Degree Sem-Iii, Administration Law

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LL.B (Degree) Semester 1111 Examination April 2019

Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions :
i) Answer any ten questions. Each question carries 10 marks
ii) Substantiate your answers with relevant case law

1. Define Delegated Legrs1ation. Discuss the parliamentary and

procedural control over delegated legislation

2. Critically examine how Dicey's Rule of Law affected the growth of

Admmistrativ€ Law in U.K Discuss also the significance of Ru-le ·of taw
in India.

3. Discuss the importance of classifying administrative action. Distinguish

quasi legislative action from quasi-judicial and administrative action.

4. What are the reasons for the growth of administrative adjudication.

Explain with special reference to Administrative Tribunals.

5. Justice should not only be done, but should manifestly be seen to be

done - Discuss bias, kinds ofbias and the tests ofbias.

6. Examine the scope of special leave to appeal in controlling quasi

judicial power.

7. Write notes on
a) Ombudsman:
b) Right to information

8. Explain with cases the grounds of judidal review over adm-in-istrative


9. ·. Examine critically the constitutional prov1s1ons prescribing the

contractual ·and tortious liabi1ity of the government ·rn India.

10. Discuss with landmark cases, how far promissory estoppel is
applicable against the government in India.

11. Trace the reasons for the growth public sector undertakings in India
and examine the various control mechanisms over the PSUs.

12. Explain the private law remedies available against the government.

13. Write notes on

a) Privilege to withhold documents.
b) Immunity from operation of statute.

14. Explain the rule of 'audi alteram partem' and enumerate the contents
of a fair hearing.
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiUillllll LDO ~ 1826

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester- Ill) Examination, October 2018

Duration: 3 Hours Totai .Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any 10 questions.

2) Each question carries equal marks.

(10x10 = 100)

1. Explain judicial review over administrative discretion atthe stage of conferring


2. What is a 'Tribunal' ? Explain the various modes of administrative adjudication

with illustrations.

3. Distinguish between quasi-legislative, quasi- judicial and administrative

action and point out the reasons for the significance of such a classification, ·.
in spite of the difficulty in drawing a distinct line between t~ese ~ctio_ns of the

4. Discuss the ways in which Parliament exercises control over delegated


5. Explain in detail the various exceptio~s to the rule of natural justice. Support
your answer with suitable case law.

6. Discuss the nature and scope of ad!'llinistrative law in India and reasons for its
growth in the 201h Century.

7. Explain public law remedy available against the administration. Enumerate the
various writs issued by the Courts.

8. Discuss with relevant case law the stages of a fair hearing.

~· ·

. LDO -1826 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111

9. Examine critically the constitl:Jtional provisions prescribing the contractual and

tortuous liability of the Government in India.

10. What is the constitutional significance of Public Sector Undertakings ? What

are the various control measures over Public Enterprises ?

11. Discuss Promissory Estoppel. Substantiate your answer with landmark .,


12. Write notes on:

a) Privilege to wit~hold d.ocuments.
b) Immunity from operation of statute.

13. Examine the necessity of Ombudsman in India in the light of the shortcomings
of judicial and other control to curb maladministration and corruption.

14. Write notes on :

a) No Evidence Rule.
b) Right to information.

'" \ <·

~ 11111111 111111111111111111111111111111 LOA -1807
LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - Ill) Examination, April 2018
Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions :· 1) Answer any ten questions.

2) Each carries equal marks.
1. Examine the reasons for the growth of administrative law. (1 Ox1 0=1 00)
2. Explain the doctrine of separation of powers in detail.
\'-='.,../ 3. State and explain Parliamentary Control over Delegated Legislation.
4. Examine the rule of fair hearing with relevant case laws.
5. State and explain private law remedies in case of administrative action.
6. The French system made significant developments in the area of liability of
administration in Test, elucidate.
7. Analyse the importance of social action litigation in the area of administrative
law with relevant case law.
8. Examine government" liability in contract in detail.
9. Write note on:
a) Lokayukta
b) Writ of mandamus.
10. Administrative adjudication process in India is not effective, elucidate.
11. Write note on :
a) Promissory estoppel.
b) Public undertakings.
12. Abuse of discretion is against the Constitutional spirit, explain with relevant
cas.e laws. .,
13. State and explain the exceptions to the principles of natural justice.
14. Analyse judicial control over delegated legislation with appropriate case law.
111111111 mrllllllllllllll ~IIIII lUI LDO -1729

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - Ill) Examination, November 2017


Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any ten questions.

