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Adhelia Ramadhani Asis


South Korea is planning change from paper to digital textbooks in the next few years. All content of
South Korea’s school subjects will be available on PC’s, iPads and mobile phones by 2015. The
education department has announced that South Korea is preparing for a new digital revolution that
will change schools of the future.

 South Korea (Subject) is (auxiliary verb) planning (main verb) change from paper to digital
textbooks in the next few years (object).
Tenses : future continuous tense
Verbs : planning (verb 1 + ing)
Noun : Paper
Adverb : in the next few years (adverb of time)
Adjective : digital
Determiner : The

 All content of South Korea’s school subjects will (modal verb) be (auxiliary verb) available
on PC’s, iPads and mobile phones by 2015.
Subject : South korea’s school
Object : available on Pc’s, ipads, and mobile phones by 2015
Tenses : future continuous tense
Noun : PC’s, iPads, and mobile phones
Adverb: by 2015 (of time)
Adjective : -
Determiner : -

 The education department has (primary auxiliary verb) announced (verb) that South Korea
is (auxiliary verb) preparing(verb) for a new digital revolution that will change schools of
the future.
Subject 1 : The education department
Subject 2 : announced that South Korea
Object : preparing for a new digital revolution that will change schools of the future.
Tenses : present perfect continuous tense
Verbs : preparing (verb 1+ing), announced (v3)
Noun : a new digital
Adverb: of the future (of time)
Adjective : digital
Determiner : the


NIM : G041201033


 Challenge of (1)connecting a satellite to earth by cable is significant.

 (3) To (2)transported Its own weight and be securely (3)attached at each end, cable would
need phenomenal strength-to-weight ratio.
 How could vehicles be (4)ascend into space, up cable?
 Self-contained energy source problematic, due to weight (heavy fuel or batteries required to
(5)support vehicle)
 Two possible ways round problem:

1. Ransmit electricity wirelessly. But technique only at research stage.

2. Solar power. But would only allow vehicle to (6)descend slowly. Not necessarily a
problem, as car could be controlled remotely, allowing it to (7)raise payloads unmanned

Name : Adhelia Ramadhani Asis

Nim : G041201033

Agriculturel development is a process increase the agricultural production for each consumer
, which also enhance the income, business productivity each farmer by increasing the amount
of capital and skills, to enlarge the human hand intervened in the development of plants and
animals. Sustainable agriculture basically means the ability to remain productive while still
maintaining the resource base. Modern attributes as knowledge agriculture advances, modern
is the predicate that refers to the existence of a rational attitude, market orientation,
impersonal institutional network, future orientation and and application of science and
technology as tools to carry out the work and achieve goals.

• Agriculturel development is a process increase the agricultural production for each

consumer , which also enhance the income, business productivity each farmer by increasing
the amount of capital and skills, to enlarge the human hand intervened in the development of
plants and animals.

Subject : Agriculturel development

Verb : increasing, intervened
Tenses :
Noun : agricurtural production,
Determiner : the, a
Adjective :
Adverb :

• Sustainable agriculture basically means the ability to remain productive while still
maintaining the resource base.

Subject : Sustainable agriculture

Verb : maintaining
Tenses :
Noun : resource base.
Determiner : the
Adjective : productive
Adverb :
Other word type :

• Modern attributes as knowledge agriculture advances, modern is the predicate that refers to
the existence of a rational attitude, market orientation, impersonal institutional network,
future orientation and and application of science and technology as tools to carry out the
work and achieve goals.

Subject : Modern attributes as knowledge agriculture advances

Verb : refers
Tenses :
Noun :
Determiner : the
Adjective : rational
Adverb :



NIM : G041201033

Vocabulary from English for Engineering book:

Unit 5 hal 44:


1. Adjust f. Set up carefully by making small changes

2. Drain d. Empty

3. Disconnect j. Remove or isolate

4. Dismantle g. Take apart assembled compenents

5. Examine c. Check carefully

6. Replace b. Change an old or demaged part

7. Reconnect i. Establish a connection again

8. Service a. Carry out planned maintenance

9. Tighten h. Apply the correct torque, for example to loose bolts

10. Top up e. Add more fluid to fill a tank to the recommended level

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