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[Duration : Three Hours]

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LL.B (Degree) Semester Ill, Examination April 2019


Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 100

i) Answer ANY TEN questions in all.
ii) Each question carries lO marks.
iii) Candidates are expected to use case law and examples.

1. Define international law. Discuss the origin and development of

international law.

2. Critically examine individual as subject of international law.

3. Examine Judicial and Arbitral decisions as sources of {nternationallaw.

4. Examine the state practice of India as to the application of

international in the municipal sphere.

5. What is recognition? Examine dejure and defacto recognition with the

help of case laws.

6. Examine the different types of state jurisdiction recognised in

international law.

7. What is state succession? Examine theories of state succession.

8. What is nationality? Discuss the international importance of


9. Define treaty. Examine the steps to be followed in the formation of a


10. Examine the responsibility of the state for expropriation of fo-reign


11. Discuss the powers and functions of the Security Council of the UNO.

12. Explain the development of international law through 10.

13. Explain a) Universal jurisdiction

b) Personal jurisdiction

14. Explain a) Asylum

b) Custom
111110111111111111/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI LD0-1825

LL.B. Degree (Semester - Ill) Examination, October 2018


Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions : i) Answer any ten questions in all.

ii) Each question carries 10 marks.
iii) Candidates are expected to use case law and
1. Is international law a true law ? Discuss.
2. Explain territorial jurisdiction and examine the exceptions to the exercise of
territorial jurisdiction.
3. What is asylum ? Examine different kinds of asylum recognised in international
law. ·
4. Examine the various theories explaining the relationship between international
law and municipal law.
5. Explain the various modes of peaceful settlement of international disputes.
6. 'States are the only subject of international law' - Critically examine.
7. What is nationality ? Examine the acquisition of nationality by naturalisation
with the help of case law.
8. What is state succession ? Examine the rights and obligations arising out of
state succession.
9. Examine the various modes by which a state may express its consent to be
bound by a treaty.
10. What is state responsibility ? Discuss the responsibility of state for breach of
11. Discuss in detail the powers and functions of General Assembly of UNO.
12. Explain the term recognition. Critically examine the theories of recognition
13. Explain a) Jurisdiction of ICJ.
b) Sovereign Equality of State.
14. Explain a) Sovereign Immunity.
b) Treatment of Aliens.

~· ·
111~1111 11111111111111111111m 1~111~11111 LOA -1806

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester- Ill) Examination, April 2018

Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks : 1 00

Instructions : 1) Answer any ten questions.

2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. "International Law is not true law, but a code of rules of conduct of moral force
only". Elucidate this statement and examine, is International law is true law.
) 2. Examine Custom and Treaties as sources of International Law.
3. What is meant by lnterv~ntion? When is it justified under International Law?
4. Discuss the relationship between International Law and Municipal Law.
5. Explain the different kinds of States and Non-State entities.
6. Distinguish between de jure and de facto recognition with the help of decided
7. Comment on the following with the help of decided cases:
a) Jurisdiction aqcording to Protective principle.
b) Jurisdiction as to Universal Principle.
8. Discuss State responsibility for International delinquencies.
9. What is Extradition ? Illustrate with cases the essentials for a valid extradition.
1 0. Discuss the stages in formation of Treaties in relation to Vienna Convention on
Law of Treaties, 1969.
11. Explain the powers, functions and the role of the Security Council of the United
Nations in achieving peaceful settlement of International disputes.

12. Explain :
a) Calvo Clause b) Drago Doctrine

13. What is State Succession ? Examine the theories of State Succession.

14. Explain the following :

a) Double Veto b) ILO.
llllllmiRIIftm~IIRIIRR LDO -1728

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - Ill) Examination, November 2017

Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any ten questions.

2) All questions carry equal rn_arks.
3) Cite case laws and instances where necessary.
1. Comment on sanctions of observance of International Law.
2. What are the material sources of International Law ? Comment on the general
· principles of law recognized by the civilized nations and judicial decisions as
sources of International Law.
3. What is Intervention ? What are the kinds of intervention ? When is intervention justified ?
4. Outline the various theories that outline the relationship between Municipal Law
and International Law.
5. What are the essential elements that a State as a person of International Law
possesses ? Explain different kinds of State and Non-State entities.
6. What is recognition of State? Discuss the theories of recognition.
7. Examine the various categories that are having an exemption from or restriction
upon territorial jurisdiction of a State.
8. Explain State responsibility for inter~ational delinquencies.
9. What is Nationality? Explain the international importance of nationality.
10. What is Treaty? Explain the stages involved in formation of a treaty.
11. Comment on the composition, procedure and jurisdiction of lhe International
Court of Justice.
12. What is State Succession ? Explain the rights and duties arising out of State