2) Each question carries equal marks.
1. Explain definition, nature and scope of Administrative Law.
2. Examine the concept of rule of law and state its significance in the Indian context.
3. Analyse judicial control of administrative on discretion with relevant care law.
4. State and explain the need and classification of administrative rule making power.
5. Examine the problems of administrative decision making in the context of
6. Examine rule against bias in relation to principles· of natural justice in detail.
7. State and explain the grounds for the issue of writ of certiorari.
8. Explain the importance of public interest litigation in the field of administrative
9. Examine the liability of administrative in tort by referring to French model.
10. Write note on :
a) Ombudsmen
b) Private law remedies.
11. Explain judicial control over public understandings.
12. Explain the doctrine of promissory estoppel.
13. State and explain the exceptions to the principles of natural justice.
14. Write note on :
a) Government liability in contracts
b) Article 136.
LOA~ 1707 ·
LL.B. (Degree) (Semester- Ill) Examination~ April 2017
· Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100 .

Instructions: 1) Answer any ten questions. E_ach question carries 10 marks.

2) Substantiate your answers with relevant case-law..

1. Explain the nature and scope of administrative law. · ·

2. What is the theory of separation of_powers? Is it implemented in India a~d U.S.?

,_) 3. How the parliamentary control is exercised over the delegated legislation ? .

4. Write short notes on :

a) Power of inclusion and exclusion. ··
b) Distinction between quasi.:.judicial and administrative action. _· . ~.

. ..

5. What are the exceptions to the 'principles of natural 'justice?

. 6 . . What are the advantages and disadvantages in a~ministrative adjudication?

.7. Write short notes on: .

a) irrelevant considerations
b) improper purpose .
. ,
8. .What is writ of mandamus ? What are the groundsJor issue of this writ?
9 . Explain the contractualliabitiw of the government with relevant case-laws . .
1Q; What is Ombudsman ? What are steps taken in India to establish Ombudsman
at the national level ? . .

1.1. Explain the judicial control over public undertakings.

12. Explain whether state ·is bound by the statute with relevant case~laws.

13: Write short notes on :

~ a) Power of modification of the statute ·
b) Writ of Quo:-Warranto.

14. Examine the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under artS 32 and 136 of the-Constitution.
• > • • • •
111111111 m11111~ Ill ~IIIII ~DIIIII 1111 LDO -1629

LL.B. Degree (Semester - Ill) Examination, October 2016


Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any ten questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

2) Substantiate your answers with relevant case-laws.

1. "Administrative law has been characterised as the most outstanding. legal

development of twentieth century''- Elucidate.

__) 2. Explain Montesquieu's theory of separation of powers. Discuss the theory in the
· light of Indian Constitutional provisions.

3. What is delegated legislation ? What are the reasons for the growth of delegated
legislation ?

4. What are the essential requirements of a fair hearing ?

5. Write short notes on : ·

a) Departmental Bias

b) lnstitutiqnal Decisions.

j 6.. Write short notes on :

a) I.TA.T. (Income Tax Appellate Tribunal)

b) DomesticTribunals.

7. Explain 'Injunction' and 'Declaratory Action' as remedies available to an individual.

8. Explain the grounds for issue of writ of certiorari and prohibition.

9. What are the recent developments with respect to tortious liability of the

LDO -1629 111m1~11101m Wlla IIIII m11m ·

10. Write short notes on :

a) Ombudsman in India

6) Right to Information.

11. Explain Parliamentary control over public undertakings.

12. Examine the Governmental privileges with respect to notice and limitation.

13. Write short notes on :

a) Promissory ·Estoppel

· b) Writ of Mandamus.

14. Explain the scope of public interest litigations in India~

i : .

' . ...J
LL.B. (Degree) (Semester~ Ill) Examhiation, April 2016

- Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : t 00

Instructions: 1) Answer any ten questions. ·~ach question carries 10 marks.

2) Substantiate.your answers with relevant case law.

1. Define qelegated legislation. Discuss the parliamentary and p~ocedural control

over delegated legislation.
•.... ~ I

2. What are the reasons for the growth of administrative adjudicatioq ? Explain with
special reference to administrative tribt.i,nals. · ·

3. Examine critically th~ Constitutional provisions pJescribing the contractual and _

tortious liability of the Government in India.

4. · Write notes on :
a) Ombudsman
b) Righttolnformation.

5. Write notes on :
a) Privilege to withhold documents
b) Immunity from operation of statute.

6. Examine the reasons for the growth of public undertakings in India·and explain the
different controls over statutory corporation.

7. Write short notes on (any two):

a) Meaning of 'tr.ibunal' .uoderArt. 136
. b) Statutory tribunal ·
c) No evidence rule
d) Departmental bias.
. .

