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A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among
heat, work, and efficiency
B. Learning Competency: The learners shall be able to classify organisms using the hierarchical
taxonomic system; construct a model to demonstrate that heat can do work; infer that heat
transfer can be used to do work, and that work involves the release of heat;
C. Learning Objectives: At the end of the period, 80% of the students should be able to achieve
proficiency in the following:
- Demonstrate how heat causes the internal energy increase
- Define heat, work, and internal energy.
- Solve problems involving heat, work and internal energy.
II.CONTENT Unit 4 – Heat, Work and Energy
Topic: Classifying and Naming Organisms


A. References : Teacher’s Guide, Science 8 Learner’s Module pp. 329-336
Textbooks: Breaking Through Science 8, Science Links 8 pp. 288-297
B. Other Learning Resources: slides deck from STARbook, internet
C. Materials: Laptop, Projector, manila paper, chalk, pictures, marker


A. Reviewing previous lesson1. Four pictures will be shown on the screen. Students will
Presenting the new lesson review the pictures and guess the theme or what is common
to those. Below the pictures, they will see blank spaces
indicating how many letters are in the answer.

ELLICIT (Classification)
1. Differentiate heat and temperature.
2. Classify the pictures into conduction, convection, or

B. Establishing the purpose of Explain the objectives of the lesson

the lesson
C. Presenting Students are ask to give their ideas on the saying that will be
examples/instances of the posted on a screen.
new lesson
“Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed
from one form to another” – Albert Einstein

D. Discussing new concepts EXPLORE

and practicing new skill #1 Group Activity: Heat and Internal Energy
E. Discussing new concepts Data Collection:
and practicing new skill #2 1. Instruct the learners to form 3 groups. (Please refer to the
student’s activity section.)
2. Ask the students to put 500 ml of water to a pot.
3. Ask them to place the pot of water to heat and measure the
temperature of the water.
4. Let it boil. Ask the student to measure again the
temperature before boiling, while boiling, and after boiling.
DRR Integration: Be extra cautious in handling very hot

Guide Questions:
1. Compare the temperature of water before it is boiled, while
it is boiling, and after it has boiled.
2. What does the increase in temperature indicate?
F. Developing mastery (Leads EXPLAIN
to Formative Assessment) Process the output of the students by allowing them to present and
express their ideas/ answer to the guide questions.

A power point presentation will be used to deepen the
understanding of the learners on Heat and Work

G. Finding practical The learners are given equal opportunities to think on some
applications of concepts interesting applications of thermodynamics in our daily life.
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and Generalize and summarize the lesson by answering this questions”
abstractions about the 1. What is the first Law of Thermodynamics?
lesson 2. How can you determine the sign of heat and work if they
are done by the system or on the system?
3. How to compute the Internal Energy of a system?
I. Evaluating learning EVALUATE
The teacher will have a pencil- test to evaluate the understanding
of the students regarding the lesson.
J. Additional activities for Individual Work - Reflection
application or remediation
V. REMARKS Integration
Math – The learners be able to understand what a ratio is and how
it is written and read.

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