I 13. Discuss the modes for peaceful settlement of international disputes with reference
to Chapter VI of the UN Charter.
14. Write a note on:
a) Pacta sunt servanda b) Jus Cogens.
1111111~ I 1111111111111 011111• LDA--1706

LL.B. Degree (Sem~ster- Ill) Examination, April 2017 ·


Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions:. i) Answer any ten questions in all.

ii) Each question carries 10 marks.
iii) Candidates are expected to use case law and examples.
1. Define internationallaw. _Discuss the origin and development of interr'!~tionallaw.
2. States are the only subjects of international·law -Discuss. ·
3. l;xamine judicial and Arbitral decisions as sources of internationanaw.
. . . .

4. Explain the various theories in relation to the application of international law in ·

FrlUnicipal sphere.
5. What is recognition ? Examine dejure and defacto recognition with the ~ help of
case laws.
6. Examine the different types of ·state jurisdiction recognised in .international law. ..
7. What ·is nationality .? Discuss the international importance of nationality.
8. , Examine t~e international law relating to·extrc;tditiori. . ·
. . . . .

9. Examine ·the various modes by which a state may express its consent to be
·bound by a treaty.. . .
'/ . . . . . . . ·. . ·.

. ··10. · What is state responsibility ? Discuss the responsibility of state for .breach of
.contract. .
11. Discuss the powers and functions of ttle Security
. . ..
of the UNO. .
12. What is state succession ? Examine theories of state succes·sion.
13. Explain :

a) Sov~reign Equality of State
b) Law of Nature.
14. Explain :
a) Ingredients of custom ·
b) JusCogens.

LL.B. Degree (S~mester - Ill) Examinatio_n, April 2016


Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : ·100

Instructions: 1) Answer any tel) ,questions in all.
2) Each question carries 1O.marks.
3) Candidates are expected to use case law and examples.
Examine the various sanctions behind international law. Can international law
be maintained without strong coercive mechanisms ?
How do decisions or determinations of the organs of international institutions
lead to the development of international-law?
How do the specific adoption theory and the transformation theory explain the
relationship between International Law.and
~ ' ~ .·: .

Explain the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as subjects of

International Law. -
5. Explain:
a) Protectorate State and Vassal State
b) Holy See or Vatican city;
6. What is meant -by state responsibility ? Explajn this responsibility for acts of
private individuals and for contracts with foreigners ~ _ -
7. Explain the constitutive and evidentiarytheories of recognition of a ·state.
8. Examine the important provisions of the Vienna Convention on Succession of
States in respect of Treaties, 1978.
I ' -_ 9.
.Give an account of the exceptions to the ,exercise of jurisdiction of a State.
10. Explain :
a) Stimson's doctrine of non-recognition _
b) Recognition' of insurgency and b~lligerency.-

11. What are the international measures taken by the UN to reduce Statelessness ?
Distinguish between Nationality and Citizenship.
12. Explain the composition, powers and functions of the Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC).
13. Outline in detail the International law relating to extrad_ition.
14. Explain:
a) Ratification of treaties b) ·Rebus sic stantibus.


I lllllllf~lll Ill lDO 1528

• ,


LL.B. Degree (Semester - IU) Exarnination, Oet~ber. 2015 .


. • .
Duratien: 3 Hours . .. . Total Marks :1@0

·Instructions : a). An$wer any ten ~qeestions. in all;

· · · b)· Each question ·carries 10 marks.- . .
. c) CaRf1ii!8.tes are .eXpected to tJSe case law arid exa11Jples. ·
, . .• .
1. Aocordlng to.H~ollarid; lnterrnati~ornall·aw is the 'vamishi~ng point' of jurrisprrudence~
Explain. ·· . ·


2~. Examine the 'General l?tincipte~ of.Law -recogn~i·led ·b~ Ci.vilized States' as· a
sourrGe of lmte·tnati·onal .l aw. . ·. ·
. .
. '- . . .. . . . . ' . .
3. -Cfi"tical:l~ exam~i~ne and differenti~te between MoJlis.m a-n~et o~u.aUstn to exp~lai~n

th~e -relatiorns. m~i~ tletwee·n lnterrtrr.~a1io.n. ai _Law ar18 M~. uniei~pal taW~ ·. ·

.. .
r-tf~ .. .. •
. .
• . . .
4. E....·..... the role of M!w:lt1-nation·al c0·mpan ies (MNCs) as swi!>jects of l:ntermatio·nal 1

• •
· law. •

. 5. Explain : . .
• I '

a) Conf.OOeratiorn b) . Hal~ See or VaticaA city ..