8. Explain the extent and scope of special leave to ~ppeal to the Supreme Court
under Article 136 of the Constitution in correcting quasi judicial errors.

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9. Explain with ~uitable case laws, the grounds for issuing the writs of certiorari ·
and pr.ohibition · ~nd against whom can it be issued.

10. Write short notes on :

a) Laying before the hous~s. ·
. '\
b) DeClaration.

11. Write short notes-on ·:

., .
a) Promissory Estoppel.
( .

b) ·.FinaWtY Clause. ·
,. : I ., f ..
.- ....l .
12. Discuss the· principles of (any two) :
a) Latches
b) Locus standi
k- '";
c) Resjudicata in writ jurisdiction!

13~ Write short notes on :

a) rtenry VIII clause
b) Injunction.

14. Compare and contrast Art:32 and 226 with i~s relevance and significance.
1111111-II!II~IIRII~Bimlllllllll~lt LD0-1529
LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - Ill) Examination, Octob~r 2015

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any ten questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

2) Substantiate your answers with relevant case law.

1. What are the reasons for the growth of administrative adjudication ? Explain
with special reference to Administrative Tribunals.

2. Define Delegated Legislation. Discuss the parliamentary and procedural control

over delegated legislation.

3. Wrtte notes on :
a) Ombudsman
b) Right to information.

4. Examine critically ~he constitutional .provisions prescribing the contractual and

tortious liability of the government in India.

5. Examine the reasons for the growth of public undertakings in India and explain
the .different controls over statutory corporation.

6. Write notes on :
a) Privilege to 'lfithhold documents
b) Immunity from operation ofstatute.

7. Explain the ·extent and scope of Special Appeal to the Supreme Court
under Article 136 of the Constitution in correcting quasi judicial errors. Also
compare Article 136 with Articles 32 and 226.


8. Write short notes ·on (any two) :

a) No evidence rule
b) Audi alteram Partem
c) Depa~mental Bias.

9. Writ~ short notes on (any two) :

a) ·Laying before the Houses
b) Declaration
c) Statutory notice. ·

10. Explain with suitable case laws, the grounds for issuing the ·writs of certiorari
and prohibition and against whom can it be issued.

11. Discuss the principles of (any.two):

a) latches
b) locus standi
c) resjudicata in writ jurisdiction.

12. Write short notes on :

a) Administrative tribunals.
b) Effects of failure of natural ju~tice.

13. Compare and contrast Art. 32 and 226 with its relevance and significance.

14. Write short notes on :

a) Henry VIII clause
b) Injunction.
1111111~110111111 ~0111m 1111111111 LOA -1508
LL.B. Degree (Semester- Ill) Examination, April 2015
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : Answer any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks.


1. 'Rule of law and the theory of separation of powers stultified the growth of
admioistrative law'. Discuss.

2. Discuss the contribution of Maneka Gandhi v/s U.O.I. to growth of principle of

fair hearing.

3. Discuss the scope of Art 32 and Art 226 in controlling the administration and
.giving relief to citizens.

4. 'State of Rajasthan v/s Vidhyavathi has re-examined the question of tortuous

liability-of the Government'. Comment.

5. The difference between legislative, quasi-judicial and administrative functions is

vanishing into an illusion- Discuss.

6. Compare and contrast the writ jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Art.32
with that of the High Court under Art. 226 of the Constitution.

7. Write short notes on (any two):

a) No-evidence Rule
b) Ombudsman
c) Reasoned decisions.

8. Discuss with suitable case laws the various grounds evolved by the court in
controlling abuse of administrative discretion.

9. Discuss the importance, characteristics and classification of public undertaking.

LDA-1508 11m~~ ~I IHIIIIII ~Ill U
i 11!111~111~

10. Write short notes on (any two):

. .
a) Post decisional bearing

b) Separation of power

c) Laying before the house.

11. Write short notes on (any two) :

a) Lokpal

b) Writ of quo warranto

c) Right to Know.

12. Write short notes on (any two) :

a) Finality Clause

b) Central Vigilance Commission

c) Right to know.

13. Discuss the desirability of providing measures for protection of Civil Servants
through the Constitutional Law of India.

14. Briefly explain (any two):

a) Domestic tribunals

b) Problems of administrative decision making

c) Procedural control over delegated legislation.

LL.B. Degree (Semester - Ill) Examination, Oc~ober: 2014

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : Answer any ten questions.

All questions carry equal marks. q n
(10x10=100) -··· ·'
',. ·1
1. Define delegated legislation. Discuss the parliamentary arid procedural control
over delegated legislation.

