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STUDENT NUMBER: AP910004__________________NAME: Jaira Marie Escorpizo_______DATE: 03/26/21_________

Q9. After reading this chapter, what impact did it have your mission awareness and mission commitment?
(max. 200 words) (Please, write the answer here and send the file to my email:

After I read this chapter there is a big impact for me when it comes to my mission
awareness and mission commitment like what God did in his fast life the way He shares
or shows a lot of miracles to the people. For me I didn’t made some miracle but I can
show to the people that how blessed I am because I experience God’s blessing when it
comes to miracle I have a testimony that I can share to them so that they know that God
it’s not a word but it’s shows that God will never leave His people if they are sincerely
accepting God as they Lord and Savior they also experience God’s blessing.

And also if I have a mission to share God’s word to the people who need to hear it I can
to my best so that they will never forget God and His promises to everybody  

And also being God’s disciple, me or us are all aware to be responsible to do our duties
just to help other people who don’t know God or to make people feel struggle or
loneliness in their life.

The story we have just surveyed can be viewed, from another angle, as the mission of God. It is the story of how
God in his sovereign love has purposed to bring the sinful world of his fallen creation to the redeemed world of
his new creation.
God’s mission is what spans the gap between the curse on the earth of Genesis 3 and the end of the curse in
the new creation of revelation22.
God’s mission is what brings humanity from being a cacophony of nations divided and scattered in rebellion
against God in Genesis 11 to being a choir of nations united and gathered in the worship of God in Revelation 7.
God’s mission, in other words, is what Paul probably meant when he said that he had spent several years in
Ephesus teaching the church there about “the whole will[or counsel, or plan, or mission] of God”(Acts20:27). It
was a vast, comprehensive project of cosmic salvation, and even when speaking to a non-Jewish audience, Paul
found ways of communicating its universal scope (Acts17).
We can read the Bible with a missional hermeneutic and then explored some dimensions of what happens
when we do. That is where I have examined in more depth the missiological dimensions of such vast biblical
themes as monotheism, idolatry, election, redemption, covenant, ethics, ecology, and eschatology.
In this book we are basically trying to answer the more limited question, “What are we here for? What is the
mission of God’s people as they live in God’s world and participate in God’s mission?”

We began this chapter asking why the first Christians were so indomitably mission-minded-determined at all
costs to spread the good news about Jesus Christ to every corner of the world they knew. And the answer, we
have seen, is that they understood clearly the dynamic thrust of the Bible’s own story lines. They saw that story as
the story of God’s own mission, and they saw their own part in the story, participating in its last great act, as
“God’s co-workers”(1 Cor.3:9)
So, in the chapters below, I have sought to follow roughly the outline of the story above, asking as we go
along; What challenges and responsibilities face the people of God in their own mission in the light of this or that
part of the biblical story? So I have selected texts that seem representative of such missional aspects of our life as
God’s people. There are by no means all that could have served our purpose, but I hope they show at least two
things: first, that we can and should draw our biblical theology of church’s mission from the whole range of the
Bible; and second, that when we do so, it becomes clear that the mission of God’s people is vast and various.

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