensated for following ileectomy. Patients
resulting undernutrition can lead to weight loss; neurocogni- with an end jejunostomy are at the highest risk of PN depen-
tive, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular effects; and immu- dence because the loss of both ileum and colon greatly
nologic deficits. Additional detail is provided in the companion reduces the ability of the intestinal tract to absorb fluids and
article by Jeppesen.4 nutrients. In addition, an end jejunostomy is associated with
Complications from the malabsorption of fluids and nutrients decreased gastric emptying and intestinal transit times,
in patients with SBS can extend to tissues and organs beyond the which decreases the contact time between nutrients and the
GI tract. Symptomatic calcium oxalate kidney stones develop in absorptive mucosa. Because patients with SBS vary widely
almost one-fourth of patients with jejunocolic anastomosis and in terms of remnant bowel anatomy and absorptive ability,
<200 cm of remnant intestine.81 Bile salt deficiency in these individualized patient management plans are essential to
patients prevents full solubilization and absorption of fatty acids, optimizing patient outcomes.
which then bind preferentially to intraluminal calcium. Under
normal conditions, calcium binds to oxalate in the distal intes- Acknowledgments
tine, forming a precipitate that is expelled in the stool. But when
Medical writing assistance was provided by Heather Heerssen,
calcium instead binds to malabsorbed fatty acids, excess free
PhD, of Complete Healthcare Communications, Inc (Chadds Ford,
oxalate is absorbed by the colonic mucosa and excreted by the PA) under the direction of the author.
kidney, increasing the probability of oxalate kidney stone forma-
tion.87 To offset the risk of nephrolithiasis, patients with SBS and
colon-in-continuity should limit their intake of dietary oxalate
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