2. What are the different types of bias ? Discuss the tests of bias:

3. Explain judicial review over administrative discretion.

4. Examine the applicability of prom!ssory estoppel in India.

5. Explain rule o11aw, sepamtienof powers and their impact on administrative law .. ·r.
in UK, USA and India.

6. Examine and provide suggestions on :

a) Liability of the Government in Torts of India

b) Government Liability in Contract.

7. Explain the importance and types of public undertakings. Analyse the various
models of control over public undertakings.

8. Write short notes on (any two):

a) Laying before the Houses

b) Declaration
c) Statutory notice.

9. Explain with suitable case laws, the grounds for issuing the writs of certiorari
and prohibition and against whom can it be issued.


l!00-1429 ,.........
10. Write short notes on (any two):
a) Henry VIII clause
b) Privilege to withhold documents
c) Injunction.

11 . Discuss the principles of :

( a) latches
b) locus standi and resjudicate in writ jurisdiction.

12. Write short notes on (any two):

a) Special leave petition to Supreme Court
b) Govt privilege not to produce documents
c) Effect of failure of natural justice.

13. How does writ jurisdiction occupy key position in the scheme of administrative law?

14. Compare and contrast Art. 32 and 226 with its relevance and significance.

s· nl to ahoT n1


lllllltill~llll~ Rlllq~ 11111111111n1 ~II LDA-1~08

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester- Ill) Examination, April 2014

Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 1oo

Instructions : 1) Answer any ten questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

2) Substantiate your answers with relevant case law.

1. What is administrative law ? Discuss the reasons for the growth of administrative
law and its significance in India.

2. Distinguish between quasi-legislative, quasi-judicial and administrative action

and point out the reasons for the significance of such a classification, in spite of
the difficulty in drawing a distinct line between these actions of the government.

3. Explain the extent and scope of special leave to appeal to the Supreme Court
under Article 136 of the Constitution in correcting quasi judicial errors.

4. Analyse critically the effectiveness of parliamentary and procedural control over

delegated legislation.

5. Explain the characteristics of pubic undertakings and discuss briefly the various
control mechanisms over Public undertakings.

6. Analyse critically with the help of landmark case laws the applicability of
promissory estoppel against the administration in India.

7. What is a 'Tribunal'? Explain the various modes of administrative adjudication

with illustrations.

8. 'With the passing of Right to Information Act, 2005, the normal rule in the
government of India is openness and official secrecy has become an exception'.

9. What is meant by 'Rule against bias' ? Enumerate the different types of bias
with the help of suitable case law.

LDA-1408 IIHI~IIIIIIIII~ mn 1111111111 IIIIHII

10. Discuss declaration and injunction as the private law remedies available against
the administration.

11. Enumerate the privileges of the administration in suits, with relevant case laws.

12. Write notes on.:·

a) No Evidence Rule
b) Reasoned Decisions.

13. Examine and provide suggestions on :

a) Liability of the Government in torts in lndi·a
b). GovernmentalliabiJity in contract.

14. Discuss
the grounds on which judiciary controls
. . abuse of discretion by
administrative• :tauthories.

·. . I


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11111111111111111111111111111111111 TNY-94.
LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - Ill) Examination, October 2013
Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
. .
Instructions : 1) Answer any ten questions._Each question carries 10 marks.
2) Substantiate your answers with relevant case law.

1. Critically examine Dicey's Rule of Law and its conceptual objection to the growth
of Administrative Law in U. K. Discuss also the Rule of Law in India.

2. Define Delegated Legislation. Discuss the parliamentary and procedural control

over delegated legislation.

3. Classifying administration action is .extremely significant even though it is

theoretically an impossible task- Distinguish quasi legislative action from quasi
judicial and administrative action, highlighting the signification of classification.

4. What are the different types of bias ? Discuss the tests of bias.

5. What are the reasons for the growth of administrative adjudication ? Explain
with special reference to Administrative Tribunals.

6. Explain judicial review over administrative discretion.

7. Analyse the scope of Art. 136 in controlling quasi judicial power.

8. Examine critically the constitutional provisions prescribing the contractual and

tortious liability of the government in India.

9. Write notes on:

a) Ombudsman b) Right to information.

10. Discuss the scope of public sector undertakings in India. Trace the reasons
for its growth and examine the various control mechanisms over the PSUs.

11. Examine the applicability of promissory estoppel in India.

12. Write notes on:
a) Privilege to withhold documents b) Immunity from operation of statute.

13. Explain the rule of 'audi alter~~ partem' and enumerate the contents of a fair hearing.

14. What are the private law remedies available against the government ?

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