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nternet of Things 101 with Pubnub

Go to this link for Pubnub's tutorial on making a Pi-powered-LED blink via remote
control over the internet.

One frustrating situation is explained here. The situation is that the blog
tutorials was written for an older version of pubnub. Thus, when you install
pubnub via the terminal window, do NOT just do this.

pi@raspberrypi ~$ sudo pip install pubnub

Instead. You want to do this.
sudo pip install 'pubnub>=3,<4'
-Other than that, we "should" just be able to follow the tutorial. However, it
gets tricky, so brace yourself.

When using the python code, you canNOT use IDLE3. Instead, use the older IDLE2, or
the Python2 version.

Now you'll need to modify some HTML code. To do this, download Brackets here.

After you make the LED blink by remote, you should be very proud and give yourself
a self-hi-five and do a special dance.

The next step is to allow the pi do this action when NOT connected to the Pi-Top
Ceed. To do this, you must autorun the Python script whenever the Pi gets power.
You'll do that using Cron. Follow this short tutorial.
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