, .,
. . . ~
... .
. .
6. .W·h~t is me·arnt b~ State respon,sibU~ity ? Ex~-laim th1s respb!!lsi.bUity fe>r eontracts
\ . wi~n fa.reigneJfS amd acts 0~ in·shJrgetlts. . . .· . . .

. .. . .
·7. Explai;n th:e Co·
R stitutive ·a ~·d EM~demtiary, ttleori.
e s of rec,o ·~ nitic>'n eta State .

. . '

8. W~:at is meant by State succe-ssiorn 'l G~iv~ .am acco~~nt of the important prroxdsiens
. · of tf,le Vi.enna CQnveritien
on Succession
of. States 'in respect of T-reaties; 1978. •

• '
. .

9. OoUine .the exceptions tO the exercise Of {u~ts([iictiom o1i a State 7!

. •
10. Exp1aim : · . . •

. . . --· .

a) Stimson's ~octriae of non-fecognition •

b) ·Recognition of insurgency an.d t:>elligereti·cy • •

- ~

~ • •

. . • •

LDO- 1528 1111111111 mu tlltllltllfi

• 11. What is·'Statelessness' ? Examine the main provisions of. the Convention on
the .Reduction o~ Statelessness, 1961. · ,.
· :
. .I
12. Explain in detail the fundamental distinction between 'extradition' and 'e~pul~on' . .

. . . .·, '
. '
·13. Give .a detailed account of the powers and functions of the United Nations
. General Assembly. •
. . .
14. _
Explain :
. .
a) Rendition .-b) Pol_it~cal asylum· .'


, .

• •

. .. . . .


. .

.. ••

• • •

11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 LOA -1507

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - Ill) Examinatio , April 2015


Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any 10 questions.

2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Analyze the different definitions of International Law propounded by various


2. How are treaties and customs sources of International Law?

3. Outline the various theories and practices that bring out the relationship between
International Law and Municipal Law.

4. Write notes on:

a) Declaratory theory of recognition
b) Calvo Doctrine.

5. What are the theories of State Succession ?

6. Give a detailed account of extra territorial and protective jurisdiction of state

over foreigners.

7. Explain the contribution of the economic and social council and the UN General
Assembly as International Institutions.

8. Discuss the responsibility for breach of treaty and for international delinquencies.

9. Write short notes on :

a) Extradition
b) Asylum.


10. Explain the formation, ratification and termination of treaties.

11. Discuss the privileges and immunities of diplomatic envoys.

12. Give an account of the law relating to peaceful settlement of the international

13. Briefly explain the early development of international law.

14. Write short notes on :

a) Hijacking
b) Jus cogens.
IIIIII llllllllllllmmiiiiiiiUIIIIIII D LD0-1428
LL.B. Degree (Semester - Ill) Examination, October 2014

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any 10 questions.

2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Is International Law a 'Law' in the true sense of the term ?

2. Analyze the relationship between the International Law and Municipal law.

3. Discuss the responsibility for breach of treaty and for international delinquencies.

4. Explain the meaning and modes of recognition in detail.

5. Discuss the rights and duties arising out of State Succession.

6. Write notes on :
a) British Practice for application of International law in Britain.
b) Criminal Jurisdiction in International Law.

7. Explain the development of the International Law through the International Court
of Justice.

8. Write short notes on :

a) Obligations Erga 01J1nes
b) Holy See or Vatican City.

9. What is meant by 'Nationality ? Explain nationality of Corporations and

unincorporated association.

10. Explain the maxims 'Pacta sunt Servanda' and 'Rebus sic Stantibus' in the
context of treaties.

11. Explain the procedure involved rn formation and ratification of treaties.

12. Discuss the privileges and imm~nities of diplomatic envoys.

13. Short notes on :

a) Terrorism
b) Non intervention.

14. Briefly explain the early development of international taw.

lltlllllllltllllltltatlm 111 TNY- 93

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester- Ill) Examination, October 2013


Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any 10 questions.

2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Is international law true law ? Discuss.

2. Discuss the relation between international law and

3. Write notes on any 2 :

a}' Monroe Doctrine
b) Classification of Treaties
c) Pacta Sunt Servanda.

4. Explain the international concept of jurisdiction.

5. What is meant by extradition ?

6. The international court of justice has played an important role in the development
of international law~ Discuss.

7. Write a note on Security Council.

8. Discuss the acquisition and loss of nationality.

9. What are the peaceful methods of settlement of international disputes ?

10. Write a note on state succession.

11. Explain the law relating to state responsibility.

12. Briefly outline the historical background to the development of international law.

13. Who are the subjects of international law ?

14. Discuss the role of custom in international law.

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