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Obiasca v Basallote petitioner’s part allowed the CSC resolution dated

2010 | Corona, J. November 29, 2005 to become final and

2003, City Schools Division Superintendent executory;
appointed respondent to Admin Officer II.
Later, the Oyardo, new CSDS, advised the school Substantive:
principal Gonzales that the papers of applications for the
position of Admin Officer II, including those of respondent, 1. Section 9(h) of PD 807 Already Amended by
were being returned and that a school ranking should be Section 12 Book V of EO 292
accomplished and submitted for review.
Respondent was then advised by HRMO Diaz that - Section 12, Book V of EO 292 amended
her appointment could not be forwarded to CSC for her Section 9(h) of PD 807 by deleting the
failure to submit the position description form. She tried requirement that all appointments subject to
to obtain Gonzales’ signature but the latter refused CSC approval be submitted to it within 30
despite repeated requests. When she informed Oyard, she
o As a rule, an amendment by the deletion
was advised to return to her former teaching position of of certain words or phrases indicates an
Teacher I. intention to change its meaning;
Meanwhile, Oyardo appointed petitioner to same o The word, phrase or sentence excised
position of Admin Officer II which appointment was sent should accordingly be
and attested by the CSC. After learning this, respondent consideredinoperative;
filed a complaint with Ombudsman against Oyardo, - Under Section 9(h) of PD 807, appointments
not submitted within 30 days to the CSC
Gonzales and Diaz.
become ineffective, no such specific adverse
Oyardo and Gonzales was held administratively effect is contemplated under Section 12 (14)
liable for withholding information from respondent on the and (15) of EO 292; certainly, the two
status of her appointment, and suspended them from the provisions are materially inconsistent with
service for three months. each other;
- There being no requirement in EO 292 that
appointments should be submitted to the CSC
Respondent also filed a protest with CSC Regional
for attestation within 30 days from issuance,
Office but was dismissed. CSC granted her appeal,
it is doubtful by what authority the CSC
approved her appointment and recalled petitioner’s imposed such condition under Section 11,
appointment. Rule V of the Omnibus Rules;
Petitioner then went to CA. CA denied her petition
for certiorari. 2. Undisputed that respondent’s appointment was
not submitted to the CSC, not through her own
W/N the deliberate failure of the appointing fault but because of HRMO Diaz’s unjustified
authority (or other responsible officials) to submit refusal to sign it on the feigned and fallacious
respondent’s appointment paper to the CSC within ground that respondent’s position description
30 days from its issuance made her appointment form had not been duly signed by the principal;
ineffective and incomplete. No. - Court cannot look the other way and make
respondent suffer the malicious consequences
Petitioner contends: respondent was not validly appointed of Gonzales’s and Oyardo’s malfeasance.
to the position of Administrative Officer II because her Otherwise, the Court would be recognizing a
appointment was never attested by the CSC. result that is unconscionable and unjust by
- She relies on Section 9(h) of PD 807; effectively validating the following inequities:
- She argues that respondent’s appointment o respondent, who was vigilantly following
became effective on the day of her appointment up her appointment paper, was left to
but it subsequently ceased to be so when the hang and dry;
appointing authority did not submit her o to add insult to injury, not long after
appointment to the CSC for attestation within 30 Oyardo advised her to return to her
days; teaching position, she (Oyardo)
appointed petitioner in respondent’s
SC: No. stead;
- CSC resolution dated November 29, 2005 Respondent’s papers were in order
recalling petitioner’s appointment and approving - no doubt that, had the appointing authority
that of respondent has long become final and only submitted respondent’s appointment to
executory. the CSC within the said 30 days from its
- Petitioner did not file a petition for issuance, the CSC would (and could ) have
reconsideration of the CSC resolution dated approved it;
November 29, 2005 before filing a petition for 3. Favis case: tolerance, acquiescence or mistake
review in the CA. Such fatal procedural lapse on of the proper officials, resulting in the non-
observance of the pertinent rules on the matter
does not render the legal requirement, on the
necessity of approval by the Commissioner
of Civil Service of appointments, ineffective
and unenforceable;
- Above not applicable here;
- This case shows that the lack of CSC
approval was not due to any negligence
on respondent’s part. Neither was it due
to the "tolerance, acquiescence or
mistake of the proper officials." Rather,
the underhanded machinations of
Gonzales and Oyardo, as well as the
gullibility of Diaz, were the major
reasons why respondent’s appointment
was not even forwarded to the CSC.

Article 1186 of the Civil Code, "[t]he condition

shall be deemed fulfilled when the obligor
voluntarily prevents its fulfillment."
- Applying this to the appointment process in
the civil service, unless the appointee himself
is negligent in following up the submission of
his appointment to the CSC for approval, he
should not be prejudiced by any willful act
done in bad faith by the appointing authority
to prevent the timely submission of his
appointment to the CSC;
4. In appointing petitioner, the appointing
authority effectively revoked the previous
appointment of respondent and usurped the
power of the CSC to withdraw or revoke an
appointment that had already been accepted
by the appointee.


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